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They don't have internet under the bridge
But I must say that last weekend , I give a class in DS to my 5 years old step son , I could not believe my eyes , he managed to pose all animals in the scene after one time instruction , also he loved playing with airplanes and we made small animation in Filament to his amusement . The new hope ! little kids are so smart these days
Joke a side Wendy , but it can be the reality if things get the wrong way this time , I don't even think about
so many affected by this, in Australia we have largely been fortunate due to isolation, NYC so densely populated, stay safe
, your hubby stay healthy and needed.
I know I follow the news , it was all good but people get used to it and started ignore everything party all summer behind a closed doors.
Stay safe as well , we all need to go through it all before it get better
Thank you
{[[[[hugs}}}}} back
Stay safe! {hug}
Thanks Simon you too {{{hugs}}}
{{{{{Many, many hugs}}}}}
Stay safe and take care!
{{{{hugs back }}}}}
{[[[[hugs}}}} thank you , and you too
Wishing you a safe Thanksgiving ! this year only the 3 of us , better safe than sorry
We pardon also the Turkey this year , the chicken lost the election
Stay safe {[[[[hugs}}}} and thank you for all your support
We're having a vegetarian version for our Thanksgiving. (We don't eat animals any more.) And, being vegetarian or vegan, is a good way to avoid zoonotic diseases. Look at what happened with CoVid-19. Somebody thought eating civats in the winter time would ward off respiratory distress. Boy, were they wrong. (Yes, there are bats in the story, chased away by the destruction of their forests, bats that bit the civats and transmitted little organisms into them, which organisms were then transferred into humans.) And, of course, there's the horror behind this one of destroying the planet by depleting the forests.
Looks good but I only consume food processed and made at home including bread and all stuff , I don't use oil but prefer a good Ireland butter , I have over 6'3 ft hubby to feed that can't run on vegetables , he burning over 3-4 K calories daily
my niece almost killed herself being vegan, her digestive system got so burned from plant diet , no she is disable forever and on medicine to the rest of her life and can't have kids .. enough for me for this trend
I am not big meat eather and never consume beef, don't like the taste since my childhood, but I prefer a balanced diet , I listen to my body and eat very healthy , no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol , at my age doc said it is a miracle , I consume 2 glasses of milk daily and eat a lot of eggs too and home made yogurt and cheese .. explain that
, store food is a poison with all the preservatives killing slowly the human race
I agree with what you're saying. We must take our own needs into account. I'm vegetarian, not vegan. I have low calcium, for example, so I must get milk, yougurt, cheese, etc., daily. And, yes, we can't let our own health suffer. Some do need more calories than others.
I believe everything is good, as long it is balanced as everyone have own unique needs . In my area you need to be rich to be vegan , I hope we can finally move next year to the country side, I am tired of the city already
Just make sure that you are within driving distance of a takeout place
We are too far for a takeout delivery, but close enough for a drive to a fish & chips and Chinese takeout, as well as a McDonalds lol. Takes about 10 mins each way.
LOL DJ !!! I love your humor , that would be a perfect spot for my hubby , he never says no to fast food ..
Moderation in all things: a little water in your whisky and a little whisky in your water ...
Cognac neat for me
Definitely lol for me whisk(e)y on the rocks please
...a Straight Rye Whiskey with a little water here.
During summer a Gin and Tonic or preferably Gin with Ginger Beer.
When I'm a bit flush with cash (not very frequent) a wee dram of peaty single malt Scots Whisky, neat.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Quiet day. I watched Steel Magnolias. I laughed hard at the relationship between Ouiser and Clairee and other moments but cried my eyes out about death and birth and weddings. I'm such a sap!
...actually took an afternoon nap. Going to warm up some homemade pasta sauce and farfalle pasta for dinner to eb washed down by a nice Tuscan wine.
My hubby was called for work today but the weekend is off , what a holidays , not even feel it as we always celebrate big with a lot of people
I spent today fixing codes in my store all day long and the day passes so quick
Christmas not going to be different so I hope this year pass quick and better year arrives for all .
I actually prefer a quiet Christmas. A nice dinner, good movie and rendering
I was playing with Poser12 , very fast rendering with all my GTX cards , 5 sec for a full Stonemason scene that was faster than in iray and super crisp with SuperFly .
However using true HDRI is still questionable so how PBR suppose to work without it as the surface can't reflect proper light values like in Filament ? any idea Richard , since you beta tested it
or should I use emitters with HDRI maps ?
We have always Christmas eve and Thanksgiving eve big at last 18 people , then the rest of the holiday days quiet enjoying food and good movies ( no computer )