Keep Jaderail in Your Thoughts



  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Not sure if he worked with Genesis much, but Barb (IgnisSerpentus) has this Dark Elves character set with blue and black skin textures  -->

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited July 2014

    Szark said:
    Since we aren't allowed to post it go to and look down for my comments and see Spy's reply with the link. It is at Rendo called M4 Drow

    Thanks for that Pete. I assumed he might have used Barb's Dark Elves for Genesis. I didn't realize there was one with the specific "face paint". I thought Jeff might've created that himself.

    He just created his own facial morphs and expressions. I liked when he used to rotate different versions of the avatar.

    Post edited by Miss B on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    SpyroRue said:
    I decided to render a tribute to Jeff, it's essentially a character card render, and I plan to dedicate another full environment render. At this time though, it was very emotional to pull off this one, so the next will take time. I thought I better share it here as well, for any who wish to see.

    DA - "Legend"

    I think he'd love to see us doing what he always encouraged and loved doing so very much, and there are already several beautiful renders that have appeared here :)

    he would love it !

  • Sal UKSal UK Posts: 432
    edited December 1969

    I have come into the thread many times and haven't been able to post, because I just don't know what to say. I didn't really chat with Jeff, though I used to read what he posted from his adventure renders sadly those reserved slots will never be filled and just our imagination can fill in the blanks, and his RRRR Render will never be seen. :(

    Jaderail said:
    Been a little ill so I'm not rushing right off to render this but I did get a new Database built, my content seems to be growing faster than my skills. Went over and got me some pulls and this was the first time in a very long time the RRRR just jumped up and bit me in a long time.

    1009: Pure Hair: Space for Genesis
    2026: Towel Set for Genesis
    1867: Master Bathroom Fixtures Poses DS
    1151: AMS RT05

    If all that does not say Freak Accident to you your just not right in your purdy lil' head.

    You will be very much missed around here Jaderail my prayers are with your family and friends..

    R.I.P Jaderail

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    A sad day ... found this one in his DA Gallery: A Nice Walk

    ...I particularly liked that pic as well. Thank you for the link as that is the way I would like to remember him

    I just learned of the news today from a post by TJohn on another thread. Been offline since Monday night as my ISP cut off my service and I hadn't the funds to even go to the local cafe to get online over the last couple days. Not the news I hoped to see when I finally could log back in. Didn't even realise he was in the hospital.

    As I mentioned there, he was more than just someone on the forums here whom I conversed with. I felt a certain kinship as we both have been battling physical "demons", though his were far, far worse than mine. As tough as it was, he rolled with it and maintained a sense of humour which I would find difficult to do were I in his position.

    This just seems so sudden for I remember a couple posts by him last Thursday on the "other" thread and then none over the weekend, but there have been times before when he hasn't posted for a couple days.

    Indeed, a major loss to the community.

    My friend, you will be missed dearly. Rest well.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    Since we aren't allowed to post it go to and look down for my comments and see Spy's reply with the link. It is at Rendo called M4 Drow

    thanx, wish i had known earlier, spent my budget this month, ( yes even $3 is too much to spend right now ) wish listed it

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    Since we aren't allowed to post it go to and look down for my comments and see Spy's reply with the link. It is at Rendo called M4 Drow

    thanx, wish i had known earlier, spent my budget this month, ( yes even $3 is too much to spend right now ) wish listed it

    And they won't let one make a CC purchase in there for only $3 :-(
    Times like this add treasure to the Daz3d store system.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    thats ok, i'll get it next time its on sale

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Miss B said:
    I thought Jeff might've created that himself.
    So did I.;)

    Since we aren't allowed to post it go to and look down for my comments and see Spy's reply with the link. It is at Rendo called M4 Drow

    thanx, wish i had known earlier, spent my budget this month, ( yes even $3 is too much to spend right now ) wish listed itI am in the same boat

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    Miss B said:
    I thought Jeff might've created that himself.
    So did I.;)

    Since we aren't allowed to post it go to and look down for my comments and see Spy's reply with the link. It is at Rendo called M4 Drow

    thanx, wish i had known earlier, spent my budget this month, ( yes even $3 is too much to spend right now ) wish listed it

    I am in the same boat

    you have a boat? lucky bastard

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    yeah after I sold the piano :P and how did you know my parents weren't married. ;)

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    Since we aren't allowed to post it go to and look down for my comments and see Spy's reply with the link. It is at Rendo called M4 Drow

    thanx, wish i had known earlier, spent my budget this month, ( yes even $3 is too much to spend right now ) wish listed it

    And they won't let one make a CC purchase in there for only $3 :-(
    Times like this add treasure to the Daz3d store system.
    Yes I just found that out. Luckily I had an item in my Wishlist on sale for $2.50, so I got both of them.

