The Twinkies and Lime Jello Complaint Thread -- Now With More Squirrels!
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Damn! I'll check into finding a few investors then. I think this might work.Ahh!! Well, I also own this Bridge... tell the investors I'll toss it in for Free.
...shoot, where I live I can give them a choice of seven count them, seven bridges to choose from, including the only double deck vertical lift span in the world and one of the sweetest looking suspension bridges ever built (almost a Jack Tomalin Design).
...high speed rotary squirrels.
...cats and dogs geografting together.
...guess I scared everyone off, better put the shoes back on.
...crikey, wrong thread again.
CatDog CatDog
Draw me a pint of some CatDog
CatDog CatDog
got to get me a pint o that beer.
A little bit of two Dogs
Some King Kitty Red
And you have an ale
that doesn't pale
and goes right to my head
CatDog CatDog
got to get me some o' that CatDog
(a WIP)
Naw, I'm around just popping into other threads that need some of my input.
It is quite tonight. Was hoping to play with more friends if I stayed up late.
EDIT: Not saying your not good enough... Just missing some I thought would be here and play also.
...yah, been a while since Wooly and especially Rezca dropped a post or two here.
I feel kind of like Rogerbee over on the Realistic Renders NOT thread.
...sometimes though I don't even find myself to be good company.
I'm a loser
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
...then Leela shows up to put my head on right again.
LOL! Jade is me, Me is Jade. Two peas in a pod. I'm never 100% sure who is in control.
Hint: Jade has more fun gaming than I do. Is really his world after all.
..ahh some Stevie Wonder just came on in the pub.
..KK is also the abbreviation of a major street in Milwaukee WI where I grew up. Short for Kinnickinnic Ave.
OK, that was pointless.
Think I may be thoroughly drunkapated (hee hee). Fortunately home is only four blocks away.
...the cool thing is I only did it on 32.6 Zlotys. (10$ US).
....mmm more sweet soul "Me & Mrs Jones" playing
PUB? Man, I wish I was in a pub. My pub is four walls in a nook of my Bedroom. Of course if I went to a pub I might fall off my sixteen year old wagon (I drink, but NO Hard stuff), I do miss pool games and all that stuff.
...I pretty much stick to ales and the occasional glass of fine single malt Scots whiskey (when I feel flush).
Where I am at it is 2 buck 50 pint night of fine handcrafted ale. Heck, that's as cheap as Pabst and a whole lot better.
...posted more pics of the St John's Bridge on the Jack Tomalin Appreciation thread.
...did I say I was drunkapated?
Do Squirrels control the US Congress and British Parliament?
Can cats really see things we can't?
Did Barry Manilow really write the songs?
Do Unicorns really barf rainbows?
Me thinks me needs to tarry on home now.
Me anda hundred thousand others at the beach tonight, crowded for a weekday and there's not much room when the tide comes in ;)
Not the kind of weather to be indoors or squinting at a screen here :) the words of Richard Starkey (no squirrels were abused or otherwise embarrassed in the posting of this response).
goodnight everybody everywhere
Leela's mother would sing this to her.
I used to sing this to my nieces & nephews.
Whoa that was a quintessential Australian summer day when all anyone could do was try to keep cool, and all anyone could talk about was rain, the lat time, the next time? and wants rain now. Not even summer yet :)
... until? ;-)
screwed up the sky shader but reflects kicked the water along, a difficult result to nut out might start again heh :)
That looks like a rather arty postcard (^_^)d.
Had a lifelong fascination for Brolga birds, there's something alluring and glittery about the wetlands down near Warnambool and Colac where they live :)
another night of not sleeping well. Arrrggghhh.
Too hot to sleep here, sitting outside wrestling with the autocomplete on my ipad. For example it wants to call itself Ipad. iBad!iPad!
Had a music teacher who said if you make a mistake repeat it until it isn't a mistake any more. Is a theory anyhow, but can't work this mistake out arrrgh Hot make brain runny :)
Cool change is blowing in from the Southwest on a swell of rustling trees, full moon in the Northeast sky wrapped in ominous fingers of black clouds wow what a show. Eta very dark nao, big salty smelling wind gusts doesn't feel like a tropical storm, and no thunder
Here is something I learned today, you have to install the content first before you can play with it.
Coupled with the obsession of music technicians about noise and loss of high frequencies when they where recording on tape, with digital they finally found something to level there frustrations, and brag about there squeeky clean recordings, which resulted rapidly in an era of the most horrid sounding recordings ever, and later a huge revival of distortionable tube compressors, and other saturation devices.
By that time marketing also did a nose dive in hifi stuff.
By the end of the 70's hifi stuff had it right, a simple good tube ore transistor amp, with sturdy (rather heavy) stereo speakers.
Input devices where still somewhat lacking, records sound good, but are sensitive to loss of quality and scratches, radio can be ok, but I like to choose my own music, tape machines can sound well but are a bit noise sensitive, and are irritating in use, at the moment I mostly use a record player, and my computer as input device.
Most tube and transistor amps where replaced by amps with a chip, which mostly sounds horrible, and the sturdy speakers where replaced by smaller ones, which can not deliver the power, and lower frequencies, which resulted in the next stage of perversities by adding a subwoofer, by summing the stereo left and right through a lowpass filter, and the stereo signal through highpass filters to the satelite speakers, resulting in incredible fase distortions, destroiing loads of the sonic info, making the end result so bad, that in many cases a dsp multy fx prosesor was build in to try to compensate, which results in ever more loss of info.
(Ofcoarse I'm a big fan of a subwoofer in dolby surround, which is a separate audio channel)
The funny thing is,, amp and speaker designs are rather simple,, just a few good components, presto !
The hifi market is the crazy area where hitech results lots of the time in bad quality, and works as a legislation for old school audio nerds.:P
Everybody is different, but I find that I sleep much better when I am not typing on a keyboard.
i've fallen asleep with my hand still on the mouse. :)
i sleep on my side with my lil acer netbook next to me.
woke up with a terrible crick after
Last Wooly post - in the last incarnation of the thread - he was reinstalling stuff.
trying to decide, put on cawffee, gatorade from the coffee truck when it comes, swissmiss marshmallow maddness h.c. ?
we didn't win powerball. we got 2 numbers on one game, but it isn't worth anything without also hitting the powerball number.
the normal jackpot for powerball is 40m. no one gets excited about 40m. go figure?
Having enjoyed listening to the finest of too damn loud rock music in live venues in my misspent youth, resulting in the loss of some of the upper range of my hearing (kids, don't try this at home!) most of the nuances of hi-fidelity are lost on me now..
CDs and MP3s sound fine to me.
It's all about the music, anyway. A crappy performance reproduced in perfect aural fidelity is still a crappy performance. Robert Johnson on vinyl or CD, is still awesome because it's Robert Effing Johnson.
To each his/her own (shrugs).
I had a big Marantz with a pair of those "too heavy to lift without back-strain" Radio Shack speakers back in the day. Sounded pretty good to me.