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My screen now looks like this - any ideas?
People experiencing crashes and instability should look into their hardware. Check for dust clogged CPU and GPU heatsinks, fans not spinning or spinning too slowly, bad RAM, failing power supply, unstable overclock (if you overclock), etc. I have RTX 4090 and I didn't have a single Iray related crash in the latest beta. I only had Daz Studio hang and stop responding once which forced me to kill the process.
I doubt my 4090 did anything wrong to experience what can be seen below.
It runs everything perfectly, has one of the highest benchmarks I've seen for its brand. I had to DDU and reinstall drivers yesterday and also disable data execution prevention.. AGAIN. Been happening since March for Daz to start tripping BEX64 and explode nvoglv64.dll, but this time it corrupted the DLL entirely.
Not even the Diablo 4 beta managed to do this much damage and people have been wailing about performance there like it was the plague.
It's easy to blame hardware, but it's hard to make good software.
EDIT: i was able to reproduce these errors using daz3d open in background - default empty project, and by opening some large files in Affinity Photo, or a game that uses a lot of VRAM.
It trips BEX64 and nvoglv64.dll because the PID for DAZ seems to ask to reserve all the VRAM available and obviously that is not always possible. You can check this with process explorer, the PID for Daz3d just goes off the chart as soon as you start it. It doesn't use this memory, it just reserves it, but it doesn't always let go of it without crashing the process. Of course this is in tandem with the latest Nvidia drivers, and I've seen the behavior appear and disappear from one driver version to another. Last time I saw it was around March, thought they fixed it, but apparently it's back again in full force.
I wonder if my current problems are also a result of a bad video driver. I've been getting blue screens regularly (about once a day) with seemingly random codes, but usually hinting at memory problems. Digging back, I installed DS Beta on Apr 28. I also installed NVIDIA Studio Driver 531.61 the same day. The blue screens started that day and continued for several days. One time the system froze and borked my CMS database. I have been in recovery mode since, but blue screens still happen, although not as often. I am not pushing the memory too hard in case that is the cause. Running the memory diagnostic says there are hardware problems, but the results are no more detailed than "The Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected hardware errors. To identify and repair these problems, contact the computer manufacturer". This is a custom rig, and the store that put it together closed up a couple of years ago. I swapped the memory modules' positions, and the system seems more stable, but my screens do not behave the same, i.e., Night Light is always on, can't turn it off. I can set the strength manually, but on/off is no go. I ran DISM and SFC, no corrupted files. A new NVIDIA driver should be out soon, we'll see if that helps. There might in fact be hardware problems with the memory, but is it the memory sticks, the MoBo, the power supply (always the first part to fail)?
4090 is pretty new. It looks like a iray/nvidia issue rather than daz studio itself. Not a solution but you may try to set iray to use cpu only just to see if the issue is gone. If it is then it means you have to wait for a stable driver to come out, most drivers are good for games but rendering is another thing.
I'm using the DS Public Build with the NVIDIA driver 531.41 on an RTX card and not having any problems. If you suspect the driver, perhaps you could regress to that version.
Blue screens are more endemic to something related to OS and system resources than a given app. Some apps can in some cases create the conditions for the instability in the OS or even the hardware configuration more than others. I would go through your system and see if anything is marginal. Check your affinity for DAZ, making sure there are some threads available for system resource. Also, make sure you are using Studio nVidia drivers, not Game Ready. Iray specifically recommends Studio drivers and not using it could lead to instability with a given hardware configuration.
One last note. Unpredictable behavior is likely when using any beta, that's why it is a beta. Just an observation.
I would say that both your situations are defined more by your hardware/OS configuration. First, I don't run betas in general. They are betas after all. That being said, I do try the betas of DAZ from time to time just to see what's up. Second I always use the most current version of nVidia Studio drivers with Iray. I find system instabilities are just that ... system instabilities. I have yet to see any of the instabilities, crashes and issues that so many people report; however, I do use substantial systems which are purpose built and not simply some DIY consumer based gaming system. This may have something to do with it. I find many problems are related to beta testing and bugs and this is why I don't use the beta to do work. Those things just mess up my workflow. True coding bugs in beta are one thing. Instability issues most times are not always related to beta versions, and can be localized issues related to poor hardware configuration or lacking system resources. Reporting those types of issues can just muddy the waters for devs. Make sure your system is indeed truly stable before assuming it's the beta version causing the issue.
Using the most recent Release version of DAZ and the latest Studio drivers, I have never had a crash, hang-up or instability issue of any kind. I did years ago when I did the DIY thing before I went to more substancial hardware, but since then ... nothing at all. While having only used the beta versions from time to time, I have not seen any problems other than the known coding bugs. But any true assesment of the betas would not be prudent for me since I have not put in the time to test deeply.
Sir, my 4090 is not new, i've had it for half a year lol. The software crashes in default non iray screens on startup. Maybe I didn't mention this already, my bad.
This is not a rendering issue. This is a memory management problem related to the Daz3D program/PID. If it were an nvidia driver problem, I'm sure we would see it in tandem with a lot of other software.
