Daz Studio Pro 4.11 - Highlights

rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
edited June 2019 in Daz Studio Discussion

Each new build of Daz Studio comes with its own set of bug fixes, new features, adjustments to existing features, etc. Since near the beginning of Daz Studio 4.x development ( - according to the posted logs), a list of changes have been made available via the Change Log on the Documentation Center. In addition to the Change Log, we have also typically provided a forum thread wherein the first post highlights some of the changes in a given release (typically things that have the greatest potential to impact large cross-sections of the userbase). Periodically, as new builds have been made available and/or as time has allowed, the first post of the latest thread would be updated to provide more/new information on a given build. Unfortunately, these updates seemed to go unnoticed by many who didn't revisit the first post of the thread. This same information would also then be reposted when a Public Build was eventually promoted to General Release.

In order to address some of these issues and bring more visibility to the highlights for a given build, we are now splitting these highlights off into their own thread. A separate discussion thread will remain available (linked below), but the highlights thread itself will be closed for comment so as to avoid the information being buried by the discussion and to provide notification through regular features of the forum software.


Frequently Asked Questions:



Public Build (Beta) Threads:


  • (June 12, 2019)
    • (June 3, 2019)
    • (May 29, 2019)
    • (May 14, 2019)
  • (April 17, 2019)
    • (October 9, 2018)
    • (October 1, 2018)
    • (August 21, 2018)
    • (July 16, 2018)


General Release Threads:


Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited June 2019 (July 16, 2018)

