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If by painted maps in garibaldi, such as Hair Distribution maps... Yes you can export in 'paint' tab the selected map, it lets you choose where to export it. RULE is, it MUST remain the same scale, and must remain in PNG format, also do not change its name. When youve finished editing the PNG in Photoshop, place your map in its own folder. Then go back to Garibaldi and in Paint tab Import your PS edited map back to Garibaldi.
I Export, PS edit and Import maps to Garibaldi all the time, I find its a good method to keep the distribution maps symmetrical.
So, the 'map' we create by painting on the model is stored in a way that we can't access it in Photoshop? While I like Garibaldi's interface, the painting isn't as detailed as I'd like. I have much more power with Photoshop. I thought perhaps I could paint the initial map, save the file, then open the map in Photoshop to do some tweaking.
As for the separate map, it looks like each Garibaldi object only uses one map, so to get the bangs you added a second Garibaldi object. That seems fairly straight-forward and I can live with that.
Excellent job on her hair.
So, the 'map' we create by painting on the model is stored in a way that we can't access it in Photoshop? While I like Garibaldi's interface, the painting isn't as detailed as I'd like. I have much more power with Photoshop. I thought perhaps I could paint the initial map, save the file, then open the map in Photoshop to do some tweaking.
As for the separate map, it looks like each Garibaldi object only uses one map, so to get the bangs you added a second Garibaldi object. That seems fairly straight-forward and I can live with that.
Excellent job on her hair.
As Spyro described, you can edit the maps in external tools like Photoshop, but I have never done this. You can create the map in Garibaldi and then tweak it in Photoshop or similar program. You just have to be careful to keep it the same format.
In this image each of the hair objects only has a density map, and they overlap a little. If you are doing hair color maps I can see wanting to tweak those in photoshop.
I should add that this was done with Garibaldi 1.1 beta, but I don't think I'm allowed to talk about the enhancements yet.
Yes, it can be quite challenge trying with one object. This led me to wonder if having two objects and one object of same style will cause difference in render time?
I'm sure adding the bangs as separate hair increased the render time some, but the render time for this image was still very reasonable, ~17 mins at 1600x1200 on a fairly fast computer.
Rending time depends a lot on how you do the lighting and there are settings in the Garibaldi surface tab that will slow down renders, sometimes by a lot.
Bunch of comments so bear with me... :)
Distribution and colour maps can be created and edited in any external paint program. The catch is you need to know how the maps are set up and named. The easiest way to find out is to export a map from Garibaldi and see how it is organized. After that, you can do the whole thing in an external paint program and just import the map. As Spyro mentioned, the maps must be 1024x1024 in .png format and use the name of the characters surface that it will be applied to. Once you have the map created, you can save it and reuse it as often as you like.
The number of hair objects doesn't significantly affect the render time. The greatest effect is how much hair is being generated and how long it is. 100,000 hairs 4 cm long will render faster than 100,000 hairs 10 cm long. One hair object with 100,000 hairs will render in roughly the same amount of time as 2 hair objects of 50,000 hairs or 4 objects of 25,000 hairs.
While you can only use one distribution map at a time per object, you can have as many as you want saved with the hair file. Look back a couple of pages at my guys with chest hair. All the maps are stored in the one hair object file. I can change the look of the hair by simply opening Garibaldi, selecting the distribution map I want then exit and render. There are also several other control maps stored there that are used for clumping and scraggle control.
Garibaldi Express 1.1 is identified as a release candidate even though it is on his beta page. I think there are some issues with certain older video cards that need to be resolved but it should be fine for most people. You can read comments about the issues on his site.
Garibaldi Basic is beta but works fine with the same card caveat. Not surprising since it is a stripped down Express. :)
Other than to say nice job with the hair, I think that covers everything I wanted to mouth off about. :)
Don't mind me, just brushing out some cobwebs.
You are good at that! :)
Thanks for showing!
OMG! OMG! OMG! There's somebody here! WhaDoIDo! WhaDoIDo! Deep breaths..... you can do this. Calmly now.......
Thank you for your comment.
*** scurries away to the shadows***
hey bumping in to me in the shadows without saying sorry...I'll pull your hair out I will. :P
I like the green hair do which to me looks more relaistic than the other one but I do like the other one too. I think plug-ins like this needs some serious patience to learn and fine tune the hair to look better. I have dabbled with the plug-ins to the extent of what does what but for now I can't render a damm thing in DS4.6...crap PC so that has put me off from playing more.
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I'm so used to an empty room I didn't see you there. Please don't hurt me! :lol:
So, could you tell me what it is that bothers you about the first image.
Chest hair? Yeah, it could use better feathering on the edge, but the overall pattern isn't that much different from my own - even if my body isn't quite that shape.:-)
Head hair? Loosely based on Elvis style from the '60's.
Beard? I curled it up from the jaw line early on purpose. Otherwise it would be boring. :cheese:
Eyebrows? That's about as good as I've been able to get.
Too bad about your PC. I'm sure you would be doing some great stuff if your machine could keep up.
I think what strikes me about the first is the hairline just looks to straight across the head to me...but I didn't say I didn't like it, the hair itself is cool,,,a lot of gel there. :) The facial and chest hair look good too. The chest hair is very good, the best I have seen so far. The beard is good given the closeness of the camera so I can't really see the detail. :)
Didn't mean to imply you didn't like it - but you said it wasn't as good without saying which hair so I just wanted to see where it needed improvement.
