NEW! Novica & Invited Guest Contributors Tips & Product Reviews Pt 5
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I also like the mats and especially the eyebrows. Not painted looking. Picking up that Barlow House too, and Dawn to Dusk.
If any of you have punch discounts, this set is AWESOME and usually on the upper end of expensive- but the 50% plus discounts make it very reasonable. The face coming out of the wall is great, the lighting is wonderful. I used it in Wine Walk Limbo (was one of the three sets I had to use.) Be sure and get the props too.
It gives really good panoramic opportunities, it's a long room with more stuff on each end, so you have a lot of options for camera views.
Why are these 65%? (before your punch discount) ($24.48 plus punchable. Can be as low as $17.14) Reg price $69.95
It has these- and includes a bundle in this bundle!
Castle Creator
Feathered Wings
Kay Bundle
This Bundle Includes the Following Products:
Kay's Leathers
Kay's Lair
Lux Lucis
M4 Warp Master
Wild Dreads
Caleb Hair
DAZ originals, so you get the PC or PC+ 30% discount as well as the sale discount (50% off and then 30% off that add up to 65% off).
Thanks Richard :)
Any word on getting the stores fixed that are supposed to be featured? It's now going on 5pm and this was reported this morning to DAZ (Edit- 8am!) 3D Universe, Mighty Mestophales, etc are still not discounting. They should extend those stores an extra day because the day is almost GONE.
I had to run to Walmart so don't know exactly when the stores got fixed, but at 10:40p the ones I checked are now working. Got to finish cruising through the stores- there's a lot of them.
I also wanted to take a moment and say that one year ago today (Sept 13th, which was a Friday last year) my beautiful Arabian Nova died. That's why I never change my avatar btw. I have not forgotten him this past year but I know he would be delighted that I bought Stetson because Stetson deserves a wonderful, pampered home too. I should take out stock in carrots and grapes!
And thanks for the support last year when I posted the sad news. I haven't forgotten that either. :)
Sorry, no response on the missing sales I'm afraid so if they were fixed I don't know when or who by.
Hi Richard :) Thanks for the reply.
And today there's folks missing their codes which they have to use today or lose them (the DAZ Original codes) and Chohole posted this so if you don't see your banner anymore. Works for Daz Originals but NOT good for PC Items, subscriptions, Gift Cards.
10-FREE for five to nine punches, worth $10 off
20-FREE for ten to fourteen punches, worth $20 off
30-FREE for ffiteen punches, worth $30 off
And remember the new releases are not 50% (unless they are on their second day of being featured) they are only 30%. Last weekend was a marketing mistake and they honored the 50% for new releases, but they did warn us it would NOT be that way on any more Sundays.
Don't forget about your PC and PC+ discount codes for $6/$12. The PC+ people can get an additional $6 off PA items that aren't new.
I'm shopping shops that I don't know/see often. But I can't spend all day on this. So this is what I've noticed in the first ten minutes. Take a peek at these:
2 Create HB (ooh, a gothic Orion! Not my style, but kinda neat.)
2dFXman (look at the props.)
Conference Room Preload
Conference Room
Coffee Maker
Coffee Mug (Red and White)
Coffee Table
Water Glass (Curved and Straight)
Marker Pen
Notebooks (Leather and Paper)
Painting (Normal and Small Size, 5 Painting Images)
Whiteboard Sponge
Conference Table
Water Jug
Crud, how did I miss this one???? ADORABLE!
3DCelebrity (If you don't have this and use Genesis, it's worth getting.)
Feel free to post anything you spot that you really like. :) (Can GenX her to Genesis) Look at her skin materials! Although is toon plane, with DOF it can easily be a background realistic plane. LOTS of moving parts. SereneNight showcased this and it is really nice! Hoodie can be removed. You can add your touch, change up the room. Nice to have an open concept where you see the kitchen and living area together.
ANOTHER one I missed! If you have Hiro 5, make him worthwhile with these: (look at the kid and older man!)
Too many wonderful hairs to mention. Orion (V4 and Genesis) and Perseus Hair (V4/M4) are both neat short hairstyles and look good on BOTH GENDERS. Anemone Hair is my favorite. It is as shiny as pictured in the promos- gorgeous. I showcased it. Esidor Hair looks good for underwater scenes, Gregoria Hair is also a favorite for many of us.
A beautiful sequined/and other looks for the Sexy Strapless dress which is very classy.
ANOTHER one I missed. Get more for your Kids 4...This not only has the weird makeup for Kids 4, it includes a bonus alien head morph. COOOOOL!
A very classy cut. Could be put with pants too.
Not cheap, but my, what awesome details!!!!! The lights are included. Everything is so crisp!
For Gen 4 users- if you like the thicker eyebrows, Fabia is really nice. Can GenX her to Genesis.
European Cars:
For forests with wear and tear: (and as we mentioned, goes good with the wood chopping kit)
Interesting. What more can I say?
Gorgeous detail. Wish there were more images.
Missed this one too. Look at it from the side, the braid is very pretty. is one of my favorites. April has too many to list. is 404 Not Found.
A lot included- and you can change the diffuse/bump/ opague to empty bottles or change the content. Really nice job! Listed the bundle.
I really like the underwater background in this set.
For gen 4 and gen 3, look at the morphs. Nice movement. I have this but haven't used it yet. (have used, it laid flat very nicely, easy to use. Again Gen 3,4.) (same as above)
For M4 city scenes
This would make a great restaurant! And those light candles are cool.