  • GhostofMacbethGhostofMacbeth Posts: 1,581
    edited December 1969

    Dang ... that stinks. My condolences to his family and friends :down:

  • SiennaBlueSiennaBlue Posts: 224
    edited December 1969

    I am another who did not really know him. It seemed as though every time someone asked for help Jaderail was there, though. I know he responded to my requests for assistance. I wondered when he slept because he seemed always available for answers. I did notice he was always kind and patient with those he helped, too. I, also, cried when I read he was gone, I think, just because he was recognizable as someone very special. I could barely read through the thread for all the tears, though, because of the posts by so many forum members sharing how truly incredible he really was and how heavy and painful his loss was was being felt. My heart is hurting for all of his loved ones, very definitely including those here who loved him, too. Thank you to all who did share. I see, now, I missed out on a real treasure of a human being by not knowing him. My sympathies to all.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited July 2014

    You can go to the site to get the information for the arrangements.

    ETA: Jeffery Jerome Webb

    Post edited by atticanne on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    You can go to the site to get the information for the arrangements.

    ETA: Jeffery Jerome Webb

    Thank you AtticAnne.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for posting the link. Too bad I can't go to the funeral service. Maybe I can visit his grave / memorial headstone one of these days.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Thank you AtticAnne

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    This is incredibly sad news. Jaderail was a name I had come to assume would always be here. I wish his family my sincerest condolences.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    Posted this in another thread, but I thought it was worth saying here, too:

    It does feel like there's a really big void right now. For me that part has sunk in; the idea of losing my friend, and frankly, my mentor, is just starting to...

    ...but you know, reading through the Jaderail's remarkable how many people have gained so much knowledge and support from him. And that impact lives on, and will only grow in time, as we all share things we learned from him with others, and pass on support and encouragement to new users the way he did for us when we were new. [edited to add: ...and not-so-new! ;-)]

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for posting the funeral home link Anne. I didn't realize he was so young. ~Sheesh~

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Since March of this year, I have had countless discussions with Jeff, covering everything from Daz3D Studio, to life in general. He has helped me and others so much in learning Computer Graphics for Art, book covers, and Movie effects.

    The weather took a bad turn this past week, in combination with things his body was enduring. I noticed a decrees in posts, and began to worry. I did not know him as long as others here did, yet that dose not make the pain any less.

    I know I am not alone in my sadness, as the entire community is in grief over the loss of him. I will do what I can, tho my reading and typing skill are no where as fast as his. And my knowledge of CG is vastly inferior to his. It is the strength to carry on, or risk being left behind. We can honor him best by doing what we do best, and not giving up.

    R.I.P. Jaderail.

  • sfaa69sfaa69 Posts: 353
    edited December 1969

    I wish to add my condolences to his family and friends. Those of us who have frequented the forums knew Jaderail from his excellent advice and eagerness to lend a helping hand. Even though I only knew him from the forums, I feel a very deep sense of loss, and I know that I am one of very many who will miss him deeply.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Sal UK said:
    I have come into the thread many times and haven't been able to post, because I just don't know what to say. I didn't really chat with Jeff, though I used to read what he posted from his adventure renders sadly those reserved slots will never be filled and just our imagination can fill in the blanks, and his RRRR Render will never be seen. :(

    Jaderail said:
    Been a little ill so I'm not rushing right off to render this but I did get a new Database built, my content seems to be growing faster than my skills. Went over and got me some pulls and this was the first time in a very long time the RRRR just jumped up and bit me in a long time.

    1009: Pure Hair: Space for Genesis
    2026: Towel Set for Genesis
    1867: Master Bathroom Fixtures Poses DS
    1151: AMS RT05

    If all that does not say Freak Accident to you your just not right in your purdy lil' head.

    You will be very much missed around here Jaderail my prayers are with your family and friends..

    R.I.P Jaderail

    I have a pretty decent idea about what he was probably going to do, so I'm half-tempted to try and render it once the weather cools down.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited December 1969

    I think Jaderail would love the idea of folks rendering his pull. He had such a delightful sense of humor and would have enjoyed seeing what everyone else came up with. A thread with just those renders would be fun to see and it is a nice way to honor our friend. The theme is "Freak Accidents."

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    I think Jaderail would love the idea of folks rendering his pull. He had such a delightful sense of humor and would have enjoyed seeing what everyone else came up with. A thread with just those renders would be fun to see and it is a nice way to honor our friend. The theme is "Freak Accidents."

    I so agree with that Novica. Go for it Ski! He'd be so proud :)

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    I remember that Jaderail called my renders of Genesis in skimpy outfits cute. lol

  • Dream CutterDream Cutter Posts: 1,222
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail.... words to express how you will be missed here. He made a difference.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited July 2014

    Novica said:
    I think Jaderail would love the idea of folks rendering his pull. He had such a delightful sense of humor and would have enjoyed seeing what everyone else came up with. A thread with just those renders would be fun to see and it is a nice way to honor our friend. The theme is "Freak Accidents."

    ...I thought about it but alas, only have one of the items.

    On another note, I've seen two banners now. Is either one available?

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • IanTPIanTP Posts: 1,329
    edited December 1969


    Hugs and prayers to his family, he will be sorely missed.

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