[Released] Camera View Optimizer [Commercial]

Hey everyone,
Camera View Optimizer is a Daz Studio script that allows users to automatically and quickly remove scene objects which are not visible in a camera's viewport.
The script allows users to easily reduce the number of objects that are rendered with two or three mouse clicks, allowing complex scenes to be rendered faster and speed up scene navigation in Daz Studio.
Search patterns can be used to either ignore specific objects or to only include a subset of the objects during the culling phase. This is ideal if the end-user always wants particular objects to be visible in their scene or if they just want to optimize a large group of trees or a large crowd.
The product works with nodes, instances, grouped instances, and figures, but will automatically ignore objects likes cameras and lights.
Objects that are found to be non-visible can be hidden or deleted and the action can be undone from the Edit menu. However, grouped instances can only be deleted (Daz Studio limitation).
This utility makes a handy addition to V3Digitimes' Scene Optimizer and allows scenes generated by utilities like HowieFarks' UltraScatter or Code66's Stack'Em Up to be optimized right before rendering.
You can find it here : https://www.daz3d.com/camera-view-optimizer
I've also attached the user manual in case anyone wants to have a look ...
N.B. This version (1.0.2) of the tool only works with static cameras used for still image renders. It is not compatible with cameras which move on an animation timeline.

Already in my cart and purchased. Looking forward to testing it out.
How does the Delete option compare with the Hide option, i.e., do both help in allowing large scenes to fit on GPU?
If I recall, only Delete helped with GPU memory in the past, but I've heard Hide may also help now in 4.12?
Following because I'd also like to know the answer to this.
Great idea for a product, thanks!
Hi there,
Thanks for the interest in the product
In Daz using either the Delete option or Hide option will help as less memory is consumed by the GPU during rendering when nodes are hidden.
For those who are interested as to how I came to this conclusion, I've tested this as follows using Andrey Pestryakov's excellent forest scene and with TechPowerUp GPU-Z v2.21.0 open
Steps 1 to 5 were repeated for Delete option, and repeated once more without the optimizer (i.e. step 3 was skipped)
Here are my results. (YMMV)
Without any optimization : Usage was 3.24Gb
With non visible nodes hidden : Usage was 2.94 Gb
With non visible nodes deleted : Usage was 2.93 Gb
Hope this answers your question.
Wow, thanks for the detailed answer!
Definitely adding this to my wishlist. I like that 'hiding' works for GPU memory becuase it feels far less destructive than deleting (and also probably faster - deleting in daz can sometimes take a good bit of time).
You're welcome
Looks like an interesting script for Iray users.
Any idea if this will work with 3DL too? (not sure if the cameras work differently)
Works both with Iray and 3DL as the tool only looks at the camera's viewport. The renderer is not active at this stage.
Thanks for the interest.
I have not upgraded to 4.12 of daz studio will this still work for me? I am running Win7pro and daz studio 4.10. The rest of the specs are below.
In theory, it should yes, however I've only tested it on 4.11 and above, so I cannot give you a 100% guarantee.
However, there's no harm in buying the product, and then if you find it doesn't work to your satisfaction, you can ask DAZ for a refund. (Keep in mind you have 30 days to ask for a refund)
Ok, I will give it a try I like anything that speeds up workflow. I do Iray from time to time but the bulk of my stuff is 3delight and Opengl for comics in Daz studio.
The Adjust maximum visibility distance option, how is it measured?
The slider has a range from 0 to 40,000 daz units. After the object passes the viewport visibilty test, the distance from the object's position to the camera is calculated and if the threshold is greater than the slider's setting, it is then flagged as non visible.
As DAZ's default unit of measurement is cm, this would give a range of around 400 meters, however moving the slider to the extreme right automatically disables this check. .
Hope this helps in answering your question.
(Will put that in the User Manual's FAQ as I overlooked that question)
Wow, that's a great product. Saves me a lot of time, as I usually delete or hide by hand. Jumps into my cart now. And thanks a lot for the detailed answers here, which are very helpful for me too.
Thank you
Maybe your example wasn't such a good one because, for me, reducing from 3.24 to 2.94 is not much of a VRAM saving. I'm also surprised that hiding is almost as good as deleting but I need to try this for myself (I have 4.11 and 4.12 beta). I don't like deleting because just trying to undo the delete - especially with characters - invariably ends up with something that is not identical to what was deleted. I usually resort to saving a character as a scene subset before deleting.
In my experience, usually it is characters with all those texture maps that eat up most of the VRAM. I often try to mitigate this by hiding off-camera objects but prop geometry doesn't have much of an impact.
Yes the example I picked was a quick one and unfortunatly the selected camera viewport almost encompased the entire scene. (I specified exactly what product was used and which camera shot was selected, so as to be transparent as possible. It also happened to be the first one
However the question at hand was whether both hide and delete save VRAM or just delete and my results show that both have an effect.
Obviously, the more you hide/delete, the more VRAM will be saved, and each scene is unique depending on the exact camera placement so results will vary.

But you are correct in saying characters with detailed texture maps, resolution level set to high and Render SubD Level set to 4 or 5 will eat up your VRAM like cherry pie.
Perhaps a future version of the tool that automatically lowers the resolution of the character depending on distance from the camera ? Who knows ..
Edit: Corrected grammar
Now I would buy that in a heartbeat. I have often thought that would be a good idea.
Stay tuned then
Saw it in the store this morning. It looks like a great product, and I would definitely buy it if I didn’t have whatever mental disorder forces me to do everything the hard way.
Great! In the cart it goes then.
When you come up with the diagnosis, let me know - I have that too. :)
I'm not clear on something. Does it hide for example parts of a character's body that are outside of the camera's view? Or does it only hide full characters and props that are outside? Thanks!
It hides (or deletes if needed) full characters and/or their props. Hiding parts of a character that are not visible is something I will be looking into for a future version.
THANK YOU! That is one thing I've wished for for a long time! My machine is so slow that even in 3DL I spend a lot of time with close-ups of characters or props, just going through them looking for parts I can hide. This would be an amazing help!
?By version, I wonder if you mean an update or at least a purchasable addition?
Whichever, this tool is a great idea and I thank you for bringing it to us!
I meant an update to the existing tool.
You're welcome
It's in my cart. So cool. Thanks again!
This is amazing, and I bought the product.
But just so everyone remembers (and perhaps this is a "duh" statement), this may drastically impact lighting if you're moving your camera around the scene a lot. For instance, in the creation of comics where you get multiple angles.
Still incredibly useful, of course.