[Released! HD Face Burns for G8F + Add-On] FenixPhoenix's Commercial Products

FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
edited October 2020 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Hi everyone! We decided to make a PA thread and add our products here rather than make a thread for every product!

So any issues, requests or commentaries regarding our products, feel free to drop them here.

You can check out our store here.


Our latest Product: LIE BODY SCARS for Genesis 3 & 8 Male(s) is out! This product will only focus on the torso: chest, abs, ribs and back wounds. That way we could give more options for those bodyparts while keeping the product at a reasonable price. We do have a arms & legs product planned out!

Read Me:

LIE Body Scars for Genesis 3 & Genesis 8 Male(s) is a set of 25 hand-painted torso and back scars. Also included are a mirror version for 20 of the presets, which gets you a total of 45 presets per generation.However, we know your characters’ skins will vary greatly in color, so we've also included three sets of varying scar colors: Light, Midtone and Dark. Mix and match the skin preset scars for even greater variation!

In total, you get 45 Dark Presets, 45 Light Presets, 45 Midtone Presets! 135 Presets in total with the ability to mix and match for endless possibilities.

Use this pack to show the struggles your character(s) has been though, injecting subtext into your every render! Whether they survived a battle, love to fight or simply ventured into the wrong side of town, these scars will help tell your story!

Note: The result relies on the skin settings of your character of choice. If you find that the glossiness of a scar is too strong (too reflective), we recommend lowering the opacity of the specular channel of the scar layer through the Layered Image Editor.

Not a Merchant Resource: This product (unlike our face scars) is not a merchant resource, so you cannot add them to characters for sale or giveaways. The textures included should be used as they are; meaning you cannot use them to create scar brushes (for photoshop, substance painter or other programs) or to create extra textures.


1000 x 1300 - 937K
1300 x 1000 - 960K
Post edited by FenixPhoenix on


  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited February 2020


    HD Face Wounds for G3 & 8 Males | HD Face Wounds for G3 & 8 Females

    "HD FACE WOUNDS for Genesis 3 & 8 Male(s)" and "HD FACE WOUNDS for Genesis 3 & 8 Female(s)" are a collection of 10 open facial wounds created through the careful combination of HD morphs and LIE material presets for flesh texturing and optional blood layering. In addition, we’ve included a mirror option for nine wounds, totaling 19 HD Morphs, 19 Wounds LIE Preset and 38 Blood LIE Presets per generation (19 extra Blood LIE Presets have been included for use on dark skin characters)!

    In total, you’ll get 38 HD morphs, 38 wounds LIE Presets, and 76 Blood LIE presets!

    These wounds were sculpted taking our "LIE FACE SCARS for Genesis 3 & 8" as a reference in order to help with your storytelling. In this way, you can now show when your character got the scars that forged him or her. Like with our other packs, these can all be combined to help add valuable subtext to your images, allowing you to build characters marked by hardships and pain. But who, ultimately, must wear the badges life has bestowed upon them. Whether they'll wear them with pride, shame or pain is up to you!

    Note: Because each wound was hand-sculpted, expect slight variations between the HD morphs for Generation 3 & 8. It’s vital that you apply the correct LIE Preset for the Generation you’re using, as they account for the variations in the sculpt as well.

    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 984K
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • I forgot to update that these wounds are now available!

    HD Face Wounds for G3 & 8 Males | HD Face Wounds for G3 & 8 Females

  • Future suggestion: A set of symmetrical, geometric cuts and occult-type symbols we can mirror on both sides of a character simultaneously. I'm trying to create cenobite-style 'Hellraiser' characters and ideally need something like that, where the cuts look deliberate and precise, hinting at ritualistic ceremonies in the distant past, instead of as a result of fight involvement.

    Would probably sell well for when Hallowe'en comes up!

  • That is a great idea, @Xenomorphine. We do have plans to create Sci-fi scars (which will look more precise) so there will be something there for this. We just need to finish up other products first before tackling that one. We also wanted to explore creating some scarification tattoos as well.

  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63

    When I was using these products, the only thing that came to mind was: I wonder what the hell I'll do when G9 comes out. These additions are so great! I can't wait for G8F body/arm scars :D

  • Thank you for making the same wound on both sides.

    Very annoying when you don't get a choice.

    Also, would love to see what you can do with blood.

    Good to see people of color.

