36th Daz3D Bryce Render challenge. The theme is ~#~ "Wanderlust" ~#~



  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,072
    edited June 2019

    _ Not sure about the Title s +

    1536 x 1152 - 63K
    Post edited by ed3D on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,072
    edited August 2019

    _ Not sure about the Title s ++

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,246

    Tim - both entries - 'Enter at your own risk'  and  'Lets go there' are magnificent, the atmosphere and lighting in both excellent.

    Ed3D - both your untitled entries are very nicely done.


  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920
    edited July 2019

    Tim: My first thought are: once upon a time..... the castle of a fairytale. This is for the dreamer. Wonderful.

    ed3d: Nice atmosphere

    Post edited by Yellow Pen on
  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    thank you all for the nice comments :)

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 398
    edited June 2019

    Entry #2   Free Spirit


    1400 x 1050 - 2M
    Post edited by S Ray on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,365

    ed3D - nicely done entries, both of them. I particularly like how the head in the first example covers the bright sun.

    S Ray - yes, wanderlust doesn't mean you have to walk and without shoes better not. Also very well done vegetation. 

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    @S Ray, thats apretty cool scene, nice work :)

    @ed3D, that is an interesting scene you have there, also great work :)

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    @drachenlords... Hiking Trip...Wonderful.. It actually took my breath away..  Future Holidays... Excellent... Great Sun glow... Wander Woman... Fabulous comic book cover... very good
    @tim82... Exploring_The Countryside  Great image... love the sky... Enter at Your Own Risk... great image... lots of depth a worthy journey for the magic mushroom... Let's Go There is so beautiful and moody... Love the atmosphere...
    @yellowpen... Friends on Tour... really nice image with lots of great dense foliage...
    @sray... The Hunter and the Hunted... really great image ...Scary!... Free Spirit... reminds me of the free thinking and spirit of  those individuals back in the 60's and 70's... a time gone by...
    @hansmar... Wandering Bots... Very clever... great pov
    @slepalex... The Road tot the Temple is a wonderful image... lots of depth  another great image...
    @ed3d... Both entries are fun... love the atmosphere on the first one...

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    my first entry  Titled: Anywhere But Here
    used: Genesis3 male, H&C Prisoner clothing for Genesis3--Daz,  chainlink fence and razor wire--TurboSquid

    Anywhere But Here.jpg
    960 x 720 - 661K
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2019

    Yeah, nice ones, ed3D and SRay.

    Mtnmen,  now that's a situation where one would defintely tend to wanderlust.

    Okay, my first entry...titled 'Starlust'. While constructing it, it kinda reminded me of Sarah Williams's (19th century english poet) quote: "Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night."



    1206 x 812 - 711K
    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    @mtnmen, @Jay, really nice renders, great work :)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,365

    mtnmen - he's definitely got wanderlust in this uncomfortable situation, no need for a fancy landscape with forests, sparkling creeks, singing birds, etc. no fence in front of the eyes is good enough for a start. Very well done scene, the desolate landscape enhances the sad feeling.

    Jay - great scene, like inspired by the poetry.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,246

    SRay - superb render, like the idea.

    Mtnmen - I'm sure he is waiting to break out, well done.

    Jay - awesome render, looks like a painting.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Many thanks, Tim, Horo and Mermaid.


  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,072
    Horo said:

    ed3D - nicely done entries, both of them. I particularly like how the head in the first example covers the bright sun.

    _Yeah, did also _  changed setting to make it more prominent  +Thanks+

    Jamahoney :  +agree with Horo, pretty much

    mtnmen :   Cool  _ it's a Break - Out   or  that Thin Lizzy song 

    S Ray :     well done    _ ahh,,  those were the days

    mermaid010 _ Yellow Pen  _Tim82  :  Thanks so much


  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2019

    Well done, ed3D, for remembering the 'Thin Lizzy' song (you were very close, as I think it is called 'Jailbreak').

    While himself (Phil Lynott - lead singer, guitarist) passed on in year's back due to drug abuse, his mother only recently left this world (she was so much a promoter of her son to never forget him, his talent).


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    SRay: nice Idea....

    mtnmen and Jamahoney: very cool and very well done.

    And here is my second entry: The Path.



    the Path.jpg
    1400 x 787 - 95K
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2019

    Oh, YellowPen, that's super...great light and perspective...I just want to reach that arch in the distance to see what lies beyond (kinda like has the game 'The Witcher' feel to it).


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2019

    At Tim82, I mentioned previously in relation to your work that I came across an artist on DevientArt who used a rabbit character. Here is a link to his/her site, where he/she has some extraordinary landscapes with this character involved.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    @jay, thats the first of this art i have seen, its very cool though....thanks for sharing :)

    @Yellow Pen, very nice render, great work :)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,365

    Yellow Pen - beautiful scene with all the details and very nicely lit.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    Jay, Tim and Horo: Thanks for your nice comments - I'm glad that you like it.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,246

    Yellow Pen -superb scene, lighting and materials perfect.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,236

    ed3D - nice entries - I like the hazy one best (I love those colours)

    S Ray - good scene, she looks full of wanderlust!

    mtnmen - your convict looks so sad, dreaming of getting out! Nicely done.

    Jamahoney - really pretty scene, good pose for the character too.

    Yellow Pen - wow, I love that scene! (however did you fit all that content into Bryce?!)

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    thanks Mermaid and Melanie for the nice Comments.

    Melanie.... yes, it needs much time to adjust or change the Materials in Bryce . But for Bryce you need much patience.... and thats not easy sometimes....surprise

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,072
    edited July 2019
    Jamahoney said:

    Well done, ed3D, for remembering the 'Thin Lizzy' song (you were very close, as I think it is called 'Jailbreak').


    _ Did remember Song title just didn't  know If anyone else did   _ it is JailBreak  off their Jailbreak album 1976

    and  "The Boys Are Back in Town"  also , from same album  Thanx

    Yellow Pen :    Very well done

    MelanieL :  thanks so much

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Cheers, Malanie yes


  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    jamahoney,horo, mermaid010,ed3d, yellowpen... thanks for the comments
    @jamahoney... Starlust... very striking image
    @yellowpen... The Path is a wonderful image... great lighting and materials.. really good

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