Daz Studio Pro BETA - version! (*UPDATED*)



  • evilcho_ said:
    evilcho_ said:
    evilcho_ said:
    evilcho_ said:

    I see that the top menus are all scrambled. Can I somehow get them back to the way they were?

    Please provide a screenshot.

    And the sub ones are also very different. I am used to the ones before.

    Try Window - Workspace - Update and Merge Menus

    It worked great! Thank you so much!!!! Was I using some outdated menus then?

    One possibility is that soemthing interfered with the shut-down process, causing the interface files to be missing or garbled. If you make chnages to the UI (panes open, placement of panes) do they stick next time you open DS?

    They usually do, yeah. But sometimes they do get scrambled. I don't really understand the reason. I just updated from 4.11 to 4.12 beta version and this happened to the top menus. I never had that problem there before.

    Was this your fist beta? The betas and the General Releases do not share settings.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,791
    barbult said:


    What happens when you toggle the History button during the render? I very rarely have mine "opened" all the time.

    Hey! That made it scroll, just like when I drag the slider down myself to make it scroll. I always leave the History open. When I start a render, the progress dialog opens with the history open. What happens for you if you leave the history open, cancel the render and start a new render? Does it start with the history open? Does it scroll, or not scroll (like mine).

    It scrolls, tried it 3 times in a row.

    Thanks a lot for all this testing. Your's is consistent and mine is consistent. They are just consistently different for some unknown reason.

  • AnitaLee said:

    Not happy with timeline tab

    That's not very specific. You can remove the advanced features if you just want a really basic timeline for scrubbing between applied poses - that's in the option menu, the lined button in the top corner or right-click the tab.

  • evilcho_evilcho_ Posts: 79
    evilcho_ said:
    evilcho_ said:
    evilcho_ said:
    evilcho_ said:

    I see that the top menus are all scrambled. Can I somehow get them back to the way they were?

    Please provide a screenshot.

    And the sub ones are also very different. I am used to the ones before.

    Try Window - Workspace - Update and Merge Menus

    It worked great! Thank you so much!!!! Was I using some outdated menus then?

    One possibility is that soemthing interfered with the shut-down process, causing the interface files to be missing or garbled. If you make chnages to the UI (panes open, placement of panes) do they stick next time you open DS?

    They usually do, yeah. But sometimes they do get scrambled. I don't really understand the reason. I just updated from 4.11 to 4.12 beta version and this happened to the top menus. I never had that problem there before.

    Was this your fist beta? The betas and the General Releases do not share settings.

    4.11 Beta was my first one.

  • ParadigmParadigm Posts: 421

    Looks like one of the newer updates and the issue with deleting all keys on a selected object (without manually selecting each key in the timeline) has been fixed. This is an enormous improvement!

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited August 2019
    barbult said:
    barbult said:


    What happens when you toggle the History button during the render? I very rarely have mine "opened" all the time.

    Hey! That made it scroll, just like when I drag the slider down myself to make it scroll. I always leave the History open. When I start a render, the progress dialog opens with the history open. What happens for you if you leave the history open, cancel the render and start a new render? Does it start with the history open? Does it scroll, or not scroll (like mine).

    It scrolls, tried it 3 times in a row.

    Thanks a lot for all this testing. Your's is consistent and mine is consistent. They are just consistently different for some unknown reason.

    Hi barbult after reading your comments i tried a few scenes i had ready to render to see if i was having the same issue.  I am happy to say after render 3 , 20 keyframe test scenes , during all the rendering my scroll bars was actively scrolling down for each frame that was renderd.  so I can give testiment that it does scroll at least for me. I am using a i7 windows pro64  and 2-EVGA 1080ti gpu's so maybe something is happening on your end I could not tell yuo what though because its appears to be working on my end..

    Thats  just my 2 cents thrown in for good messure laugh

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,791
    Ivy said:
    barbult said:
    barbult said:


    What happens when you toggle the History button during the render? I very rarely have mine "opened" all the time.

    Hey! That made it scroll, just like when I drag the slider down myself to make it scroll. I always leave the History open. When I start a render, the progress dialog opens with the history open. What happens for you if you leave the history open, cancel the render and start a new render? Does it start with the history open? Does it scroll, or not scroll (like mine).

    It scrolls, tried it 3 times in a row.

    Thanks a lot for all this testing. Your's is consistent and mine is consistent. They are just consistently different for some unknown reason.