Well, these are different! Perhaps as kid's toys? Put some shaders on there and add fur (furify?)
HIGHLY RECOMMEND. If you use GEN X, this makes SUCH a difference with the nose!
Curvy is on sale. I have it but only dabbled with it.
One that RARELY goes on sale. So cute for the hatchling!
TOO funny. SOON A FED??
One of my favorites. Nice detail. Found in the South. (We have them here in Florida, they are SO cute!)
For multiplane cyclorama
My favorite Gianni dude.
VERY classy. Look at the skirt- love that edge!
These two are so cute!
Interesting for V4 and your Gen3. And good price!
These go together. Reallyl cute!
For a waterfront canal town:
Name is misleading- you get three critters, not one.
Looking for a boy clown? This store rarely goes on sale.
and same store, turn the K4 into superheros.
Or a variety of nurse outfits. Same store, rarely on sale.
Well, got some goodies. And got Aiko 6 for .13 (yep, thirteen CENTS.) I picked through the Pro Bundle because there is a lot that I wouldn't use, got a few of the hairs and both poses. All of it was 65% off and then I used my punch rewards.
From the emails and PMs, a lot of us picked up Venom Hair. Be sure and note it has a texture set too. You only have about 45 minutes left to shop btw, the site turns over at about 1am-1:10am Central time. I got the rabbit hutch by Noggins and the rabbit (goes great for country renders, goes with the chicken coop) and we need a more up to date rabbit (hint, vendors! These look almost bald.) (my big wishlist item) (as I said, I love the skirt.)
You snagged some good stuff. I hadn't seen the townhouse before. I like that one. And the noggins rabbit hut is cool. Nice to have around Easter
It says : 6 Smart Propped "rooms" to fit behind the doors and windows.
Not sure exactly what that will be, I can see that there is a room visible in the promo. What I was looking for was a section of town that wasn't dark, weathered stone- so many of the city props are dreary brick because that's the typical downtown. I also wanted it to be upscale.
I'm just looking through all your finds from yesterday, Novica. Some excellent suggestions there, including several I'd never seen before. Fingers crossed for a similar sale at the end of the month!
I really had to put a lot of things in my wishlist, it just got ridiculous. The one I mentioned that I didn't get, and am curious about, is this one:
Does anyone have that who could do a quickie render? It could be SO cute for a neighborhood scene.
Don't know if I mentioned this one:
It's neat because it has the CD sticking out of it!
I really like the Inciter shorts, it's nice to have a different front. I'm broke from the sale yesterday so just picking up the textures (65% plus my 10%. I had 3 punches roll over plus the freebie so I shot to 5 punches fast) and I'll get the outfit later. The Prom- seems more Valentine's Day for me, but looks like a fun set. Notice the game thing on the wall still has the score. Kudos to the vendors doing the dresses- quite different.
I really like gypsy autumn. It is very pretty and delicate. It requires an outfit I didn't purchase because it was a touch too goth for my tastes, but I like the expansion a lot:
I was getting ready to post this and saw another thread had mentioned it- LightWave has a good deal right now if you own other 2D or 3D programs. Something I didn't know- LW was used to model up through the Gen3 figures!
I'm eyeing the beach product, looks a bit toony but can maybe work with the bump or shaders. Looks like a fun hangout.
"only $695 "
Oh my ...
Yep, definitely recommend the trial before spending :) Beats $1495 but that would be a nice house payment... :)
Jack's set out for the diner car looks really nice. Says it's part of a coming series.
I did pick up the beach house.
BTW, I've been busy researching books and ebooks and just a reminder if you are going to use a pen name-
type the name you like in Google and make sure there is not a Twitter account, a Facebook account, or a dot com. And if someone is on Pininterest or LinkedIn, they normally Twitter and Facebook and that will also be on the first page usually. If you think you've hit the jackpot with an unused name, go to page 2 and page 3 in Google to be certain. It's harder to find an unused name than you think so don't wait until you're ready to work on your book to lock in a name. If you have a hard to spell name, a boring name, or want privacy, look up the pros and cons of a pen name.
Edit: then after you find the name, at a minimum and right away get...
the dot com
the facebook
the twitter
a dedicated email (gmail is easy to set up)
blogs- both in authors name and the book name.
Hmmm, check your emails before you shop. Apparently they are sending out targeted coupons again where you get a percent off (and there wasn't a minimum spending requirement.) I've teased SereneNight and she's teased me about shopping in the morning- every time we do that it seems a coupon comes a few hours later. So I didn't buy the Dine on the Orient and now I get an extra percentage off. Yes, this new code works for New Releases and stacks on top of your punch discounts. Not sure exactly what's included but there's 14,724 items in that section.
Waaa... I didn't get one - yet.
BTW did this freebie go unnoticed by anyone other than me?
I just saw that in the all products list for the discount coupon.
One person let me know their code came this morning, mine came at 6:34PM (20 mins ago) so they are scattering it out. It's good through Sept 26th. I can't see anywhere that it's a one time thing. Don't know.
Thanks TJohn. Didn't notice the freebie- I have my coupon, but nothing to buy right now. Contrary to good DAZ store policy, I already picked up a few things this morning. But I honestly haven't been getting any of these coupon offers lately, so I didn't expect to get any.
I'll hold off as long as I can to use it to maximum benefit.
Okay, so who else didn't get the code in an email?
I haven't tried it to see if it's a one time thing or not. I'll go test the cart and put an edit here and let you know.
EDIT: One time use.