What's in your background while you work?

What do you guys do, in the background, while you work?

- Sometimes I put movies on. There's a few that I've watched so often, I just let it run over and over.

- Sometimes music, a Youtube mix (classical or ambient).

Rarely a podcast as I get distracted.

- Never TV or cable. I can't take the commercials or loudness increase when they come on.


I tend to create in isolation and it gets very lonely- the total quiet and silence sometimes.

I gotta put something on.



  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,653

    I like the isolation and quiet, helps me think. it's funny, I work with the public all day long at my day job, so i enjoy dissconnecting and just being by myself at times. There are lots of times when the GF is over and I am on my PC working and she is on her macbook doing workstuff and it's nice and quiet except for the talking between us.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I have either the radio on or a cd playing.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited February 2017

    A very long todo list of real world chores that I try my best to ignore.

    "except for the talking between us"

    Once you guys get married you won't have that distraction anymore. laugh

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  • It depends on my mood; sometimes I don't have anything but household appliance noises (fans, etc.). Other times something rocking on Youtube (like right now I'm listening to Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple).

  • ElspathElspath Posts: 180

    The kids, maybe a movie, or tv show.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,021
    edited February 2017

    Silence... Or epic soundtrack music... Maybe something like Two Steps From Hell.

    Or if the kids are home, shouting and mayhem... Lots of mayhem.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • McGyver said:

    Silence... Or epic soundtrack music... Maybe something like Two Steps From Hell.

    Or if the kids are home, shouting and mayhem... Lots of mayhem.

    ah, That's awesome. I'm either listening to Audiomachine or Two Steps from Hell. Usually Audiomachine.

  • AineAine Posts: 34

    A cd playing songs or the TV going. Not one to set in silence

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,148
    edited February 2017

    The television. Usually a documentary of some sort. If not that, progressive rock or classical music.


    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • Music.  Classical Music.  big Symphonies, Concertos, or Sonatas.   Via CD or web radio from WETA, Washington DC or WNED, Buffalo.

  • Listening to classical from youtube. About to have a glass of wine and do the cliche artist thing. lol

    Working on a comic and Daz is a beast.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,855

    Well tonight I was playing a game on my Amazon FireTV stick.  I need to go to bed soon so I stopped playing the game.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,021
    avxp said:

    About to have a glass of wine and do the cliche artist thing.

    Not the cutting off the ear one?  Wine is no good for that, you should at least drink whiskey or vodka for that. 

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,609

    Sometimes a CD, sometimes my iPod, sometimes nothing. The music is usually Classical or Progressive Rock (yes, I listen to Prog Rock and I'm not ashamed of it!)

    I don't want to hear talking when I'm concentrating on what I'm doing so I don't listen to the radio, there's always someone telling you about the music you just heard or trying to sell you something. And I certainly couldn't watch anything while I'm doing something else.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,909

    Peter: That's why I like the Eve radio link I posted. It's atmospheric, slow building, easy in the background.

    Almost like Philip Glass, except Glass' stuff kicks into a fast pace every once in a while.


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    Something on Netflix that I've seen several times already, so that I know where I am when I look over.  My computer doesn't like it when I play music and play with DS at the same time (I save that for when I'm writing).  Occasionally I'll put on spotify or pandora instead (or even the radio, in which case it's classic rock) if I flip through my list and don't find anything I'm in the mood for.

  • Wine is no good for that, you should at least drink whiskey or vodka for that. 

    Anything beyond a slight buzz and I find it's a battle of my happy and joyous state verse my fine motor skills.

    I would love to be impaired and work on art stuff...but I find that all the time is spent thinking deeply and no actual art gets done.

    Somewhere I saw something about that and it was researched that he never really cut his ear off. But yeah...

    Cutting things off to express love?    ..what if she said Maybe...?

    And since he couldn't hear her, he kept cutting   - oh never mind.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,082

    Mostly silence while in the forums. When I'm working, mostly classical - hertel, telemann, vivaldi - or mannheim steamroller, alan parsons project, or stan freberg's pay radio experiment.

  • Usually a movie from masterpiece on pbs or maybe a Downtown Abbey marathon. Sometimes Game of thrones. I've seen all the episodes of both so many times I don't have to watch just listen
  • I usually have the sounds of mayhem in the background as my boys play video games together or attempt to kill each other or both.  They have such brotherly love.  ;)

  • jb16jb16 Posts: 52

    It's sometimes both for me. Sometimes I like silence while I work because it helps me think. Other times I don't have anything properly on, I just open up YouTube midwork to get sort of a break.

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    Silence, usually, or what passes for it in a house with three adults, one teenager, two guinea pigs and two pet rats. My desk is in a corner with the window right next to me, so I have the sounds of the family in my right ear and the sounds of whatever's going on out in the street in my left. During the football season I listen to my team on the radio when they're playing, but that's the only time I'll have the radio on. It's also the time when I'll get the most peace, as I'm the only one in the house with any interest in football and everyone magically finds somewhere else to be as soon as coverage starts. Lovely :)

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 908

    Usually some TV show. I don't tend to watch them so much as listen. You can tell I'm really interested in an episode if I actually look away from Daz and end up watching that instead. XD

  • galattgalatt Posts: 219

    Usually nothing.

    But I am almost always thinking "My arm moves that way, WHY WON'T YOURS?"

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    The Young Turks, Nostalgia Critic, or just a random news channel or podcast. 

    If I try to listen to music it gives me too much energy and makes me want to get up and do something away from the computer. If I try and watch/listen to a movie I just get distracted and stop working and end up just watching the movie. With watching The Young Turks, watching Nostalgia Critic, or listening to a podcast I can just listen and don't have to actively watch intently. 

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    Yeah..  a lot of the time the ambient sound is Darc playing video games next to me..  if I have to work on something that requires a ton of concentration I'll put on my headphones and play vocaloid music, or k-pop, or modern classical (usually video game soundtracks).. I can't listen to music with lyrics I understand and fully concentrate.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,333
    Silence except for two cage-free mischievious parakeets who bug me. Well... Maybe not so silent.
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707
    edited February 2017

    ...love to have music but headphone wires are a pain to deal with especially as they are not long enough to reach from the notebook I use for online stuff to the workstation. 

    These days, the most I usually do is have a glass of wine or 22 oz bottle of finely crafted beer, which I often discover I have drank very little of in the course of a work session.

    Without music I would prefer quiet, but am living with others in a house with two dogs and severl cats one of the dogs which is this scruffy little toy "something or other" who barks at the least little sound with a loud shrill repetitive yap that is amplified by the stairwell outside my door (the house has a hardwood floors).  Sometimes it just gets so annoying I just give up, shut everything down, and go off to the pub down the street to get a bit of "peace & quiet".  Really want my own place again where I don't have to deal with the constant barking breaking my concentration.  If I could save up enough, I'd like to get a nice pair of comfortable noise cancelling bluetooth headphones so I wouldn't have to worry about wires getting in the way as well as not have to hear the little beastie.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
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