You have at least 1 bad ram stick. Start removing them 1 by 1 and see which one is bad. You will figure it out relatively quickly. I had to do this last year with a 4x8 kit, eventually found the culprit, ended up replacing all of them in the end.
I tested this bug both in stable and beta versions of daz. It's quite easy to replicate. Though it doesn't always completely corrupt the nvog dll, the crashes happen guaranteed with Data Execution Prevention on and using 2 or more programs that require VRAM including daz3d. Starting daz3d last seems to be the easiest way to replicate the bug, since it REALLY doesn't like to share VRAM. Like I've already said, doubt it's a beta issue, it's a nvidia driver meets DAZ process and VRAM management problem, or a possible wacky VRAM leak or random memory access tripping the Data Execution Prevention. But even with DEP disabled I can still replicate the issue in some circumstances.
That's the way I am leaning. And an opportunity to add some more.
I recently upgraded to DAZ 4.21 Beta from 4.19 and now I'm having a very strange issue: Daz cannot see any files.
If I open Daz to browse for images or files, my window is totally blank even when there are DUFs, PNGs, JPEGs, etc for it to see.
Anybody else having this extremely annoying issue?
(Regular 4.21 seems to be okay)
The beta has it's own settings. Did you set the Content Directory Manager to see your libraries? There is a handy script to copy the settings from one build to another, but I don't have a link handy. Richard often references it. Maybe a search would find it for you. It works great.
These aren't my content files I'm talking about (I can see all my Smart Content, etc), it's any other file on my PC.
For instance, if I go to File -->Open, nothing shows up in any folder I visit even when there are DUFs present.
This isn't happening for 4.21, so it must not be a Windows setting.
Does your File>Open window look like this?
If it was a Windows thing, why would it work for the general release but not the beta? Are they installed on different computers?
4090, WIn11 with all updates, DEP enabled, latest Studio Beta and Nvidia game ready driver.
Launched Cyberpunk in a 1440p window on a 4k display, highest settings no dlss, ran about for a while. 98% GPU usage.
Launched Studio, set it use about half the screen so I could see that the game was still running - loaded a HD Gen 9 figure, set viewport to Iray preview, navigated about, did a couple of renders.
Tabbed back to Cyberpunk, ran about - shot a civilian for looking at me funny.
Tabbed back to Studio, loaded an outfit on the G9, posed, couple more renders.
No errors or instability to report. Was using 18gb vram between the two programs. Also had the geforce overlay, Gog Galaxy, Armory Crate and Argus Monitor running.
Only way I can get errors in DS is to overclock the CPU to the point of marginal stability, then I get random memory allocation errors and crashes.
Yes, my window looked like that -- but I couldn't see any files. I just had a blank window on the Beta, but not on the official release. They're not installed on different computers.
It seems to have fixed itself now, oddly.
Ah, well.
Thank you for your help.
@Leonides02 We'll take the win! Maybe DS or the computer just needed to be restarted after installation.
Always back up your install files as daz does not provide earlier versions!
Whats the deal with the annoying zero/restore pop ups? This is gonna be changed right?
No, it is there because people use these features without understanding the potential issus and so cause problems for temseleves. It is possible, I believe, to use a script to implement a "silent" version of the command, but this will not be part of the official footprint and will not be supported if it causes issues.
The latest nvidia studio drivers v535.98, which has "fixes DS Render" note in it, broke the denoiser and now creating a very noticable blue-greenish hue when it kicks in for me. using 3090 gtx / volta combo.
Last Nvidia Studio Drivers break Daz's Post Denoiser.
I just downloaded and installed Nvidia Studio Drivers 535.98 and the moment the denoiser hits, the whole scene turns light green.
I tried to upload two images to show you what I'm talking about but the page gets stuck on "Uploading..." :/
So far, It only happens if I use Post Denoiser.
I'm using...
-Daz Studio Pro Beta - Version
-Nvidia Studio Drivers 535.98
-An RTX 4090
And I made a clean video driver install.
Rolling back to 531.61 Nvidia Studio Drivers.
There must be something broken on your end -- I just installed 535.98 Studio Drivers (have same version of Daz Studio and RTX 4090), and Post Denoiser works for me just fine.
Not the only person reporting the issue.
For me a workaround that works is to disable the "post denoiser denoise alpha" option. Toggling it on/off turns the scene green/not green.
Also apparently they just released iray 2023.0.0 final at nvidia with "major performance improvements". Hopefully we get it soon.
Is it just me or is dForce behaving weirdly in this beta?
1. Load G8 figure (default A pose, non-default height) into an empty scene
2. Load some dForce clothing
3. Set simulate from memorized pose
4. Hit Simulate button
What is happening:
- Figure gets lifted off the ground plane (by the difference in height), then slowly simulated back down. This disturbs clothing simulation if you reduce pose transition time.
What should be happening:
- Figure should not move at all because no pose has been applied, and there is no animation loaded.
Can anyone else reproduce this?
I can confirm this. Studio, Nvidia driver 535.98 (both studio and gaming driver, I tried both) on Windows 11 (intel 11th gen i7) x64 with RTX 3060 12GB. Denoise Alpha OFF fixes blue/green tint which will otherwise appear (if denoising with that setting ON) both in the iRay viewport and in the rendered image saved to disk.