Ow, I have an eyelash stuck in my eye! (Solved)

SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
edited December 2019 in The Commons

When using the HeadShop OneClick 2 plugin for Daz Studio, it seems impossible to get the eyelashes to come out right on the G8 models. After running the program, the head changes OK, but the eyelashes are made invisible. When visibility is restored, the eyelashes are in the wrong place. For the G8 models, the eyelashes are a separate mesh. You can't just move them because they have to be Fit To the base model in order to work like eyelashes. Also, Morph Loader Pro was unable to load the OBJ created by HSOC onto the eyelashes. The error I get is, "Geometry did not match, failed to create morph." If there's a manual tweak that can be easily made to an OBJ file to get it to load on the eyelashes, I'd try that.

I did open a ticket for this, but it's been a busy time in Customer Support. I thought I'd post here to see if anybody has any solution for this. I tried a lot of tricks, but nothing worked. Selecting the eyelashes and unfitting them, then refitting them to the G8 figure put them right back where they were. I also emailed the script author, but he has no workable suggestions.

834 x 1080 - 392K
Post edited by SlimerJSpud on


  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,412

    If you look at the eyelashes in the Parameters section (with hidden morphs set to visible), what active morphs are on them?

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    That's the problem. HS does not apply any morphs to the eyelashes. Under the main figure, there is a Genesis 8 Female/Morphs/HeadShop with a dial for the morph I created from the photo, but nothing gets applied to the eyelashes. No such morph on the eyelashes, nothing for it under Hidden.

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,412

    Have you tried using the Transfer Utility to copy the morph to the eyelashes? (I believe you will need to unfit the eyelashes first in order for Transfer Utility to make the morph properly, but as long as the transfer is set to use the default shape of each, it won't matter if you've still got morphs dialled in on G8F).

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    Have you tried using the Transfer Utility to copy the morph to the eyelashes? (I believe you will need to unfit the eyelashes first in order for Transfer Utility to make the morph properly, but as long as the transfer is set to use the default shape of each, it won't matter if you've still got morphs dialled in on G8F).

    Tried that, no joy. IMO, DAZ QA should have caught this. I have plenty of custom head morphs from DAZ PAs that work perfectly with the G8 eyelashes. This tool is creating a custom head morph as an OBJ file that gets automatically imported to the figure. You can also import a saved OBJ file with the same result. This product does not directly support the G8 eyelashes, and it looks like there isn't a way to import that morph to the separate G8 eyelashes.

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,412

    I have to admit, I'm surprised. I've created some custom head morphs for G8F (mostly transferring some old characters of mine from stand-alone meshes onto G8F) , and the eyelashes have followed the morphs just fine, so I can't see why these morphs wouldn't work.

    Testing one last thing, the headshop morph doesn't have auto-follow turned off for any reason does it?

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    I have to admit, I'm surprised. I've created some custom head morphs for G8F (mostly transferring some old characters of mine from stand-alone meshes onto G8F) , and the eyelashes have followed the morphs just fine, so I can't see why these morphs wouldn't work.

    Testing one last thing, the headshop morph doesn't have auto-follow turned off for any reason does it?

    I'll have to check that later. I don't think so, because hair figures work with the morphed head. I can start with a base G8F and import the OBJ, the head changes but the lashes don't. How did you create your head morphs?

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,412

    I use Blender for that - specifically by first aligning the original mesh with a G8F mesh (exported as a base resolution OBJ), then moving key vertices on G8F into the right places and finally shrinkwrapping to follow the shape as precisely as possible. (I usually only bother for the head. Normally, I'll rebuild the body shape out of morph pack sliders).

    (It's probably not relevant here, but I'll add that Blender does require a little care, as you need to make sure you've got Keep Vertex Order checked on both import and export or all your vertices want to end up in the wrong places when you try to load the morph in DS).

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    The developer got back to me and says that a writeup on using MorphLoader Pro is in the works. I was unable to get that to work, but if this document gets it to work, that will be good.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    That's the problem. HS does not apply any morphs to the eyelashes. Under the main figure, there is a Genesis 8 Female/Morphs/HeadShop with a dial for the morph I created from the photo, but nothing gets applied to the eyelashes. No such morph on the eyelashes, nothing for it under Hidden.

    Did you have autofollow chcecked for your morph? If not, unfit the lashes, check autofollow and refit the lashes.

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    That's the problem. HS does not apply any morphs to the eyelashes. Under the main figure, there is a Genesis 8 Female/Morphs/HeadShop with a dial for the morph I created from the photo, but nothing gets applied to the eyelashes. No such morph on the eyelashes, nothing for it under Hidden.

