Daz Studio Pro 4.20[.0.x] - Highlights

rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
edited April 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

Each new build of Daz Studio comes with its own set of bug fixes, new features, adjustments to existing features, etc. Since near the beginning of Daz Studio 4.x development ( - according to the posted logs), a list of changes have been made available via the Change Log on the Documentation Center. In addition to the Change Log, we have also typically provided a forum thread wherein the first post highlights some of the changes in a given release (typically things that have the greatest potential to impact large cross-sections of the userbase). Periodically, as new builds have been made available and/or as time has allowed, the first post of the latest thread would be updated to provide more/new information on a given build. Unfortunately, these updates seemed to go unnoticed by many who didn't revisit the first post of the thread. This same information would also then be reposted when a Public Build was eventually promoted to General Release.

To address some of these issues and bring more visibility to the highlights for a given build, we now split these highlights off into their own thread. A separate discussion thread will remain available (linked below), but the highlights thread itself will be closed for comment so as to avoid the information being buried by the discussion and to provide notification through regular features of the forum software.


Frequently Asked Questions:



Public Build (Beta) Threads:


  • (April 21, 2022)
    • (April 8, 2022)
    • (March 25, 2022)
    • (March 17, 2022)
    • (March 11, 2022)
    • (March 9, 2022)
    • (March 3, 2022)
    • (February 24, 2022)
    • (February 17, 2022)
    • (February 14, 2022)
    • (February 4, 2022)
    • (January 31, 2022)
    • (January 21, 2022)
    • (January 14, 2022)
    • (December 22, 2021)
    • (December 17, 2021)
    • (December 1, 2021)
    • (November 22, 2021)
    • (November 12, 2021)
    • (November 3, 2021)
    • (October 29, 2021)
    • (October 7, 2021)


General Release Thread:


  • (April 29, 2022)
    • (February 18, 2022)


Previous Threads:


Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited October 2021 (October 7, 2021)

    • Viewport Controls
      • Fixed an issue where the cursor becomes invisible within a viewport if a mouse button other than the one used to initiate a view control operation is clicked while the initiating mouse button is still pressed
    • Asset Categorization
      • Fixes an issue with the ability to hide vendor categorization of assets
    • Asset Saving - "Save Modified Assets"
      • Added the (internal) name of a property/morph to the list of considered attributes
      • Updated logging when saving modified assets
      • Added support for a "-logModifiedAssets" command-line option that causes asset information displayed in the "Save Modified Assets" dialog to be recorded to the application log
    • Mesh Skinning
      • Added support for blended Linear Blend (LBS) and Dual Quaternion (DQS) mesh skinning
      • Modified Node Weight Brush tool settings:
        • Renamed the Binding > Skinning > Weight Mapping Mode option "Blended TriAx/General" value to "Blended"
        • Added a Binding > Skinning > Blend Mode option with the following values:
          • TriAx (Local) / Linear (General)
          • TriAx (Local) / Dual Quaternion (General)
          • Linear (General) / Dual Quaternion (General)
        • The Binding > Skinning > Blend Mode option is now disabled when the “Weight Mapping Mode” option is not set to “Blended”
        • The Binding > Skinning > General Weight Mode option is disabled when the “Weight Mapping Mode” option is not set to “General”
        • TriAx specific weight maps are now prefixed to indicate their association to the TriAx technique
    • Pane Groups
      • The overzealous docking behavior of an undocked Pane Group improved significantly in, at which point the temporary "undockable" pane group workaround became obsolete - this obsolete workaround has been removed
        • Removed obsolete actions from pane group/pane option menus
          • "Make Pane Undockable" (when docked)
          • "Make Pane Group Undockable" (when docked)
          • "Make Pane Dockable" (when undockable)
          • "Make Pane Group Dockable" (when undockable)
        • "Undockable" pane groups (undocked pane groups nested in non-modal dialogs) in saved layouts are substituted with "undocked" (albeit "dockable") pane groups when restored
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions or fixed issues in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details


    Known Issues:

    • Windows
      • Executables are unsigned
        • UAC prompt is yellow with unknown publisher instead of blue with publisher name
    • macOS
      • Big Sur
        • Styling issues on (horizontal) tabbars, (horizontal) tabs, buttons, frames
        • Interactive Lessons draw opaque over the UI, obstructing it
        • Color selection uses Qt (4) standard color picker - not the macOS native color picker
        • ...
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited November 2021 (October 29, 2021)

