Luxus discussion
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I think that, by design, the temp folder gets cleaned up automatically.
If you want to keep the files to pick up later, select 'Image File' instead of 'New Window' in the Render Settings. That will put the files in your render library, and they will stay there until you delete them.
Just take care to choose an unused filename - no warning dialog box comes up if you're overwriting an existing file.
I did the same thing. saved the scene and then find it is gone when I go looking for it. Surely this should be set up so it saves the scene if you want it saved - without having to change where it is saving to!!!!
In the DS Render To settings you have to select image file. If you fill in the name and folder fields, then the render will always save to that name in the specified folder. If you leave the name field blank, then you will be prompted for a name when you hit the render button.
Alternatively, you can use the File->Export... before you shut down the Luxrender GUI.
Yes but if you are rendering in Lux and you go to save it then it should save somewhere secure - not somewhere that is going to disappear.
The way I look at it is, the 'new window' option is for test renders that you don't intend to keep; if you are intending to save the render then save it to a file. Personally, I do a lot of test renders to check lighting/materials, and like knowing they will be automatically cleaned up after a while instead of building up on my hard drive.
That is one way to look at it :) but what other software deliberately saves to a folder that is going to be emptied so you lose everything? I can' think of one that does. Plus it doesn't tell you that fact anywhere in the readme or tutorial. I have just lost all the work I did on an image that took me over 9 hours to render so I am not very happy about that.
OK, the transmap not being transferred to LuxRender seems to be a mesh issue - she did not really overdo the mascara ...
I tried with transmaps from two different vendors and had the same effect.
Could somebody else with Aiko3 try?
Or use the free base mesh and a free texture and do a fresh install?
A3 Faeryl - Thorne, Sarsa
Starlight Updo _ Anton Kisiel
Starlight Updo Textures - RamWolff (added Luxmaterial Velvet)
Nymph Dress - Mada, Thorne, Sarsa
Ivory for Nymph Dress - Winter200
Background - Aerysoul (with White Matte Luxmaterial - colour changed by me)
Area Lights that are coming with Luxus - SphericLabs
Render time 1:30 ca. 950 S/p
size 600x800 (click for unsquished version)
By the way: Luxus is added to the DazStudio page of Luxrender:
Just to give you the heads up.....Mid render I saved the FLM file to a different location (instead of temp).......this DIDN'T work............Lux creates 3 files per rendered image.......... a scene file,a resume file and an image file.
Choosing to save the FLM file mid render creates a "resume" file doesn't save the all important "scene" unless you have both files you wont be able to reload/resume your scene.......which is a bit silly.
If you want to save on the "fly" the FLM (resume file ) to a new location and then find the FLM "scene" file in the temp folder,move it, (copy it ) to the new file both "scene" and "resume" files are together.
All the export options seem to be image related only???
Thank you to those who responded to my original post,I totally understand why files are stored in the temp folder as Lux requires a lot of trial and error..........the only catch sadly is that in many cases,deciding to run with an image comes after rendering for half an hour,seems silly to shut down a render your happy with,go back into Dazstudio render options,select "save as file" and start the process all over again.
The ability to save both scene and resume files at the same time seems common sense......why does LUX not do this or give you the option to?
Not to be controversial, but any software that does automatic backup of a file while you work does some version of that, which is basically what rendering to a window vs a file is doing. I think that is where the confusion comes in. That isn't to say that other options wouldn't be helpful in this case for people who find themselves in this situation.
Interesting titbit from the Ring of Light product thread -
S/He also said there will be an add on for Ring of Light for Luxus compatability.
One of my 1st testrenders for the DS_Luxus-Luxrender combo
Mila for A3
No material tweaks so not the best looking, but I do not notice a transmap problem
The lashes look soft, which I take is the result of Luxrender's render-engine. (or am I missing the problem?)
(Image at ca. 800 S/p)
getting down to basics
Looks like at least a warning when you choose Render To: New Window and Use GUI is in order to let people know that they should use Render To: Image File when using the GUI for final renders.
If you saved your scene before rendering and you saved your flm file to somewhere not a temp folder, you can still resume it. Simply click render again and the in the GUI stop the render and then choose file Resume. Choose the .lxs you just regenerated and the .flm file you saved.
If you don't need to resume but want to adjust things, run luxrender and choose Load FLM File
one could also change the DAZ Studio preferences so the temp folder DAZ uses is in an easier to find location such as documents\DAZTemp or something.