    Did you have autofollow chcecked for your morph? If not, unfit the lashes, check autofollow and refit the lashes.

    As I mentioned earlier, I'll check on that. I'm pretty sure starting with a base G8F should have autofollow on by default. Unless the plugin disables it, or Morphloader Pro disables it, it should still be on.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    That's the problem. HS does not apply any morphs to the eyelashes. Under the main figure, there is a Genesis 8 Female/Morphs/HeadShop with a dial for the morph I created from the photo, but nothing gets applied to the eyelashes. No such morph on the eyelashes, nothing for it under Hidden.

    Did you have autofollow chcecked for your morph? If not, unfit the lashes, check autofollow and refit the lashes.

    As I mentioned earlier, I'll check on that. I'm pretty sure starting with a base G8F should have autofollow on by default. Unless the plugin disables it, or Morphloader Pro disables it, it should still be on.

    Ah, sorry @Matt_Castle, somehow missed your comment;)

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    This is a known issue with Headshop, at least I know of it, and wrote about it in my review of Headshop. I complained about this the moment Headshop 11 released, and I see it has not been fixed yet. Hmmm. The bad news is there is no way to fix this inside Daz Studio. This is NOT about auto follow or anything like that. Whatever Headshop does, the morph it creates will never ever follow the shape. This is more than just the eyelashes being effected. Other things are effected as well, like how the model will wear hair and any fitted head props. It is as if Daz has no indication the morph has changed.

    Any conforming prop you apply will act as if it is on the default G8 head, not your new morph!

    BUT, there is a way to fix it. The way to fix it is by exporting the head morph out of Daz to another app, and the import the morph back. The easiest way is to just use the Hexagon bridge from Daz. If you have ever used the Hexagon bridge before, that would help a lot and you should know what to do. If you have not used it, it is not hard at all. Using the bridge means you do not have to worry about all of the export/import settings like you would if you exported the OBJ out for Blender or something. Also, you do not need to do any modeling or sculpting. Unless you just really want to.

    Anyway, here is what you do.

    So in a fresh clean scene, load the Genesis 8 Dev Load model. The Dev Kit is not the same as Genesis 8, it loads without lashes and a couple common morphs (like the navel). The Dev Kit is included with the G8 Starter Essentials if you don't have it somehow. 

    Dial in your Headshop morph. Now send to Hexagon.

    You do not need to do anything in Hexagon. Before taking the next step, switch back to Daz and reset your G8 figure. If you did use the dev load, then all you need to do is dial the head morph back to 0. If you feel confident you can also use Edit Mode to delete the Headshop morph completely from Daz. You don't have to though. But I would, because you'll never use it again.

    Now  switch back to Hexagon, select send to Daz. You are done with Hexagon now.

    You should see a pop up in Daz. You want to save this as a morph. If you deleted the Headshop morph before you sent back the Hexagon head, then you can use the same name. But if you did not delete the morph, then you need to make the name different in some way. You can pick the location of the morph. Make sure to click reverse deformations and switch it on.

    After that, you'll get the new morph, and you will find that when you apply eyelashes they work correctly.

    However, you still need to save this new morph, so save it as a morph asset.

    It might sound like a lot, but it really isn't. Its like a minute or two tops, and most of that is waiting for stuff to load.

    One last thing, its not necessary but it is a good practice, to perform 'adjust rigging to shape' before saving it.

    Doing this will fix 100% all of the issues I mentioned.

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    Woah! Lots of good info @outrider42. I'm trying that now.

    To the previous comments, I did not find any autofollow settings to change on the eyelashes.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Woah! Lots of good info @outrider42. I'm trying that now.

    To the previous comments, I did not find any autofollow settings to change on the eyelashes.

    Not the lashes, the morph you created. Click on the little cog wheel on the upper right to open the parameter settings, there is a check box for auto follow.

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    Woah! Lots of good info @outrider42. I'm trying that now.

    To the previous comments, I did not find any autofollow settings to change on the eyelashes.

    Not the lashes, the morph you created. Click on the little cog wheel on the upper right to open the parameter settings, there is a check box for auto follow.

    Argh! I wish I had found that sooner. This seems to work without the Hexagon detour. In both cases, it was necessary to unfit the eyelashes, then refit them. Since the HS plugin is creating the morph, why didn't it set autofollow on, I wonder?


    834 x 1080 - 407K
  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Well darn, wish I had known that earlier, LOL. But I have pretty much given up on Headshop anyway because of other issues. Have you tried opening your character's mouth? You get a nasty surprise as the morph dial goes higher! And for fun, turn off the limit on the morph, and then turn it way up and watch what happens.