    And, and...maybe stitches for another product idea. Wounds that were sewed shut and a variation with staples.

    Good stuff.

  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63

    Thank you for making the same wound on both sides.

    Very annoying when you don't get a choice.

    Also, would love to see what you can do with blood.

    Good to see people of color.

    And, and...maybe stitches for another product idea. Wounds that were sewed shut and a variation with staples.

    Good stuff.

    You know, I was just thinking how cool it would be to have some stapled scars.

    Also, as for additional feedback, I much prefer the actual morph version of the scars rather than the map version. Dialing in the morph to ~20% gives that nice looking scar without it look weirdly fake. Big thanks for going the morph route.

  • hfilb said:

    When I was using these products, the only thing that came to mind was: I wonder what the hell I'll do when G9 comes out. These additions are so great! I can't wait for G8F body/arm scars :D

    Thank you for the support! The Female version of the troso scars is coming soon (already in PASS). We also have the 2nd face scar pack in the works as HD Open Wounds. Then we will work on the second pack of body scars which will include arms and legs.

    Thank you for making the same wound on both sides.

    Very annoying when you don't get a choice.

    Also, would love to see what you can do with blood.

    Good to see people of color.

    And, and...maybe stitches for another product idea. Wounds that were sewed shut and a variation with staples.

    Good stuff.

    Thank you for the support! Indeed, the sewed idea is the next batch. As we want to show the same scars as open wounds stapled. Of course, we first need to finish the HD morphs for all the scars. How we work is that I plan the scars first. Then Alberto (my brother and working partner) grabs those and uses them as guides for the open wound morphs, then he sends them back to me for texturing and doing the rest of Daz related things.
    hfilb said:

    Thank you for making the same wound on both sides.

    Very annoying when you don't get a choice.

    Also, would love to see what you can do with blood.

    Good to see people of color.

    And, and...maybe stitches for another product idea. Wounds that were sewed shut and a variation with staples.

    Good stuff.

    You know, I was just thinking how cool it would be to have some stapled scars.

    Also, as for additional feedback, I much prefer the actual morph version of the scars rather than the map version. Dialing in the morph to ~20% gives that nice looking scar without it look weirdly fake. Big thanks for going the morph route.

    Yes, indeed! You can also mix and match. Add the HD morph to 20-30%, then use the texture from the corresponsinding wound but from the scar pack. Then take away the normal map or swap it with the one from HD wounds and you'll get some interesting results! And, don't worry, we are planning open wound morphs for all the scars!
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited March 2020

    LIE Body Scars for Genesis 3 & Genesis 8 Female(s)

    A set of 25 hand-painted torso and back scars. Also included are a mirror version for 17 of the presets, which gets you a total of 42 presets per generation.

    However, we know your characters’ skins will vary greatly in color, so we've also included three sets of varying scar colors: Light, Midtone and Dark. Of course, you’re free to mix and match the skin preset scars for even greater variation!

    In total, you get 42 Dark Presets, 42 Light Presets, 42 Midtone Presets! 126 Presets in total with the ability to mix and match for endless possibilities!

    Use this pack to show the struggles your character(s) has been though, injecting subtext into your every render! Whether they survived a battle, love to fight or simply ventured into the wrong side of town, these scars will help tell your story!


    • The result relies on the skin settings of your character of choice. If you find that the glossiness of a scar is too strong (too reflective), we recommend lowering the opacity of the specular channel of the scar layer through the Layered Image Editor.
    • This pack is a collection of 126 LIE scar presets applied via the Layered Image Editor Preset to any Genesis 3 Female & Genesis 8 Female character in your Library. This Product uses the UV Maps of *Genesis 3 Base Female & Genesis 8 Base Female, so applying them on different UVs may yield different results and may present seams.
    • While these scars will work with all Generation 8 female characters since they share the UVs... the scars across seams will ONLY work properly for the Generation 3 Base UVs characters. If you apply it on a core character (Josie 7, Kalea 7, Mei Lin 7, etc), the scars will show seams. That's because for Generation 3, all the core characters had their own unique UV.

    Important: This product is not a merchant resource, so you cannot add them to characters for sale or giveaways. The textures should also be used as they have been included, meaning you cannot use them to create scar brushes or extra textures.

