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Oh, I didn't mean to belittle the texture work--I'm just on a tight budget! :(
Good news on Marrakesh, too! It's interesting, I was doing some research on Syria recently for a little side project I'm working on and I found a place in either Damascus or Aleppo (pictures, I mean; I haven't been there ;) ) that looks exactly like Kingdom of Marrakesh.
What can I say, where possible I like to make sure stuff is historically accurate :)
Which is why we all love you. ;)
:lol: steady on, I've only just had my dinner! ;)
But thank you.. a compliment here and there certainly makes the day go a little better!
Jack, wasn't the Dream Home Front Drive yours? The product info doesn't say.
DS4.5Pro render, postwork in GIMP. Larger version in my deviantART gallery here.
Leaving Boca
Yea - that was ours :)
Nice render.. the POV works really well :)
...well set up a new scene with one Vicky, one Steph4, and Ness' Harpsichord, using a couple of the window panels, columns, and floor from Baroque Grandeur. and it would not render past about 40% before it crashed.
Couldn't even get it to render with the default Daz preview lights and no shadows.
The odd thing it doesn't stall on either of the figures, their hair, their clothing, the window transmaps, or the Harpsichord, but a spot on one of the columns after which the render file suddenly bloats by over 300MB (exceeding the available memory limit) and S3A crashes to the desktop.
I set up another scene with the older version of BG only to get the same results. Even tried a multiple pass render using pwCatch to capture the shadows from Steph4 and the Harpsichord yet it still crashed in the same spot.
...working 32 bit really bites these days.
Bah that's a shame.
The only thing I can suggest is to try reducing the resolution of the texture maps to free up some memory. Failing that, you'll have to just stick to smaller sections for the mean time.
How long until you can upgrade?
...well I was down to two window panels, two columns, the floor and the rug. Not sure how to reduce texture resolution.
Hopefully in about a week I will finally get the last pieces of missing hardware for the case. Received a response from the manufacturer when I got home tonight that they are shipping them out.
It will take several more weeks afterwards as I plan to do a full clean install of everything and build a custom runtime structure from the ground up (wish they'd get more on the ball with the .zip conversions). What I will be doing is directing the .exe installers to a set of temp folders and then manually moving content into the appropriate places in the actual runtime structure to organise things ina a more logical manner and avoid a lot of "useless" (non content) folders cluttering up in the runtime tree structure. As I will primarily be using the 64 bit versions of S3A, C8Pro, and PP2012, I won't have to be concerned about where to place metadata files or the CMS.
Yeah, until Daz gets things worked out with the newest version of Studio, the workstation will be a "Genesis free zone".
Well, I hope the rebuild goes ok for you.. definately though, once you get it sorted, set up a backup routine so you wont have to do it again! ;)
I am using DS4.5 Pro and I amn running out of memory quicker now than before. :(
Oh really? That's no good!
How much more are we talking? 10%, 25%.. more?
No idea Jack. All I know is that using the same lighting and less polys at a lower resolution render than before it can crash often. With no warning or error messages even in the log.
Urgh, that's annoying!
Oh, the agony. One day after I suspend my PC subscription I see the Parkside Head model, which is exactly what I've been searching for. I have sworn off purchasing until the new year, and seeing that will make these next few months pure torture.
Anyway, my question is this: do you plan to make an interior for the station?
Sods law isnt it.. sorry about that.
Yes, there is an interior done. When it's due out though I'm not too sure.. 'soon' I guess ;)
I've not had chance to use it yet (busy busy busy)...
...but I quite fancy Parkside Head as a WWII/DieselPunk flight control tower.
...thank you. Really looking forward to having 7 times the RAM to throw at rendering than I currently do (my total free RAM limit right now is only about 1.6 G out of 4).
Once I get everything up & running then I'll most definitely get an external to back the setup on.
Szark, are you also working in 32 bit as well? I found the 32 bit version of 4.0 to be so incredibly slow and crash prone to the point it is pretty much useless.
Haven't been able to DL 4.5 as the download time kicked back is something in the realm of 1 day + 10 hours. 675MB is just way too huge for my slow connection. They should offer a burn to DVD option at least for the core applications.
Yea, it should work pretty well for that sort of thing too.. As always, I've keep it as generic as possible to keep it versatile.
