RRRR Contest - Lots of prizes!



  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Luci45 said:
    Zawarkal said:
    Thank you for your comments Luci45. Now I have to go and look up Frieda Kahlo.

    I was thinking of this one - What the Water Gave Me. http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/frida-kahlo/what-the-water-gave-me-1938. But it's a lot different, just the bathtub angle...

    I followed the link, Luci, and I ran across this one in the slideshow: Girl With Death Mask (She Plays Alone). Gee, ya think!? (Can't imagine why.... :roll: )

    Yeah, it's just me being me....

    Thank you for the comments/critiques; they are always much appreciated. And yes, it was a compliment, albeit a left-handed one (actually, more of a dig at myself!)

    I've been laying low for a bit, to give me a bit of time to decompress, and to let everyone else catch up. (Six renders in the space of a week!? Damn!) But I'm ready for the final go. And here it is....

    1669 - Lyda
    1398 - M4 Elite Texture: Stratton
    1242 - Point Pleasant for Parkside Point
    1236 - Onyx for Genesis Female

    Okay, it's official; right now, I couldn't buy a clue with Visa Gold! But, in the immortal words of Debbie Harry: "Once more into the bleach!"

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:

    Ken "Assignation Behind the Garden" - well, that's an unusual style for you! Ashamed to say I've never read beyond chapter 2 of any Austen (though seen a few films and TV versions) so not sure of the reference, but it's very nicely done.

    OBanion #5 Nice one, looks Jane Austenish, I guess. I never got around to reading her stuff, but there were movies (yawn.)

    Please, guys, tell me I'm not the only one in this thread who's read Jane Austen! :ohh: Pride and Prejudice? Sense and Sensibility? Emma!?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,064
    edited December 1969

    TAG:Totte #5

    Totte said:
    Pull #5
    #433 Mort Augur
    #1485 Foreign Kisses Central District Subway Station
    #1431 Factory Robot
    #983 Cape for Supersuit

    This was just a weird combo, and the result, ever weirder...

    Also used:
    The Central District Subway Station
    Jepes Specialz
    Genesis + Stoltz + SuperSuit

    London Underground extension work
    While building an extension to the London Underground, the builders made some strange discoveries

    1200 x 960 - 196K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,064
    edited December 1969

    Pull #6

    #864 Astral for GIS
    #2393 Romantic Nights for Boudoir Bliss
    #837 Anime Star Fighter
    #179 Enchanted Terrace

    Interesting mix... Romantic Scifi animé.

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    I've been laying low for a bit, to give me a bit of time to decompress, and to let everyone else catch up. (Six renders in the space of a week!? Damn!) But I'm ready for the final go. And here it is....

    1669 - Lyda
    1398 - M4 Elite Texture: Stratton
    1242 - Point Pleasant for Parkside Point
    1236 - Onyx for Genesis Female

    Okay, it's official; right now, I couldn't buy a clue with Visa Gold! But, in the immortal words of Debbie Harry: "Once more into the bleach!"

    And this is it, my last hurrah.

    Also used:
    Andy Hair (Again! Yeah, I know, but it's the most 'Regency-ish' hair that I have!)
    Parkside Point Interior
    Worlds of Fantasy: Island Castle (water plane)
    Kireta Clothing Set #1 for M4 (a ShareCG freebie)
    M4 Jeans by 3D-Universe
    M4 Slipons by 3D-Universe
    Rock Star Hair (M4)
    Pure Hair Crazy (Genesis)
    Digital SLR Camera (and Lens) - another ShareCG Freebie
    Skydome from RDNA Macrocosm (came with Poser)

    Title: "Be Vewy Quiet! We'ah Hunting Spiwits!"

    TAG: obanion#07

    And, as they say in Hollywood..., "That's a wrap!"

    800 x 600 - 572K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,064
    edited February 2013

    I've been laying low for a bit, to give me a bit of time to decompress, and to let everyone else catch up. (Six renders in the space of a week!? Damn!) But I'm ready for the final go. And here it is....

    1669 - Lyda
    1398 - M4 Elite Texture: Stratton
    1242 - Point Pleasant for Parkside Point
    1236 - Onyx for Genesis Female

    Okay, it's official; right now, I couldn't buy a clue with Visa Gold! But, in the immortal words of Debbie Harry: "Once more into the bleach!"

    And this is it, my last hurrah.

    Also used:
    Andy Hair (Again! Yeah, I know, but it's the most 'Regency-ish' hair that I have!)
    Parkside Point Interior
    Worlds of Fantasy: Island Castle (water plane)
    Kireta Clothing Set #1 for M4 (a ShareCG freebie)
    M4 Jeans by 3D-Universe
    M4 Slipons by 3D-Universe
    Rock Star Hair (M4)
    Pure Hair Crazy (Genesis)
    Digital SLR Camera (and Lens) - another ShareCG Freebie
    Skydome from RDNA Macrocosm (came with Poser)

    Title: "Be Vewy Quiet! We'ah Hunting Spiwits!"