    The following information details the folder structure for "L.I.E. BODY SCARS for Genesis 3 & Genesis 8 Female(s)":

    • Genesis 3 Female / Materials / FenixPhoenix / Body Scars
    • Genesis 8 Female / Materials / FenixPhoenix / Body Scars

    STEP 01 | contains 2 preset.

    • BSF Blank Normal | To be applied if the character has no normal maps.
      • You’ll find that we’ve included a step one with a preset for an “empty” normal map. You should only use this if the character you’re using (the skin) doesn’t have a normal map. Most Generation 8 characters have a normal map, but Generation 3 characters do not. If your character has a normal map, you can ignore that preset and simply apply the scars of your choice.
    • BSF Blank Height | To be applied if the character has no displacement maps.
      • We’ve also included an “empty” displacement map to use: a) if your character doesn’t have a displacement map set up or b) if you’re not doing close-ups of the wounds. If you aren’t doing close-ups, you can ignore this one.
      • If you applied the displacement option but are getting visible seams (or you simply don’t plan to do close-ups), we’ve included a step 03 with a material preset to get rid of the displacement.

    STEP 02 | 25 scar presets, 17 Mirrors, 42 Presets; x 3 variations, 126 presets.

    STEP 03 | 1 preset.

    • BSF Remove Height
      • To be applied if the scars are creating seams or if there will be no close-ups of the scars.
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 937K
    1300 x 1000 - 829K
    1300 x 1000 - 790K
    1300 x 1000 - 787K
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63

    This looks amazing...and totally a great surprise! Best of luck! I eagerly await this full collection

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    hfilb said:

    This looks amazing...and totally a great surprise! Best of luck! I eagerly await this full collection

    Thank you for the support, it means a lot! We have two sets of props on the works and then we're back to working on the next pack of open wounds and scars :).

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,173

    So glad this popped up when it did. I’m working on some original characters, and one of them is going to be covered with battle scars, so I’ll be grabbing the new one, plus both face scar packs. I’ve got the bruise morphs in my cart, but may hold off until I can justify springing for the actual bruises as well. 

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    Gordig said:

    So glad this popped up when it did. I’m working on some original characters, and one of them is going to be covered with battle scars, so I’ll be grabbing the new one, plus both face scar packs. I’ve got the bruise morphs in my cart, but may hold off until I can justify springing for the actual bruises as well. 

    Thank you for your support! Happy to hear the scars will be useful for your project!

  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63

    Looks great! Can't wait for the corresponding morphs! These kinds of products are so critical for a kitbashing program like Daz. Big thanks for making them

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,173
    Gordig said:

    So glad this popped up when it did. I’m working on some original characters, and one of them is going to be covered with battle scars, so I’ll be grabbing the new one, plus both face scar packs. I’ve got the bruise morphs in my cart, but may hold off until I can justify springing for the actual bruises as well. 

    Thank you for your support! Happy to hear the scars will be useful for your project!

    Since you asked on the comments to my gallery image, here is the character for whom I purchased these products:


    Yes, I know that this is the thread for the body scars product, and trust me that they're on there, I just haven't rendered her in a way that shows them yet.

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    hfilb said:

    Looks great! Can't wait for the corresponding morphs! These kinds of products are so critical for a kitbashing program like Daz. Big thanks for making them

    Thank you for your support! We have a couple of other products that will come out first, but we will be working on the morphs for the body scars soon-ish (next month probably)!


    @Gordig, Thank you for sharing here as well! She looks really bad-ass and I appreciate the fact that she's wearing practical armor and flats! And no worries, we ended up doing a general thread for all our products (makes it easier to keep track of any issues or requests). So adding the image here is perfect! So whenever you wish to share more renders of her, you're very welcome to do it here. Would love to see them!


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,173
    hfilb said:

    Looks great! Can't wait for the corresponding morphs! These kinds of products are so critical for a kitbashing program like Daz. Big thanks for making them

    @Gordig, Thank you for sharing here as well! She looks really bad-ass and I appreciate the fact that she's wearing practical armor and flats! And no worries, we ended up doing a general thread for all our products (makes it easier to keep track of any issues or requests). So adding the image here is perfect! So whenever you wish to share more renders of her, you're very welcome to do it here. Would love to see them!


    I made a big post in my art studio thread giving some details about the story to which this character belongs, as well as renders of a host of other characters, and I am a firm believer in realistic, practical clothing. All the warrior characters are dressed for combat (except for helmets, just for the sake of expressiveness). I can see myself using these products a lot, and look forward to whatever else you end up producing.

