Using DAZ Horse2 in Poser

I have DSON installed in Poser 11 and my content pointed to Poser Pro 2014 in the DAZ DIM. When I try to load the DAZ Horse 2 I keep getting asked for. pmd files and some weird obj files! Do I have to install some of DAZ'S Starter Essentials, if so what one for the DAZ Horse 2? Any help is appreciated. Cheers.



  • MartirillaMartirilla Posts: 182

    Sounds like you might only have the Daz Horse 2 .DIM for Daz Studio, and not a full install of the Horse 2. Poser needs the full install.

    Just tested the Daz Horse 2 on Poser 11, and it loads via DSON with no problems

  • Still no luck! Keeps wanting a pmd file and a geometry file. Do not know what to do next! Cheers

  • MartirillaMartirilla Posts: 182

    Try a whole-disk search for the filename it requires. If you don't have that set up, there's a useful file-search freeware called Locate32 which is excellent and works speedily from a database it builds. But the request for an OBJ file seems strange, as so far as I can tell there isn't one for this figure. What are the exact names of the OBJ and PMD files being asked for?

  • These are the file I get asked for!

    I have downloaded  Locate32 but that was any help!

    Base{a0f49731-8883-108f-315d-09be71a99350} .pmd (*.pnd)

    geometry{007cac2b-b04c-f7cc-ae8a-f0404dabe5a6} all files (*.*)

    subdnull  (All Files (*.*)



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  • Just as a matter of interest! Where do you install the  DSON file.I have used the DIM in the past.Should I be directing it to install in a certain place? Presently in the DIM I have Poser Pro 2014 and Poser Pro 2014 in the DIM! Cheers

  • MartirillaMartirilla Posts: 182

    Ah I see, it's Poser 2014 you're using. That's probably the problem, since the filenames are bizzare. I'd suspect you've installed the Poser 11 DSON to Poser Pro 2014. But they probably need to align - Poser 11 DSON for Poser 11, and even then it may need to be an earlier version of Poser 11 rather than the latest (still available).

  • OK. I Will try installing DSON into Poser Pro 11.Many thanks for your help! Cheers

  • PS. I have contacted DAZ Technical Support, They tell me they longer support DSON and I should discuss it with the Poser Forum. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    DSON is the Daz Studio file format. It is the DSON Importer for Poser that is being discussed. 2014 does work, though at least for a while it wa necessary to lie to Install manager and tell it you were usign an older version while giving the Poser 2014 path.

    Where is the horse installed, both the base and the PoserCF? What is the exact path you have pointed the importer to for its working location? The weird files should be generated from the native daz Studio files, then loaded by the importer - it sounds as if this is failing, which is most likely a pathing or permission issue.

  • csteell_c2893e4ab6csteell_c2893e4ab6 Posts: 484
    edited April 2023

    Richard, Many thanks for your reply.I am almost tearing my hair out over this! It all worked fine in Poser 11 until some updates happened and since then I have not been able to use the DSON system in Poser 11!

    I use both DAZ Studio and Poser.

    I will send you screencaps of the DIM files when I get back home! Cheers 

    Post edited by csteell_c2893e4ab6 on
  • DAZ Studio Program is in C: Program Files.

    DAZ Content is in G: DAZ 3D Runtime.

    Poser 11 is in G: Program Files Poser Software Poser 11

    Poser 11 Content is in G: Poser 11 Content

    Poser Pro 2014 is in D: Poser Pro 2014

    Content in Same Runtime.

    DAZ Horse 2 is in both D: DAZ 3D Runtime and Poser 11 D: Poser 11 Content.

    When I install DSON it keeps wanting to put it into Poser Pro 2014!

    I hope this is enough information. Cheers


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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    The Poser 11 location should eb the application folder, not the content folder - the content folder iss et in the Installation tab, just as it is for DS (and you could use the same location for each so you don't have to swap between them).

  • I still do not understand this! Can you be more specific? I have included the changed setup, but it is still not working.

    What files should I delete and what files should be in which installation and Application folder? Cheers

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    Almost all of those installation pathsa re bad - the operating system will protect the Program Files folders, so any content you try to install there will be blocked.

    Poser Pro 2012 should be the same as Poser 11, assuming that is the location of the Poser application.

    Whatever destination you set for content for the horse (both the DS and Poser files) should also be added as a Poser library location in Poser - exactly the saem folder setting for each.

  • I am sorry to say this! But I need a more specific explanation on how to get DSON to work on Poser Pro 11!

    My Poser Pro Program is in G: Program Files Poser Software Poser Pro 11. The Poser Pro Content is in G: Poser 11 Content.

    I do not use Poser 12!!! According to the Installation tab when installing DSON there is a choice of Poser Pro 2014 or Poser P12! Which one do I set it for and which path?

    Poser Pro 2014 is also on my computer but I rarely use it!

    For the record, DAZ Studio Program is in C: Program Files DAZ 3D DAZ Studio 4.The Studio content is in G: DAZ 3D Runtime.

    I am sorry to be a pain about this but I have been trying for months to DSON to work in Poser Pro 11.

    Can someone give me a specific explanation seeing DAZ Technical Support will not assist me!




