RAMWorks Tutorials: PP2 and HR2 to figure & Painting Genesis in ZBrush



  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Hmmm, not tried that one, don't even know if I have that prop.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Don't bother...it's going to take a lot of work to convert it.

    I redownloaded it and it worked, so it was something screwed up in the file causing the crash...but it would initially load, so what it could have been, I haven't got a clue.

    But they are scaled all over the place, have all sorts of translations and such. So, after running it through and converting it, no matter what you do, once you try to fit it to Genesis, it does wild and unusual things. Basically, to get it to work is going to mean realigning every thing on the geometry, first, And since, I'd be doing all that, I may as well get it fit Genesis, natively and finish the process of rebuilding it as a native Genesis piece, anyway, instead of converting it...and that seems to much bother for a free hair that I may use once or twice. Plus I'm not even sure I want to use it for this particular project anyway...

    So, scaling and parenting are going to have to do...

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    OK.. I won't bother then. I'm at work right now so don't have any of my runtime with me to check to see if I do have that hair. Is it sold here at DAZ? Can you provide a link for me to go have a look? If I do have it I might not be able to leave well enough alone and try my hand at it! :lol:

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    It's a freebie on ShareCG and Rendo...Mareek/Mark003.


    Real pain in the posterior to convert.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited October 2012

    OK.. home from work. Well this person def has some good little hair props. I downloaded the Gaga one... since i'm one of her little Monsters.. lol Came over beautifully with all morphs.

    Here is what I do when I'm not sure if a prop is made for a figure... I DON'T assign it to one..

    1) make sure the hair is parented to the head before you convert it to a figure
    2) convert using the Transfer Utility but DO NOT choose a clone, just leave it at default.
    3) Do NOT check off any extra boxes except for adding a smoothing modifier, the rest leave at default.
    4) Choose your hair type, short or long so it's auto conformed to Genesis.

    Convert... should work.

    1327 x 671 - 295K
    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Simple Hair converted just fine. Follow my tips and you should be good to go. The morphs on this hair prop are not very well executed though. They totally need reworking. The Gaga hair performs better. The long morph just goes out forward and the others are kind of ... just OK... and others are a total miss for me.

    1228 x 687 - 317K
  • creativemodelsbecreativemodelsbe Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    If you have parts of Genesis that you have morphed and don't like it's an easy fix via ZBrush:

    Dial up the offending morph and using the GoZ ZBrush bridge,

    a) First export: UNCHECK the "Export with deformations" and go to ZBrush.
    b) Draw Genesis into Viewport (click and drag out the figure). Click the Edit button first afterwards.
    c) Then in the Tools palette expand the "Morph Target" and click the Store MT (this stores Genesis as a morph target!
    d) Click the GoZ button to send it back to DS but once in DS, click the Cancel button
    e) Then send it back to ZBrush but this time check "Export with Deformations"
    f) Once back in ZBrush, now draw out Genesis with it's morphs brought over.
    g) Brush palette, choose the Morph brush.
    h) If your morphed mess is symmetrical then hit the "X" button to turn on Symmetry.
    I) Zoom in to the offending area and begin brushing back to it's default state

    NOTE 1: You may find that your happy with other parts and find that there is a "step" where the old Genesis is now restored... easy fix. Hit and hold the Shift key, this will activate the Smooth brush, you will want to turn the strength though. I usually set it at lucky 13 or 7 depending. Now just brush over the area to blend it out.

    NOTE 2: First before sending it back to DAZ Studio make sure that the old morph is dialed back to ZERO!

    j) When finished hit the GoZ button to bring it back to DAZ Studio.
    k) You have two options, if you want to overwrite the old morph, get back to DAZ Studio choose the "Overwrite Existing Morph", make sure to name it exactly the same and make sure you choose the exact Group Path. Second option is just to give it a new name and choose your Group Path and your done.
    l) Save out the new morph: File> Save As> Support Asset> Morph Asset(s) and your done.

    Hope that helps folks. Sure has helped me allot! :-)

    Hi, can you please rewrite these tutorials in pdf form (forum difficult reading) and use more pictures to explain all this stuff.
    it's difficult to understand, without pictures.
    is this possible for you to do?
    i really hope you can
    thank you.

  • creativemodelsbecreativemodelsbe Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    oops double post

    Post edited by creativemodelsbe on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time right now... Just copy and paste the info into a text file and take your time going over it. Once you do it once you will find is easier each time.

