Daz Studio 4.12 Pro, General Release! (*UPDATED*)



  • edited August 2020

    Thanks Richard.

    The behavior of a DzShutDownCheck subclass is the responsibility of the developer of the plugin implementing it - DzShutDownCheck::needsCheck() and DzShutDownCheck::doCheck() are pure virtual member functions. When an instance of a DzShutDownCheck subclass is added to the list of shutdown checks, via DzMainWindow::addShutDownCheck(), it is placed in a list that is processed during the main window's close event, immediately before it emits the aboutToClose() signal. During said processing of said list, the DzShutDownCheck subclass' needsCheck() is called and its return value is used to determine whether or not its doCheck() should be called. If the DzShutDownCheck subclass' doCheck() is called and its return value is true, the application is allowed to continue closing. If, however, its return value is false, the close event for the main window is ignored - because the check has indicated that it is not ready (e.g., the user cancelled, data is not finished writing, etc) to shutdown.

    I have investigated some more.  With onward doCheck() is called (and returns true), the DzMainWindow::aboutToClose() fires.  However DzApp::closing() never fires.  This was never an issue on previous versions of DAZStudio.  As I cannot backtrack to older versions, I am unsure on the exact release this problem appeared.  I can't see why the Octane plugin would be stopping DAZStudio from closing.  For what it's worth, the console reads...

    Starting plugin: 13:30:22
    Octane  version: 8010400
    Build date/time: Aug 14, 2020 14:05:47
    PluginDzShutDownCheck::doCheck() returning true
    pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 18172)
    C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/bin/postgres.exe "-D" "C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster"


    EDIT: Would be awesome to get an email notification when someone responds to this thread.


    Post edited by pkinnane_44e978d933 on
  • Thanks Richard.

    The behavior of a DzShutDownCheck subclass is the responsibility of the developer of the plugin implementing it - DzShutDownCheck::needsCheck() and DzShutDownCheck::doCheck() are pure virtual member functions. When an instance of a DzShutDownCheck subclass is added to the list of shutdown checks, via DzMainWindow::addShutDownCheck(), it is placed in a list that is processed during the main window's close event, immediately before it emits the aboutToClose() signal. During said processing of said list, the DzShutDownCheck subclass' needsCheck() is called and its return value is used to determine whether or not its doCheck() should be called. If the DzShutDownCheck subclass' doCheck() is called and its return value is true, the application is allowed to continue closing. If, however, its return value is false, the close event for the main window is ignored - because the check has indicated that it is not ready (e.g., the user cancelled, data is not finished writing, etc) to shutdown.

    I have investigated some more.  With onward doCheck() is called (and returns true), the DzMainWindow::aboutToClose() fires.  However DzApp::closing() never fires.  This was never an issue on previous versions of DAZStudio.  As I cannot backtrack to older versions, I am unsure on the exact release this problem appeared.  I can't see why the Octane plugin would be stopping DAZStudio from closing.  For what it's worth, the console reads...

    Starting plugin: 13:30:22
    Octane  version: 8010400
    Build date/time: Aug 14, 2020 14:05:47
    PluginDzShutDownCheck::doCheck() returning true
    pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 18172)
    C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/bin/postgres.exe "-D" "C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster"


    EDIT: Would be awesome to get an email notification when someone responds to this thread.


    For reply notification, click the star icon at top-right on the same line as the thread title.

  • For reply notification, click the star icon at top-right on the same line as the thread title.

    Thanks Richard.  Any ideas on why DAZStudio is not shutting down please?  It's looking like a DAZStudio bug.


  • According to the docs DzApp::closing() signal is "Emitted immediately after the main event loop exits" - so if you are working  in the main loop, for event handling, you won't get the closing() signal and may cause DS to stall in shut-down while waiting for it (I think I have explained that the right way around).

  • edited August 2020

    Thanks Richard.

    If I exit DAZStudio (and wait for it to not shutdown), then go into Visual Studio and attached to DAZStudio, I get the following....


