DAZ Studio Pro General Release, Now Available!



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    ...OK 4.6 has been running pretty well since I installed it...

    ...until the last week or so.

    As I experienced with 3Advanced, the app began hanging up for a lengthy amount of time in memory after it was closed. Last night it not only remained in memory but actually increased in size by nearly 2GB and sat there for several minutes before finally reducing it's memory footprint and disappearing from the processes window in Task Manager. When I shut the system down afterwards I received a warning that an (unnamed) application was still running in background (the first time I've ever seen this message since my workstation became operational).

    This morning I loaded up CCLeaner, cleared caches and temporary files/registers but the memory "hangover" issue with 4.6 still persists.

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...OK 4.6 has been running pretty well since I installed it...

    ...until the last week or so.

    As I experienced with 3Advanced, the app began hanging up for a lengthy amount of time in memory after it was closed. Last night it not only remained in memory but actually increased in size by nearly 2GB and sat there for several minutes before finally reducing it's memory footprint and disappearing from the processes window in Task Manager. When I shut the system down afterwards I received a warning that an (unnamed) application was still running in background (the first time I've ever seen this message since my workstation became operational).

    This morning I loaded up CCLeaner, cleared caches and temporary files/registers but the memory "hangover" issue with 4.6 still persists.

    I see 4.6 doing this also, but this is not new. 4.5 did it too. On my 32 bit XP machine, 4.5 would hang forever and never quit. I had to kill it from the task manager every time I ran it. At least on Win7 64 bit, it does eventually quit. It usually only takes 10 or 15 seconds to disappear from the task manager when I had a big scene loaded.

    The times I've seen memory increasing is times when it had a lot of memory swapped out. To me it looked like DS was deleting data in memory and had to swap some back in to do it. It might also be unloading data from the graphics card. I was told the hangup I experienced on XP was probably graphics card related. That system had a bad graphics card that caused a lot of crashes.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    ...I have a fairly decent GPU, 1 G GDDR5. My system's memory (12G) is configured in Tri Channel mode. It got kind of scary last night as when it kept growing instead of shrinking afterwards, it reached over 10.5GB in size. I try not to kill the process in task manager when it does this as it can eventually lead to instabilities later on. The only time I close a process in TM is if it has totally frozen on me (like happens with Hexagon).

    One other thing I noticed is there is a Host Process (User: "SYSTEM") that keeps using about 200 - 300mb of memory almost constantly. Usually these processes are rather small in the 1 - 4 MB range. Don't know what it is linked to.

    Current render is running at over 9G due to tonnes of transmaps everywhere.

    May have to start rendering to a file when I create scenes like this. Would be nice if there was a background/batch render option for 3Delight.

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:

    One other thing I noticed is there is a Host Process (User: "SYSTEM") that keeps using about 200 - 300mb of memory almost constantly. Usually these processes are rather small in the 1 - 4 MB range. Don't know what it is linked to.

    If this is svhost.exe or something like that, it is a catch all process for running services. In windows they have been converting services to DLLs. The only problem is you cannot run a DLL. So windows uses svhost.exe to run service DLLs. A single svhost.exe process can be running many services. You can find what services it is running by selecting it in the task manger and right clicking on it. There should be a "Go to Services" or something like that. It will bring up the services window with all the services that process is running selected. You will have to scroll through the list, because they will not be all together.

    Now figuring out what services you don't really need to have running is another problem.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    ...I right clicked on it and got nothing about what it actually was tied to.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Just wondering when the next build is coming, this one has been a little buggy for me and hopefully they will have squashed some of the bugs.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2013

    ...been rather stable for me except for the "save as" selection which tends to leave you in the parent file rather than the newly saved version. I've had so many of my saved characters (saved as scene subsets) messed up because of this and had to go back into them to remove the extra props, lights, & such as well as zero the poses.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...I right clicked on it and got nothing about what it actually was tied to.

    The image below shows what I get on my machine. You click on the Go to Services menu and it switches to the services pane. You will have to scroll down through the list to see the services selected. The ones at the top may not be selected.

    I have a bunch of svhost.exe processes running, and a couple of them use up a lot of RAM.

    1140 x 465 - 228K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    ...so all the highlighted services are what it does then. Than you for clarification.