    I'll let you discover what happens.

    I think you can use the X-Morphs product to help isolate stop that somewhat. I can't recall if that worked or not. And actually, now that I think about X-Morphs could also help with the eyelash too, though that is a moot point now.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,365

    Well darn, wish I had known that earlier, LOL. But I have pretty much given up on Headshop anyway because of other issues. Have you tried opening your character's mouth? You get a nasty surprise as the morph dial goes higher! And for fun, turn off the limit on the morph, and then turn it way up and watch what happens.

    I'll let you discover what happens.

    I think you can use the X-Morphs product to help isolate stop that somewhat. I can't recall if that worked or not. And actually, now that I think about X-Morphs could also help with the eyelash too, though that is a moot point now.

    X-Morphs is now Shape Splitter for anyone who's curious.

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    Well darn, wish I had known that earlier, LOL. But I have pretty much given up on Headshop anyway because of other issues. Have you tried opening your character's mouth? You get a nasty surprise as the morph dial goes higher! And for fun, turn off the limit on the morph, and then turn it way up and watch what happens.

    I'll let you discover what happens.

    I think you can use the X-Morphs product to help isolate stop that somewhat. I can't recall if that worked or not. And actually, now that I think about X-Morphs could also help with the eyelash too, though that is a moot point now.

    I saw that on a G2 conversion. The tongue was sticking out of the forehead!!! I think it had to do with getting the top of the head located properly. Once I pulled that arc up higher, it went away. Another problem with HS is that you can't go back to step 1 to fix that. You have to start all over from the photo.

  • You need to set the "Fit to Mode" to Autofollow!! Studio will not do this automatically, you have to do this before launching OneClick2 or HeadSHop.

    Once you changed Fit to Mode, the eyebrows will follow the morph.

    1440 x 900 - 587K
  • info_b3470fa520info_b3470fa520 Posts: 886
    edited December 2019

    "This is a known issue with Headshop, at least I know of it, and wrote about it in my review of Headshop. I complained about this the moment Headshop 11 released, and I see it has not been fixed yet. Hmmm. The bad news is there is no way to fix this inside Daz Studio. This is NOT about auto follow or anything like that. Whatever Headshop does, the morph it creates will never ever follow the shape. This is more than just the eyelashes being effected. Other things are effected as well, like how the model will wear hair and any fitted head props. It is as if Daz has no indication the morph has changed.

    Any conforming prop you apply will act as if it is on the default G8 head, not your new morph!

    BUT, there is a way to fix it. The way to fix it is by exporting the head morph out of Daz to another app, and the import the morph back. The easiest way is to just use the Hexagon bridge from Daz. If you have ever used the Hexagon bridge before, that would help a lot and you should know what to do. If you have not used it, it is not hard at all. Using the bridge means you do not have to worry about all of the export/import settings like you would if you exported the OBJ out for Blender or something. Also, you do not need to do any modeling or sculpting. Unless you just really want to.

    Anyway, here is what you do.

    So in a fresh clean scene, load the Genesis 8 Dev Load model. The Dev Kit is not the same as Genesis 8, it loads without lashes and a couple common morphs (like the navel). The Dev Kit is included with the G8 Starter Essentials if you don't have it somehow. 

    Dial in your Headshop morph. Now send to Hexagon.

    You do not need to do anything in Hexagon. Before taking the next step, switch back to Daz and reset your G8 figure. If you did use the dev load, then all you need to do is dial the head morph back to 0. If you feel confident you can also use Edit Mode to delete the Headshop morph completely from Daz. You don't have to though. But I would, because you'll never use it again.

    Now  switch back to Hexagon, select send to Daz. You are done with Hexagon now.

    You should see a pop up in Daz. You want to save this as a morph. If you deleted the Headshop morph before you sent back the Hexagon head, then you can use the same name. But if you did not delete the morph, then you need to make the name different in some way. You can pick the location of the morph. Make sure to click reverse deformations and switch it on.

    After that, you'll get the new morph, and you will find that when you apply eyelashes they work correctly.

    However, you still need to save this new morph, so save it as a morph asset.

    It might sound like a lot, but it really isn't. Its like a minute or two tops, and most of that is waiting for stuff to load.

    One last thing, its not necessary but it is a good practice, to perform 'adjust rigging to shape' before saving it.

    Doing this will fix 100% all of the issues I mentioned."