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolf thanks so much for your Daz Zbrush tutorial. It really helped.

    One thing I still can't work out is how do I get a Genesis or its clothing to load in Zbrush with its textures on. I would like to reshape the character and do some 3D paint directly using polypaint.

    GoZ seems to have "update material" or UV options, so why doesn't it automatically export a clothed Genesis with their corresponding materials/textures? What is my option? Thanks.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Ah, well that's a whole different area I'm afraid. It would be nice if DAZ would update the GoZ to give options to export with materials but that's not the case.

    Here's a link to another tutorial I wrote: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/6841/P105/#163761 Scroll down a couple more because the forums are a mess and don't lock onto the exact post as they are supposed to. It's post #111. It's a long read but it's worth it.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,631
    edited December 1969

    Raaaam I just wanted to say <3 <3 on the hair conversions! After work last night I spent around three hours going through my libraries doing all of this, copying over to materials folders, etc. DS4.5 is SO much better at it, so major kudos to the code monkeys and their brethren for giving us this lovely, lovely functionality and to you for writing up a procedure for it.</p>

    I tweaked the shader on the hoary old Future Hair when I updated it and now it is one of the best-looking hairs for Genesis that I own. The only thing I found that was weird was that Future Hair and one or two others had to be translated upward before conversion or they would end up clipping the head in final version no matter what Clone morph I chose. Go figure. It was a very small number of hairs that had this issue, and even that was easy to get around.

    I'm so excited to have all these hairs for Genesis that their original creators never in a million years would have bothered making dufs for! My People/Hair directory has tripled in size overnight and all of the morphs still work. Even the Ariel hair is on Genesis now. Squee.

    Oh, and this works with cr2 hairs as well, you just substitute "convert to weightmapping" instead of "prop to figure." I now have my delicious Midnight Prince hair back as well.

  • ErdehelErdehel Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    I just tried another one - Jai hair from AprilYSH. The PZ2 hair colors work fine on that one. Maybe I'll redo my first one and see if I did something wrong along the way. Thanks again for this great tutorial. It is very well written.

    What character did you clone from? I tried M4, D3, V4 and I always I get hair floating in the air.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited February 2016

    April posted here Erdehel, there is a list on one of the pages. She continued to use M3 and V3 for many of her models so if you have those shapes (which come with templates for transferring clothing and hair) then try those templates

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Raaaam I just wanted to say <3 <3 on the hair conversions! After work last night I spent around three hours going through my libraries doing all of this, copying over to materials folders, etc. DS4.5 is SO much better at it, so major kudos to the code monkeys and their brethren for giving us this lovely, lovely functionality and to you for writing up a procedure for it.</p>

    I tweaked the shader on the hoary old Future Hair when I updated it and now it is one of the best-looking hairs for Genesis that I own. The only thing I found that was weird was that Future Hair and one or two others had to be translated upward before conversion or they would end up clipping the head in final version no matter what Clone morph I chose. Go figure. It was a very small number of hairs that had this issue, and even that was easy to get around.

    I'm so excited to have all these hairs for Genesis that their original creators never in a million years would have bothered making dufs for! My People/Hair directory has tripled in size overnight and all of the morphs still work. Even the Ariel hair is on Genesis now. Squee.

    Oh, and this works with cr2 hairs as well, you just substitute "convert to weightmapping" instead of "prop to figure." I now have my delicious Midnight Prince hair back as well.

    Glad your having such fun. I recently converted over the Fantasy Drops hair set from AlfaSeed. Turned out just wonderful. Now I do see issues with the transfer of longer hair as it ends up with "kinks" in the hair around the shoulders. I tried smoothing it out and then took it into ZBrush and that was a mess. So I gave up on that. Not sure how to fix that. If someone knows let me know and I'll add that onto the tutorial.

    http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/6841/P105/#178077 Starting with post #114

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,631
    edited December 1969

    No, I ran into that as well. It's less a problem with hairs that are narrower in back (Sissy Lebeaux by SAV and Sonia both look okay) but it's definitely there, I just don't have as many of those because they tend to cover up the clothes I'm trying to sell. :-D

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    HAHAHA... of course honey! :P

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Ah, well that's a whole different area I'm afraid. It would be nice if DAZ would update the GoZ to give options to export with materials but that's not the case.