    • Parameter Settings
      • The description text for ERC links now includes the figure label when the owner of the property is a bone
        • This provides clarity in listings (e.g., Sub-Components/Controllers) where cross-object/figure links are possible
      • Added an "Owner :" field
        • Displays the type and name of the element owner
        • Tooltip displays type and label of the element owner
      • Added tooltips to various string/text based fields
      • Refactored the "Controllers" tab
        • The tab is now only displayed in the context of a single property that has controllers
      • Refactored the "Sub-Components" tab
        • The tab is now only displayed in the context of a single property that has sub-components
      • Refactored the "Keys" tab
        • The tab is now only displayed in the context of a single property that has keys
        • Added a "Type" column
          • Displays the interpolation type (/values) of a given key
      • Added an "Aliases" tab
        • The tab is only displayed in the context of a single property that is, or has, an alias
      • Added a "Deltas" field
        • Only displayed in the context of a single property that directly controls the application of a morph
        • Displays the number of deltas in the morph or text indicating that the morph deltas have not yet been loaded
      • Added an "Asset" tab
        • The tab is only displayed in the context of a single property that has asset data to display
      • ...
    • PowerPose (merged into
      • Added support for defining a 'default' Template per Template Set
        • Earlier versions only allowed for a global 'default' Template (i.e., 'Body')
      • Added a "Default" (Template) option to the "PowerPose Template Set Save" dialog
        • Option values are populated by the current list of Templates in the current Template Set
        • An empty entry is provided in the option values, and allows for falling back to the global default
      • Selecting a figure will now cause the 'default' Template of a Template Set (if one is defined) to be automatically selected if:
        • No other figure was selected, and the Template Set for the selected figure does not contain a Template labeled identically to the global default (i.e., 'Body')
        • Another figure was selected, and the Template Set for the newly selected figure does not contain a Template that is labeled identically to the current Template of the previously selected figure, and the Template Set for the newly selected figure does not contain a Template labled identically to the global default (i.e., 'Body')
    • Figure Setup
      • The Figure Setup pane now causes surfaces of a newly created figure to automatically use the default material type for the active renderer - e.g., Iray Uber material is applied if the active renderer is NVIDIA Iray
    • Animated Scroll Views (e.g., asset views, asset container views, property views, etc.)
      • Animated scroll views now support keyboard modifiers to speed up or slow down mouse wheel scrolling
        • Holding the [Ctrl/Cmd] modifier key speeds up scrolling (page step)
        • Holding no modifier key performs standard scrolling (wheel scroll lines step - 3 by default)
        • Holding the [Shift] modifier key slows down scrolling (single step)
    • Pane Groups
      • Added the ability to specify tab bar position independently for each undocked pane group
        • Non-default (i.e., non-top) tab bar position is saved to, and restored from, layouts for each undocked pane group
        • Activating of the "Orient Tabs Along Top" option overrides any non-default (i.e., non-top) tab bar positions defined
        • Actions to change the position of the tab bar are displayed in a "Pane Group" submenu of the pane group tab bar context menu (i.e., the portion of the tab bar with no tabs), the pane/tab context menu (i.e., the tab attached to a given pane), and the active pane option menu (i.e., the menu button in the corner of the tab bar), when a given pane group is undocked and the "Orient Tabs Along Top" option is not active
          • Tabs Top
          • Tabs Left
          • Tabs Right
          • Tabs Bottom
      • Added the ability to quickly independently resize an undocked pane group using convenience actions
        • Actions are displayed in a "Pane Group" submenu of the pane group tab bar context menu (i.e., the portion of the tab bar with no tabs), the pane/tab context menu (i.e., the tab attached to a given pane), and the pane option menu (i.e., the menu button in the corner of the tab bar), when a given pane group is undocked
          • Fit Screen Height
          • Fit Screen Width
          • Fit Screen
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions or fixed issues in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited November 2022 (November 3, 2021)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2021.0.2 (344800.7839); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES: 
          • NVIDIA Driver 465.89 (or newer) on Windows for CPU-only rendering
          • NVIDIA Driver 471.41 (or newer) on Windows for GPU rendering
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
      • Added support for inhomogeneous volumes, both as "Volumetric Textures" and "Volume Objects"
    • Shader Mixer
      • Removed all generated MDL shader bricks ending with "Input#" or "Default" in their classname
        • All removed bricks have been consolidated into a single brick (sans any "Input#" or "Default" suffix in their name) with a selector for the number/type of inputs
        • All removed generated MDL shader brick classes are automatically converted to the new corresponding consolidated brick classname, with the most compatible argument count/type/order signature selected, when encountered during asset read
        • Converted bricks are not compatible with previous versions of the application or render engine
        • See the Change Log for detailed lists of the classes removed/added
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (November 12, 2021)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2021.0.3 (344800.8726); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES: 
          • NVIDIA Driver 465.89 (or newer) on Windows for CPU-only rendering
          • NVIDIA Driver 471.41 (or newer) on Windows for GPU rendering
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
      • Added support for an "Iray Volume Priority" property controlling the priority (stack order) of volumes
      • Fixed an issue that caused Strand Based Hair to render black
      • Fixed an issue that caused rendering of geometry shells to become corrupted when Render/Draw Settings > Instancing Optimization was set to "Memory"
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (November 22, 2021)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Added support for "White Mode" (aka "Clay Render")
        • Enable via Render Settings > White Mode > White Mode Enable
        • Control color via Render Settings > White Mode > White Mode Color
      • Added an option to "Exclude From White Mode" on a per surface/material basis
        • For instances of DzUberIrayMaterial and DzBrickMaterial with a "MDL Surface" root brick
      • Added support for setting the "Spectral Conversion Color Space" when "Render Mode" is set to "Photoreal"
        • Control via Render Settings > Spectral Rendering > Spectral Conversion Color Space
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited December 2021 (December 1, 2021)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2021.0.4 (344800.9767); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES: 
