Ice Dragon Art WIP's
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lol oops, thanks for catching that I will go fix it. Way too much going on over the weekend. Hopefully things will now go back to its"normal" crazy lol.
Whoa, color me impressed! Check out this grass prop by Esha! I picked this up either in fast grab or in one of the buy a new release get x amount off artists thing. This looks great!
Although, apparently you guys don'tget to see it because it won't load.
Me too, I just bought a grass prop but I bought this one too since it is on sale. Now to buy UltraScatter...
Finally, the grass loaded lol!
You gots grass, lots o' grass! Looks real enough.
right? I was pretty impressed this is not a newer prop. I think I will be using this quite a bit.
I do like that image a great deal, Sonja! Speak of the devil...
Actually, store name is DarwinsMishap(s). With the S. XD Yanno, the pastel filter would be nice, but if you add another layer with ink outlines (if there is a filter for that) it may just add an almost inked/painted look. Maybe.
Lol well, I will eventually get it right i'm sure.
Once I pull it into photoshop I will most likely do more than one filte (I LOVE playing with filters lol) and I will probably also do a full on postwork. Just a matter of finding the time... as usual lol.
Future Hunters
Wonderful... but kinda blend into the top backgroud too much.
BTW: I was wondering how you crank these out so quickly. Do you do test renders in a smaller size, change render settings, both or what? Hmm perhaps you even hide elements of the scene... then render all together??
Nope I throw the whole thing together usually then just hit render. I usually render at around 2400 x whatever. Sometimes higher or lower depending but mostly right around there. I will use the Scene Optimizer if I think I need to. The laptop on the other hand can take a lot longer so I use the Scene Optimizer almost always. Most things render in anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour max on the PC. The laptop sometimes runs overnight.
I usually start with a semi plan, starting with the character first, then skin hair makeup clothing. Then I pick a background/environment and see if it works. If it does, I start to fill in the bits and pieces and do the posing, then I do the lighting. I will switch to iray interactive mode if I need to get a quick overview of the lights, or just to see how its all coming together but that tends to really bog things down so I don't use it except to double check things quickly.
For instance, the war dog was one of the last things I added to the scene above. I tend to go wherever the scene leads me lol. I may or may not have a plan but rarely do things end up like I thought they would. It usually takes me anywhere from half an hour to three or four hours to put something together, depending on how complicated it is and how much changing around I do. Keep in mind that in Studio, I am not doing any modelling or any terrain building (except for terra dome 3), so that cuts down the time building a scene by quite a bit.
Having said that, this one needs to go to post work yet, I want to add some hair to the war dog's head and play with some filters to make it more dusty.
I should have asked "How do you do what you do so well... so faaasttt.
Thanks for he explaination. Is this the Scene Optimizer from V3Digitimes? Does it require Nvidia IRay vid card?
Lol okay that's a whole different question lol! Honestly, I have been visualizing scenes in my head for most of my life, and finally, with programs like Daz Studio, Carrara etc. I can actually make them real. I'm a huge reader and I read very very fast (think, 500-600 page paperback in an hour and half to two hours) but when I read, its like I'm there, inside the story and walking through it, so I have read thousands upon thousands of books (usually about 5 -10 a week for most of my life) and I have all this STUFF in my head begging to come out. So, now it does lol. Beware!
As far as the Scene Optimizer, I don't think it needs the Nvidia card, I don't have a Nvidia card in my laptop its a Gforce (or something like that) and it works just fine. If I remember correctly it works for 3delight as well but maybe no quite as efficiently? Will have to go over to his thread and double check once I get home from work and get done with dinner.
Really nice scene @Ice Dragon Art. I want to know what is inside the building now, lol. The thorny vine and other plant details make the scene feel more real - I don't know if you threw them in or it was already in the scene.
Thanks! The thorny vine and plants were added by me. The vine, the moss hanging off the walls and the greenery/vases are all from various sets. I'm finally to the point where I feel like I know enough to start adding in the details lol.
The thorny vine really makes it feel like we are in an alien or other place/time for some reason.
Good, I was going for an alien, post apolytic kind of scene. Still on earth but in a less, friendly, future lol. The vine is just very out of place which helps give the impression that things are just, not quite, earth like. Glad it worked like I intended. (It doesn't always lol)
The new beastie DeathStalker. A doting mama.
Had some fun with Photoshop. I added the hair to the war dog's face and did some work on the highlights and shadows in the first one. The second one I did some tone mapping and the third one has some filters applied to it. I'm really happy with how the hair on the wardog's face turned out.
I like the middle one best because the fur stands out the most, though I can see what you're doing with shadow play on the others.
Thanks! I love to play with post work and filters, and sometimes, its hard to decide which one I like the best!
this is an awesome peice, great light, great surfaces and great to see realistic expression.
Thank you very much! I will say, this is one of my all time favorites.
well you rasied your bar now LOL
I know! Have to work harder to be more consistant. At least I have fun trying!
no not consistant just pushing yourself to strive for those images that really make you smile. I know and to be honest I haven't made one of those in a long time.
Well, your images make me smile, if that helps.
LOL thanks. What I mean is when I go through my dA gallery, certain images evoke emotion, emotion of what was going on in my life, how much fun I had making them or how much it taught me etc. Some images evoke nothing.
Yes I can understand that. I have images where I go, oh my gosh, what was I thinking?!! A lot of my images though, don't have a lot to do with real life, I rarely translate my own life into my art, most of it is pure fantasy. On the other hand, you could say its my escape from reality as well.