    Hi barbult after reading your comments i tried a few scenes i had ready to render to see if i was having the same issue.  I am happy to say after render 3 , 20 keyframe test scenes , during all the rendering my scroll bars was actively scrolling down for each frame that was renderd.  so I can give testiment that it does scroll at least for me. I am using a i7 windows pro64  and 2-EVGA 1080ti gpu's so maybe something is happening on your end I could not tell yuo what though because its appears to be working on my end..

    Thats  just my 2 cents thrown in for good messure laugh

    Thanks for testing, Ivy. I don't know what is different about my system. released version still scrolls fine for me, so something changed for me with 4.12 Beta.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited August 2019

    in ik testing today I found this happy discovery between poser and daz.

    I was building a animated scene in poser with songbird remix crow because of the physic engine morphs for the wings can be saved as a scene preset & can beloaded into daz and  daz will load the pz2 preset files with the morphs  okay.  

    what I didn't know was when i created the ik-chain in poser for the crows feet so my crow could grasp things . I noticed the the ik chain that was saved in the poser pz2 scene preset also carried over from poser pro11 to daz 12 in complete working order . I was shocked something carried over from poser into daz and was still working with no work arounds needed .   . you can see for yourself I was pleasantly surprised.

    1 poser animation and dial settings in poser

    2 daz studio with the poser character and pz2 animations cycle loaded into daz timeline

    1919 x 1026 - 227K
    1912 x 1040 - 222K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • ParadigmParadigm Posts: 421

    Is there a guide or instructions at all on how to set up an IK chain on a figure?


  • hankershankers Posts: 1
    edited August 2019

    [edit: nm]

    Post edited by hankers on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited August 2019

    Okay some stuff I have learned  for you to try to see if my steps can be replicated, and it works as well as these steps have worked  for me.

    Description for use:  you need a prop that will  interacts with a characters hand , foot or head some part of  the character your using. etc. As to simulate that you had parented a prop to a hand so will move or not move according to how you keyframe your prop and keyframe the ik chain 
     Example : I have a bird , it stole a watch  and flew off with it in one single animated scene and the bird flew in grasp the watch and the flew off with watch in hand  . How can this be done in daz studio using the ik-chain you might ask?

    Steps to take

    1) Create your animated scene completely as you want to set up the ik-chains as the last thing before rendering and save it as a scene1-bak-up. Do this so if you need to go back and editing things later or in case you need to clear your animation your working on you will have your scene saved as a back up, trust me this is to save you from frustration when learning IK-chain solutions. so back up your scene before implementing anything

    2 create a ik chain for the foot of the bird that is going to be grasping the watch-prop in flight ( Do this by going to create tab. scroll down until you see create "IK-chain"  and name it what you like in the pop up box and click accept( I'll leave mine the default names),  you should find the create IK-chain last on the drop down list.

    3. See screen shot 1  for this step.   Now click your right or left foot of the bird ( I'll use the left for my demo) and parent the ik-chain to the L-foot bone under the scene tab.  you will notice the ik-chain will now move under the foot bone in the scene tab and on the timeline you'll find your ik-chain there as well for editing the translations/rotations etc.

    4 See screen shot 1 for this step.  Now its time we fix the watch-prop so it will move with the foot during the grasp in the flight cycle when needed . so we want to parent the watch-prop to the IK-chain under the left foot, and move or location the watch-prop in the proper position to the left foot .  DO-NOT PARENT-WATCH to the foot bone of the left foo only parent to the ik-chain,  once you have completed this step the watch can now be found or locate under L-foot-IK-chain on the timeline ( Normally we would parent the watch to the left foot bone . but because there is going to be a action used for grasping the watch and taking off with the bird in flight we parent the watch to the ikchain instead) Make sure to set the ik-root to the birds left foot bone as well found by clicking the ik-chain both the scene tab and timeline

    5) See screenshot 5 for this step.  now you have your scene set up.  what you want is the birds foot grasping the watch-prop that its going interact  to fly away with the bird.  So how we do that is as the bird passes by the watch , take notice of your scrubber on the timeline on this frames location, create a keyframe by click the little key things on the bottom of the daz timeline This is the spot you need the action to happen. In this case the bird grasping the watch-prop  as he flys by, So you create keyframe & go to the Inverse Kinematics under the parameters settings, click Inverse Kinematerics  and turn on pins for both translations and rotations . this actions sets the keyframe to pin the ik-chian that holds the watch to the birds foot. this would be like parenting the watch-prop to the bird  foot. Now the watch should move with the bird during the rest of the animation cycle in the scene.