          • NVIDIA Driver 465.89 (or newer) on Windows for CPU-only rendering
          • NVIDIA Driver 471.41 (or newer) on Windows for GPU rendering
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
        • ​​Fixes a rendered image alpha issue involving shaders that use subsurface scattering (SSS)
        • Fixes a hang when rendering shaders that provide opactiy, bump and emission and each are concurrently active
      • Implemented a partial workaround for thin-film changes
        • Approximates (does not replicate) the previous behavior
        • Cannot fully match the previous behavior, but does match color characteristics to some extent
        • Affects reflection and transmission - the previous behavior only affected reflection
        • Cannot match three-or-more color variations
      • Added support for an "Iray Visible to Primary Rays" property on a node to controll the visibility of the object to "primary rays" (i.e., directly from the camera), e.g., a "ghost" - see the Change Log for more detail
      • Fixed a crash when using certain custom MDL Shader Mixer bricks - see the Change Log for more detail
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited December 2021 (December 17, 2021)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2021.1.0 beta (349500.5279); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 465.89 (or newer) on Windows for CPU-only rendering
          • NVIDIA Driver 471.41 (or newer) on Windows for GPU rendering
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
      • Added support for enabling "Guided Sampling" in the Render Settings pane
        • Enable via Render Settings > Optimization > Guided Sampling
      • Added support for an "Iray Matte Shadow Intensity" property on a node ("matte object") to control the intensity of the shadows cast upon it - see the Change Log for more detail
      • Added a "Blackbody Emission" brick to Shader Mixer
    • Joint Editing
      • Joint Editor Tool (context menu) > Edit > Mirror Joints... now uses node names for mirroring operations instead of node labels
    • Metadata Creation
      • Fixed a Content DB Editor > Assets > Type issue - incorrectly setting the type in specific situations
      • Fixed an "Assign Metadata" dialogn issue where not checking the "Content Type" option for an asset would prevent any checked "Compatibilities" for that asset from being established
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited December 2021 (December 22, 2021)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Added support for the "brown", "inv_brown", and "equidistant" lens distortion models
      • Added support for enabling/controlling (Atmospheric) "Ground Fog" in the Render Settings pane (or Environment Options node)
        • A simple built-in volume type to place a height dependent mist into the scene
        • Controls are located in the Environment > Atmospheric Ground Fog group
          • Ground Fog
            • Enables/Disables the feature
          • Ground Fog Albedo
            • Controls the "color" of the fog
            • Color effects are accomplished via non-uniform values assigned to density controls
          • Ground Fog Decay Start
            • Controls the starting height of decay
            • Below this height, the volume has a density of Ground Fog Density Start
            • Above this height, the density of the volume decays exponentially until it vanishes
          • Ground Fog Density Start
            • A colored extinction coefficient (separate r, g, b channels) for the fog density at or below Ground Fog Decay Start
            • A (positive) unbound density of particles - higher values are more opaque
          • Ground Fog Density Start Scale
            • Allows Ground Fog Density Start to be scaled up (i.e., driven beyond 1.0) or down
          • Ground Fog Decay Height
            • A (positive) distance from Ground Fog Decay Start where the fog reaches a density of Ground Fog Density End
            • Above this height, the fog continues to exponentially decrease in density
          • Ground Fog Density End
            • A colored extinction coefficient (separate r, g, b channels) for the fog density that is reached at Ground Fog Decay Height
            • A (positive) unbound density of particles - lower values are less opaque
          • Ground Fog Density End Scale
            • Allows Ground Fog Density End to be scaled up (i.e., driven beyond 1.0) or down
          • Ground Fog Anisotropy
            • Controls (specular) scattering anisotropy
              • -1 = back scattering
              • 0 = isotropic scattering (i.e., same amount of scattering in both directions)
              • 1 = forward scattering
    • Script IDE Pane
      • Attempting to open a script that is already open now switches to the opened document
      • File > New Script now allows more than a single "Untitled" document to be created
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (January 14, 2022)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Fixed an issue with the ability to control (Atmospheric) Ground Fog
    • Asset Loading
      • The "Missing Files" dialog has been redesigned to provide improved situational information
      • The "Missing Files" dialog now automatically selects the 'minimal set' of products to install (via Daz Connect) in order to reconcile missing files
      • Fixed an issue with content errors causing certain assets to unnecessarily embed themselves in saved scenes
    • FBX Importer
      • The "FBX Import Options" dialog now allows the "Take to Import" option to be set to "<None>"
        • Setting this option to "<None>" omits an attempt to apply any take/animation data in the file
      • The DzFbxImporter settings API now supports specifying a "Take" by index, rather than by name
        • Use idx::#, where # is the (zero-based) index, to specify the i'th take/animation in the file
        • See the Silent FBX Import sample script
      • Published source to GitHub (see StudioFbxImporter) under Apache License 2.0
    • Logging
      • Log entries are now prefixed by a consistently formatted message severity indicator and a (potential) message category
        • Adjustments to severity and/or categorization of log entries will occur over time
    • Command Line Options
      • Published documentation that describes the available options and usage details
    • Automation
      • Improved logging of message box data when the -noPrompt command-line option is used and a message box is encountered
    • DSON Format
      • Added support for DSON URI syntax
        • Works to restore compliance with RFC 3986
        • Currently only supported via direct DzUri API calls
        • DSON URI syntax is still used when saving assets (may become an option)
        • DSON URI syntax is still used when reading assets
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (January 21, 2022)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2021.1.0 (349500.7063); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 465.89 (or newer) on Windows for CPU-only rendering
          • NVIDIA Driver 471.41 (or newer) on Windows for GPU rendering
          • NVIDIA Driver 510.XX (or newer) instead of 496.XX (or newer)
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
    • FBX Importer
      • Added support to FBX Importer for Dual Quaternion Skinning (DQS)
      • Added (experimental) support to FBX Importer for blended weight mode (LBS/DQS)
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (January 31, 2022)