    TAG: obanion#07

    And, as they say in Hollywood..., "That's a wrap!"

    Twow him to the floow Bwian! LOL!
    Must look that Andy hair up, I'm very low on Regency style hairs

    Post edited by Totte on
  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:

    Must look that Andy hair up, I'm very low on Regency style hairs

    Well, technically, it's not a 'Regency' style. (The DAZ Readme calls it 'casual'!) But I used it in four of my seven submissions, and I find that it lends itself quite readily to that type of scene - you know, the formal, upper-class, Snob-castle kind of settings and characters.... And it has a ton of morphs, so it does that "blowin' in the wind' look really well! (Making it semi-transparent - that got a bit tricky, and that's where the pwGhost shaders came in.)
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,767
    edited December 1969

    Is this http://www.daz3d.com/andy-hair the Andy Hair you like, Ken? It is always good to get a recommendation for good hair. I've been disappointed with many I have purchased. On the other hand, Gregoria hair http://www.daz3d.com/gregoria-hair is one of my favorite hair purchases. It also has presets for styles and lots of morphs. Plus, it renders to look quite realistic.

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited February 2013

    barbult said:
    Is this http://www.daz3d.com/andy-hair the Andy Hair you like, Ken? It is always good to get a recommendation for good hair. I've been disappointed with many I have purchased. On the other hand, Gregoria hair http://www.daz3d.com/gregoria-hair is one of my favorite hair purchases. It also has presets for styles and lots of morphs. Plus, it renders to look quite realistic.

    That's it!

    Truth is, I had never paid all that much attention to the back of it (the 'Tail'), because I had - until this particular incarnation of the RRRR - always used it in a 'face-forward' pose. But 'out of the box', as it were, it works very well as a formal hair style. The included morphs let you give it that 'fly-away' look, but when it's tamed, it's downright elegant!

    But I will definitely check out the Gregoria Hair. You can never have too much hair! (Or too many shoes, for that matter! Oh, damn, have I just outed myself!?)

    EDIT: So yes, consider this a recommendation. I love the Andy Hair! It is incredibly versatile, and appropriate to so many scerarios (scenaria? Even as a former English major - for a semester, in some college, somewhere..., it's hard to be sure!). So if you see it on sale, by all means, snag it! You'll love it!
    Post edited by Ken OBanion on
  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for the comments Luci & Melanie.

    This one was a good learning opportunity. Partly because I decided to play with fog and clouds which I hadn't messed with before but also because it turns out that "Beard for Michael 4" is not Carrara friendly. Even though the color of his beard doesn't perfectly match the color of his hair, at least it no longer looks like someone slapped a swath of paint across the lower half of his face. :lol:

    Tag: emsim #2

    Title: Deadly Fashionista

    emsim said:

    - BRC Dark Rose
    - Beard for Michael 4
    - Castle Ruins
    - Orianne Hair

    Also used:
    Journeyer Scout
    DM Legends (her daggers)
    Rock Star Hair

    Victor moved cautiously through the misty ruins not suspecting he was being watched by none other than The Deadly Fashionista... and she did not approve of his outfit!

    1500 x 1125 - 114K
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    Here is pull#4

    174 Noggins Rabbit Hutch
    220 The Fountain
    239 V4 Fairy Gown
    247 V3 Base

    Here we go again

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,465
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    Oops, almost forgot to put in Pull 4:

    398 = Discordia
    572 = Morphing Fantasy Dress for Genesis
    382 = Lisa's Botanicals - Pond Life Plants
    180 = Royal Carriages for Millennium Horse

    Finally got round to this...


    Title: At the Assembly Rooms

    Also Used:
    Genesis woman (on left) with Tori for V5 skin texture and Jade hair - her MFD is textured with Chohole's "Brocato di rame" Italian Renaissance freebie
    Genesis woman (on right) with Valerie for V5 skin texture and Twyla hair - her MFD is textured with Chohole's "Abito roso nero" Italian Renaissance freebie
    M4 (entering building) wearing clothes from Regency for M4
    M4 (by carriage) wearing Working Man clothes
    Millennium Horse
    Pond and paving (in foreground) from Saba'a AlKair
    Trees (in background) from EcoMantics
    Skydome from KickAir 8P's Simple Sunshine & Skysphere Tutorial set

    1024 x 896 - 446K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,465
    edited December 1969

    And the next pull:

    877 = M4 Warp Master
    93 = Safari Starter (Serengeti / African Elephant / Pronghorn Antelope / Panthers / Rhino / Multiplane Cyclorama)
    276 = Malvada for V4
    288 = English Tack for the Millennium Horse

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,465
    edited December 1969

    And a little more catch-up...
    Totte "The Devil always cheats" - I really like this one, lovely mistiness.
    and "London Underground extension work" - poor St George, he's obviously completely baffled by the robot! Nicely done.
    Ken OBanion "Be Vewy Quiet..." - nice ghosting there. I'm sorry you've run out of entries now - I really look forward to them!
    emsim "Deady Fashionista" - mmm, another nice mist there - so that's done in Carrara? I've got a free older version from a magazine cover-disk but never tried it (yet) - one day...

