And this is why you should clean your navel out, because little guys live in it if you don't.
But don't imagine that just by maintaining navel hygiene you'll keep the little fellas away - you just get a better class of them moving in. Navel cleaning is the abdominal equivalent of real estate gentrification in that respect.
P.S. I chanced upon a cartoon on YouTube that had me in hysterics - Rick & Morty: Samurai & Shogun (no link for obvious reasons).
So I guess that you were right there - I just had to see a few more clips
I've been digging through my backups and found this (slightly edited before posting)
A Classic Scene Reimagined... A Case Of Mistaken Identity
It's a long, long time since I read The Lord Of The Rings but, if I recall correctly, when a group of human warriors (Riders Of Rohan?) encountered hobbits (Frodo and Sam?) for the first time they mistook them for stunted orcs...
On the other hand I'm imagining that, to a hobbit, an elf would look too skinny and underfed and rather unattractive.
Now reimagine a scene where hobbits encounter their very first band of orcs. The first thought that crosses their minds ? "You look like us, but you're taller and have pointy ears, so..."
"You must be elves!" cries one of the hobbits, running with wide open arms and a delighted smile to the 'elves' and giving them big hugs around the shin. (Hobbits are smaller than you thought)
The rest of the hobbits are ooing and aaing in awe (cue jingly music with an angelic choir humming, and a misty bright blue-white lighting effect)
The orcs are simply gobsmacked, standing in slack-jawed disbelief - you can almost hear the wind whistling through their heads and see the tumbleweed rolling.
Suddenly the leader pulls himself together*, pulls a big grin, and announces "Yes, we're elves! And my name is... err...", looks up at the trees "Leafy...", then down at his feet "Legs! That's it, Leafylegs!"
The other orcs are totally gobsmacked - their leader appears to have gone mad ! But he glares at them, then gives a rather unsubtle 'nudge, nudge, wink, wink' - "Yes, we're ELVES, aren't we boys. AREN'T WE BOYS!"
The other orcs begin to grasp what's going on, and start to introduce themselves with made-up-on-the-spot elfy-sounding names, delighting in this new game.
"I'm Twiggy!"
"I'm Log"
etc. After all the orcs have given made-up elf-names, Leafylegs says "And we love to prance in the forest. DON'T WE BOYS!", and leads his merry band a-capering and a-jigging around the delighted hobbits (except for those who are ROFL at the stupidity of the hobbits), accompanied by the dulcet tones of orcish armpit kazoos. The hobbits can't resist joining in with the fun.
Eventually the dancing is over, and Leafylegs enquires of the hobbits "Would you care to join us for supper?"
"Oooooh, yes please!" cry the hobbits, "Supper with elves! What do elves eat?"
And that's the last that was ever heard of them...
*I'm imagining something like Alexei Sayle as Fyodor Golodkin in Gorky Park, when he reveals his identity to Arkady Renko
Also found this, which is obviously linked to an earlier picture, although I'm not sure that this one will pass muster with the moral guardians - you can actually see Michael's nipples ! So mods/admins, please feel free to delete the image if necessary,
(Unfortunately I set too high a compression when I converted the PNGs to JPGs and they're artifact-y. But I'm pretending that it's an artsy-fartsy deliberate attempt to make them look more like paintings... )
I actually had Frank Frazetta's "Eqyptian Queen" at the back of my mind when I started this.
But as you can see, that's where it stayed.
There's a lady. There's a pillar. But I think I went astray when I got to the cat.
Due mainly to an HDD crash a month or two ago I've been going through my backups, and I've discovered a few things I'd completely forgotten about or thought I'd lost.
This one was part of a never-completed idea about Andy getting his revenge on the cheapskate for melting him...
Andy's Revenge (some of my concept sketches for an abandoned idea)
I do remember I got as far as having the cheapskate threatening Andy with a fork (common or garden dining variety) which I'd poked into my computer monitor (as was visible on both 'Probe Host' live feeds), and whose business end was poking out of the boxy white camera at Andy in a menacing fashion. But I haven't found that scene or render.
However, I've found a wire-mesh camera OBJ that I made to replace the white camera in that picture above. And this reminded me that I had an eyeball with dangling cables bolted onto this camera mesh, this being of course one of Andy's probes...
I also recall that out of the cheapskate's line of sight Andy had a stargate-thingy and a line of nasty looking monsters, one of whom was in the process of going through it. (the only render I found of this bit was a very early one)
And the final bit was a model stargate in the cheapskate's room which, unbeknownst to the cheapskate, had activated and was spewing forth monsters. This would be shown on a third screen in Andy's lair. I found some early renders of views from Andy's three probes that include this (I think the thought struck me that Andy had overlooked the issue of scale, but the creature scratching its head had just realized):
It was a great idea, and I got a fair way with each individualpiece of the jigsaw, but my brain just went into meltdown when it came to putting it all together.
P.S. No, I don't actually look anything like that. I look more like a big goblin or small troll.
(Post deleted - for some reason the forum software tricked me into editing an early draft of the previous post instead of the previous post. I know you're in there somewhere Andy!)
This was really just a see-how-many-dwarvez-i-can-add-before-my-system-explodes sort of thing.