    Alright now I need to manually apply Runtime textures onto Genesis in Zbrush I guess... Thanks for the link!

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited March 2013

    If it's by AprilYSH she actually used V3 and M3 for allot of her earlier hair styles even after V4 and M4 were on the market for a year. There is a list here in the thread with all her hairs listed by figure created for originally It's on page 4.

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,631
    edited December 1969

    cridgit said:
    I've followed the tute to successfully convert a number of hair props for Genesis. It works like da bomb! Thank you.

    However, I have a few hair figures (CR2) I'm not having luck with. When I load them, DS asks if I wish to autofit. If I do that, it mucks up the geometry (for long hair) because the sides get messed up similar to what autofit does with some shoes.

    Is there a way to "convert" V4 CR2 hair to position it correctly for Genesiss head only without autofit eating up the hair geometry? I've tried the convert prop to figure and the transfer steps but they don't seem to work on CR2 hair.


    When autofit comes up, say no/cancel. It will let the hair load unconverted. Then with cr2 hair, instead of "convert prop to figure" you go directly to "convert to TriAx weight mapping." Then TU will work.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969


    Thanks to that brilliant hair tutorial I was able to get Guillaume Hair to work on M6, it mystified me as to to why Neftis made that an hr2 (That's a Poser format, and FiberMesh hair won't even load in Poser.) and not a conforming style, if it had been then I could have used autofit. Still, the tutorial worked and I can now use it as I intended to.

    I owe you a big debt of gratitude, as I would have returned the hair (which I actually did a year ago when I previously bought it for Poser) had I not found your tutorial


    PS (The render took 4 1/2 hours!)

    576 x 745 - 245K
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:
    ... it mystified me as to to why Neftis made that an hr2 (That's a Poser format, and FiberMesh hair won't even load in Poser.) ...

    I don't have Guillaume ... but why shouldn't FiberMesh hair load in Poser???
    It's Geometry (very much geometry, LOL), not curves like LAMH or Garibaldi or PoserDynamic hair.

    Nikkou hair fitted to the BalljointBoy (a bit in a hurry - with more time I could do better) and rendered in PP2014
    He doesn't know what you are talking about ... LOL
    (Just a fun render, because I had to test your statement)

    Merry Christmas!

    738 x 960 - 169K
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 2013

    Ok, it would appear that 'some' will load, but, when I tried to load Guillaume Hair in PP2012, it just stalled and sat for ages not doing anything, I tried everything I could, but, nothing would happen. It's possible it had a high polygon count and may have loaded eventually, but, I was too fed up by then to want to do anything more with it. Still, I'm solely a DS user now, so it doesn't really matter.

    Merry Christmas to you too!


    Post edited by Rogerbee on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,962

    Okay I know it's been awhile since this was posted ,and it took awhile for me to find it and that being said I am so grateful to RAMWolf for the tutorial on converting hair,cause I've had a bunch of hair that I haven't been able to use

    with Genesis ,and the TOON shapes now I can!!! YA!! Thank you Rammie !!Thank you!!laugh

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Awwwwwww.... your very welcome.  laugh

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited May 2016

    I'd just like to say, this tutorial is just as relevant today. Literally, today. I followed your tutorial and was able to fit GQ Event Hair to Kimo 7. M4 to G3M, what a leap. Granted, it looks better in 3Delight than Iray, but the fact remains, it's doable. And it's easy. Oh, yeah... I was working in 4.9 beta. Here's a quick render:

    Kimo 7 wearing M4's GQ Event Hair, by L'Adair

    I stumbled across a link to this tutorial from a thread started yesterday morning asking how to prevent losing morphs when fitting older hair to genesis models. Now I know how all those PAs got such great promos while still using previous generations hair! I've bookmarked this thread for future reference.

    Thank you!

    Kimo GQ Event Hair.png
    1000 x 1000 - 768K
    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,962

    L'Adair  aren't there hair shaders for Iray,you could use on the older hairs??

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Looks grreat. Glad it's still a viable tutorial!  :-)

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    carrie58 said:

    L'Adair  aren't there hair shaders for Iray,you could use on the older hairs??

    Yes. I should give it a try. I have OOT's IrayHair Pair Shader.

    However, I don't think either OOT's shaders or Slosh's UHT shaders will help where sections of hair appear to be floating over the head... I'll show you what I mean, but I'll have to render it first...

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