Look forward to seeing renders of it getting 'buzzed' :)
...thank you. Really looking forward to having 7 times the RAM to throw at rendering than I currently do (my total free RAM limit right now is only about 1.6 G out of 4).
Once I get everything up & running then I'll most definitely get an external to back the setup on.
Szark, are you also working in 32 bit as well? I found the 32 bit version of 4.0 to be so incredibly slow and crash prone to the point it is pretty much useless.
Haven't been able to DL 4.5 as the download time kicked back is something in the realm of 1 day + 10 hours. 675MB is just way too huge for my slow connection. They should offer a burn to DVD option at least for the core applications.
Yea, you'll be in a whole new world with more ram..
I would assume 4.5 will act much the same as 4 to be honest - so wouldn't rush to download it, especially on your slow connection. That said, it might surface on some magazines soon?
I am running 4.5 the latest public release. I had no trouble with RC 2 and 3.
Ohh ok, so it's a new issue - that's interesting.
Yeah a real pain Jack. I have just been reading another thread with others having the same issues. Anyways I got my render done by setting everything to Wireframe and rendered to file. But I couldn't use the lighting and render settings I wanted to use.
Another thing I noticed; I made an image in 4.5 RC3 for my last Dreamlight monthly image with area lights. I loaded the same scene in DS4.5 public and all the lights rendered at a lower intenstity even though the settings were the same, same render settings too.
I noticed others things happening when using Uber Enviro. No difference in render times between Occlussion with Soft Shadows and IDL with Soft Shadows. Plus I get the feeling the render engine is most efficent with regards to quality and lower settings. But early days still.
...that's what I do as a routine, which is why I was so surprised the pic I was rendering (described above in this thread) kept crashing.
The fact it still crashed when I tested it using just the Daz default preview light and no shadows still stymies me.
...here is a screen shot of the scene as it is set up in the viewport. along with how far the render to file made it before crashing.
Again only two window panels, two of the round columns the floor and rug from BG were used. One of the things I like about these sets is that they are modular.
...oh and an interesting thing happened, after pulling up the options menu to find where where I could turn the corner viewport widget off, the application crashed.
...and I wasn't even rendering the scene.
Hey KK whats your max Ram? I'm counting at least 12 different texture files loaded and that's just Diffuse textures. I'm not sure but I think I'm seeing Shadow calculations for the windows as well. That will not leave very much ram for Render calculations on a low end system.
...as I am in 32 bit, the maximum RAM any application can access is 2GB. S3A with the Scene file loaded take over 600MB of that just in idle mode (according to the processes window in Windows Task Manager) which leaves me with a paltry 1.3G for rendering. This is what I have been fighting with all these years and why I believe working 32 bit these days is a lost cause.
I cannot take advantage of the "3GB switch" option as that only works if you have XP Pro. I am running XP Media Edition. Also, Daz Studio does not take advantage of a Virtual RAM partition like Carrara and some other apps do. I'd trade longer render times for just having it not crash.
Like I may have mentioned earlier I even tried to render in 2 passes using pwCatch to capture the shadows from Leela and the Harpsichord but that crashed as well. I feel so hamstrung by this which is why my output has gone down to only a handful of pics over the last year.
They (both the application developers and content creators) are making things so much "beefier" today that older systems like mine can no longer handle the load.
Jack's Parkside Head (with Sarsa's Northern Head for Parkside Head). DS4.5Pro render, postwork in GIMP. Larger version in my deviantART gallery here.
Puppy Love
As I said very good render. I just do not like the cars. They just do not match the rest of the scene.
...well, got the Studio3 - Studio4 scene load issue worked out...sort of.
Seemed I needed the 3A Shader Mixer directory to be mapped in S4 and moved to the top of the queue as all my scene data was stored there.
The one rub when I finally got the entire the scene to open, the shaders on the Harpsichord and Leela were all bollixed up.
Hopefully it was because I had made multiple attempts at loading the scene with S4 still opened so trying again with a fresh restart of the programme.
Well, glad to hear it's a step in the right direction at least ;)
...well the Harpsichord loaded fine but the texture MAT I used for Leela (Tindra Thompson) is still all messed up.
...and I'm not even using Genesis so I'm not sure why this is occurring.