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    Gordig said:
    hfilb said:

    Looks great! Can't wait for the corresponding morphs! These kinds of products are so critical for a kitbashing program like Daz. Big thanks for making them

    @Gordig, Thank you for sharing here as well! She looks really bad-ass and I appreciate the fact that she's wearing practical armor and flats! And no worries, we ended up doing a general thread for all our products (makes it easier to keep track of any issues or requests). So adding the image here is perfect! So whenever you wish to share more renders of her, you're very welcome to do it here. Would love to see them!


    I made a big post in my art studio thread giving some details about the story to which this character belongs, as well as renders of a host of other characters, and I am a firm believer in realistic, practical clothing. All the warrior characters are dressed for combat (except for helmets, just for the sake of expressiveness). I can see myself using these products a lot, and look forward to whatever else you end up producing.

    Apologies, I checked your thread way back and forgot to come back and comment! I tend to think my answer and then forget I have to write it down as well! Love your Safety First render especially! It's not only creative but very funny as well!

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111

    So I forgot to update this thread with the latest products. Will add them here so they can be linked to this thread for whatever support is needed:

    Comic Kit 2

    "Comic Kit 2" includes 15 iconic word props to help in your storytelling renders. Whether you're doing graphic novels, comics or just want to give your renders some flare, these iconic marks will certainly help you out!

    Each prop's shape can be modified via 14 dynamic morphs which will allow you to twist, stretch, bend, expand and contract the typography. Also, we've included 3 Iray material presets in the form of designer sets for each prop. However, all the materials can be mixed and match with different words for varying results.

    If you're feeling creative and wish to personalize the materials, we've also included a DIY kit that includes several Iray materials presets so you can: add textures, overlays, and transparency masks to help you achieve your vision. All you'll need to do is add the colors yourself via the surfaces pane.

    In total, you get 204 Iray Material Presets, but with the ability to mix and match the sky is the limit! What's more, we've followed the same color scheme from the first Comic Kit so you can use all the materials seamlessly across both packs.

    Use this pack to punctuate actions your characters are taking or simply use the words to decorate the scene, the choice is yours!

    *I had so much fun doing the promos for this one and Comic Kit.

    SPY KIT for Genesis 8 Male(s) and Female(s)

    "Spy Kit for Genesis 8" is a collection of props (and one wearable) that every spy must have in order to operate. The kit includes three fake profiles to help you get started, each of them based on a different country: USA, Spain and South Korea.

    Each profile includes a secure briefcase containing a driving license, a passport, a credit card, an airplane ticket, a file with a profile, contact lenses (wearable props) and money.

    But because no spy can operate so rigidly, we've included Iray material preset options without the character's information so you can fill in the details. Customizing the picture for the passports and driving license is as easy as rendering a portrait of your character and swapping the included agent’s photo through the surface pane inside of Daz Studio!

    Battle Worn for Ogre HD and Genesis 8 Male(s)

    "Battle Worn Ogre” is a set of 22 HD Morphs and 25 Iray LIE Material Presets designed to give your Ogre for Genesis 8 Male(s) character an extra dose of savagery.

    The HD morphs can be dialed in at different values for more variety. We have also included a custom set of spec maps to get the best result out of our LIE Material Presets. The LIE Material Presets include a wound texture for the 21 HD Morphs, 18 blood LIE textures for the wounds and 8 additional LIE blood presets.

    In total, you get 22 HD Morphs, 24 Shaping Presets and 47 LIE Material Presets, 2 Material Presets & 3 Scripts to set the SubD Level.