I can probably add more, but it's getting rather slow.
Actually it was the first picture for a two-parter entitled "Dwarvish Shock Troops", and would have had a caption along the lines of "Rumble rumble rumble rumble... BOING!", but I didn't get far with that.
But I know that some of you will want to see where that was going, so...
Dwarvish Shock Troops Part 2
"Rumble rumble rumble rumble... BOING!"
But luckily I didn't get far with part 2 before I got bored. (Obviously the line of normal-ish dwarvish troops are supposed to be in this picture too, with the shock-troopers BOINGing over their heads)
(part 1 - part 2 - part 3) (Note: tum ti tums, lah di dahs, etc, aren't the actual words. They're just rhythmic placeholders until the appropriate words appear. Except when they're the actual words)
By the balls of Aunty Julia, may your offspring turn peculiar
May your Facebook posts be faecier, may your smarmy friends be greasier,
May your ACs all be DCer, may your nephews all be niecier,
May your mices all be meecier*, may you kits be fall-to-piecier,
May the con-men always fleece ya, may your Verdis all be grisier,
May your Twitter posts be sh!++ier, may your tum-ti-tum-ti-tittier,
May your bit parts all be bittier,
May your Instagrams be samier, may your pictures all be lamier,
And a few odd couplets, some of which have made partial appearances before
May your Mandelbrots turn Julia, may your pets act all peculiar,
... May your pies be full of blackbirds (four and twenty should be plenty),
May your cosplay be peculiar, la di da di da di hoolier,
May your mojo be pathetic, may your fits be apoplectic,
May your vermin all be meeces*, may your hateses be to peeces*, ...(a touch of both Gollum and Mr Jinks* there)
May your mild ones all be bitter, when they see you may folks titter,
May your hairstlyle be disaster, may your bladder be your master,
May your spellings spell disaster, dee - eye - zed** - ay - ess - tee - oh... errr...
May your retorts be retarded, may your CV be discarded
May your cocks be all a-leaky, may your sneakers all be squeaky,
May yor perrys be patetic ...
And here's a space for me to note rhymes with potential (exponential / differential / penitential)
greasier => fleecier ?
drastic / plastic / elastic ?
squealier => milieu
menial / congenial
congenital / ???
mental / occidental
stooges / luges
elusive / (in)conclusive / (un)conducive
Hostage / ostrich
*Apparently it ws Mr Jinks in Pixie and Dixie who used to say that . That's strange - I've never heard of him.
**or 'zee' if you prefer - but Sean Connery playing Exterminator Zee ?
I chanced upon the noteflight (online music notation) website a few days ago. Since that moment my muse has been singingbellowingwhisperingmurmuringgurgling spewing demented lyrics to popular tunes into my ears. I can't get the darn things out of my head now.*** So in the spirit of community spirit I decided to inflict share them...
You could consider this as an insight into the mind of a genius at work. But that would make you an idiot.
Musical Box (Part 1)
Especially conceived for lovers of a certain nameless musical - you know you deserve it ! (Note: tum ti tums, lah di dahs, etc, aren't the actual words. They're just rhythmic placeholders until the appropriate words appear. Except when they're the actual words)
Crotchets and quavers and Benjamin Brittens,
Doorknobs and Handels and noses on kittens,
Gingerbread sausages tied up with string,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Bittenless fingernails, fingerless mittens,
Boastful bald eagles and bombastic bitterns,
Frankfurter sandwiches, Emperor Ming,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
--.-..--.-. *
Morse codes** and trunk roads and cane toads and bad odes,
Jokers and Aces and Jacks, Queens and Kings,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Assets and issues and bold vision statements,
Something-ti something-ti something-ti something(that rhymes with'ments'),
Same-same but different and muck you can't fling,
This sort of rubbish keeps me laughing
Bedknobs and broomsticks and Bambi meets Django,
Dick Van Dyke's "cockney" and Dumbo v Rambo
Driverless beetles and old cars with wings, These are a few of my least favourite things.
Chinese fake sausages, ...
Divots and carrots and fruit full of maggots,
Bigots and spigots and Piggots and faggots****,
Budgerie kedgeree flung from a sling, These are a few things I find amusing.
Trumps and Obamas and Bojos and Putins,
Merkels and snorkels and ...
Bulldogs with manicures...
Harlots and charlatans, merlots and varlets,
Varmints and valets and chalets and valleys,
Uniplex cinemas, crowbars to fling,
These are a few more quite unlikely things.
Harlequins, Harley Quinns, Batmen and Jokers,
Pokers and Quakers and knakers and croakers, Paperback sandwiches, rhubard that sings, These are few quite preposterous things.
They're some more things that amuse me a bit.
... ... ...
These are some stupid things that make me laugh.
Stirling Moss lip gloss, and Bob Foss on wet moss,
Dental floss, Moss Bros and Luke Goss as big boss,
Candy floss bandages...
Plumbago lumbago...
Unguents and uncles and great big carbuncles,
Ungoliant... (lots more 'un-' words that aren't 'un-' words needed here...)