I still haven't bee able to do a hairline I was happy with. Most of the time, I have a style that masks the hairline so it doesn't stand out as much. Of course, I've been pretty lazy about working on the hairline anyway. :lol:
Did you do the whole click to enlarge and click again for full size?
Maybe this has been asked, but how drastically does this slow render speeds? I know that hair and fur, especially, tend to slow renders a lot.
As with almost everything CG, it all depends on your quality settings and lighting setup.
As a general rule, I don't find it any slower than if I were using a multilayed transmapped hair instead. Short hair - like the chest hair - have almost no impact on speed, while longer/thicker hair will slow down the same way multilayered transmap hair does. YMMV
LOL Yeah I did enlage the images Gone. :P Hey don't get me wrong the stuff you are doing with this plug-in is awesome. Mush better than I can do at the present time.
...I have to figure out how to do eyebrows correctly. Really hate it when a skin texture has eyebrows painted on the face map since the colour cannot be changed even in a 2D app without changing some of the surrounding skin colour.
Hmmmm. As I recall, you said your PC can't handle the plugin --- so doesn't that mean any piece of crap I do is going to be better?;-P
Anyway, I take your meaning and thank you.
I guess it all depends on what you want to accomplish.
With the guy in my last render, I overlayed the hair on the skin texture to enhance it. With the girl, I painted out the eyebrow and just used the hair. I considered making the brows green as well but, while I've seen many people dye their hair green, I haven't seen anyone dye their brows to match so I left the colour different. :-) I don't have a precise enough 2D paint app (since I cannot afford one), I have to create the eyebrows with Garibaldi. The issue is the eyebrows on the facial map were painted in so they can't be "turned off".
GIMP is free and has many features similar to Photoshop. It's what I use and it works quite well.
...I have bowth GIMP and PSP but cant get either to just select the eyebrow hairs without also selecting the surrounding skin area as well unless I go individual pixel by individual pixel which is way too time consuming. I really wish content creators didn't do painted on eyebrows.
I think you are overcomplicating the process to remove brows. All you need is the clone and heal tools to wipe out the brow.
Here is an example that took less than 5 minutes to paint out the brow. That includes the time it took to open GIMP and load the texture.
Test driving a new ponytail.
I think you are overcomplicating the process to remove brows. All you need is the clone and heal tools to wipe out the brow.
Here is an example that took less than 5 minutes to paint out the brow. That includes the time it took to open GIMP and load the texture.
I generally prefer my face textures to still coordinate with the effects maps that came with them, so I usually use this method. But yeah, I'd say that trying to paint out each eyebrow hair individually is going a bit overboard -- just MHO, of course.
Oh, and it's a bit old, but maybe this list of No-Eyebrow Face Textures might help.
..for my characters there are specific maps I use
Leela: Jamminwolf's Tindra Thompson. This one's OK because she has red hair and the eyebrows are a very close match.
Lady (Mum) Grande: Fabiana's Druscilla Goth. Eyebrows black, Character hair colour: blonde.
Tracey: Thorne's Elspeth. Eyebrows: brown, Character hair Colour: white.
Lady (Mum) Kyle: Same as Tracey
Teagan (Tracey's sister): Same as Tracey.
Annika: Thorne's Tommi. Eyebrows reddish-brown, Character hair colour light ginger red.
Kyoto Kid (without Kabuki makeup) Rebel Mommy's Angelica, Eyebrows reddish-brown Hair colour: white.
Kylie (KK's elven twin sister) Same as Tracey
The Druscilla Goth, Angelica, Elspeth (and Ivory not listed here) maps are the best fair skinned ones I have.
Of the textures you listed, I happen to have Angelica so I thought I would have a little play.
The character in these renders is Genesis with fairie dialed to 0.5 and an extra 0.5 of V5 in the head.
Angelica has a base map, 7 makeup maps, a spec map and a bump map that need to have the brow cleaned off. That's 10 maps and it took about 35 minutes of GIMP time. Oddly enough, the clone and heal brushes worked just fine on the spec and bump maps. Who would have guessed. :) Yes, I could have taken more care with the fancier makup maps but why bother. The point is to put Garibaldi hair brows on the figure so you can't see the painted section anyway - I'm not OCD.
BTW, none of the brows used were built from the Angelica map. They are all old brows I built months ago. One was hand drawn in Garibaldi, one was based on an M4 map and one was based on a K4 map (FYI - the ponytail girl above is wearing K4 Josie texture). All I did was load the brow and change the colour to white. That took all of 15 seconds - except the one with the head hair. I took an extra 30 seconds to reshape the brow.
The lighting in the renders is UE2 with an IBL map and 1 distant light set to specular only. My machine is 5 years old with 6 GB of memory. The renders took about 3 minutes each except the one with the head hair -- that took 30 minutes.
Aside from replacing the brow texture with no-brow textures nothing was done to tweak the textures from the default load.
The rest of the pics.
Love the picture with white hair and white eyebrows!
Just saw that this thread had made it to the top page again and thought I'd show my first attempt at... erm... grass!
I couldn't find a realistic enough texture for the ground so I made some grass with Garibaldi. Took a few attempts but I rather like it.
What do you think?
Looks good! :)