  • lannabullslannabulls Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Probably my question has been already answered, sorry however I dont have time to read this thread 37 pages, sorry again:
    my Daz Studio version is 4.5, I downloaded 4.6 version, in my pc I have "Daz Install Manager" installed. How to update to 4.6? I run the update trough "Daz Install Manager" or I must uninstall first 4.5 than install 4.6?
    Thanks a lot!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    Probably my question has been already answered, sorry however I dont have time to read this thread 37 pages, sorry again:
    my Daz Studio version is 4.5, I downloaded 4.6 version, in my pc I have "Daz Install Manager" installed. How to update to 4.6? I run the update trough "Daz Install Manager" or I must uninstall first 4.5 than install 4.6?
    Thanks a lot!

    As I assume 4.5 was installed from a stand-alone installer, I would recommend uninstalling it and the CMS first, then installing with DAZ3D Install Manager. The settings will be preserved, but that will make sure you don't have leftovers in a different location.

  • lannabullslannabulls Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    Thanks a lot fixmypcmike,
    so I Must uninstall 4.5 first and all the contents too, right? With CMS do you mean content? Sorry about my poor english!
    I dont have a lot of content however we are talking about 20 installers about, trying to tink about who has really a lot of.........
    Anyway I'm going to uninstall 4.5 with all contets too, clean the registry and install 4.6 and all the contents trough "Daz install manager."

    Two more questions:

    what about bridge and goz, i have version 4.5 that came with Daz Studio 4.5 installer, I uninstalled all as you suggested. Daz studio 4.6 doesn't have a goz, bridge 4.6 installer that comes with, can I install the old goze, bridge 4.5?
    Thanks a lot

    In my "Daz install manager" download page I have "Genesis Starter Essential" and "Genesis 2 Starter Essential", both must be installed or only the number 2?

    Post edited by lannabulls on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,762
    edited December 1969

    In my "Daz install manager" download page I have "Genesis Starter Essential" and "Genesis 2 Starter Essential", both must be installed or only the number 2?

    Both need to be installed. Genesis Starter Essentials covers Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 Starter Essentials covers Genesis 2

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Just wondering when the next build is coming, this one has been a little buggy for me and hopefully they will have squashed some of the bugs.

    Me too,

  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460
    edited August 2013

    I've got "DAZ Studio 4.6 Public Beta" that's just showed up in my DIM - is this safe to install, or is it an older beta suddenly showing up?


    *** edit *** sorry, Homer Simpson moment, just spotted the other thread - D'oh!

    Post edited by Jabba on
  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited August 2013

    What about none DIM users why do I get the feeling this is the way its going to be from now on...

    Post edited by Bobvan on
  • Siciliano1969Siciliano1969 Posts: 433
    edited December 1969

    How do I get the GoZ plugin installed in the Beta version? I have DS 4.6.18 general release with my GoZ plugin....but nothing comes up under the plugin for the GoZ Beta 4.6.81

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 98,453
    edited December 1969

    According to a post elsewhere the GoZ installer should be appearing over the weekend.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    ...well as usual, I'll let others work the bugs out and submit support tickets for now until the official public release is ready.

    Still have too many projects in the wings to mess with beta testing.

  • lannabullslannabulls Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    May you answer already, and may I did not understand, sorry about my poor english!
    I just installed Daz Studio 4.6, uninstall 4.5 version , trough Install Manager I install Daz Studio 4.6 version as fixmypcmike suggested answering one of my previous answer, thanks a lot! What about Goz and Bridge Plugins?
    In my Install Manager download page I have Goz and Bridge 4.5 version, do they work with Daz Studio 4.6?
    Thanks a lot!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    The ones from Install Manager match the DS version in Install Manager (

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582
    edited August 2013

    Since upgrading to 4.6 I am getting DAZ studio "Not responding" for lengths of time when trying to merge two files. This has not happened to me before.

    It seems to take longer to read assets of files and load them.

    Not every file, of course, just the larger ones. that I of course want to use.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    It seems to take longer to read assets of files and load them.

    If these files you're merging are old .daz scenes, then that's probably due to the change of file format. The .daz format isn't native for D|S4.6 any more, it now uses the .duf format, it has to translate everything into the new internal format, and this takes time. I don't think I've seen any actual "not responding" glitches — in this situation, anyway — but merging .daz files definitely takes longer than it used to.
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582
    edited December 1969

    I'm not sure how old they are, but I get stuck with certain files hanging on opening. Of course these are the ones with complex characters that I do not and will not be easy to recreate.