...some more of my unfavourite things
(more rubbish to be added as and when it comes to mind)
* .. .-- --- -. -.. . .-. .... --- .-- -- .- -. -.-- .--. . --- .--. .-.. . .-- .. .-.. .-.. --. . - - .... .- - ..--..
** -.-. .-.. ..- . ***If you clicked that link - well, what can I say... except "Lah-lah-lah lah-lah la-lah-lah..." - serves you right ! ****The witch-burning kind
A happy little accident, said Bob Ross. It looks like they're coming through a fiery haze, so if that was what you were going for you hit the nail on the head. If not, well... you can't argue with Bob Ross.
I chanced upon the noteflight (online music notation) website a few days ago. Since that moment my muse has been singingbellowingwhisperingmurmuring gurgling demented lyrics to popular tunes into my ears. I can't get the darn things out of my head now.*** So in the spirit of community spirit I decided to inflict share them...
You could consider this as an insight into the mind of a genius at work. But that would make you an idiot.
Musical Box (Part 1)
Especially conceived for lovers of a certain nameless musical - you know you deserve it ! (Note: tum ti tums, lah di dahs, etc, aren't the actual words. They're just rhythmic placeholders until the appropriate words appear. Except when they're the actual words)
Crotchets and quavers and Benjamin Brittens,
Doorknobs and Handels and noses on kittens,
Gingerbread sausages tied up with string,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Bittenless fingernails, fingerless mittens,
Boastful bald eagles and bombastic bitterns,
Frankfurter sandwiches, Emperor Ming,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
--.-..--.-. *
Morse codes** and trunk roads and cane toads and bad odes,
Jokers and Aces and Jacks, Queens and Kings,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Assets and issues and (something) and bullshit,
Something-ti something-ti something-ti something(that rhymes with'it'),
Same-same but different and muck you can't fling,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Bedknobs and broomsticks and Bambi meets Django,
Dick Van Dyke's "cockney" and Dumbo v Rambo
Driverless beetles and old cars with wings, These are a few of my least favourite things.
(more rubbish to be added as and when it comes to mind)
* .. .-- --- -. -.. . .-. .... --- .-- -- .- -. -.-- .--. . --- .--. .-.. . .-- .. .-.. .-.. --. . - - .... .- - ..--..
** -.-. .-.. ..- . ***If you clicked that link - well, what can I say... except "Lah-lah-lah lah-lah la-lah-lah..."
When the sun shines, when the cat purrs,
When I'm feeling good
I just have to think of unfavourite things
And that's sure to spoil my mood!
A happy little accident, said Bob Ross. It looks like they're coming through a fiery haze, so if that was what you were going for you hit the nail on the head. If not, well... you can't argue with Bob Ross.
I don't have a clue what I was trying to do. But I can pretend that's what I was trying to do and nobody will know better !
Who's Bob Ross ? [Quick Google] - ah, an artist guy with big frizzy hair. And Bob Ross rhymes with Chris Foss* - what a lucky coincidence...
*and Stirling Moss, and Luke Goss, and dental/candy floss, and wet moss, and lip gloss, and who gives a toss, and...
I chanced upon the noteflight (online music notation) website a few days ago. Since that moment my muse has been singingbellowingwhisperingmurmuring gurgling demented lyrics to popular tunes into my ears. I can't get the darn things out of my head now.*** So in the spirit of community spirit I decided to inflict share them...
You could consider this as an insight into the mind of a genius at work. But that would make you an idiot.
Musical Box (Part 1)
Especially conceived for lovers of a certain nameless musical - you know you deserve it ! (Note: tum ti tums, lah di dahs, etc, aren't the actual words. They're just rhythmic placeholders until the appropriate words appear. Except when they're the actual words)
Crotchets and quavers and Benjamin Brittens,
Doorknobs and Handels and noses on kittens,
Gingerbread sausages tied up with string,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Bittenless fingernails, fingerless mittens,
Boastful bald eagles and bombastic bitterns,
Frankfurter sandwiches, Emperor Ming,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
--.-..--.-. *
Morse codes** and trunk roads and cane toads and bad odes,
Jokers and Aces and Jacks, Queens and Kings,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Assets and issues and (something) and bullshit,
Something-ti something-ti something-ti something(that rhymes with'it'),
Same-same but different and muck you can't fling,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Bedknobs and broomsticks and Bambi meets Django,
Dick Van Dyke's "cockney" and Dumbo v Rambo
Driverless beetles and old cars with wings, These are a few of my least favourite things.
(more rubbish to be added as and when it comes to mind)
* .. .-- --- -. -.. . .-. .... --- .-- -- .- -. -.-- .--. . --- .--. .-.. . .-- .. .-.. .-.. --. . - - .... .- - ..--..
** -.-. .-.. ..- . ***If you clicked that link - well, what can I say... except "Lah-lah-lah lah-lah la-lah-lah..."
When the sun shines, when the cat purrs,
When I'm feeling good
I just have to think of unfavourite things
And that's sure to spoil my mood!
I got bored doing this. The rectangular opening was just to try things out - the intention was for him to be pulling his chest/adbdominal muscles apart to reveal his innards, wherein were going to be prisoners squeezed behind his ribs. The disembodied nipple isn't supposed to be there.