    Additional Notes:

    • The SubD scripts only change the render subdivision, and will not be notice3d until rendered.
    • This pack was intended for the “Ogre HD for Genesis 8 Male” figure. As such, the HD Morphs dialed to 100% may not work as intended on other characters. However, as we've shown with the promos, you can try dialing a percentage in order to make them work with other figures (we recommend 60%)!
    • The wound textures should work on every character, but some of the blood LIE presets may look off on slim or non-muscular characters (since they were designed with the Ogre HD's anatomy in mind).
    • The following information details the folder structure for ” BATTLE WORN OGRE for the Ogre for Genesis 8 Male(s)“:
      • Step 01 : You’ll find a preset to apply the needed maps (spec) to the Ogre for Genesis 8 Male(s).
      • Additionally, we’ve included a preset for an “empty” normal map. You should only use this if you intend to use the wounds on a character that doesn’t have a normal map (check his skin settings under the surface pane). Finally, you will see the three scripts to change the SubD of the figure. We suggest not using them until you’re ready to render. Unless you’re doing close-ups, SubD 3 should suffice.
      • Step 02 : You’ll find the wound textures and blood LIE Presets. We recommend saving your skin preset before applying them in case you’ve tweaked the original presets and want to revert back to it.
      • Step 03 : You’ll find the additional LIE blood presets for the face here.
    • Note: The end result after applying the LIE presets relies on the skin settings of your character of choice, so some variation will occur.


  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited April 2020

    Battle Ready for Ogre, Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s)

    "Battle Ready Ogre for Ogre 8 & Genesis 8 Male(s)" is a set of 5 Body War LIE Makeups, each designed with the following concept in mind:

    The Savage | A makeup for the berserkers of the group. As the name implies, the ones wearing this makeup like to get close and personal in battle. The bloodier the fight the better. They fight first and couldn’t care less about the questions. When they come into the battlefield, pain is but a breath away. No matter the adversaries, the savage will never back down. The only way to stop them is to take them down... if you can.

    The Celtic | This makeup was inspired by the Celtic "Tree of Life". As such, it symbolizes "strength, long life & wisdom". These markings are worn by those who hold the line and defend their base/family/village/leaders. They are the strongest yet most compassionate of their ranks. Like immovable trees, once they've dug their feet into the ground, it will take a huge force to push them even an inch, let alone break through them. 

    The Mage | Those who wear this war paint are capable of wielding arcane magic. Since they are few in numbers, you’ll find them heavily defended by a wall of Celtics. Whenever they step into the battlefield, the result is a huge number of casualties. Of course, since they do not have an infinite well of magic, they will only be called when the tables need to be turned.

    The Tribal | Those with this war paint are known and used as scouts and vanguards. They are perceptive and adaptable. They can hold their own in a fight, but their role is usually to watch and spot weaknesses in the adversaries. If there's a hidden road to move their kin in order to gain an advantage, the Tribal will find them. Likewise, if their settlement needs to be move, they'll be sent out to scout ahead.

    The Warlocks | These guys are incredibly rare and, therefore, are usually at the very top of the food chain. They can summon monsters to aid them in battle and are incredibly hard to take down. You will often find them heavily guarded, imparting orders down the ranks. If things seem dire, they'll step in and wreak absolute havoc. If they cannot win a fight, they'll take as many down with them as they can.

    Also included are four Iray Emissive Material Presets and three LIE Dirt Presets to give characters some grit. Although the emissive materials had been designed to use with the warlock and mage makeups, you can certainly use them however you see fit. Whether to imply a character is being controlled by magic or being in control of magic, the choice is yours!

    In total, you get 8 full body Iray LIE Presets, 3 Set of Overlay Presets for the Warlock and 4 Emissive Iray Material Presets to mix and match! In addition, we’ve included a set of custom spec maps for the Ogre HD for Genesis 8 Male(s).

    Note: The end result relies on the skin settings of your character of choice, so some variation will occur. For Generation 3: these makeups will only apply correctly on characters using the Genesis 3 Base Male UVs. So these will probably display seams on other DAZ Generation 3 core characters, since they all have different UVs.

    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 624K
    1300 x 1000 - 453K
    1300 x 1000 - 606K
    1300 x 1000 - 430K
    1300 x 1000 - 630K
    1300 x 1000 - 606K
    1300 x 1000 - 755K
    1300 x 1000 - 867K
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 631K
    1300 x 1000 - 552K
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • ZippyGuitarZippyGuitar Posts: 849
    Those Battle-ready LIEs look really awesome. Can't wait to use them. Excellent work once again!
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited April 2020
    GlenWebb said:
    Those Battle-ready LIEs look really awesome. Can't wait to use them. Excellent work once again!

    Thank you for the support, @GlenWebb! The Battle Ready war makeups were fun to work with, even though I needed to do a ton of seam fixing (which meant some of the normal texturing had to be dialed down. I need to look into a program that can paint better across seams). Of course, we aimed to have this release with the Ogre but ended up taking longer than expected. Hopefully you'll find a good use for them! If you ever feel like sharing the renders, I would love to see them :).

