Resource Error "File does not exist"

Except it clearly does. It is plainly installed in my Smart Content window - I can see it there. I can see all the sub items. I install via DIM and when I see the symbols I also do installs from Smart Content via Connect. Anyway I verified the file location in my file manager and looked up the file in the exact location it said the file wasn't with exactly the same name. I've sussed out some of the rest of my issues, I've come to realize that the latest update has somehow reduced the capacity of my Titan X to render complex scenes, but at least I can still render. But now I've got this bizarre problem. Anyone have any ideas?



  • So is this installed via DIM or via Connect? If both it will be the Connect install that matters.

  • I install everything via DIM. But there is a caveat. When I look in the Smart Content pane I often see the little icons that indicate that the item hasn't been installed, even though DIM did in fact install it and the picture is in color. So in those cases I go ahead and do the install (again) in Smart Content through Connect, so presumably the item - in this instance (several really and I couldn't tell you if it is a double install or not without a fair amount of searching.) a skin I'm trying to apply from one G3 figure to another. The content is clearly there and I can use my Windows file manager to go look into My Library to locate the exact location and file name that Daz has informed me doesn't exist. That is the gist of my dilema.

    I do the double installs because of the lack of information from Daz on installation generally and on this issue specifically, I don't want to not be able to locate my content, which is unfortunately exactly what is happening far too many times. I couldn't even begin to evaluate Connect as an installation method vs DIM because they seem so counterintuitive and (apparently) work against one another. 

    Not that this is germane to my problem, but I'd even appreciate a way to filter my content in Smart Content that even remotely resembled 'smart'. I never feel like I'm seeing all my stuff, or in the correct locations. I'd ideally like to be able to filter by figure generation and IRay but that would be too much for the manager in my lifetime I fear.

  • If the icon is in collour it's installed - but not via connect, so you get the aroow icon telling you that. You don't need to reisntall via Connect, it's an option. If you've done that it does mean that the Connect files are the oens that matter. You haven't chnaged the Connect directory since you installed the content?

  • Nope, I used to try to do custom installs, but now only for third party products. They get parallel directories. Otherwise I stay vanilla as much as possible because the closer I get to vanilla the more of my assets I can see and use, though apparently not all. Ultimately my plan is to build an entirely new machine and reinstall from the ground up OS, programs, everything. I've got several old installations of Studio that I've removed and even taken out the registry settings for and even then it manages to find leftovers, things that I tried to install using the DIM creator they sell that just didn't work. But still show up somehow even though I've since wiped the install and removed all the files. Studio is nothing if not persistant. 

    I may not have to reinstall via Connect, but the iconography overlaying the tiny graphics of my assets is irritating. So I install to get rid of it. So you're saying that if for instance I've done a Connect install in addition to a DIM install that the Connect supercedes DIM? If that is the case how and where do I tell it to look, since Daz itself says for instance that C:\Users\Havok\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\People\Genesis 3 Female\Characters\Freja\FR Alfhild\MAT Iray\FR Alfhild ++MAT Apply.duf doesn't exist and I just copied that path from my file manager, so obviously it does and apparently that is what Daz is looking for.

  • Sounds like you are having the issue that I am fighting for almost a year.
    I switched to connect downloads only, and never had a problem.

    Tried DIM last night with a clean lib,  and getting all those errors again,  those icons.. with the arrow..  (they are not greyed out)

    but why either showing "new"  or those arrows  puzzles me.
    Then I get all the Poser files showing as well with a ! in it..  I can check filter, then they won't show.  but then i won't see all the other items
    So went back to Connect again
    Did post a new question, what i need to change if i wanted a new libraray on a different drive

  • Nope, I used to try to do custom installs, but now only for third party products. They get parallel directories. Otherwise I stay vanilla as much as possible because the closer I get to vanilla the more of my assets I can see and use, though apparently not all. Ultimately my plan is to build an entirely new machine and reinstall from the ground up OS, programs, everything. I've got several old installations of Studio that I've removed and even taken out the registry settings for and even then it manages to find leftovers, things that I tried to install using the DIM creator they sell that just didn't work. But still show up somehow even though I've since wiped the install and removed all the files. Studio is nothing if not persistant. 

    I may not have to reinstall via Connect, but the iconography overlaying the tiny graphics of my assets is irritating. So I install to get rid of it. So you're saying that if for instance I've done a Connect install in addition to a DIM install that the Connect supercedes DIM? If that is the case how and where do I tell it to look, since Daz itself says for instance that C:\Users\Havok\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\People\Genesis 3 Female\Characters\Freja\FR Alfhild\MAT Iray\FR Alfhild ++MAT Apply.duf doesn't exist and I just copied that path from my file manager, so obviously it does and apparently that is what Daz is looking for.

    You should have a Daz Connect folder under Daz studio formats (assuming you are current with DS) - try finding the item under that and see if it loads from there.

  • By golly, I went into Content Library and browsed to Connect and low and behold there it was. And it loaded successfully. Gosh, how annoying. I guess I can't wait to reinstall Studio (again) for the umpteenth time. I just love installing Studio. 

  • If you unistall the Connect version of the product the DIM vrsion will work, and vice versa.

  • Here is a video that clearly shows DIM vs Connect and that it's not working properly


    In connect it's fine,  then i uninstall, and install through DIM.

    at the end I uninstall and install through connect.

    it seems that DAZ is not looking at the library folder properly..  idk what else to make from it.    

    through Connect it installs everything in a cloud folder on my drive.   and this problem is happening with 80% of the files (more then 4000 products)

  • For kicks I tried an empty database, and only installed the 25 Animate items.
    Only 3 showed installed in Daz, and in DIM all 25 were installed.
    When I went to update Meta Data.  only those 3 are showing.