I was playing with the theme of monsters hiding under things, as I often do. I suddenly realized that I'd included a self-portrait, so this has become my new avatar
Originally posted (as a non-entry) on the October 2020 freebie challenge thread. Three prizes available, closing date end of this month, no entries yet !
It's such a happy place that I think two renders are required
What were you doing here? Did you model this?
What were you doing here? - I'd just seen a picture on DA that looked to me like the Giant's Causeway, but made of cubes (I can't find it now - I knew I should have favourited it). I just had a sudden urge to try and make something similar. But being a lazy bugger I didn't want to position loads of cubes. And I didn't want to write any scripts either. But I do enjoy Poser's material room**, despite all its problems. I've also always been a displacement fiend and love micropolygon displacement, despite all its problems. So the obvious answer was to use a procedural node to create squares of random colours, plug this into the displacement channel, turn up the displacement, and render. I believe that you can do the same with 3Delight (but not Iray, which doesn't support micropolygon displacement) - last time I played with nodes bricks in ShaderMixer was around 8 years ago with my DMS/TMS shader. I very vaguely recall that the ShaderMixer brick equivalent to the Poser 'Cellular' had the more mathematician-namey title, but I can't recall the name offhand (Edit: just having a play'in DS 4.12 ShaderMixer - it's Voronoi. 'Play' is the wrong word, because it just isn't fun, so I'll stick to Poser material room)
Did you model this? - It's actually just a plane (as in flat, not aero) with a procedural shader based on the idea just mentioned. The idea even works if the plane is just a single quad, i.e. 4 vertices, as it is in the attached screenshot showing the very basics of the shader along with the resultant render.
P.P.S. the render I entitled "The Cage" also uses micropolygon displacement for the musculature. I know that the entrails were Gen (as in generation not genisis) 4, as was either the skeleton or figure/texture, the other being Gen(eration) 3. You can see the difference between the default muscle shader and my tinkered one around the triceps, where the torso and arm material zones meet. One reason I didn't have his head/hands in the picture is because the large displacement I used made them look rather bizarre, as you can see...
*Auntie Immaculata, half-sister and accomplice to Sister Sledge
**The fact that I love tinkering with materials but never enjoyed using DAZ Studio's ShaderMixer or ShaderBuilder is probably the main reason I more or less stopped using DAZ Studio.
(Yes, still playing with monsters hiding under things)
You perfectly potrayed them in one side as grusesome creatures but in the other side as funny creatures
Thank you. Despite their size they can give you a painful bite - but they have high-pitched squeaky voices...
...quite similar to politicians then
Anyway, I was just messing around with the Poser atmospheric depth cue when I spotted plasma_ring's Huevember thread, so I asked Gunner Daisy to select try out a few hues of them for me. Apparently the second one would suit Gunner Rose to a tee, but she's busy on a top secret mission. Shopping. Laser rifles. With photon torpedo launchers..
More playing with the atmosphere and lights. Left to right - no lights, point light in helmet, helmet light plus spotlight from front. The pictures above have just the helmet light and a spotlight from behind-ish
I've finally got round to sorting out all my old DAZ/Poser scene files, and it appears that I went almost exclusively Poser in early 2014, but with mainly DAZ generation 4 content. I think this was around the time I left the PC too and stopped giving money to DAZ.
Anyway, I keep finding stuff I'd forgotten about, so I'll probably be posting a lot until I get bored. So, something classical to start with.
I like the earlier classical depictions of the faces of the gorgons - hideous, round with broad flat noses, fangs and tusks, and tongues hanging out. With snakes for hair of course.
I can't upload any of the main renders (which I only ever posted at RDNA) because both Medusa and Perseus are stark naked, as per many classical depictions from the Hellenistic period etc. But I can upload a couple of early naked renders of just her head. I was using Vicky 4 with some creature creator morphs and one of Sydd's marvellous V4 textures from RDNA. But I've always disliked the traditional snake hair. One day I was using the Riae dreads when it suddenly struck me that snake-dreads was what I wanted. I hadn't got round to turning the dreads into snakes, so I just added a couple of snakes. It looked good to me... but I got bored.
I didn't get the lolling* tongue in this one
*i.e. hanging loosely out of the mouth, like a dog, not as in LOL. That's a bit of help for the stupid.
Michael 4 with V4 UVs (the how-to was on ShareCG I think) and one of the DAZ V4 textures for his face (Dolly one of my all time favourites - Little Morticia loves it too) JoeQuicks freebie sci-fi armour, (another one of my favourites), DAZ cuffed tail hair, and my own swords and backdrop. If you want links I haven't included just post and I'll track them down.
A 2013 DAZ Studio (yes, DS3) render of probably my favourite-ever female model MDPs F202 Dollie. (I always use the V3-UV version). It's a crying shame that there's almost zero support for her.
Aiko 4 ? With the Millenium dog at his demonic best. With extra wings - Goth cherub wings from RDNA ?
And I'm absolutely delighted - I've found my original dreamgirl who I thought for years that I'd lost. She's from late May 2014 but unsuitable for the DAZ forums since she doesn't wear clothing (and no, she has nothing to do with the dreamgirl in my 'scraps' at DA). Due to the no nudity rule here all I can show is the dreamer*...