    Not Flagged    >    2628    0    Main Thread    Main Thread    QtCore4.dll!000000006b3e97c0
    Not Flagged        20584    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        23312    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        11924    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        21264    0    Worker Thread    msvcr100.dll thread    QtCore4.dll!000000006b3e97c0
    Not Flagged        21708    0    Worker Thread    nvoglv64.dll thread    nvoglv64.dll!00007ffe159cf71a
    Not Flagged        19108    0    Worker Thread    nvoglv64.dll thread    nvoglv64.dll!00007ffe15a06957
    Not Flagged        10948    0    Worker Thread    nvoglv64.dll thread    win32u.dll!00007ffe94f89a84
    Not Flagged        12956    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        23220    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        10968    0    Worker Thread    mswsock.dll thread    mswsock.dll!00007ffe94540bf8
    Not Flagged        21244    0    Worker Thread    combase.dll thread    combase.dll!00007ffe9777731b
    Not Flagged        23536    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        22772    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        22004    0    Worker Thread    msvcr100.dll thread    win32u.dll!00007ffe94f89a84
    Not Flagged        5972    0    Worker Thread    igdrcl64.dll thread    igdrcl64.dll!00007ffdf28dc2e8
    Not Flagged        17476    0    Worker Thread    winmm.dll thread    winmm.dll!00007ffe8c0b2791
    Not Flagged        6168    0    Worker Thread    msvcr100.dll thread    QtCore4.dll!000000006b3e97c0
    Not Flagged        1512    0    Worker Thread    ntdll.dll thread    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebfa04
    Not Flagged        12816    0    Worker Thread    ucrtbase.dll thread    avatar_sdk.dll!00007ffe146441de
    Not Flagged        7684    0    Worker Thread    ucrtbase.dll thread    avatar_sdk.dll!00007ffe146441de
    Not Flagged        5908    0    Worker Thread    ucrtbase.dll thread    avatar_sdk.dll!00007ffe146441de
    Not Flagged        18652    0    Worker Thread    ucrtbase.dll thread    avatar_sdk.dll!00007ffe146441de
    Not Flagged        2304    0    Worker Thread    nvoglv64.dll thread    nvoglv64.dll!00007ffe159cf71a
    Not Flagged        20556    0    Worker Thread    nvoglv64.dll thread    nvoglv64.dll!00007ffe159cf71a
    Not Flagged        16856    0    Worker Thread    nvoglv64.dll thread    nvoglv64.dll!00007ffe159cf71a
    Not Flagged        14296    0    Worker Thread    nvoglv64.dll thread    nvoglv64.dll!00007ffe159cf71a
    Not Flagged        22188    0    Worker Thread    nvwgf2umx.dll thread    nvwgf2umx.dll!00007ffe087b06b9
    Not Flagged        24128    0    Worker Thread    nvwgf2umx.dll thread    nvwgf2umx.dll!00007ffe080f4d06
    Not Flagged        10868    0    Worker Thread    nvwgf2umx.dll thread    nvwgf2umx.dll!00007ffe080f4d06
    Not Flagged        3208    0    Worker Thread    nvwgf2umx.dll thread    nvwgf2umx.dll!00007ffe080f4d06
    Not Flagged        24704    0    Worker Thread    nvwgf2umx.dll thread    nvwgf2umx.dll!00007ffe080f4d06


    So you can see at this point the Octane threads have stopped.  If I look at the Main Thread, I see:

    >    ntdll.dll!00007ffe97ebc0f4()    Unknown
         KernelBase.dll!00007ffe95b08a83()    Unknown
         QtCore4.dll!000000006b3e97c0()    Unknown
         QtCore4.dll!000000006b3d2e1f()    Unknown
         QtCore4.dll!000000006b3d48e5()    Unknown
         DzCore.dll!00007ffe18129a83()    Unknown
         DAZStudio.exe!00007ff79ef0171b()    Unknown
         DAZStudio.exe!00007ff79ef02443()    Unknown
         DAZStudio.exe!00007ff79ef01b67()    Unknown
         kernel32.dll!00007ffe96e17bd4()    Unknown
         ntdll.dll!00007ffe97e8ce51()    Unknown


    So I don't see any evidence above that the OctaneRender for DAZStudio plugin is still active, or stuck in any events.



