RPG Appreciation Thread



    edited December 1969

    leifgl said:
    WIP Character portrait. Pathfinder RPG Blue Goblin.
    Still need to get the lighting right and more blue in the skin colour.

    Cool concept. To blue the skin, I sometimes just take the skin texture into an image editor and use the desaturate feature (or alter to Grayscale and then back to color after the color is gone). Then you use the new texture file instead of the original and alter the Diffuse color to your liking..

  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...yep, she was a "little" heartbreaker, who being Scottish, also had quite the temper, along with a high tolerance for the "nectar of the highlands" (Scot's malt whiskey).

    Can the M4 limbs they be adapted to female characters?

    Been wanting to do a pic of involving Maria Mercurial (my favourite SR celeb) for some time now. According to the novel and description in the supplement, she is supposed to have some really "Swiss" (eg slick looking and expensive) chrome that just can't be mimicked with Bot parts, even Bot Genesis.

    Also love to do a pic of my orc character Rosie who was an ex construction worker with a modular cyberarm that had different "tool" attachments. When she said 'I'm gonna' drill ya," she meant it, literally.

    I finally did that test of the CYBERPUNK FOR M4 and the CYBERPUNK FOR M4 EXPANSION PACK on a female Genesis shape (Tessa), and they work great. I applied the right arm and both legs all with the included Chrome material settings, as well as a pair of interface ports, and even was able to use the Hide limbs utilities. Here she is.
    2000 x 1600 - 628K
  • Knight22179Knight22179 Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    Nicely done. :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,219
    edited December 1969

    ...looks good. OK, on the wishlist it goes for now.

  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...looks good. OK, on the wishlist it goes for now.
    They are nice sets. I used both the Cyberpunk for M4 and the Cyberpunk for M4 Expansion set. The expansion set comes with the cyberlegs, new, updated, boots with a fit for the cyberlegs, new "big guns", a "ballistic" mask, BDU shorts to show off the cyberlegs, and new textures.
  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    Here's another Cyberpunk piece, appropriately titled Cyberpunks. This uses pieces from both the main set and expansion set, including the weapons (including the big guns), clothes, sunglasses. The environment is the Dystopia City Blocks 11-20 set.

    2000 x 1539 - 382K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,219
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...looks good. OK, on the wishlist it goes for now.
    They are nice sets. I used both the Cyberpunk for M4 and the Cyberpunk for M4 Expansion set. The expansion set comes with the cyberlegs, new, updated, boots with a fit for the cyberlegs, new "big guns", a "ballistic" mask, BDU shorts to show off the cyberlegs, and new textures.
    ...well found out I need both Cyberpunk and the expansion to get both the arms and legs. Right now that's about 30$ and as I'm considering upgrading PSPX4 to X5 which can now import .abr brushes without needing to convert them (so I can finally use Deviney's brush sets), this has to go on the back burner for a while.

    However, did see that Bot Genesis is on sale at 50% off.

    edited December 1969

    So after four months my gaming group managed to get our schedules in sync for a night and Thursday we played AD&D for the first time in about 20 years.. It was brutal (breaking in new dice), but fun. Here's the character portrait I put together for my half-elf thief, Renard Stentor.

    Genesis in D|S 4.6, Kurt Hair, Slicer for M4, Journeyer Scout, Bow and Quiver from V3 Wildenlander, backpack freebie by JMalis, and short swords, purse and pouch from JMalis's RPG Series Part 4: Fighter Adventurer.

    Post worked in Photoshop CS5, and I did a second render with no lights and no textures, then ran it through the posterise filter and several other steps to create the line effect.

    626 x 800 - 218K
    edited December 1969

    A crack team of mercenaries in the not too distant future.. I had Cyberpunk 2020 in mind when I did this one..

    1500 x 964 - 403K
  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460
    edited December 1969

    So after four months my gaming group managed to get our schedules in sync for a night and Thursday we played AD&D for the first time in about 20 years.. It was brutal (breaking in new dice), but fun. Here's the character portrait I put together for my half-elf thief, Renard Stentor.

    Genesis in D|S 4.6, Kurt Hair, Slicer for M4, Journeyer Scout, Bow and Quiver from V3 Wildenlander, backpack freebie by JMalis, and short swords, purse and pouch from JMalis's RPG Series Part 4: Fighter Adventurer.