*yes, he is supposed to be floating above the bed - that's how it feels...
Google translate still tells me that 幽霊のような馬の射手 * (Yūrei no yōna uma no ite) means "Ghostly horse archer" (I vaguely recall that yurei is bow*** and uma is horse), so that might go nicely in red on the image.
Obviously a bit of post-render fiddling in GIMP here.
Kurosawa's Throne Of Blood (?) was in the back of my mind, specifically the scene with the two (?) samurai on horseback (one with bow, one with spear) charging (back and forth?) through the forest mists attacking ghosts (?). There are quite a few movie stills here including one (thumbnail attached**) that confirms my memory
nkcase grease, smeared all over this thread (including the unused space at the sides) to make it difficult for anything to escape
From last month's (May's) freebie challenge - originally posted here.
A Day At The Orifice
Their boss probably told them that things were getting back to normal, so they had to go back to the orifice today.
They've most likely just been staring at it all day. Wondering if the boss actually said "office". But navel gazing is more fun.
And this is why you should clean your navel out, because little guys live in it if you don't.
But don't imagine that just by maintaining navel hygiene you'll keep the little fellas away - you just get a better class of them moving in. Navel cleaning is the abdominal equivalent of real estate gentrification in that respect.
P.S. I chanced upon a cartoon on YouTube that had me in hysterics - Rick & Morty: Samurai & Shogun (no link for obvious reasons).
So I guess that you were right there - I just had to see a few more clips
I've been digging through my backups and found this (slightly edited before posting)
A Classic Scene Reimagined... A Case Of Mistaken Identity
It's a long, long time since I read The Lord Of The Rings but, if I recall correctly, when a group of human warriors (Riders Of Rohan?) encountered hobbits (Frodo and Sam?) for the first time they mistook them for stunted orcs...
On the other hand I'm imagining that, to a hobbit, an elf would look too skinny and underfed and rather unattractive.
Now reimagine a scene where hobbits encounter their very first band of orcs. The first thought that crosses their minds ? "You look like us, but you're taller and have pointy ears, so..."
"You must be elves!" cries one of the hobbits, running with wide open arms and a delighted smile to the 'elves' and giving them big hugs around the shin. (Hobbits are smaller than you thought)
The rest of the hobbits are ooing and aaing in awe (cue jingly music with an angelic choir humming, and a misty bright blue-white lighting effect)
The orcs are simply gobsmacked, standing in slack-jawed disbelief - you can almost hear the wind whistling through their heads and see the tumbleweed rolling.
Suddenly the leader pulls himself together*, pulls a big grin, and announces "Yes, we're elves! And my name is... err...", looks up at the trees "Leafy...", then down at his feet "Legs! That's it, Leafylegs!"
The other orcs are totally gobsmacked - their leader appears to have gone mad ! But he glares at them, then gives a rather unsubtle 'nudge, nudge, wink, wink' - "Yes, we're ELVES, aren't we boys. AREN'T WE BOYS!"
The other orcs begin to grasp what's going on, and start to introduce themselves with made-up-on-the-spot elfy-sounding names, delighting in this new game.
"I'm Twiggy!"
"I'm Log"
etc. After all the orcs have given made-up elf-names, Leafylegs says "And we love to prance in the forest. DON'T WE BOYS!", and leads his merry band a-capering and a-jigging around the delighted hobbits (except for those who are ROFL at the stupidity of the hobbits), accompanied by the dulcet tones of orcish armpit kazoos. The hobbits can't resist joining in with the fun.
Eventually the dancing is over, and Leafylegs enquires of the hobbits "Would you care to join us for supper?"
"Oooooh, yes please!" cry the hobbits, "Supper with elves! What do elves eat?"
And that's the last that was ever heard of them...
*I'm imagining something like Alexei Sayle as Fyodor Golodkin in Gorky Park, when he reveals his identity to Arkady Renko
Also found this, which is obviously linked to an earlier picture, although I'm not sure that this one will pass muster with the moral guardians - you can actually see Michael's nipples ! So mods/admins, please feel free to delete the image if necessary,
Breast Spectacles Are The Best !
Something To Do With Cats
A cat-lady inspired by this months freebie challenge. Personally I think she's gorgeous.
(Unfortunately I set too high a compression when I converted the PNGs to JPGs and they're artifact-y. But I'm pretending that it's an artsy-fartsy deliberate attempt to make them look more like paintings... )
I actually had Frank Frazetta's "Eqyptian Queen" at the back of my mind when I started this.
But as you can see, that's where it stayed.
There's a lady. There's a pillar. But I think I went astray when I got to the cat.
Due mainly to an HDD crash a month or two ago I've been going through my backups, and I've discovered a few things I'd completely forgotten about or thought I'd lost.
This one was part of a never-completed idea about Andy getting his revenge on the cheapskate for melting him...
Andy's Revenge (some of my concept sketches for an abandoned idea)
I do remember I got as far as having the cheapskate threatening Andy with a fork (common or garden dining variety) which I'd poked into my computer monitor (as was visible on both 'Probe Host' live feeds), and whose business end was poking out of the boxy white camera at Andy in a menacing fashion. But I haven't found that scene or render.