    • Application Permissions
      • Running the primary application executable with elevated permissions on Windows (e.g., "Run as administrator") is now prevented; running with elevated permissions can cause conflicts with accessing folder/files/registry keys; the application itself does not (and should not) require elevated permissions to run
        • A helper application requests elevation as required and is limited to necessary operations
    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2018.0.1 (302800.3495); see this thread for more details
        • Increases hardware requirement to Kepler class or newer generation GPUs; recent driver recommended
      • Added support for Deep Learning Denoiser (see "Post Denoiser" below)
      • Render Settings pane
        • Added "Post Denoiser Available", "Post Denoiser Enable" and "Post Denoiser Start Iteration" properties to the "Filtering/Post Denoiser" property group
          • "Post Denoiser Available" must be enabled prior to starting a render in order to cause the other "Post Denoiser" properties to be revealed and have meaning
        • Removed "Noise Filter Enable" property
          • Redundant with "Noise Degrain Filtering" being 0 (off) or >0 (on)
        • Added tips to the Advanced page of the Render Settings pane when NVIDIA Iray is the active renderer
      • Iray Uber Shader
        • Fixed an issue with inverted normals on thick translucent surfaces (e.g., Skin)
        • Added a "Invert Transmission Normal" property
          • Flips the direction of the normal vector (e.g., bump/normal maps) for transmission
        • Added a "Round Corners Roundness" property
          • Determines how round the edge will look
          • Valid range is [0.0, 1.0]; 0.0 chamfers the edge, 1.0 gives a rounded edge
    • dForce
      • Added support for polylines to Dynamic Surface Add-On
    • OBJ Import
      • Added support for polylines
      • Added a "Read Faces" option
      • Added a "Read Polylines" option
    • OBJ Export
      • Added support for polylines
      • Added a "Write Faces" option
      • Added a "Write Polylines" option
    • Hexagon Bridge
      • Fixed an issue with transparency when using Iray Uber shader
    • Node Properties
      • Added a "Visible in Viewport" property to nodes
        • When enabled (default), the geometry/avatar for a given node is drawn in the viewport
        • When disabled, the geometry/avatar for a given node is not drawn
        • When disabled and the node is selected, the bounding box for the node is drawn (draw style settings permitting)
      • Reordered node properties to better suggest that the "Visible" property is a superset of "Visible in *" properties
      • Changing the state of the "Visible" property on a node now causes dependent properties to be dynamically hidden/shown
      • Changing the state of the "Show Bones" property on a skeleton now causes dependent properties to be dynamically hidden/shown
    • Mouse/Cursor handling
      • Rewrote a significant portion of the mouse event pipeline for viewports, view tools and sliders in order to address timing issues brought on by OS and/or driver updates that manifested in a percievable "jump" for a growing number of users
      • Changes made have an impact in the following areas:
        • Viewport (i.e., shortcut navigation)
        • Viewport Tools (e.g., Camera Cube, Pose Tool, Universal Tool, Rotation Tool, Translation Tool, Scale Tool, etc.)
        • Viewport Controls (e.g., non-docked viewport controls)
        • Mouse Buttons (e.g., docked viewport controls, View pane)
        • Sliders (e.g., Parameters pane, Posing pane, Shaping pane, etc.)
        • Remote operation
          • All clients tested have been significantly improved
          • Responsiveness depends heavily on the frequency of mouse events
            • RDP has performed the best in internal testing
    • User Interface
      • Updated default menus; recommend clicking Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus
      • Customize dialog
        • ...
    • Content Directory Manager
      • Added support for "CMS Cluster Directory"
        • Allows a Content Set to specify a different database
      • Updated context menu and buttons item entries/states for Cloud Data items
      • "Fast" stop mode is now used instead of "Immediate" stop mode when switching CMS Cluster Directory; safer
    • Script IDE pane
      • Added the ability to edit version and file type information for non-encrypted scripts
      • Saving an encrypted script now checks for an existing file and prompts accordingly
      • Reloading an encrypted script no longer causes that script to fail on subsequent executions
      • Action enabled/disabled states for a given script tab's context menu now update properly
      • A portion of the Edit menu is now dynamically populated (immediately prior to first display, or when refreshed) from the folder/file structure of specified directories on disk
        • "<application_home>/resources/Script IDE/…" and "<mapped_native_dir>/data/resources/Script IDE/<vendor_name>/<product_name>/…" and "<daz_connect_product>/data/resources/script ide/<vendor_name>/<product_name>/…"
        • Where an adjacent PNG exists, it will be used for the script action's icon
      • Added several new script based actions to the Edit menu
      • Added support for file IO event scripts
        • Scripts that are executed if they exist when specific operations are performed (i.e., _new.dsa, _open.dsa, _save.dsa)
      • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made many additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (August 21, 2018)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Fixed a packaging issue that caused unnecessary (and potentially conflicting) files to be included
    • dForce
      • Fixed a crash caused by hiding all of the geometry for an object from simulation using the "Visible in Simulation" property on the surface(s) instead of using the "Visible in Simulation" property on the node
    • Content Loading
      • Reverted changes to limit unlocking on DSON file load
        • This was causing products that depend on compound property limits and ERC driven values to behave other than intended - e.g., collapsing thighs
    • Content Saving
      • Fixed an issue in Figure/Prop Asset Save Options with not being able to save both Compatibility Base and Compatible With
      • Made database speed improvements to the creation of metadata for new files
    • Content Categorization
      • Added a "Create Category Path..." action to the Content Library pane context menu for category containers
      • Fixed labeling issues in the Content Library pane "Create Sub-Folder…" and "Create New Sub-Category…" dialogs
    • Primitive Creation
      • The Create > New Primitive… action now causes surfaces of the created nodes to automatically use the default material type for the active renderer; e.g., Iray Uber material is applied if the active renderer is NVIDIA Iray
      • The label of nodes created using the Create > New Primitive… action now have a leading uppercase character
    • Node Grouping
      • Fixed an issue with (re)parenting taking a significant amount of time on figures with many properties
    • User Interface
      • Fixed an issue on the Tool Bars page of the Window > Workspace > Customize… dialog that caused actions, custom actions, and custom widgets to only exist in one toolbar instead of only once in a given toolbar
    • Scripting API
      • Made many additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (October 1, 2018)