    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited May 2020

    HD FACE WOUNDS 2 for Genesis 3 & 8 Male(s)

    A collection of 11 open facial wounds created through the careful combination of HD morphs and LIE material presets for flesh texturing and optional blood layering. In addition, we’ve included a mirror option for ten wounds, totaling 21 HD Morphs, 42 Wounds LIE Preset and 42 Blood LIE Presets per generation (extra Iray presets have been included for use on dark skin characters)!

    In total, you get 42 HD morphs, 44 Shaping Presets, 84 wounds LIE Presets, and 84 Blood LIE presets!

    These wounds were sculpted taking our LIE FACE SCARS 2 for Genesis 3 & 8 as a reference in order to help with your storytelling. In this way, you can now show how your character got the scars that forged him.

    Like with our other packs, these can be combined to help add valuable subtext to your images, allowing you to build characters marked by hardships and pain. But who, ultimately, must wear the badges life has bestowed upon them; whether they'll wear them with pride, shame or pain is up to you!

    Note: Because each wound was hand-sculpted, slight variations between the HD morphs for Generation 3 & 8 will occur. It’s vital that you apply the correct LIE Preset for the Generation you’re using, as they account for the sculpt variations as well. In addition, the LIE presets will not apply correctly to some core Generation 3 characters since they’ve been designed to work only with the Base Genesis 3 & Genesis 8 UVs.


    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited May 2020

    HD FACE WOUNDS 2 for Genesis 3 & 8 Female(s)

    *Same details as the male pack.


    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited May 2020

    For owners of the previous pack:

    Note that the blood on this pack is MUCH better than the blood layering of the previous pack (HD Face Wounds for males & for Females), for that reason, we will be working on updating the previous packs so that the blood layering matches the quality of this one. For those who downloaded the files manually, keep an eye on this thread since I'll post here when the update is live (might take some time, though, since I'll also need to update the promos and icons. So thank you in advance for your patience).

    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    a) Congrats, these look great and are obviously being added to my collection.

    b) I hope you separate the Smart Content icons by color and (continue to) have a logical order to their listing.

    Maybe something consistent that is part of your branding. I dunno.

    c) Would love to see more expansions and stuff for the neck and shoulders - even scalp for the bald characters.

    d) I think we all need more bloody characters. Lots more blood. Soaked upper body. Stomach on down. Hands bloody. Top of head on down the face, etc....


  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,111
    edited May 2020

    a) Congrats, these look great and are obviously being added to my collection.

    b) I hope you separate the Smart Content icons by color and (continue to) have a logical order to their listing.

    Maybe something consistent that is part of your branding. I dunno.

    c) Would love to see more expansions and stuff for the neck and shoulders - even scalp for the bald characters.

    d) I think we all need more bloody characters. Lots more blood. Soaked upper body. Stomach on down. Hands bloody. Top of head on down the face, etc....

    Thank you for the support, Griffin!

    b) Indeed, they are still color coded (something that I will continue to do so it's easier on those using smart content). Included are also .TIP images for better clarity.

    c) We are following the path of our scar packs. So expect to see those in morphs format as open wounds as well. In the LIE Body Scars for males and females. pack, we've included shoulder and neck scars. I didn't think scalp scars would be something people would be interesting in, so I will take it into consideration for the next packs! We have planned a second LIE Body Scar Pack (which will include arms and legs) as well as a Torture Wounds Pack (which would include whip wounds, restrain bruises, etc. This pack was suggested by @xyer0 and we love the idea).

    d) Yes! I had been experimenting on painting blood as LIE rather than geoshells to avoid impacting the machines of the users (since the open wounds already require a subD level of 3-4, adding a geoshell for the blood on top of that might not work for everyone!). However, I do plan on creating a blood pack with options to use it as LIE or over a geoshell which would include splatters, soaking hands and other such things!

    Other packs related to wounds we want to release include: gunshots wounds/scars, scrapes (there can be no fights without a few of these!) & burns.  Edited to add: forgot to include a set of fantasy scars/wounds and sci-fi scars/wounds.

    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,027

    It looks great! I didn't think I would need more, but this is a necessity. Great job, and I can't wait for my shero to beat up some men.

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