    It is frustrating, because I did not have this issue with the previous beta.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    I'm not bothering with the beta this time around. This "stable" version of DS 1) takes FOREVER to invoke, 2) takes FOREVER to read My Library files (yea I got allot but wasn't this bad one version back and yea, the GoZ plugin this time around is one buggy mess. Even Cath (Mec4D) complains about the GoZ bridge giving her fits and frustration. There are other minor glitches but those 3 are the main ones. Now I'm reading there are other issues with the new beta. No thanks!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582
    edited December 1969

    I wish I hadn't updated this time around. I have spent hours making a complex character to use repeatedly and now he hangs on loading in a scene with other characters. Bah maybe I need to recreate him in the beta native but attaching all the parts and extras took a long time. I don't really anticipate having fun making him again but at least I can load the character and write down all his settings.

  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 255
    edited December 1969

    I finally tried Studio 4.6 on my PC ( win 7 64 ) and am wondering if they are going to work on stabilizing the content management system. I'm used to Studio 3 and the content database and the new options looked good. I must have spent 8 - 10 hrs organizing my content using the product list ( I only made it through C ) when I noticed one of the products I had just organized, under the name of the next product to be organized! I tried re-importing the Metadata and the Smart Content disappeared! CMS WAS running. When I looked at the Category view again, Products had disappeared and the catagories had no entries at all. My content was in the folder view, so the content is still on the disk, but nowhere else. I tried searching Known Directories for content to repopulate the database, but nothing happened. Needless to say, after all this, I'm totally confused. All these new features are nice to see, but if you can't get your content in the picture, they are worthless.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    Gusf1 said:
    I finally tried Studio 4.6 on my PC ( win 7 64 ) and am wondering if they are going to work on stabilizing the content management system. I'm used to Studio 3 and the content database and the new options looked good. I must have spent 8 - 10 hrs organizing my content using the product list ( I only made it through C ) when I noticed one of the products I had just organized, under the name of the next product to be organized! I tried re-importing the Metadata and the Smart Content disappeared! CMS WAS running. When I looked at the Category view again, Products had disappeared and the catagories had no entries at all. My content was in the folder view, so the content is still on the disk, but nowhere else. I tried searching Known Directories for content to repopulate the database, but nothing happened. Needless to say, after all this, I'm totally confused. All these new features are nice to see, but if you can't get your content in the picture, they are worthless.

    If the CMS is running but Products and Categories are empty, something is blocking DS and CMS communicating, either a security program or something else using the port.

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931
    edited December 1969

    HI Guys. I"m glad i found this thread.
    Well for me, for the mac has been pretty impossible to work with specifically in the Timeline keyframing and aniMate2.
    They are just not working.

    For example the Timeline, i go to Edit/Figure/Clear Pose and it doesn't. erase the keyframe indicators. And also sometimes suddenly weird keyframes are created and they stop my animation and freeze it at those frames.

    But to animate, those are the things you need most. So i don't know what to do.

    for example i need to access my animations in animate2...

    The whole animate2 window is weird, it doesn't respond. and the aniblocks from my folders don't even fit. and DS doesn't slide them over so i can see them all. They just don't fit and you cant see the ones that don't fit.

    Then of course, at suden times you can't access the aniblock list..the thing doesn't work.

    I have DAZ 3 installed in my computer too, is that what can be making me have problems with animate?

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931
    edited December 1969

    nokoteb99 said:
    HI Guys. I"m glad i found this thread.
    Well for me, for the mac has been pretty impossible to work with specifically in the Timeline keyframing and aniMate2.
    They are just not working.

    For example the Timeline, i go to Edit/Figure/Clear Pose and it doesn't. erase the keyframe indicators. And also sometimes suddenly weird keyframes are created and they stop my animation and freeze it at those frames.

    But to animate, those are the things you need most. So i don't know what to do.

    for example i need to access my animations in animate2...

    The whole animate2 window is weird, it doesn't respond. and the aniblocks from my folders don't even fit. and DS doesn't slide them over so i can see them all. They just don't fit and you cant see the ones that don't fit.

    Then of course, at suden times you can't access the aniblock list..the thing doesn't work.

    I have DAZ 3 installed in my computer too, is that what can be making me have problems with animate?

    Hi guys, found a workaround for the Animate2 thing. For some reason ,it doesn't work when it's floating, or when it's docked with the Timeline, but when you dock it to the side, it works. great!

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