48th Bryce Render Challenge ( New Journey )



  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    spuddy : excellent render.

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    adbc very kind of you thanks

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited August 2021

    another option....... into the deep

    also my first journey into an underwater scene

    thought the tiger fish was a little large so reduced it 

    ScreenHunter_2051 Aug. 01 16.15.jpg
    1675 x 944 - 509K
    a new journey48a.png
    1754 x 875 - 2M
    a new journey47a.png
    1754 x 875 - 2M
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124

    spuddy, i can't see first image, only 2nd and 3rd


  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    first image is now 3rd thumbnail

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited August 2021

    made some changes needed more objects and to balance some fish  sizes..but prob not the final version

    a new journey53a.png
    1754 x 875 - 2M
    ScreenHunter_2053 Aug. 01 20.33.jpg
    1711 x 916 - 529K
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • ApocApoc Posts: 407

    @spuddy thats a neat idea

  • @ spuddy:
    All three pictures are really fantastic. Whether space, forest or underwater - simply unbelievably good work. Compliments from me. 

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    spuddy : very cool idea, exceptional work !

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,365

    spuddy - excellent work.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,246

    Spuddy - brilliant work awesome lighting

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited August 2021

    drachenlords  thank you very much indeed your work has always inspired me to up my game I still don't know all the technical stuff you all talk about but I have learned enough  to bend bryce into giving me nearer to the results I want to make a half decent picture

    adbc Horo  mermaid010 Thank you very much for your kind comments

    I don't know if anyone has noticed but I used artistic licence to add a freshwater fish just because I needed some colour 

    Post edited by spuddy on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,365

    spuddy - the artist is always right. I once used a shark and a swordfish in a small aquarium on top of a commode. laugh

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited August 2021

    Horo sounds like a fun picture

    changed the material on the tall weed on the right...didn't like the bright silver on the tall far right weed

    so this is Third entry ..".Into the deep"


    A new journey55a.png
    1754 x 875 - 2M
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    spuddy : still very beautiful, only a slight difference in the lighting, I think it looks better.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,246

    Spuddy - I agree awesome render

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,365

    spuddy - yes, small change, looks even better.

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    adbc..mermaid010....Horo   Thanks a bunch I don't very often  like my own work but even I like this one...thanks again 


  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    Apoc I'm really sorry but I missed you out of the thanks...so THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your comment and for continuing organising everything

  • @ spuddy: I'm happy that I inspire you, but you don't need to. Your work is really incredibly good - as you show in your new version of the underwater picture. A small but very effective improvement.
    Now we already have three pictures that Chohole would have been proud of.

    So I want to try something too.

    Here is my first entry:

    Desert Way


    Desert Way.jpg
    1600 x 1200 - 945K
  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited August 2021

    Nice entry! Arabian sci-fi is very interesting idea.

    Is it with strong blur, or you made first render then reused as 2d plane background for second render? Curious.


    Nice footsteps! Is it painted in TE?

    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    great idea drachenlords...nice clean render as usual.... love the footsteps and the pyramid spacecraft is a novel touch

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,365

    drachenlords - great idea and beautifully done - looks realistic, too with footprints in the sand.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,246

    Drachenlords - I echo what the others have said, great idea and render.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    drachenlords : I agree with everyone else : great idea and render.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,824

    Spuddy, great scene. I like the last version best.

    Drachenlords: very great idea and beautiful render. Personally, I think maybe the left side is a bit 'congested' with the moon in the back. the space pyramid, the person and the tree all very close to each other. But maybe another view does not look as good as this one.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    Spuddy - another beautiful work... and perfect light. Really excellent.

    Drachenlords: beautiful work too, perfect light, perfect Perspective and sky.

  • Thanks for all the nice comments.

    @ akmerlow:

    The blur is wanted. I have intensified it a bit in postwork.
    And yes, the tracks were created in the TE.

    @ Hansmar:

    I agree with you.
    But I really wanted this deep perspective here so that you can clearly see footprints.
    The spaceship pyramid or moon elsewhere looked strange, that's why I accepted this little "stuffed" corner :) 

  • My second try.


    Airship Station:


    Airship Station.jpg
    1600 x 1200 - 1M
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,246

    Wow another magnificent render Drachenlord

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