One of my 1st testrenders for the DS_Luxus-Luxrender combo
Mila for A3
No material tweaks so not the best looking, but I do not notice a transmap problem
The lashes look soft, which I take is the result of Luxrender's render-engine. (or am I missing the problem?)
(Image at ca. 800 S/p)
Hmmmmmm - but there are human renders with less mascara effect ...
This one has about the same distance as my A3 render:
This is Genesis, not A3:
Genesis again, at about the same distance as my A3 - this time V5 (no heavy mascara):
So it doesn't seem to be a general lashes problem.
Anyone have insight as how to set up SSS with Luxus? The conversion of HSS to Lux materials is a little daunting.
For example with Bree materials Luxus converted, I hit render and I see the sss maps loading in Lux, But they are not listed in Studio's Luxus converted Lux materials.
yeah a few pages back had some discussion about SSS
1) Download the LXM file for the material you want to add.
2) Open the file in a text editor like Notepad and look for the line beginning 'MakeNamedMaterial'
3) At the end of the text add the line 'NamedMaterial "material_name"' where material_name is the material named listed under "MakeNamedMaterial"
4) Copy the entire material including the line you added.
5) Paste it into the Luxrender Extra Settings option in Daz Studio.
6) Render
well that works very well, now I guess I need to get the blender exporter for Luxrender so I can make materials for DAZ Luxus..
I have saved the FLM file to a different location......when I open up luxrender and select resume render......the file I saved (in a different location) is not visible? already mentioned,it requires the FLM "scene" file to load first......then the "resume" file.....saving the FLM "resume" file does NOT save the scene need both file to resume a render.
When I do resume a render.....Lux asks for two files in order to continue I said earlier,it would make sense to save both scene and resume both are required to resume a render.
Now that I know how thing's work I will just use the temp folder for test renders and when happy I'll switch to save as file but for new people this is confusing.......saving the FLM is useless with out the scene file,so unless you approach this issue the right way people are going to waste a lot of render time.
Into my wishlist this goes!
So glad this came out. I felt like the guy who makes Reality was basically pulling a "I'm the only game in town, I'll charge what I please!" in regard to Luxrender plugins for D|S4. Sorry if you take offense, Paolo, but that's just how I see it.
Found another issue.........I have now saved my scene "save to file" renders.....I don't like the lights etc.....try again..........warning message pops up...... "this file already exists,do you want to over right existing file"..........YES......luxrender launches......and starts to render..........but it resumes the last didn't over right the previous file???
To render the same scene with the different adjustments I need to rename the file in order for lux to address the scene tweeks??
I'll be honest,I've used all plug-in's/bridges at some point and there are always issues......come's with the turf.......but Luxus is by far the smoothest and easiest plugin I've ever come just works and is pretty hassle free....the issues I'm having are minor one''s a very,very good's a welcomed product.
For rapid adjustment the Render To: New Window is better because at always creates a new file in a temp folder. When you are ready to render for a long time, do the Render To: Image file.
BUT: Looks Luxus should be changed to detect if there is an .flm file there and at least warn you that it is a resume.
For rapid adjustment the Render To: New Window is better because at always creates a new file in a temp folder. When you are ready to render for a long time, do the Render To: Image file.
BUT: Looks Luxus should be changed to detect if there is an .flm file there and at least warn you that it is a resume.
Thanks for responding.....luxus does produce a warning pop does detect......and does give the option to over-write or just doesn't over-write when required to........instead it loads the scene from DAZ to Lux and continues with the previous version of the scene for some reason?
Renaming the scene before rendering addresses the issue but the overwrite bit doesn't seem to work.?
hmm ok, so making the minor change to .lxm files as mentioned previously, we can use the materials from here
I hope the texture plugin currently in beta gives us much more flexability
but for now things work pretty well.
and of course we have to play with making things glow..
Tried Linear today and much better control over lights now. Just got to remember to increase the texture size when using the Lux GUI too. I was wonder why one surfaces wasn't getting any clearer until it dawned on me. Doh!
But at least I am starting to get the hang of it. Yes Mattynamx I like the Linear settings which as you say are like real world camera settings. As soon as I set things up as I would on my camera eveything fell in to place. I am buzzing now. :)
Nice work there Rareth.
Wood luxball on top of glowing thing. Awesome.
Yeah Rareth care to share. ;)