  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513
    edited December 1969

    Can we use only items from DAZ/Rosity or our stores of choice? I'd have a rough time trying to track down every single freebie I've installed. XD

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Can we use only items from DAZ/Rosity or our stores of choice? I'd have a rough time trying to track down every single freebie I've installed. XD
    I'm not sure this would matter. As long as your Rolls for the 4 Main items were from a store you can add or use any items you like to finish your Render.
  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Can we use only items from DAZ/Rosity or our stores of choice? I'd have a rough time trying to track down every single freebie I've installed. XD
    I'm not sure this would matter. As long as your Rolls for the 4 Main items were from a store you can add or use any items you like to finish your Render.
    I mean for the randomization list. Sorry I wasn't clear.
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    tag: Zawarkal #04
    title: |:| Bibbity Bobbity. Boo? |:|

    174 Noggins Rabbit Hutch
    220 The Fountain
    239 V4 Fairy Gown
    247 V3 Base

    Cinderella... What's wrong with her? -- Evil Queen/Fairy Godmother... Now, don't worry about Snow. We've got to get you to the Ball. -- Cinderella stumbles while backing up and loses her glass slipper. -- EQ/FG... Just give me a few more minutes. I've almost got your limo ready.

    Cinderella and Snow White both use the V3 figure. V4 EQ/FG is wearing the fairy gown. I've started using the list at daz instead of the created list in case anyone's wondering about the changes in numbers.

    1800 x 1800 - 323K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,465
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    And the next pull:

    877 = M4 Warp Master
    93 = Safari Starter (Serengeti / African Elephant / Pronghorn Antelope / Panthers / Rhino / Multiplane Cyclorama)
    276 = Malvada for V4
    288 = English Tack for the Millennium Horse



    Mike and Vicki had a bit of a problem with the truck. And this wasn't a great place to be stranded - no signal at all! Mike would just have to go and find help...

    Vicki: "OK, so which are you going to try? It's far too small for Jumbo and those rhinos don't look very friendly - maybe one of the deer-thingies?"
    Mike: "There's never a zebra when you need one. And Vicki, can you lose some of that snake metalwork? I think it's making them nervous!"

    Also Used:
    M4 with Timeless Male hair
    V4 with Duarte hair
    Phone from Smartphone and Tablet
    Pickup Dred (with a little steam from Ron Deviney's Brushes Sampler)
    Worldbase XT Lushlands background (Serengeti Cyclorama had just too little space to fit the menagerie)

    1024 x 896 - 366K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,465
    edited December 1969

    And for my penultimate pull:

    731 = CeCe Veil Hair
    165 = Merman
    584 = Gabi for V5
    673 = M4 Pirate

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    Ken OBanion "Be Vewy Quiet..." - nice ghosting there. I'm sorry you've run out of entries now - I really look forward to them!

    What, like that's gonna stop me!?

    A non-compete..., just because I want to!

    331 - Charlotta Hair
    1046 - Annis
    1790 - Sunny Delight Hairkit for Him
    252 - Budding Romance Stephanie 3 and Michael 3 Poses
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,465
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    Ken OBanion "Be Vewy Quiet..." - nice ghosting there. I'm sorry you've run out of entries now - I really look forward to them!

    What, like that's gonna stop me!?

    A non-compete..., just because I want to!

    331 - Charlotta Hair
    1046 - Annis
    1790 - Sunny Delight Hairkit for Him
    252 - Budding Romance Stephanie 3 and Michael 3 Poses

    Waiting with bated breath...! :)

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited February 2013

    A non-compete..., just because I want to!

    331 - Charlotta Hair
    1046 - Annis
    1790 - Sunny Delight Hairkit for Him
    252 - Budding Romance Stephanie 3 and Michael 3 Poses

    This one was almost too easy - outfit two characters, pose 'em, and the random part is done! Needed a bit of context, though....

    Also Used:
    Tales of Adventure for SP3 (sword and scabbard)
    M3 Scout
    Obsession - A Private Collectiom (texture)
    Nightworld Lycanthropos
    Crypta Sepultus
    Everyday Male for M3 (texture)

    No tag, 'cause it's a non-compete. And you won't find it in the Entries-Only thread, either.

