ISO thinning hair and non-salon hair for guys

I've got a lot of nice hairs for my DS peeps, but I don't have enough variety when it comes to older-people and fantasy/medieval styles.

I've got Mitch-hair, which is great, but I'm in need of a 'thinning' hair - there's this one for carrarra, but I need one in DS/Poser format.  I could get away with doing a custom transmap on another hair, but if there's a product already out there...


Also - I've got some longer hair that I can use for fantasy renders, but short 'boy hair' is in short supply (pun unintended).  I've got a lot of 'salon-styled' hair for the boys but not enough that could be 'everyday' or "I'm from a time before salons"


Any suggestions appreciated :)


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