    • dForce
      • Fxed an issue that prevented polylines from being used in Dynamic Surface Add-Ons
      • Fixed kernel build issues on some AMD devices
    • Geometry Editor tool
      • Added an option to control the Point Size when Vertex Selection is the active Geometry Selection Type
      • Added an option to control Highlight Color of selected Group list items; regardless of Geometry Selection Type
      • Added an option to control the Point Size for vertices that participate in selected Detail indices items
      • Added an option to control Highlight Color for vertices that participate in selected Detail indices items
      • Geometry Selection Type is now saved/restored between sessions of the application
    • Node Weight Map Brush tool
      • Selection Analysis now draws highlight vertice(s) regardless of Geometry Selection Type; previously limited to Vertex Selection
      • Added an option to control the Point Size for Selection Analysis
      • Added an option to control the Highlight Color for Selection Analysis
      • Added an option to control the Weight Point Size when Weight Display > Draw Weighted Vertices is active
      • Geometry Selection Type is now saved/restored between sessions
      • Brush Mode is now saved/restored between sessions
      • Changed the label of the "Edit Gradient Colors…" action to "Edit Weight Display…"
    • Content Library pane
      • The Add Asset ("+") button is now explicitly enabled for all (non-virtual) folders within the native formats container
      • Fixed issues relating to whether or not the "Delete…" or "Remove Reference…" action in the context menu for assets is shown
      • The "Remove Orphaned Reference(s)…" action in the context menu for assets is now consistent with the "Remove Reference(s)…" and "Delete…" actions in that it now displays a confirmation message
      • The "Remove Reference(s)…" and "Delete…" actions in the context menu for assets will now also list the relative path for orphaned references
      • The "Browse to Folder Location…" action in the context menu for folders/assets is now only displayed if the path of the folder actually exists on disk
      • The "Browse to File Location…" action in the context menu for assets is now only displayed if there is a single asset selected and the path of the asset actually exists on disk
      • The "Open in Script IDE..." action is now displayed when multiple (non-encrypted) script based assets are selected
      • The "Cut" and "Copy" actions in the context menu for assets are now omitted unless the number of selected non-orphaned references exceeds the number of orphaned references; cut/copied orphans cannot be pasted
      • The "Refresh" action in the context menu for assets has been moved to the bottom of the menu
      • Copying an asset and pasting that asset to a product now includes the metadata for that asset
    • Database Driven Asset Views (e.g., Smart Content > Files, Smart Content > Products asset view, Posing > Presets, Shaping > Presets, Surfaces > Presets, etc.)
      • Added the "Create Custom Action..." action to context menu for assets
      • Added the "Open in Script IDE..." action to context menu for assets
    • Create Custom Action
      • The label of the action now includes an ellipsis ("...") to indicate that additional interaction by the user is required
        • An option for choosing a (predefined) Root Menu has been added; Scripts or Favorites
        • An option for providing (selecting) a Submenu has been added; the popup is dynamically displayed/populated based on the submenu hierarchy within the chosen "Root Menu"
      • The action now supports multiple selection; the action text reflects selection count
      • The action now finds pre-existing custom actions based on matching descriptions or scripts/paths
      • The action now provides improved feedback to inform you what was and/or was not done, and why
      • The action now correctly handles assets installed via Daz Connect
      • The action now produces updated embedded code
      • The action now updates an existing (partial) match if the Control keyboard modifier (Ctrl/Cmd) is pressed when the dialog is accepted
    • Content DB Editor... Action
      • Fixed an errant message that indicated the Content Library pane could not be found in a case that it had been found
      • Fixed an issue where triggering the action without first having a container selected in the Content Library pane would result in a crash
      • Now allows editing of product asset containers and any asset containers that contain assets
    • aniMate 2 trial
      • Fixed a regression that prevented the trial period from working before reverting to aniMate Lite
    • Script IDE pane
      • Added a "Close All Except Current" action to the File menu; in the pane menu bar and in the script document context menu
      • The "Go to Line" dialog now handles pressing of the [Return] key while the "Line:" spinbox has focus the same as clicking the "Accept" button
    • Scripting API
      • Made many additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (October 9, 2018)