    Post edited by pkinnane_44e978d933 on
  • But, if I understand things correctly, it may not haved returned the value to indicate that it shut down sucessfully, and so DS can't shut down.

  • it may not haved returned the value to indicate that it shut down sucessfully

    Thanks Richard.  Can you be more specific in /what/ needs to the returning a shut down value please?  Which function call/event?





  • it may not haved returned the value to indicate that it shut down sucessfully

    Thanks Richard.  Can you be more specific in /what/ needs to the returning a shut down value please?  Which function call/event?





    As I understand it, the return from doCheck():

    The behavior of a DzShutDownCheck subclass is the responsibility of the developer of the plugin implementing it - DzShutDownCheck::needsCheck() and DzShutDownCheck::doCheck() are pure virtual member functions. When an instance of a DzShutDownCheck subclass is added to the list of shutdown checks, via DzMainWindow::addShutDownCheck(), it is placed in a list that is processed during the main window's close event, immediately before it emits the aboutToClose() signal. During said processing of said list, the DzShutDownCheck subclass' needsCheck() is called and its return value is used to determine whether or not its doCheck() should be called. If the DzShutDownCheck subclass' doCheck() is called and its return value is true, the application is allowed to continue closing. If, however, its return value is false, the close event for the main window is ignored - because the check has indicated that it is not ready (e.g., the user cancelled, data is not finished writing, etc) to shutdown.

  • edited August 2020

    Hi Richard.  You can see above from the log I posted that doCheck is returning true, however DAZStudio is not shutting down.


    PluginDzShutDownCheck::doCheck() returning true


    So to me, this is looking like a DAZStudio bug - particularly is it has only just started happening with recent DAZStudio versions.



    Post edited by pkinnane_44e978d933 on
  • The recent update caused some fails in loading new saved files. I can't load any of the newest  scenes I've a made. And I'm wondering if it's a product that I bought... or is it the programme update itself...

    This error... And I hadn't really made any changes that would cause it.

    2020-09-02 02:00:29.306 Json Parser (8,0): Illegal new-line in string

  • How do I open a second instance of DAZ Studio? I could this before, but now I can't with the latest version.  It was a huge time saver.

  • vozolgant said:

    How do I open a second instance of DAZ Studio? I could this before, but now I can't with the latest version.  It was a huge time saver.

    By using a script to create the instances. Read this post and the script is at the end of the post:


  • The recent update caused some fails in loading new saved files. I can't load any of the newest  scenes I've a made. And I'm wondering if it's a product that I bought... or is it the programme update itself...

    This error... And I hadn't really made any changes that would cause it.

    2020-09-02 02:00:29.306 Json Parser (8,0): Illegal new-line in string

    It might be a product you purchased as I've not had any problems opening older scenes.

  • I recently got the latest version of DS Pro and it's not allowing me to send anything to Bryce 7.1 Pro via the bridge. It has worked fine up until now. I reset the DS preferences to the Bryce file but when I attempt to use the bridge it says Bryce blah blah is required and clears out my Bryce setting. ARGH!

    annoyed as heII

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    djMikulec said:

    I recently got the latest version of DS Pro and it's not allowing me to send anything to Bryce 7.1 Pro via the bridge. It has worked fine up until now. I reset the DS preferences to the Bryce file but when I attempt to use the bridge it says Bryce blah blah is required and clears out my Bryce setting. ARGH!

    annoyed as heII


    Try this?



  • djMikulecdjMikulec Posts: 9
    edited September 2020

    deleted by author

    Post edited by djMikulec on
  • Kerya said:
    djMikulec said:

    I recently got the latest version of DS Pro and it's not allowing me to send anything to Bryce 7.1 Pro via the bridge. It has worked fine up until now. I reset the DS preferences to the Bryce file but when I attempt to use the bridge it says Bryce blah blah is required and clears out my Bryce setting. ARGH!

    annoyed as heII


    Try this?