    6)See screenshot 6  for this step. when you need the bird to drop the watch somewhere during the flight cycle simply scroll to the position on timeline you need the action to happen and create a keyframe for the ik-cchain on the timeline and  this time click the pins off  and as the birds continues to flies off.  the watch will remain in the stationary position where the bird left it . You will need to further edit the watch dropping effect along the timeline but you will not require scene cuts into order to do it .

    7) See screenshot 7 for this step. ) when you are happy with the results its time to save this scene set up.   first we need to bake the keyframes to the timelime. and because the daz native timeline does not offers a bake solution for the keyframes  you will need to use the license version of the animate2 plugin  so open your animate2 timeline and you will see all the keyframes you have created there when ou made your animation cycle .  now on top of the animate2 timeline right click and select "bake studio keyframes" that will bake or lock the keyframes to the timeline permanently.  This Step bakes all the keyframes for the complete timeline  This includes the ik chains you created that will bake into the timeline as well,( so take heed if you need keyframes that are not bakes this why i have you make a back up) once done baking you can now save this as ready-to-render scene or as animated preset with the props.  (Please note that the IK-chains will NOT save with aniblocks, so if you try to create & bake a aniblock from studio keyframes the ik-chain will not be included )

    That is it , your done.

    Conclusion . This is what I feel the ik-chain solution system i are meant for.  interaction between props, characters or other props in a continuous animation cycle . Ik-chains solutions such as this are very helpful in customizing problematic animated scene,. this interaction with the characters,  timeline and the props in this manner allows you make and long running continuous scenes without having to do alot of cut scenes or fancy creative film editing to achieve the similar results.

    Please play with this solution and let me know how it works out for you . I assure you these steps I taught here do work if you do them right.

    I would like to make a request for the Daz guys I know you are reading this., can you please make a bake to studio keyframes options for the daz native timeline so we do not need to use animate2 to bake keyframes..

    Thank you for reading my brief IK-chain demo, there will be more to come . As I figure it out

    Ps I am very dislexic so I have edited this for spelling & try to make less confusing.

    step1 and 2.JPG
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    step 5.JPG
    1917 x 1048 - 339K
    1919 x 1053 - 324K
    step 7.JPG
    1919 x 1048 - 282K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Where can I get the public beta, the beta on the store is still 4.11

  • Where can I get the public beta, the beta on the store is still 4.11

    L'Adair said:

    Like all products at Daz, free or not, you have to
    purchase the Beta. Just put it in the cart and checkout. That puts the product in your Account and makes it available to install.
    1. The beta requires you use the Daz Install Manager, (DIM) to install. If you do not have DIM installed, you'll need to do that first.
    2. Open and Log On to DIM.
    3. When DIM is through connecting, type Public in the filter field in the upper right corner. (at this point, you shouldn't see much of anything.)
    4. On the Ready to Download tab, click on the button labeled Download Filters. (This will open the settings dialog directly to the Downloads tab.)
    5. Scroll down to the Public Build option and enable it, (click in the checkbox.)
    6. Click on the green Accept button at the bottom of the dialog window.
    7. You should now see a list of files with Public Build highlighted.
    8. Select these files
    9. Make sure the Install After Download option is checked.
    10. Click on the green Start Queue button on the bottom left of the DIM window.
    11. After all the files have been downloaded and installed, clear the search filter, (delete the text, Public.)

    There you go.

    Have fun with the Beta!

  • f7eerf7eer Posts: 123
    edited August 2019

    I discovered another user interface path to the DzIKNode::isCreatingChain "Crash on save" problem. Simply put, it is using save scene subset, instead of save scene. Everything else is exactly the same.

    1. Open DS 4.11
    Load LoveyNR from Figures\animals
    Save as Scene (as Lovey 4_11.duf)
    Close DS 4.11

    2. Open DS
    Load the scene created by 4.11 (Lovey 4_11.duf)
    Save as Scene subset (as Lovey subset 4_12.duf)
    Close DS

    3. Open DS
    Load the Scene subset (Lovey subset 4_12.duf)
    Save the scene.

    DS crashes just the same was as the original DS used to:

    <module>C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 Public Build\dzcore.dll</module>

    I am guessing that Save Subset writes pretty much the same bad IK Chain that Save Scene used to. Save Scene was fixed, but Save Subset wasn't.

    I have the crash dump, if necessary. I also did not create a trouble ticket, but I will if desired. Or, I can re-open my old trouble ticket and "unfix" the problem, and supply the new information, if that is better.