    • Bug fixes
      • Fixed an issue with operating system version logging on macOS 10.11 and later
      • Fixed an issue that was causing detection of macOS 10.14 (Mojave) to fail and the application to crash
    • Batch Convert pane
      • Now supports drag-n-drop from asset views (e.g., Content Library pane, Smart Content pane, etc.)
      • Now supports drag-n-drop from the OS file browser (e.g., Explorer, Finder)
      • Now uses the version and type of the script file read when saving the converted file
    • Scripting API
      • Made many additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited June 2019 (April 17, 2019)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2018.1.3 (312200.3564); see this thread for more detail
      • REQUIRES NVIDIA Driver 418.81 (or newer); see NVIDIA Driver Downloads
      • Windows 8/8.1 Users:
        • Until a new driver that addresses the issue is released by NVIDIA (potentially early May), rendering with a GPU based on the Kepler microarchitecture is likely to fail and fall back to CPU: (cards with a code name that starts with GK#)
      • Color and alpha are now (simultaneously) rendered to separate canvases and composited
        • Addresses issues with alpha in rendered images when the post-denoiser is enabled and the environment dome is not drawn
      • Added a "Post Denoiser Denoise Alpha" property
        • Controls whether or not the post-denoiser is performed on the alpha for an image
        • Default off/disabled
      • Added an "Auto" option to the "Instancing Optimization" property
    • Content Navigation
      • Fixed an issue where presets assigned "AnySurface" did not display in the Smart Content pane when an object with no compatibility base was selected in the scene
    • Content Loading
      • Added additional information to logging of duplicate IDs when loading native files
      • Fixed an issue that caused pressing/holding the [Shift] modifier, without also pressing/holding the [Ctrl/Cmd] modifier, when loading a native asset to not apply the preferred options as stated on the Preferences page of the Load Options dialog
      • Fixed an issue with loading projection morphs from the same file as an embedded morph
        • e.g., Scene files that embed morphs (set as auto-follow) that have not been saved as support assets
    • Inline Help
      • Added support for hyperlinks (e.g., "More Info...") in "What's This?" popups
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made many additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited May 2019 (May 14, 2019)

    • Strand-Based Hair
      • Added a "New Strand-Based Hair..." action (linked documentation is in progress)
        • Creates a new Strand-Based Hair node and Launches the Strand-Based Hair Editor
        • May need to apply the Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus action for this action to become visible
      • Added a "Edit Strand-Based Hair..." action (linked documentation is in progress)
        • Launches the Strand-Based Hair Editor for the currently selected Strand-Based Hair node
        • May need to apply the Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus action for this action to become visible
      • Mac Users:
        • Saving/Loading of scenes with Strand-Based Hair is not functional in this build; this is fixed in a subsequent build
    • dForce
      • Added support for simulating Strand-Based Hair that has been converted to dForce Hair
      • Various performance improvements
      • Updated the dForce Starter Essentials package
        • Added RSL Strand-Based Hair Shader
        • Added Iray Blended Dual Lobe Hair Shader
        • Added Mohawk Strand-Based Hair Sample for Genesis 8 Male
        • Added Mohawk Strand-Based Hair Sample for Genesis 8 Female
        • Added Mohawk dForce Hair Sample for Genesis 8 Male
        • Added Mohawk dForce Hair Sample for Genesis 8 Male
    • NVIDIA Iray
      • See highlights from the post (above)
    • OpenGL Display
      • Fixed issues where various custom materials would cause random colors to be displayed in the OpenGL viewport unless those materials defined specific parameters
        • Custom MDL/RSL Shader Mixer brick based materials
        • Custom RSL shader materials
    • Animation / Inverse Kinematics (IK)
      • Fixed an issue that caused an initial “jump” when the Universal view tool, or a derived tool (i.e., Rotate, Translate, Scale), is active and the figure uses ERC to scale (e.g., Genesis 3/8 characters)
      • Fixed an issue with IK chain length in Bend/Twist bone configuration
        • Addresses an issue with prematurely involving pull nodes (e.g., collars in Genesis 3/8) in the solve
      • Improved fidelity of the IK pin solve
        • Use of a Jacobian based IK refinement pass greatly minimizes jitter at pins
      • Improved logic for determining Bend/Twist bone configuration (e.g., Genesis 3/8 characters) in the IK system
    • Property Navigation
      • When the text of an item in the navigation treeview (i.e., left side) of property based panes is truncated/elided, a tooltip that contains the full text of the item is now displayed
    • Content Navigation
      • When the text of an item in the navigation portion (i.e., left side) of asset based views is truncated/elided, a tooltip that contains the full text of the item is now displayed
    • Content Saving
      • Support asset save filter dialogs now provide dynamic menu options for the Vendor/Product/Item fields
        • Each field's option menu is automatically populated based on the value of the preceeding field
      • Support asset save filter dialogs now validate values entered into the Vendor/Product/Item fields
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made many additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217
    edited June 2019 (May 29, 2019)