However, I've found a wire-mesh camera OBJ that I made to replace the white camera in that picture above. And this reminded me that I had an eyeball with dangling cables bolted onto this camera mesh, this being of course one of Andy's probes...
I also recall that out of the cheapskate's line of sight Andy had a stargate-thingy and a line of nasty looking monsters, one of whom was in the process of going through it. (the only render I found of this bit was a very early one)
And the final bit was a model stargate in the cheapskate's room which, unbeknownst to the cheapskate, had activated and was spewing forth monsters. This would be shown on a third screen in Andy's lair. I found some early renders of views from Andy's three probes that include this (I think the thought struck me that Andy had overlooked the issue of scale, but the creature scratching its head had just realized):
It was a great idea, and I got a fair way with each individualpiece of the jigsaw, but my brain just went into meltdown when it came to putting it all together.
P.S. No, I don't actually look anything like that. I look more like a big goblin or small troll.
(Post deleted - for some reason the forum software tricked me into editing an early draft of the previous post instead of the previous post. I know you're in there somewhere Andy!)
Orcball Fans (aka Dwarvish Shock Troops Part 1)
This was really just a see-how-many-dwarvez-i-can-add-before-my-system-explodes sort of thing.
I can probably add more, but it's getting rather slow.
Actually it was the first picture for a two-parter entitled "Dwarvish Shock Troops", and would have had a caption along the lines of "Rumble rumble rumble rumble... BOING!", but I didn't get far with that.
But I know that some of you will want to see where that was going, so...
Dwarvish Shock Troops Part 2
"Rumble rumble rumble rumble... BOING!"
But luckily I didn't get far with part 2 before I got bored. (Obviously the line of normal-ish dwarvish troops are supposed to be in this picture too, with the shock-troopers BOINGing over their heads)
Poetry Corner - Part 3
(part 1 - part 2 - part 3)
(Note: tum ti tums, lah di dahs, etc, aren't the actual words. They're just rhythmic placeholders until the appropriate words appear. Except when they're the actual words)
May your Facebook posts be faecier, may your smarmy friends be greasier,
May your ACs all be DCer, may your nephews all be niecier,
May your mices all be meecier*, may you kits be fall-to-piecier,
May the con-men always fleece ya, may your Verdis all be grisier,
May your Twitter posts be sh!++ier, may your tum-ti-tum-ti-tittier,
May your bit parts all be bittier,
May your Instagrams be samier, may your pictures all be lamier,
And a few odd couplets, some of which have made partial appearances before
May your Mandelbrots turn Julia, may your pets act all peculiar,
May your pies be full of blackbirds (four and twenty should be plenty),
May your cosplay be peculiar, la di da di da di hoolier,
May your mojo be pathetic, may your fits be apoplectic,
May your vermin all be meeces*, may your hateses be to peeces*, ...(a touch of both Gollum and Mr Jinks* there)
May your mild ones all be bitter, when they see you may folks titter,
May your hairstlyle be disaster, may your bladder be your master,
May your spellings spell disaster, dee - eye - zed** - ay - ess - tee - oh... errr...
May your retorts be retarded, may your CV be discarded
May your cocks be all a-leaky, may your sneakers all be squeaky,
May yor perrys be patetic ...
And here's a space for me to note rhymes with potential (exponential / differential / penitential)
*Apparently it ws Mr Jinks in Pixie and Dixie who used to say that . That's strange - I've never heard of him.
**or 'zee' if you prefer - but Sean Connery playing Exterminator Zee ?
I chanced upon the noteflight (online music notation) website a few days ago. Since that moment my muse has been singing bellowing whispering murmuring gurgling spewing demented lyrics to popular tunes into my ears. I can't get the darn things out of my head now.*** So in the spirit of community spirit I decided to inflict share them...
You could consider this as an insight into the mind of a genius at work. But that would make you an idiot.
Musical Box (Part 1)
Especially conceived for lovers of a certain nameless musical - you know you deserve it !
(Note: tum ti tums, lah di dahs, etc, aren't the actual words. They're just rhythmic placeholders until the appropriate words appear. Except when they're the actual words)
Doorknobs and Handels and noses on kittens,
Gingerbread sausages tied up with string,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Bittenless fingernails, fingerless mittens,
Boastful bald eagles and bombastic bitterns,
Frankfurter sandwiches, Emperor Ming,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
--.-..--.-. *
Morse codes** and trunk roads and cane toads and bad odes,
Jokers and Aces and Jacks, Queens and Kings,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Assets and issues and bold vision statements,
Something-ti something-ti something-ti something(that rhymes with'ments'),
Same-same but different and muck you can't fling,
This sort of rubbish keeps me laughing
Bedknobs and broomsticks and Bambi meets Django,
Dick Van Dyke's "cockney" and Dumbo v Rambo
Driverless beetles and old cars with wings,
These are a few of my least favourite things.
Chinese fake sausages, ...
Divots and carrots and fruit full of maggots,
Bigots and spigots and Piggots and faggots****,
Budgerie kedgeree flung from a sling,
These are a few things I find amusing.