  • Do the others have metadata? Do they have a tick next to their entries in the Installed tab of Install Manager, in other words?

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506
    edited January 2017

    No tick.  only those 3..

    As far the other 5000 items,   most of them, don't have a tick.

    is that why DIM is useless for me?

    But Aiko 3,4 and 5 I think.  won't install through Connect.  I need to use DIM for that..

    Post edited by pkappetein on
  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506
    edited January 2017

    Do I need to uncheck the 2 Connect items that are at the bottom of the filters?  so only the ones for DIM will show ?

    Edit: i tried those 2 settings, but they always show in the Download or downloaded items.

    and in connect  the items are always showing..

    Unless I am missing something here?



    Post edited by pkappetein on
  • I'm not sure that AniBlocks are meant to have metadata, they are loaded through the AniMate pane

  • Well, if you saw the video,  then you see that it works through connect.  It might have to do with those images the other person showed.  that a folder name was missing.

    But regardss to the filters...  is that possible?  to show which can only be done with DIM ?   (missing that database icon)


  • Well, if you saw the video,  then you see that it works through connect.  It might have to do with those images the other person showed.  that a folder name was missing.

    But regardss to the filters...  is that possible?  to show which can only be done with DIM ?   (missing that database icon)

    The two filters are Connect Available (can be isntalled via Connect) and Connect Installed (has been installed via Connect). If you uncheck both that should leave items that require a DIM installation.

  • Hmm  i still had them all showing..  thats wahy i had the question..

    let me try again just in case..

    that might be then the whole iss all along..  

  • guess not

    Did the Animate ,  they all show with the 2 items unchecked.. installed and only 3 are showing

    and i installed 25 of them.. same as the images and video

  • The filters affect only the Ready to Download tab.

  • I did.

    I started with a clean version.

    So had all my downloads in  Ready for Download..   The filter does take them out..

    So I only installed those Animate ones,  and they are still failing.

  • Sorry, I'm not entirely following and can't see any obvious suggestions. Are you getting issues with content that isn't an aniblock?

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506
    edited January 2017

    Welcome to the issue :)

    I have the same problem with other content that are not Ani blocks.

    I would like to use DIM, but 

    1. Files are having thatsymbol at the right top.  (my understanding now is that it means that it's also for connect).   But it's not marking them as new.  only a few items are marked as new. but how to get rid of that icon then..  it's really annoying to me.

    2/ shows PS (Poser Files)    How can I hide those?   I know i  can remove the folder from Daz, but idk if it will break anything, since you can load poser files too in Daz i think?

    3, once files are done through DIM,  and I run   re-import meta data,  things are a lot worse (more missing icons etc)

    Post edited by pkappetein on
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,075

    @pkappetein  "/ shows PS (Poser Files)    How can I hide those?  "

    1. Put the poser files (my definition is any V4 or earlier resources NOT purchased from DAZ - since the folder structure can be pretty random) into a separate path that is still shwon in Content Directory Manager. Once you do that, just work from your main DAZ library. See attached images.

    2 OR uninstall the Poser content

    3. OR Outside of Studio, Manually reorganize the Poser content into Daz compatible folders (not recommended as it's not totally clear on individual poser files structures what the equivalent DAZ folder should be.

    Number 1 is recommended since it can be reliably done outside of Studio (except the specifying the paths in Content Directory Manager.

    395 x 225 - 12K
    356 x 201 - 11K
    524 x 490 - 31K
  • Sorry, I'm not entirely following and can't see any obvious suggestions. Are you getting issues with content that isn't an aniblock?


    The filters affect only the Ready to Download tab.

    ok, deleted everything, and changed the lib folders to my F drive.   (Waiting for my 4Tb SDD this week)   so i am prepared and can play with it for now.

    Since there is nothing installed,  I have 4600 ready for download  and  have the 2 Connect items checked,

    When I uncheck it,  then  I have 4596 downloads left..   so with other words  4596 are not supported by Connect ?   Which seems odd,  cause I know i have more then 30 checkmars for that Database column.
    So seems like everything is pretty much supportd by connect,  even though i get all the corrupt icons,  or showing as not installed..

  • Checkmarks are for metadata, nothing to do with Connect. Only four Connect Available items does sound very low, but if a lot of your content is for fourth generation Daz figures not impossible, I suppose.

  • idk..

    I noticed that importing poser through DIM goes fine.. but once you start updating the Database.   then it's importing all the DS meta data..  
    Wish you could turn that part off.

  • idk..

    I noticed that importing poser through DIM goes fine.. but once you start updating the Database.   then it's importing all the DS meta data..  
    Wish you could turn that part off.

    I'm not sure what you mean by that.

  • When I import everything through DIM,  everything is showing with the symbol in the corner and not marked as New.  Also no PS files are shown.

    So I do a Db Maintenance,  and re-import Metadata.

    Then the symbol is gone, and the items are marked as New.  but then also all the Poser Files are showing in the Library.    

    I wish I could hide the Poser files in the Smart Library.   since I hate using the File directory..  I like to see images,  and not thinking what name i need to pick in order to find something

  • Where are you looking? The Poser files (if they aren't needed) don't have to be installed, and if they aren't installed they won't load their metadata (unless you did once have them installed and manually deleted without getting rid of the metadata files). The symbol showing that an item can be downloaded via Connect should be there when you use a Product view - but if the item is actually already installed via DIM (has a coloured thumbnail) you can use it from that.

  • I install the Poser files, since I have Poser as well.

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