    • Strand-Based Hair
      • Added support for growing Strand-Based Hair on Geometry Shell; hair must be after shell in scene list to reload correctly
      • Split launching "Basic" mode of the Strand-Based Hair Editor into its own "Edit Strand-Based Hair (Basic)..." action, instead of holding the control modifier (linked documentation is in progress)
        • Launches the Strand-Based Hair Editor for the currently selected Strand-Based Hair node in a "Basic" styling mode
        • Need to apply the Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus action for this action to become visible
      • Renamed all uses of "Texture Control Map" in the Strand-Based Hair Editor to "Texture Set"
      • Holding the [Alt] key when clicking a slider associated with a hairstyle in the Strand-Based Hair Editor will now restore its value to the value it had when the dialog was launched
      • Holding the [Alt] key when clicking a slider associated directly with Style Curve Tools in the Style workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor will now restore its value to the default
      • Holding the [Alt] key when clicking a color control associated with a hairstyle in the Strand-Based Hair Editor will now restore its value to the value it had when the dialog was launched
        • Base Color and Tip Color in the Distribute workspace
      • Holding the [Alt] key when clicking a color control associated with the Strand-Based Editor itself will now restore its value to the default
        • (brush) Color in the Paint workspace
        • Background Top and Bottom color in Global Settings
      • The Texture Sets Import option in the Style workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor now allows replacing an existing texture set
      • Each active target surface of a strand-based hair now results in a separate surface/material when the Strand-Based Hair Editor is accepted
        • These surfaces are in addition to the Strand-Based Hair surface
        • These surfaces provide individual surface/material access to the configuration of the hair for non-RSL-based rendering pipelines (e.g., OpenGL, NVIDIA Iray)
        • RSL-based rendering pipelines (e.g., 3Delight) use the singular Strand-Based Hair surface/material settings
      • Accepting the Strand-Based Hair Editor now causes surfaces of the created/modified node that correlate to the target object to automatically use the Iray Blended Dual Lobe Hair Shader if the preset that applies it is installed
      • The Select Curves by Tip, Select Curve Points, Comb Curves, and Surface Attract Curves tools in the Style workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor now provide an Offset option
        • All four controls are linked
        • Defaults to original value (0.1)
        • The value is saved to and read from the hair system
        • In the case of the Select Curves by Tip, Select Curve Points, and Comb Curves tools, this option is dependent on the corresponding Surface Intersection Check option being active
        • This option provides the ability to set the offset distance from the target surface to use for collision
          • If set too high, style curves being manipulated will begin to crumple/frizz
      • Interaction with Curve Selection Sets in the Style workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor has been significantly changed
        • Instead of a simple single-selection list, the view now allows each set to be added to or removed from the current selection and also allows multiple (via extended-selection) sets to be applied at the same time
        • Renaming of a Curve Selection Set is now accessed via double-click
        • The Rename and Deselect buttons below the list have been removed
        • Added a (dynamic) context menu
          • New...
          • Delete Selected
          • Rename...
          • Add Selected
          • Subtract Selected
          • Update
      • Interaction with Texture Sets in the Paint workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor has changed slightly
        • Renaming of a texture set in the list can now be accessed via double-click
        • The Duplicate, Rename, Fill and Invert buttons below the list have been removed
        • Context menu access to Texture Set actions has been added
          • New...
          • Duplicate...
          • Delete
          • Rename...
          • Fill
          • Invert
      • The Texture Sets list in the Paint workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor now displays icons for a given set that indicates its type; i.e., Gray or Color
      • Auxiliary Texture Set dialogs initiated from the Strand-Based Hair Editor now display icons that indicate/reinforce type where applicable
      • Texture Set selectors in the various workspaces of the Strand-Based Hair Editor now display icons (and a prefix) that clarify the type of maps to expect (used) for a given setting
      • Added alternate value/color controls to the Paint workspace of the Strand-based Hair Editor for controlling the color/value used by the brush in the viewport when the [Alt] key is pressed while painting
      • The Invert Mouse Wheel customization option for the application is now respected by the viewport of the Strand-Based Hair Editor
      • Fixed an item count vs scrollbar visibility issue with the Texture Sets list in the Paint workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor
      • Fixed a sorting after rename issue with the Curve Selection Sets list on the style workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor
      • Fixed inconsistently applied random number generation between dForce hair and strand-based hair
        • Results for random length, random angle, and frizz will all be slightly altered in previously saved scenes, but will now be consistent between hair types
      • Fixed an inconsistency across the Preview group(s) of Workspace Settings in the Strand-Based Hair Editor
        • Changed the label/polarity/default for "Use Preview Color" to "Show Hair Color"
      • Cleaned up Global Settings in the Strand-Based Hair Editor
        • Layout
        • Labeling
      • Fixed an issue that caused a previously specified undo limit in the Strand-Based Hair Editor to be ignored
      • Updated various inline help entries for the Strand-Based Hair Editor
      • Switched texture compression for file saving to use zip instead of JPEG LS; resolves save/load issues for strand-based hair on Mac and results in an overall reduction in the data footprint
      • Mac Users:
        • Saving/Loading of scenes with Strand-Based Hair is functional in this build
          • Loading a saved scene requires the scene to have been saved in or newer
    • dForce
      • Fixed issues with dForce hair not being visible to collision when Freeze Simulation is active
      • Fixed issues with invisible vertices colliding with faces; dForce Hair/Cloth interaction
      • Fixed issues with Duplicate of dForce objects not including all applicable information
      • ...
      • Updated the dForce Starter Essentials package
    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Made several adjustments/improvements to the Advanced > Canvases page
        • When an attempt is made to add a bone to an Iray canvas node list (e.g., "Create from Selection"), that bone's skeleton is added to the list instead; attempting to add a bone automatically elevates to the node that would contain the associated geometry
        • The title of the node list editing dialog now has a proper title; indicates its purpose and the name of the node list being edited
        • Fixed an issue when manually typing (as opposed to copy/pasting) a light path expression into the Expression field of an Iray canvas definition that caused the cursor to move to the beginning with each typed character and ultimately caused what was typed to appear in reverse order
        • Made minor adjustments to the layout/sizing/display of the canvas definition editor
        • ...
    • General User Interface
      • Updated default menus
        • Recommend clicking the Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus action
      • Fixed an issue where using the screen color grabbing functionality (e.g., press/hold the "restore modifier" + click-drag) of a color widgett when the widget was in a dialog (e.g., Strand-Based Hair Editor) would not use the pixel directly under the cursor position
      • Color widgets now have the ability to restore a “default” value if the user holds the "restore modifier" when left-clicking the widget; not automatic - must be enabled and initialized by the developer
      • Color widgets are now consistent with established convention, with regard to clicks in conjunction with keyboard modifiers
        • [Click] launches OS color picker
        • [Alt+Click] restores the default value (if enabled)
        • [Shift+ClickDrag] invokes the screen space color picker
        • [Ctrl+Click] presents float color dialog
    • Loading Deprecated File Format
      • Fixed *.daz file crash on load regressions introduced in the 4.11 cycle; related to the initialization of DzSkeleton, DzBone, DzBackdrop
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made many additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (June 3, 2019)