Trumps and Obamas and Bojos and Putins,
Merkels and snorkels and ...
Bulldogs with manicures...
Harlots and charlatans, merlots and varlets,
Varmints and valets and chalets and valleys,
Uniplex cinemas, crowbars to fling,
These are a few more quite unlikely things.
Harlequins, Harley Quinns, Batmen and Jokers,
Pokers and Quakers and knakers and croakers,
Paperback sandwiches, rhubard that sings,
These are few quite preposterous things.
They're some more things that amuse me a bit.
These are some stupid things that make me laugh.
Stirling Moss lip gloss, and Bob Foss on wet moss,
Dental floss, Moss Bros and Luke Goss as big boss,
Candy floss bandages...
Plumbago lumbago...
Unguents and uncles and great big carbuncles,
Ungoliant... (lots more 'un-' words that aren't 'un-' words needed here...)
...some more of my unfavourite things
(more rubbish to be added as and when it comes to mind)
* .. .-- --- -. -.. . .-. .... --- .-- -- .- -. -.-- .--. . --- .--. .-.. . .-- .. .-.. .-.. --. . - - .... .- - ..--..
** -.-. .-.. ..- .
***If you clicked that link - well, what can I say... except "Lah-lah-lah lah-lah la-lah-lah..." - serves you right !
****The witch-burning kind
I dunno...Something went wrong
But I kinda liked it.
A happy little accident, said Bob Ross.
It looks like they're coming through a fiery haze, so if that was what you were going for you hit the nail on the head. If not, well... you can't argue with Bob Ross.
When the sun shines, when the cat purrs,
When I'm feeling good
I just have to think of unfavourite things
And that's sure to spoil my mood!
I don't have a clue what I was trying to do. But I can pretend that's what I was trying to do and nobody will know better !
Who's Bob Ross ? [Quick Google] - ah, an artist guy with big frizzy hair. And Bob Ross rhymes with Chris Foss* - what a lucky coincidence...
*and Stirling Moss, and Luke Goss, and dental/candy floss, and wet moss, and lip gloss, and who gives a toss, and...
It's such a happy place that I think two renders are required
Some more recent rubbish..
Hunting the sky kraken
Originally posted on last months freebie challenge
Wrong button
Originally posted on last months In The Sky freebie challenge
The Cage (a never-to-be-completed concept sketch)
I got bored doing this. The rectangular opening was just to try things out - the intention was for him to be pulling his chest/adbdominal muscles apart to reveal his innards, wherein were going to be prisoners squeezed behind his ribs. The disembodied nipple isn't supposed to be there.
I was playing with the theme of monsters hiding under things, as I often do. I suddenly realized that I'd included a self-portrait, so this has become my new avatar
Originally posted (as a non-entry) on the October 2020 freebie challenge thread. Three prizes available, closing date end of this month, no entries yet !
Some very cool stuff in your thread lately!
What were you doing here? Did you model this?
My AI* informs me that you're probably not referring to my "Musical Box (Part 1)"...
What were you doing here? - I'd just seen a picture on DA that looked to me like the Giant's Causeway, but made of cubes (I can't find it now - I knew I should have favourited it). I just had a sudden urge to try and make something similar. But being a lazy bugger I didn't want to position loads of cubes. And I didn't want to write any scripts either. But I do enjoy Poser's material room**, despite all its problems. I've also always been a displacement fiend and love micropolygon displacement, despite all its problems. So the obvious answer was to use a procedural node to create squares of random colours, plug this into the displacement channel, turn up the displacement, and render. I believe that you can do the same with 3Delight (but not Iray, which doesn't support micropolygon displacement) - last time I played with nodes bricks in ShaderMixer was around 8 years ago with my DMS/TMS shader. I very vaguely recall that the ShaderMixer brick equivalent to the Poser 'Cellular' had the more mathematician-namey title, but I can't recall the name offhand (Edit: just having a play'in DS 4.12 ShaderMixer - it's Voronoi. 'Play' is the wrong word, because it just isn't fun, so I'll stick to Poser material room)
Did you model this? - It's actually just a plane (as in flat, not aero) with a procedural shader based on the idea just mentioned. The idea even works if the plane is just a single quad, i.e. 4 vertices, as it is in the attached screenshot showing the very basics of the shader along with the resultant render.
P.S. check out my Warpy Cube Test Video at ShareCG to see what fun micropolygon displacement can be.
P.P.S. the render I entitled "The Cage" also uses micropolygon displacement for the musculature. I know that the entrails were Gen (as in generation not genisis) 4, as was either the skeleton or figure/texture, the other being Gen(eration) 3. You can see the difference between the default muscle shader and my tinkered one around the triceps, where the torso and arm material zones meet. One reason I didn't have his head/hands in the picture is because the large displacement I used made them look rather bizarre, as you can see...
I think the whitish bits on the muscle map, most prevalent on his hands (tendons/ligaments ?) probably need near zero displacement compared to the rest.
The normal skin of his nose, lips, ears, and around his eyes makes it appear that he's just wearing a meat mask, which made me think that he could be a new superhero/villain, Mr Muscle© ™ ® ☠ Muscleman, who wears a figure-hugging suit of meat - that's one up on Lady Gaga.