    Post worked in Photoshop CS5, and I did a second render with no lights and no textures, then ran it through the posterise filter and several other steps to create the line effect.

    Good job man
  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    A crack team of mercenaries in the not too distant future.. I had Cyberpunk 2020 in mind when I did this one..
    Not bad over all. However, the center character doesn't really scream "Cyberpunk" to me. She looks more classical "Pulp" sci-fi from the '30s, '40s and '50s. When I think "Cyberpunk" I think Neuromancer, Mad Max, Bladerunner, Johhny Mneumonic. The BFG wielded by the girl with the skull paint also looks more like some Art-Deco, weapon from The Rocketeer or Buck Rogers, than it does from a hard-core, gritty cyberpunk story.
  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460
    edited December 1969

    Quest For The Missing 'A' (no, I didn't mean it like that, honest!)...
    ...or as I captioned on my dA page, "Join us... because we can't do 'YMCA' right with just the three of us" :lol: :lol: :lol:

    1920 x 1080 - 868K
  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    Kageto faces off against Yakuza thugs led by the man who murdered his parents.

    Media: Daz Studio 4.0 Pro

    Against the Yakuza

    2000 x 1600 - 557K
    edited December 1969

    Kageto faces off against Yakuza thugs led by the man who murdered his parents.

    Media: Daz Studio 4.0 Pro

    Against the Yakuza

    Hey, don't know how I missed this one, nice image.

    Has anyone ever run an adventure on a lower gravity world? This one was inspired by the concept of sports developing on Mars where there's only .38% of earth's gravity..

    1174 x 1500 - 372K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,219
    edited December 1969

    ...she slips among the shadows
    like the mists after a rain,
    her hunter
    now her prey.

    she descends towards him
    as a snowflake in winter
    though with a touch
    colder than ice.

    Kyoto Kid, the character in her element.

    1064 x 1400 - 628K
    edited December 1969

    My latest, a commission for a friend; I'm trying to raise the $50 to renew my PoserWorld subscription and get the DVDs, so I did this for $25.. Still need to do another before Tuesday..

    1174 x 1500 - 349K
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited December 1969

    Think I am a bit confused about this thread. Is this to post any image that is somehow game related? Not a gamer but I do like some of the Art that comes from them, really like how far CGI has come with online games and game counsels. I'm confused cause I don't know what you mean by paper rpg art unless your talking about game pieces similar to a game board or cards, like Magic (had a friend who played that). Or is this to just share art related to any rpg, including the multi player games my son always plays on the computer? I've been told this image has a game feel to it, though no one really said what game they were talking about...


  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited January 2014

    Think I am a bit confused about this thread. Is this to post any image that is somehow game related? Not a gamer but I do like some of the Art that comes from them, really like how far CGI has come with online games and game counsels. I'm confused cause I don't know what you mean by paper rpg art unless your talking about game pieces similar to a game board or cards, like Magic (had a friend who played that). Or is this to just share art related to any rpg, including the multi player games my son always plays on the computer? I've been told this image has a game feel to it, though no one really said what game they were talking about...


    A "pen and paper" RPG, also known as a "Table-top" Role-playing game, is a role-playing game which uses a character sheet, dice, rule books, optional maps, (and sometimes figures) with multiple players and a Game Master gathered around a table creating the story by their interactions, with combat and skill check successes being determined by the roll of dice. The "On-line" RPGs are descended from table-top RPGs. Famous Table-top games include Dungeons and Dragons by WotC, Cyberpunkand Mekton by R.Talsorian Games, Shadow Run by FASA, Vampire the Masqueradeand Werewolf the Gathering by White Wolf Games, and Rifts by Palladium Games, among others. You create your own characters using the game's character generation system, and run them through adventures you, the other players, and the GM create together through play advancing your character's abilities by earning experience, and accumulating money and other "treasure" along the way.

    This thread, however, isn't strictly limited to just those games (though it is the main focus), but, rather, an appreciation for RPGs in general, and our original characters we use in them.