    Post edited by f7eer on
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Okay this one is probably minor on the grand scene of things...

    But with the timeline open, the bottom option in parameters cannot be gotten to or selected. you have to close the timeline to select and/or change a parameter.

    In the example shown, the last option is completely covered, scroll is as far as it will go, so can't access the weight shift option if the timeline is open...

    So easy solution, close the timeline... but doesn't that defeat the purpose of having it open in the first place, to review parameters and key frames at the same time?

    Timeline Open.png
    1079 x 360 - 35K
    Timeline Closed.png
    1015 x 386 - 56K
  • MendomanMendoman Posts: 404

    Just thought that I stop by and say thank you for fixing that save scene crash in the new beta. Now it works really well ( at least for me ). Also I've gotten about 20%+ better render times compared to public version, so looking really good and keep up the good work yes 

  • VEGAVEGA Posts: 86

    Really liking the new improvements especially to rendering times in the new version. Still getting the error DzIKNode::isCreatingChain when trying to save a scene with Daz, which is very fundamental problem. Hope it will get sorted out soon.

    Did a small test on how much the rendering time was reduced and it left me surpired surpired as I didn't expect this.

    I rerendered one scene with same settings in both 4.11 and the latest, here you can see results. One thing I noticed is reduced VRAM consumption. This was done by using Turing card with the latest 431.70 Studio Driver.

    4.11 - 2h 13m, VRAM 10242 MB 1h 48m, VRAM 8959 MB

    I am not sure if this version is taking a full advantage of RT cores, but if not then we can hopefully expect even better improvements.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    barbult said:

    I'm having a problem with the Daz Studio progress window scroll bar. It never starts scrolling automatically for me. If I drag the indicator it to the bottom of the scroll bar, it continues scrolling properly until the render finishes. CS says they can't replicate the problem. Does anybody else see this?

    ( automatically starts scrolling just fine, just as 4.10 and prior versions did. It is only 4.12 that is problematic for me.)

    I'm seeing this as well.

    GeForce 1080 with Studio driver 430.86, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, (Not sure what version.)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,791
    L'Adair said:
    barbult said:

    I'm having a problem with the Daz Studio progress window scroll bar. It never starts scrolling automatically for me. If I drag the indicator it to the bottom of the scroll bar, it continues scrolling properly until the render finishes. CS says they can't replicate the problem. Does anybody else see this?

    ( automatically starts scrolling just fine, just as 4.10 and prior versions did. It is only 4.12 that is problematic for me.)

    I'm seeing this as well.

    GeForce 1080 with Studio driver 430.86, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, (Not sure what version.)

    Thanks for confirming, L'Adair. I'm going to add a note to my help request pointing to your posting here.

  • Hello,

    The problem barbult and L'Adair have, I do not have on nvidia 431.60 game ready driver and same for 431.70 Studio driver on a gtx 1060.

    I am talking here about beta version of Daz Studio, windows 10 pro 64 bit ver. 1903 build 18362.239 ( 64 bit OS is a non-sense to mention as IRay needs 64 bit :D ).

    I do not suggest betas be used for production - but I had no issues running only betas, it works awesome for me - but, in my opinion, any app runs according to proper OS use with proper drivers and setting.

    I am not sugesting some antiviruses may break proper functionality on purpose or just by being low quality products and yet, that is possible.

    I am saying here antiviruses may have a bad influence on Studio proper functionality only, not how good or bad they might be.

    As Daz Studio is an OOP application, some modules - like the database system or any other modules - may not work right while not being their fault.

    Multiple reasons may corrupt proper functionality, antiviruses, firewall rules, drivers, proper runtimes, proper dotnet framework version and so on, including wrong security rights for files or folders

    being set by low quality apps.

    "Smart 3rd party OS helping tools" may also corrupt registry when they don't install bonus malware.., but if you are not aware it is there, it does not exist for you.

    It may not be pleasant to hear that but proper working of any app depends on many things we might not know.

    For short, technically it is quite difficult to say when Studio does have a problem even when for us it seems so...

    If you think I'm saying ordinary stupid things, you are most probably right.

    Good luck and keep working hard :)



  • evilcho_evilcho_ Posts: 79

    After testing further 4.12 I am having a lot of problems with random crashes and high memory usage. I went back to 4.11 and I hope you guys optimize it better.

  • lcattus_9716520438lcattus_9716520438 Posts: 31
    edited August 2019

    Titan X (Pascal) no longer supported?