    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited February 2022 (February 4, 2022)

    • Node Weight Brush Tool
      • The viewport context menu (and Tool Settings options menu) has been extended to include Lock, Unlock, and Toggle Locks convenience actions
        • These actions operate based on node selection within the scene (primary selection)
        • Weight Editing > Lock:
          • Lock Selected Bone Weights
          • Lock Selected Bone Weights Recurse
          • Lock Unslected Bone Weights
          • Lock All Bone Weights Except Selected and Parent(s)
          • Lock All Bone Weights Except Selected and Child(ren)
          • Lock All Bone Weights", "Unlock Selected Bone Weights
        • Weight Editing > Unlock
          • Unlock Selected Bone Weights Recurse
          • Unlock All Bone Weights
        • Weight Editing > Toggle Locks
          • Toggle Selected Bone Weight Locks
          • Toggle Selected Bone Weight Locks Recurse
          • Toggle All Bone Weight Locks
      • The context menu for the "Lock" page in the Tool Settings pane has been extended to include Lock, Unlock, and Toggle Locks convenience actions
        • These actions operate based on item selection within the "Lock" page view
        • Lock
          • Lock Selected
          • Lock from Selected
          • Lock Unselected
          • Lock All Except Selected and Parent(s)
          • Lock All Except Selected and Child(ren)
          • Lock All
        • Unlock
          • Unlock Selected
          • Unlock from Selected
          • Unlock All
        • Toggle
          • Toggle Locks of Selected
          • Toggle Locks from Selected
          • Toggle All Locks
      • The context menu for the "Lock" page in the Tool Settings pane has been extended to include additional Expand/Collapse actions
        • Expand
          • Expand All
          • Expand Selected
          • Expand from Selected
        • Collapse
          • Collapse All
          • Collapse Selected
          • Collapse from Selected
      • The context menu for the "Lock" page in the Tool Settings pane has been modified to be more context aware
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited March 2022 (February 14, 2022)