    Sadly, that thread is too old and does not seem to apply to the latest releases of Studio Pro (I've got 32 and 64 bit installed, neither will send to Bryce via the bridge). Running Window 7.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited September 2020
    djMikulec said:
    Kerya said:

    Sadly, that thread is too old and does not seem to apply to the latest releases of Studio Pro (I've got 32 and 64 bit installed, neither will send to Bryce via the bridge). Running Window 7.


    Well - that thread was started by me when I was using Windows 7. You did look at the registry? and did try to add a key for DS3 with the path to your DS4?

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,470

    Just updated to this version - stupid me should have known better- and now if I try to launch IBL master from the scripts bar DS crashes which it didn't do before.

  • scorpio said:

    Just updated to this version - stupid me should have known better- and now if I try to launch IBL master from the scripts bar DS crashes which it didn't do before.

    It doesn't crash for me.

  • Is there anything else I need to reinstall or is the Windows 64-bit zip file all I need?  I already have the correct  version of the NVDIA driver. Will my GTX 970 cause any problems?  I think I read that it won't render on the GPU but my scenes are so big that usually doesn't happen anyway.

  • Is there anything else I need to reinstall or is the Windows 64-bit zip file all I need?

    What do you mean by that?

  • Just that on previous releases, there were sometimes other files that needed to be updated, too. I do manual download and there are something like 20 zip files showing in the Product LIbrary.  So I'd rather not download and reinstall things that haven't changed.

  • Just that on previous releases, there were sometimes other files that needed to be updated, too. I do manual download and there are something like 20 zip files showing in the Product LIbrary.  So I'd rather not download and reinstall things that haven't changed.

    Ok, if you update the main application, then you need to update the corresponding plugins as well.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,712
    scorpio said:

    Just updated to this version - stupid me should have known better- and now if I try to launch IBL master from the scripts bar DS crashes which it didn't do before.

    It doesn't crash for me.

    guessing you didn't launch it from the scripts bar, as mentioned.


  • mindsong said:
    scorpio said:

    Just updated to this version - stupid me should have known better- and now if I try to launch IBL master from the scripts bar DS crashes which it didn't do before.

    It doesn't crash for me.

    guessing you didn't launch it from the scripts bar, as mentioned.


    I did.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,712
    mindsong said:
    scorpio said:

    Just updated to this version - stupid me should have known better- and now if I try to launch IBL master from the scripts bar DS crashes which it didn't do before.

    It doesn't crash for me.

    guessing you didn't launch it from the scripts bar, as mentioned.


    I did.

    That makes it more interesting. Works fine for me if I start it directly from the content browser, but hard-crashes DS from the scripts bar here - boom. Has for a few releases - prolly since 4.11 GenRel.

    I wonder what differs between our various systems to cause this.



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,598
    mindsong said:
    mindsong said:
    scorpio said:

    Just updated to this version - stupid me should have known better- and now if I try to launch IBL master from the scripts bar DS crashes which it didn't do before.

    It doesn't crash for me.

    guessing you didn't launch it from the scripts bar, as mentioned.


    I did.

    That makes it more interesting. Works fine for me if I start it directly from the content browser, but hard-crashes DS from the scripts bar here - boom. Has for a few releases - prolly since 4.11 GenRel.

    I wonder what differs between our various systems to cause this.



    Have you run "Update and Merge Menus"?

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598

    I'm using pro and I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed anything odd when working with files containing dforce modifiers. I recently made an outfit that uses dforce, saved it and it sometimes loads with a modifier and sometimes without? I've also noticed that sometimes it will have loaded alright but half an hour in will suddenly get a message saying no dforce modifiers when I try to simulate. This is very frustrating....I did look for other posts about it in this thread but didn't find any.


  • I'm running 4.12.1 on a Win10 laptop.

    Once I get booted up, it'll run for a few seconds, or a few minutes, and then just close spontaneously.

    Anybody else seeing this?


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