    And, yes, that picture does have a perfect "game" feel to it. I could easily see that as a D&D or Vampire the Masquerade character.

    Post edited by Tramp Graphics on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited December 1969

    I'm familiar with Dungeons and Dragons on several levels. At one time I had all the disks, as in those big floppies. I gave them away without knowing their value about five years ago. I am also familiar with online versions and movies made that have a connection to it. I also know about Vampire the Masquerade. A friend knew I was watching a tv series called Kindred the Embraced, based on that game and told me how the game and series got started. I really liked the series. My son played Yugioh and watched the series. Friends and my sons were collecting the Magic cards. I think that is the extent of my knowledge of the paper rpg. I've never played these games myself, but as I said, I love the art.

  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    I'm familiar with Dungeons and Dragons on several levels. At one time I had all the disks, as in those big floppies. I gave them away without knowing their value about five years ago. I am also familiar with online versions and movies made that have a connection to it. I also know about Vampire the Masquerade. A friend knew I was watching a tv series called Kindred the Embraced, based on that game and told me how the game and series got started. I really liked the series. My son played Yugioh and watched the series. Friends and my sons were collecting the Magic cards. I think that is the extent of my knowledge of the paper rpg. I've never played these games myself, but as I said, I love the art.
    Yeah, Yugioh is a CCG (Collectable Card Game), not an RPG (Role-Playing Game), I've never seen D&D on floppy disk. The original games came in boxed sets with actual books, not floppies. This is still true (though not in boxed sets so much anymore). The only "versions" that were on disk were for playing the early computer RPGs based upon the various D&D settings.
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited December 1969

    Sorry I stated that incorrectly. When it was made for the computer it came out on those big floppies, back in the day when you used a 486 computer...lol I should have been more clear, but yes a computer version.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,219
    edited January 2014

    My latest, a commission for a friend; I'm trying to raise the $50 to renew my PoserWorld subscription and get the DVDs, so I did this for $25.. Still need to do another before Tuesday..

    ...looks like my tank of a Dwarf Street Sammy.

    Big Axe, Big Gun Ready for that Friday Night Firefight

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
    edited December 1969

    And another commission; a good friend in Germany likes to run his Beyond the Supernatural RPG in historical settings. In this case, he chose 1932 San Fransisco, hence this image. I used AlienSkin filters to give it that old-photo look.

    1159 x 1500 - 419K
    edited December 1969

    He liked the first one so much he commissioned three more; here are the first two, Gangster Lonnie and Fat Larry..

    1174 x 1500 - 336K
    1500 x 1125 - 452K
    edited February 2014

    The last one in the run, H.G. Wyndingham, and all four in Sepia.

    1159 x 1500 - 376K
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    1174 x 1500 - 471K
    Post edited by MADMANMIKE on
    edited December 1969

    My group of friends start a classic 1st edition Dungeons & Dragons game, so I've started doing the character portraits.

    My character is Faron The Green, an elf wizard, then there's the Thief of the group, an Elf named Asrai, and one of the fighters, a human named Arak Silvertip.

    1174 x 1500 - 384K
    1174 x 1500 - 438K
    1174 x 1500 - 410K
    edited December 1969

    Back to the game tonight, and I've finished the groups portraits..

    Garh the Dwarf Fighter, his brother Zarvall the Cleric, Nicholai the Fighter, and The Red Mage. And then finally a group shot.

    1500 x 964 - 546K
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    1174 x 1500 - 461K
    1174 x 1500 - 397K
    edited December 1969

    And since ink is expensive, I've done them all in black and white using Adam Wright's ToonActions[/ur].

    978 x 1250 - 506K
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    978 x 1250 - 566K
    978 x 1250 - 484K
    978 x 1250 - 453K
    edited December 1969

    And the last..

    1250 x 804 - 560K
    978 x 1250 - 527K
    978 x 1250 - 452K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    My Art Studio thread now has the first and part of the second chapters of the Jaderail story in it. Jaderail was my AD&D character for some 12 years of play (that was playing almost every weekend for the full 48 hrs). There is lots of story and stories to go. But I'm at the mercy of my health and weather right now so the project has slowed until I'm better. Here is one of my renders... The full link is in my Sig.

    1366 x 768 - 1M
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