    CUDA rendering isn’t using my Titan X (Pascal) GPU even though that’s selected in render settings. Rather it’s using 100% of my CPU even though that’s deselected. Anyone know if this is just a beta thing or if Titan X (Pascal) GPUs will no longer be supported for CUDA rendering in future DAZ general releases?

    I’m running Daz Studio Pro BETA - version under Win10 pro 1803 with Nvidia driver 431.60.


    Post edited by lcattus_9716520438 on
  • RayDAntRayDAnt Posts: 1,147

    Titan X (Pascal) no longer supported?

    CUDA rendering isn’t using my Titan X (Pascal) GPU even though that’s selected in render settings. Rather it’s using 100% of my CPU even though that’s deselected. Anyone know if this is just a beta thing or if Titan X (Pascal) GPUs will no longer be supported for CUDA rendering in future DAZ general releases?

    I’m running Daz Studio Pro BETA - version under Win10 pro 1803 with Nvidia driver 431.60.


    Try de-selecting, then re-selecting your Titan X in the Photoreal Devices list. Sometimes Iray needs that to be done so it can re-recognize your GPU after a significant software change (like a new driver/DS version being installed.)

  • f7eerf7eer Posts: 123

    Titan X (Pascal) no longer supported?

    CUDA rendering isn’t using my Titan X (Pascal) GPU even though that’s selected in render settings. Rather it’s using 100% of my CPU even though that’s deselected. Anyone know if this is just a beta thing or if Titan X (Pascal) GPUs will no longer be supported for CUDA rendering in future DAZ general releases?

    I’m running Daz Studio Pro BETA - version under Win10 pro 1803 with Nvidia driver 431.60.


    The DS log will show whether DS is even trying to use the GPU, and if so, exactly why it quits on it. A frequent case of it quitting is that it can't get enough memory to render the scene with it.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    Can someone help me out and send me the installer of 4.12? DIM doesn't seem to be working on W10 1903, and there is no other way to download it.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,823
    mumia76 said:

    Can someone help me out and send me the installer of 4.12? DIM doesn't seem to be working on W10 1903, and there is no other way to download it.

    No one is allowed to send it to you beside Daz. Try contacting support.

  • mumia76 said:

    Can someone help me out and send me the installer of 4.12? DIM doesn't seem to be working on W10 1903, and there is no other way to download it.

    What do you mean by DIM not working?

  • RayDAnt said:

    Titan X (Pascal) no longer supported?

    CUDA rendering isn’t using my Titan X (Pascal) GPU ......


    Try de-selecting, then re-selecting your Titan X in the Photoreal Devices list. Sometimes Iray needs that to be done so it can re-recognize your GPU after a significant software change (like a new driver/DS version being installed.)

    Thanks a million !!!, your suggestion fixed the problem and now I'm getting fast renders with minimal CPU loading.

  • f7eer said:

    Titan X (Pascal) no longer supported?

    CUDA rendering isn’t using my Titan X (Pascal) GPU ...........


    The DS log will show whether DS is even trying to use the GPU, and if so, exactly why it quits on it. A frequent case of it quitting is that it can't get enough memory to render the scene with it.

    Thanks for the suggestion I'd checked and the scene I was trying to render would have used only half the Titan's memory. RayDAnt's brilliant solution fixed the problem which seems to be a DAZ / Iray quirk that I havent encountered before.


  • RayDAntRayDAnt Posts: 1,147
    edited August 2019

    which seems to be a DAZ / Iray quirk that I havent encountered before.

    Based on my testing it's specifically a Daz Studio UI issue. DS remembers which devices were selected previously in the "Photoreal Devices" list by saving true/false flags for each of them in the Windows Registry. However certain kinds of software updates (such as major Nvidia device driver or Daz Studio revisions) can cause the system to re-enumerate these devices with new PCI ID codes. This, in turn, causes Daz Studio to re-generate it's list of available "Photoreal Devices" with none of the GPUs selected (since this is the default.) However Daz Studio seems to be applying your previously made selections (as preserved in the registry) to the UI elements of the checkboxes themselves regardless of this zeroing out behavior after the re-generation. Meaning that you can end up with a list of visually checked boxes under "Photoreal Devieces" where no boxes are in fact programmatically checked. Unless you un-check and then re-check things manually. Then everything is hunky-dory.

    Fwiw I just finally got around to properly reporting this as a bug (been meaning to since I first noticed it back with DS 11.9 or so - this is actually a very old bug.) Fingers crossed it makes it into a near-future update.

    Post edited by RayDAnt on
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