    Title: To the Victor Go the Spoils
    "Remember when all a girl had to do to get a guy's attention was to flash a little leg, maybe show a bit of cleavage? Now I gotta go out and kill a freakin' werewolf! Oh, man, Panetta's gonna pay...!"
    800 x 600 - 556K
    Post edited by Ken OBanion on
  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Another non-compete, because..., because....
    Because why the hell not, okay?

    1733 - Moody for Dark Moods (Hmm, deja vu all over again!)
    875 - Tales of Adventure - Fionnuala
    990 - Tootsie Roll Hair
    391 - West Park Lobby

  • bohemian3bohemian3 Posts: 1,035
    edited December 1969

    Here are a few I'm really liking so far... though all are terrific in this contest that pushes imagination to the limit !

    Title: “You Are Cordially Invited For… Dinner!”
    TAG: obanion#01
    Terrific use of negative space (which you know I'm a big fan) here to create a truly dramatic effect. It’s always tempting to load an image down with all the elements of a draw, but here the restraint is elegant and effective. One of my favorites of yours for sure. Lovely.

    |:| The Merry Go Round of Life |:|
    Fun, whimisical, definitely my pick so far for the fun and amusing category. There is a nursery rhyme whimsy “The-cow-jumped-over-the-moon”-feel. Inventive and storybook, fun and smile-inducing.

    Waiting for Life
    I like the use of shape symmetry with the urn and the woman’s stomach, and the plant as a symbol of life. This image reminds me of the tradition of allegory popular in the Renaissance. Nicely done

    Winterlace #1: The Holdup
    Wonderful fairytale feel to this one, vivid use of color and captivating. Terrific image.

    The Princess’ Lament
    Gorgeous reflections and interior ligting. I love the princess’ expression. Full of character with a tale to tell of the mystery of the nature of the lament. And what the bird knows.

    Tag: emsim #1
    Title: The New Quartermaster
    Colorful, enchanting, brimming with imagination which is definitely signature of the work you’ve posted. Great render and concept. Do keep ‘em coming.

    TAG: barbult#3
    Title: Stop peeping at that NVIATWAS movie, and serenade me while I cook your dinner
    This has a hint of the the Far Side humor. I really like the sense of normalcy and familiarity you created with the couple in there natural posing and placement, like this happens every night.

    It’s Not One of Yours?
    Tag: Luci45#4
    My absolute favorite so far – gorgeous, storybook feel with a Renaissance flavor which you do oh so well. This contest definitely suits your talents in creating a coherent artistic vision out of chaotic elements. Your renders most of all always give me a sense that you chose your elements intentionally and with a plan instead of vice-versa ;)

    The Devil always cheats
    Really like the feel and composition here. There’s a distant world moodiness that really works here. Very well done.

  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    bohemian3 said:
    Here are a few I'm really liking so far... though all are terrific in this contest that pushes imagination to the limit !

    |:| The Merry Go Round of Life |:|
    Fun, whimisical, definitely my pick so far for the fun and amusing category. There is a nursery rhyme whimsy “The-cow-jumped-over-the-moon”-feel. Inventive and storybook, fun and smile-inducing.

    Thank you bohemian3. It's funny, I actually had Hey Diddle Diddle going through my mind wondering how I could include it in a challenge within just weeks of creating this image. Perhaps I did it without realizing so.

  • bohemian3bohemian3 Posts: 1,035
    edited February 2013

    Zawarkal said:

    Thank you bohemian3. It's funny, I actually had Hey Diddle Diddle going through my mind wondering how I could include it in a challenge within just weeks of creating this image. Perhaps I did it without realizing so.

    I think you did! The creative process is a mysterious bedfellow.

    Post edited by bohemian3 on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,064
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Can we use only items from DAZ/Rosity or our stores of choice? I'd have a rough time trying to track down every single freebie I've installed. XD
    I'm not sure this would matter. As long as your Rolls for the 4 Main items were from a store you can add or use any items you like to finish your Render.

    I mean for the randomization list. Sorry I wasn't clear.
    Sure ( Tag them Rendo or Target when I pull them just to people knows what they are)
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,064
    edited December 1969

    Thanks bohemian3, it came out very well.

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    bohemian3 said:
    Here are a few I'm really liking so far... though all are terrific in this contest that pushes imagination to the limit !

    Title: “You Are Cordially Invited For… Dinner!”
    TAG: obanion#01
    Terrific use of negative space (which you know I'm a big fan) here to create a truly dramatic effect. It’s always tempting to load an image down with all the elements of a draw, but here the restraint is elegant and effective. One of my favorites of yours for sure. Lovely.

    Thank you, bohemian3, for the kind remarks.

    It's kind of ironic that in both this RRRR, and the last one, the images that got the most favorable comments were the sinister, monsters-lurking-in-the-shadows ones! I'm not quite sure what to make of that. %-P

    In any event, I do appreciate the thought!
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