Strangley, the nose made me think of Jack Nicholson in Chinatown...
*Auntie Immaculata, half-sister and accomplice to Sister Sledge
**The fact that I love tinkering with materials but never enjoyed using DAZ Studio's ShaderMixer or ShaderBuilder is probably the main reason I more or less stopped using DAZ Studio.
Less than 1mm tall, but evil little buggers...
(Yes, still playing with monsters hiding under things)
Here is the picture where you can't tell if it is funny give it looks but you will find out.
Ps: it is not from me.
You perfectly potrayed them in one side as grusesome creatures but in the other side as funny creatures
Thank you. Despite their size they can give you a painful bite - but they have high-pitched squeaky voices...
...quite similar to politicians then
Anyway, I was just messing around with the Poser atmospheric depth cue when I spotted plasma_ring's Huevember thread, so I asked Gunner Daisy to select try out a few hues of them for me. Apparently the second one would suit Gunner Rose to a tee, but she's busy on a top secret mission. Shopping. Laser rifles. With photon torpedo launchers..
More playing with the atmosphere and lights. Left to right - no lights, point light in helmet, helmet light plus spotlight from front. The pictures above have just the helmet light and a spotlight from behind-ish
I've finally got round to sorting out all my old DAZ/Poser scene files, and it appears that I went almost exclusively Poser in early 2014, but with mainly DAZ generation 4 content. I think this was around the time I left the PC too and stopped giving money to DAZ.
Anyway, I keep finding stuff I'd forgotten about, so I'll probably be posting a lot until I get bored. So, something classical to start with.
I like the earlier classical depictions of the faces of the gorgons - hideous, round with broad flat noses, fangs and tusks, and tongues hanging out. With snakes for hair of course.
I can't upload any of the main renders (which I only ever posted at RDNA) because both Medusa and Perseus are stark naked, as per many classical depictions from the Hellenistic period etc. But I can upload a couple of early naked renders of just her head. I was using Vicky 4 with some creature creator morphs and one of Sydd's marvellous V4 textures from RDNA. But I've always disliked the traditional snake hair. One day I was using the Riae dreads when it suddenly struck me that snake-dreads was what I wanted. I hadn't got round to turning the dreads into snakes, so I just added a couple of snakes. It looked good to me... but I got bored.
I didn't get the lolling* tongue in this one
*i.e. hanging loosely out of the mouth, like a dog, not as in LOL. That's a bit of help for the stupid.
Why that title ? Well, it's sci-fi armour and swords, sorry blades. Easy, eh ?
Another clue ? Psycho nutcase.
Another ? Rearrange the letters in NUDE
Four renders (well, three plus a GIMP mess-around with one of them) originally posted at ShareCG some time around 2015 it would appear.
Michael 4 with V4 UVs (the how-to was on ShareCG I think) and one of the DAZ V4 textures for his face (Dolly one of my all time favourites - Little Morticia loves it too) JoeQuicks freebie sci-fi armour, (another one of my favourites), DAZ cuffed tail hair, and my own swords and backdrop. If you want links I haven't included just post and I'll track them down.
And two new one's that I've just done today
I reckon he'd be good for the 8th-9th
Hello Dollie !
A 2013 DAZ Studio (yes, DS3) render of probably my favourite-ever female model MDPs F202 Dollie. (I always use the V3-UV version). It's a crying shame that there's almost zero support for her.
P.S. If she seems vaguely familiar... you don't have to look far (or slightly further afield, but not much)
Another from 2013. No title necessary. A breath of fresh air before diving back in for another Charleston I guess ?
Le Cauchmar
From 2014, loosely based on the sculpture by Eugène Thivier <== WARNING: ORIGINAL SCULPTURE CONTAINS NAKED STONE LADY !
Aiko 4 ? With the Millenium dog at his demonic best. With extra wings - Goth cherub wings from RDNA ?
And I'm absolutely delighted - I've found my original dreamgirl who I thought for years that I'd lost. She's from late May 2014 but unsuitable for the DAZ forums since she doesn't wear clothing (and no, she has nothing to do with the dreamgirl in my 'scraps' at DA). Due to the no nudity rule here all I can show is the dreamer*...
*yes, he is supposed to be floating above the bed - that's how it feels...
Ghost Rider Ghostly Horse Archer
Google translate still tells me that 幽霊のような馬の射手 * (Yūrei no yōna uma no ite) means "Ghostly horse archer" (I vaguely recall that yurei is bow*** and uma is horse), so that might go nicely in red on the image.
Obviously a bit of post-render fiddling in GIMP here.
Kurosawa's Throne Of Blood (?) was in the back of my mind, specifically the scene with the two (?) samurai on horseback (one with bow, one with spear) charging (back and forth?) through the forest mists attacking ghosts (?). There are quite a few movie stills here including one (thumbnail attached**) that confirms my memory
Originally posted at ShareCG in 2014
*why did it paste the Kanji text as a negative here ? Now that's spooky...
**that image seems to have a skull on it - now that's spooky too...
***it isn't