    • Layout Customization
      • Saving of interface files (current session or otherwise) now employs "safe write"
        • Instead of writing directly to the final destination file (which can become corrupt if not allowed to complete), data is written to a temporary file
        • If the final destination file already exists, it is renamed as a backup file (if a backup file does not already exist)
        • If writing the temporary file is successful, the temporary file is renamed to the final destination name and the backup file (if created) is deleted
        • If writing the temporary file fails, the backup file (if created) is restored
        • Failures at any point in the process are logged
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (February 17, 2022)

    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited March 2022 (February 24, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • Layout Customization
      • Fixed a regression where Window > Workspace > Save Layout... would not save the layout if a new name was used
      • Fixed a regression where exiting Full Screen mode would not restore the layout prior to entering Full Screen mode
    • Parameters
      • Extended the capabilities of File type properties to support loading content assets
      • Extended the capabilities of File type properties to support Display Text
        • Used to display text that is different than the file name
        • Setting causes the property to be presented in a read-only state
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited March 2022 (March 3, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • Layout Customization
      • Fixed a regression where customizations performed on new installations, or application of a previously saved custom layout, would not be preserved between sessions
      • Extended logging to improve clarity around which layout related files are being loaded/saved and the order/timing of each
    • Parameters
      • Fixed issues with saving of values for embedded (user created) Image, Node and Numeric Node property types
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited March 2022 (March 9, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • Parameters
      • Saving a String property to a support asset now includes its default value
      • Saving a File property to a support asset now includes its default value
      • Resetting via [Alt] modifier (Option key on mac) + click of the property label, or clicking the "Reset" action in the option menu:
        • A String property will now reset to its default value
        • A File property will now reset to its default value
        • An Image property will now clear the image (its "default value")
        • A Numeric Node property now also clears the node (consistent with the non-numeric variety), not just the value
      • Setting the default value of a String property is now undo/redo-able
      • Setting the default value of a File property is now undo/redo-able
      • Display Text of a File property is considered part of its value
        • Included in copy/paste operations
        • Included in undo/redo operations
      • "Paramater Settings" dialog:
        • Now allows setting a default value for String and File properties
        • Now provides an option menu with values for String and File properties
        • Now temporarily collects unique paths (in the option menu) of paths navigated to for File properties
      • "Create New Property" dialog:
        • Now enables/disables the Animatable option according to whether or not the Property Type supports animation (String, File and Image do not)
        • Now allows setting a default value for String and File property types
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (March 11, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • Parameters
      • Fixed an issue with how the value of file properties were being saved
        • e.g., Saving a Material(s) Preset for an inhomogeneous volume
    • Shader Language Associations
      • Entries in the "Engine :" selector, at the top of the "Editor" and "Advanced" pages in the "Render Settings" pane, now include an indication of the shader language(s) that the renderer supports
        • e.g., "NVIDIA Iray (MDL)"
        • e.g., "3Delight (RSL)"
      • The "Shader :" label at the top of the "Editor" page in the "Surfaces" pane that indicates the name of the shader applied to the selected surface(s) now also includes an indication of the shader language(s) employed by the shader
        • e.g., "Iray Uber (MDL)"
        • e.g., "DAZ Studio Default (RSL)"
    • Scripting API
      • Made an addition; see the Change Log for more detail
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited March 2022 (March 17, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • Scene Saving
      • Edit > Preference... (F2) : Scene
        • Reorganized the Background Color, Background Image, and Render Settings related preferences into "On Load" and "On Save" groups
        • Added a "Compress File" preference to the "On Save" group
          • Provides control over whether or not the File > Save… action uses compression
          • Re-saving any opened scene will apply this preference to the saved file regardless of its previous compressed state
      • File > Save As > Scene...
        • Now displays a "Scene Save Options" dialog
        • Provides the ability to override the Edit > Preferences… (F2) : Scene : On "Save" options
          • Initializes options to the same state as the corresponding preference
          • Applies only to the specific file being saved
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (March 25, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • Property Views
      • Fixed an issue with file properties being listed as "Currently Used" when the current value and the definition value match
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (April 8, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • "Create New Property" Dialog
      • Fixed an issue where the "Max" value of an Int property could not be manually edited by clicking the value of the slider
      • Now allows creation of Node, Skeleton, and Numeric Node property types
      • The values in the "Property Type" selector are now visually separated by type
      • Made "Default:" value labels consistent
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (April 21, 2022) - *Public Build*

    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
This discussion has been closed.