    • Strand-Based Hair
      • Fixed an issue where the "Parent Geometry" property alias was not set to be non-user owned
        • Resulted in the property alias being written to file when it should not have been
      • Fixed a crash caused by bias control values that resulted in zero
    • dForce
      • Fixed an issue where generated hairs were always being assigned to the first hair group
        • Manifested as an inability to select the node in the viewport when previewing generated hairs
      • Fixed an issue where hair converted from strand-based hair had an empty default face group
      • Fixed a crash caused by hair bias property values that resulted in zero
      • Fixed a crash when rendering hair in OpenGL if the target surface is subdivided and the viewport level did not match the render level
    • Polyline Tessellation
      • Fixed an issue with (horizontally) flipped UVs on tessellated geometry
    • Saving/Loading
      • Fixed an issue where new UVs (that are not already saved to asset file) were not being embedded in a scene file/scene subset
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,217 (June 12, 2019)

    • Strand-Based Hair
      • Duplicating a texture Set from the Texture Sets list context menu, in the Paint workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor, now causes the newly created texture set to become the active one
      • Fixed issues with initializing/updating Brush controls in the Paint workspace of the Strand-Based Hair Editor
        • Brush state does not persist across sessions of the editor or the application
        • Each editor session initializes and sets default values
This discussion has been closed.