  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488
    edited April 2023

    The plug-in is, in this case, the same whichever version you choose in Instal manager so it doesn't matter which. Just set one of them to G: Program Files Poser Software Poser Pro 11 and set the content instalaltion path to G: Poser 11 Content, then isntall both the core and PoserCF files for the Daz Horse 2. That is assuming it works with Poser 11 - I thought it was Poser 11, rather than 12, that had the new Python version that broke existing compiled Python scripts.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • I give up!!! Everything I try does not work! I do not know if the cache or app data needs to be cleaned out or something! As suggested here are the settings in the DIM! Cheers

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    The content folder should not eb the path for Poser 11 in the Applications tab, that isn't where the application is.

    In the Installation tab you've added the Poser content folder but it isn't the currently active destination, it needs to be when you isntal the horse files (or you could add the G:/Daz 3D Runtime/ folder as an external library location in Poser).

  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2023

    I had issues because of multiple auto_adapted folders (Runtime/DSON/auto_adapted).  Search all of your runtimes for them, move the contents therein into one, and point the DSON importer to that runtime  in the Importer Writable Runtime preferences...

    Post edited by WandW on
  • Does that include both DAZ and Poser Runtime Auto Adapted into just one Poser and One DAZ or all into one Poser Folder? Cheers

  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,845

    csteell_c2893e4ab6 said:

    Does that include both DAZ and Poser Runtime Auto Adapted into just one Poser and One DAZ or all into one Poser Folder? Cheers

    It shoudn' t matter which runtime it is in, as long as it is the one specified in settings.  I have mine in my DAZ Content runtime, and point the Importer in PP 2014 and Poser 11 both to that one.

    Good Luck.

  • csteell_c2893e4ab6csteell_c2893e4ab6 Posts: 484
    edited May 2023

    Still no Luck! Where I am falling down is what to put in the Installation Folder and the Applications Folder.

    Poser Pro 11 Poser .exi is in G: Program Files Poser Software Poser 11. Do I put this in Installation or Application Files?

    The Poser 11 runtime is in G: Poser 11 Content.

    Poser Pro 2014 .exi is in D: Poser Pro 2014 Poser Pro 2014.

    Poser Pro runtime is D: Poser Pro 2014 Runtime.

    DAZ Studio .exi is in C: Program Files DAZ 3D DAZ Studio4.

    DAZ Studio Content is in G: Daz 3d Runtime.

    In the DSON Installation (when it appears) I have Poser Pro 2014 at the top and bottom G: Daz 3d Runtime.

    I am sorry to be a pain but all my DSON content was working great at the beginning of the year until updated in both Windows 11 and DAZ Studio and Poser arrived!

    I have been trying to get a simple explanation as to what goes where!

    DAZ Technical Support will not assist me!



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    Post edited by csteell_c2893e4ab6 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488
    edited May 2023

    The Application paths are wrong - they need to point to the folder with the application, not to content folders. The Instalaltion path is OK as long as it is the one used in Poser 11.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • This is the last throw of the dice with this Poser and DSON Problem!

    None of these installations work! What should go where! It is alright to say The Application paths are wrong - they need to point to the folder with the application, not to content folders!

    I have pointed  the Poser Pro 11 folder which is G: Program Files Poser Software Poser 11!!! What else can I call it? 

    I give up!! Cheers



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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    You still have the Poser 11 Content folder selected in the Application tab for the Poser application path, but you say it should be G: Program Files Poser Software Poser 11 You have  the application path for Blender and Photoshop set in the installation tab, which is for Poser/DS content and so doesn't have any need for those. You also have G:/Daz 3D Runtime set as a content location, which is fine as long as you have told Poser to use it as a content library location. Installation is for content, Applications is for the location of the applications - you need both (the application to instal the DSON Importer, the content to put the horse files where Poser can see them).

  • I am still not understanding this! I want the DSON script in Poser Pro 11. I have no idea what you mean by applications etc. All I need to know is what goes where! What shall I put in the installation folder if I want to use Poser Pro 11 and DAZ Studio? Also, what do I put in the Applications folder if I keep getting this wrong?  To me, Poser Pro 11 is Program is an application. Can you give me a screencap of what should go where? Also in the DSON Banner, it is pointed to Poser Pro 2014. If I point anything else but Poser Pro 2014 to it. It will not accept it! Cheers

  • This is what I understand at the moment. If this is wrong can you tell me what should be going where? Cheers

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    Ok, the path in the Installation tab is right but not you need to select it in the Content path Shortcuts above the list of paths, at the moment DIM will isntall content to the Daz Studio content directory (which would be fine if you told Poser to use it as an external library), In the Applications tab the Poser 11 path looks right, but ther Poser 2014 path is still wrong - pointing to a content location, not the location of the actual Poser application (the programme, the .exe file).

  • I am sorry but my old brain does not understand this! Everything I try does not work! As I asked earlier can you give me screencaps of what should be in the DSON IMPORTER FOLDER FOR POSER, and what should be in the installation and applications folder?  Cheers

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    If you select the destination, as I said in my last post, and reinstall the DSOM Importer and the horse products everything should be right.

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