dforce hair importing as an empty scalp?

I'm pretty new to Daz and am unsure how to correctly import things like hair and tatoos into Unity. I've successfully imported my Genesis 9 character with all the morphs and stuff I've purchased. I'm having issues with two specific packages.
FPE Colorful Tatoos (https://www.daz3d.com/fpe-colorful-tattoos-for-genesis-9)
dforce hair (like https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-molly-hair-for-genesis-9)
The tatoo package correctly applies the tatoos in Daz Studio, but when I export it seems to mess up all the vertex connections when I export to blender:
When I remove the tatoo shell, it exports to blender just fine...
In Daz Studio, the d-force hair only appears when I "Render" it. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to export that to Unity. When I use the Unity bridge, or when I export to FBX, it just exports an empty scalp. Even with non d-force hair and Unity bridge I still have issues. This is a non d-force hair. The Unity bridge created a material using the HDRP.Hair shader and applied the textures, but it still just looks bad:
Also, when exporting to Unity do I need to make sure I have every possible hair/outfit/body type on the same model if I want to be able to change outfits? Or is there some way to easily add in clothes after without having to match all the morphs. There's lots of guides on exporting Daz to Unity but a lot are outdated and none seem to touch on adding things to the model later
For the hair issues look at the other thread:
If you find a method to easily change outfits and hairs in Unity,
please post here an answer.
Try having the " node weight map brush" on in tools when you export. Not sure if it will help, it's fixed geograph issues for me before though.
You can swap clothes, but it is complicated. I have Morphs + swappable clothes + lods working together, and I'd need a few pages in here to describe how I pulled it off. I'll try to make video tutorial series sometime soon.
If your new, I'd suggest sticking with gen 8 and below. Gen 9 have issues with their hands in animations and the avatar needs to be tweaked to get that working.
If you don't need body morphs, I suggest exporting to Character creator, and exporting from there - the skin sahders on daz models (in cc) looks better than unity bridge but maybe only ~10% better. It also has better eyes - though I'll have to get some time experimenting with other unity eyes. Cc fixes the skeletal issues in gen 9 as well.
Thank you for the replies... Yeah, I'm realizing how complicated it all is unfortunately. I was able to get morphs working in Unity by doing SkinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight() and making sure morph indexes all match up in Blender before exporting. It seems like this is the "simplest" way which is a bit unfortunate. A more functional Daz->Unity bridge would be nice but then I guess it wouldn't be a challenge to make a great looking game :P
I'll work on the hair a bit more and post if I have any success. Thanks!!
Looking forward to your tutorial.
The other thing I am missing when transferring Daz 3D characters to Unity
is a possibility to transfer only visible parts but not the ones covered by clothes.
This is pretty common feature if you look at the characters with clothes
available in Unity Asset store.
Actually, I thought I had figured out clothes but I have not... The animations don't port over. Well, at least if I move the joints in Unity, the clothes don't move unless they're exported with the model. I would be okay with exporting some massive model that has every clothing possibility, but my computer keeps erroring out saying there's a memory access error in the logs. Is there an easy way to fix this? I'm also going to post on Unity's forums but maybe you have some insight
Could you please provide more details, like what figure and what clothes have you exported to Unity?
For me experimenting in Unity and now asking chat GPT works quite well for resolving different problems there.
Edit: Figured it out right after posting...
The issue is that I exported the model into Blender then Unity... Then exported the clothing straight to FBX. I don't know what the ->Blender->Unity is changing about the model but it was messing up the rigging. Going to Blender first then Unity for the clothes seems to work
Great, that you figured it out. Regards.
Export the chacracter naked. Then export the character with just the tops on and only the blendshapes thatt effect tops. It's important you export with a model with the same bone hierachy. You have to export clothes with a mnodel so that the "follow" morphs can be apply to your clothes. Exporting with all clothes and morphs that clothes do not need result in gigabytes of exported data.
You can then split the exported model with tops so that you keep only one top and hips - then add it to the character. Add this code to the top skinnedmesh render - it copys the skeleton from the tops to use the skeleton in your base model. Rinse and repeat for all other cloth types
Thanks for this... I was able to get the clothes working and everything following the correct morphs. Still having the issue with dforce hair only rendering in Daz Studio when I hit the "Render" button. It doesn't show up in Blender at all...