    Pls. do not use Outrider42's method! There is a much easier fix that corrects a Studio ommission, that the "Fit to Mode" is NOT set to Autofollow as a default.

    You need to set the "Fit to Mode" to Autofollow!! Studio will not do this automatically, you have to do this before launching OneClick2 or HeadSHop.

    Once you changed Fit to Mode, the eyebrows will follow the morph.

    Another way to do this is to click on the little wheel on the top right corner of the morph which will bring up a "Parameter Setting" for the morph. Click on Autofollow and click Accept.

    1440 x 900 - 587K
    1440 x 900 - 588K
    Post edited by info_b3470fa520 on
  • Woah! Lots of good info @outrider42. I'm trying that now.

    To the previous comments, I did not find any autofollow settings to change on the eyelashes.

    Not the lashes, the morph you created. Click on the little cog wheel on the upper right to open the parameter settings, there is a check box for auto follow.

    Argh! I wish I had found that sooner. This seems to work without the Hexagon detour. In both cases, it was necessary to unfit the eyelashes, then refit them. Since the HS plugin is creating the morph, why didn't it set autofollow on, I wonder?


    The reason is that it is DAZ that had one morphloader (Morph Loader Pro) set on autofollow as a default, but the other (Morph Loader Advanced) is not. We have no controll about this.

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    Woah! Lots of good info @outrider42. I'm trying that now.

    To the previous comments, I did not find any autofollow settings to change on the eyelashes.

    Not the lashes, the morph you created. Click on the little cog wheel on the upper right to open the parameter settings, there is a check box for auto follow.

    Argh! I wish I had found that sooner. This seems to work without the Hexagon detour. In both cases, it was necessary to unfit the eyelashes, then refit them. Since the HS plugin is creating the morph, why didn't it set autofollow on, I wonder?


    The reason is that it is DAZ that had one morphloader (Morph Loader Pro) set on autofollow as a default, but the other (Morph Loader Advanced) is not. We have no controll about this.

    So, this says that HS is using Morph Loader Advanced, not Morph Loader Pro, correct? Setting autofollow on the whole figure might have unintended consequences. Setting it on the morph dial after it is loaded is an acceptable workaround. One thing I haven't tried yet is to see if setting HS not to dial in the new morph when it is created, then setting autofollow on the new morph, then dialing it in. I need to try this later to see if this avoids the need to unfit and refit the eyelashes. Either way, it's not much effort to work around.

  • Well darn, wish I had known that earlier, LOL. But I have pretty much given up on Headshop anyway because of other issues. Have you tried opening your character's mouth? You get a nasty surprise as the morph dial goes higher! And for fun, turn off the limit on the morph, and then turn it way up and watch what happens.

    I'll let you discover what happens.

    I think you can use the X-Morphs product to help isolate stop that somewhat. I can't recall if that worked or not. And actually, now that I think about X-Morphs could also help with the eyelash too, though that is a moot point now.

    Outrider42, this is all very entertaining, but most people are not looking to find new ways to distort the head but to make it work. The recommended setting is between 0 and 100. And yes, you can crank it up to 300 or 400 but why would you do that?

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    Setting the autofollow on the new morph before dialing it up had no effect. Still, the unfit-refit procedure works OK. The workflow is a lot quicker with this tool than pure dial spinning. Morphs still need some adjustments afterwards, but not nearly as much. When dial spinning heads, my favorite expression is, "Noses drive me nutses!" Not anymore!

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Well darn, wish I had known that earlier, LOL. But I have pretty much given up on Headshop anyway because of other issues. Have you tried opening your character's mouth? You get a nasty surprise as the morph dial goes higher! And for fun, turn off the limit on the morph, and then turn it way up and watch what happens.

    I'll let you discover what happens.

    I think you can use the X-Morphs product to help isolate stop that somewhat. I can't recall if that worked or not. And actually, now that I think about X-Morphs could also help with the eyelash too, though that is a moot point now.

    Outrider42, this is all very entertaining, but most people are not looking to find new ways to distort the head but to make it work. The recommended setting is between 0 and 100. And yes, you can crank it up to 300 or 400 but why would you do that?

    It is not remotely entertaining when a product performs this way.

    A morph that is supposed to be for the head is not supposed to effect the body.


    Even at 0-100 there is a clear change to the body, especially at 100. The hands, fingers and toes all get thinner when the Headshop head morph is applied. What? And the teeth also get thinner as the morph is applied. You do not have to go past 100 to see this. I have already demonstrated this with pictures. While I made pics with the morph higher than 100, I also took pics of the head with the morph at 100 which clearly show these distortions.

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