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The naming of the filename is confusing ABas. Add a prefix to the files or increase the padding to 6 zeroes.
You can use the Rename Master utility ( In the ABas' Manual Apendix there are some descriptions of the usage.
Add a prefix by checking the Add to Begining/Ending option of the Renaming Script tab. Set a prefix (e.g "file" o whatever name you prefer)
It's better to start counting from 0 instead of 1 (to match the numbers in the files with the number of frame in Studio's Timeline)
Set "0" in start counting at the option of the Counting tab.
Click on the button Rename.
In ABas, set Off, then On in the Enable files animation property to synchronize the files.
I recently purchased your product, and have been trying it out. The above posts mention a manual--where can it be found?
Click on the (?) in the toolbar (or use F1 shortcut) to go to the Help panel and expand Plugins in the Contents tab. Next, expand the entry ABAS Animated Shaders System and click on Documentation.
It's the same to find any plugin manual: Here is an example:
I just purchased the ABAS plugin for Daz Studio 4.21 and I'm unable after several unsuccesful attempts to get the plugin registered. Could you please assist?
Copy-Paste your Serial Number in the ABAS entry (as shown in your image). If you're logged in, you can find the serial number at
Next, click on OK, and then restart Daz Studio. It's all.
Bought the plugin and I was exited untill I loaded my .vdb files. Could not see a thing.
Tried it with a demo than I get an image. Good... Now I want to animate and the whole pane is not there... reinstalled
mannually installed. But the pane is no where to be found. I just bought it but starting to think it's a miss on this one. Would have been
perfect if it just worked out of the box.
If the pane cannot be found, the most common cause is that the plugin isn't registered yet (using the Serial Number).
To know how to register any plugin, check this:
I've been using ABAS for some time now, have never had an issue, but today i cannot get it to work properly. Here is what is happening.
New scene, set total frames to 181. create primitive plane, add ABAS animated shader
under base image, i navigate to my folder of my images. they are named g000.jpg through g180.jpg
i select the first image, then enable ABAS, the image appears in the viewport. all good so far
then i enable files animation, go to the final frame in the timeline
in ABAS after i enter 100% for competion and it responds with many "Unable to Locate" errors
it appears to be looking for g000.jpg180 which obviously doesnt exist. it should be looking for g180.jpg
i've tried different naming of the image files, but nothing seems to work. not sure how to proceed
i'm using Daz Public Build [Beta] and ABAS version
It's a bug. An update will follow but it can take some weeks. In the meantime, you can avoid it: Change the prefix name of the files ("g" in this case) for any other. You can use it with more characters (i.e. "gg" will work) or even a single character, but avoid in any case these: "jpg", "jp", "pg", "j", "p", and "g" (pg001.jpg, pg002.jpg... will fail, for example)
You can easily rename the image filenames using a tool like the Rename Master utility (
He can also solve separating the "name" frome the "progession numbers" with underscore. For example using Frame_000, Frame_001 and so on.
I never had problems using that system.
thank you both for your suggestions. using the rename master, i renamed my files to "test_xxx.jpg" and that solved it for me. the other day when i tried a rename, i named from "gxxx.jpg" to "pxxx.jpg" just bad luck on my part to choose that specific letter.
even with this minor bug, this is a great plugin. easily in my top 5 of daz plugins.