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YAY! :) Looks wonderful too. Love the buggy/carriage as well. Really lovely. Can't wait for this one to release :)
Spencer: Thanks for the added info! I wasn't sure where that came from but glad to know there are options out there :)
I was wondering what Arien was working on... one of her products she hinted at has hit... and I do mean hinted at, there was ZERO information on it. Looks like that new video card of her's is allowing her to run DS just fine... FINALLY!
Just hope that DAZ extends the sale. Looking at finances I'm probably not going to be able to get much until Dec sometime.... Needed to much for the house and supplements for my health this month... ate up allot of money!
Question on those wanting the kinda medieval tack thing would this work:
At least one of the textures there would seem like it would work and I wonder if you could turn off some of the additional bits you don't need to make it fit the period nicely? IDK I cant picture exactly what everyone is wanting per say so I could be wrong but saw the third or fourth promo and thought it kinda seemed plausible in that sort of scenario.
I'm in a similar boat; kids Christmas gifts come first. My pretty much constant thought when I look at the front page is, 'It's okay. It'll be on a similar sale in 3-4 months...I don't need the horse yet. Besides, by then someone will have released the pegasus and unicorn add-ons...' I doubt they'll extend the sale, but March isn't that far away... ;)
That said, I have a November PC coupon which is burning a hole in my pocket as we come up on the end of the month...
Still, I should note, I'm VERY impressed by Horse 2, and even more so by the commitment DAZ and the PA's have shown to it, with the simultaneous large-scale launch of so much content. Everybody's done an amazing job.
-- Morgan
Seam guides for the Horse 2 body, head, and eyes complete. Download them here:
I hope they can help! Remember to convert to true color (24-bit) before you begin painting, they are saved as GIFs (as are all of my guides) to save room and avoid artifacts.
I've discovered some weird Saddle behaviour in this pose (first one I tried) - most noticeable on the Western saddle, but present on the English Saddle too. I had just done a scene last week with the MillHorse and I was going to do the second one I hadn't got around to, drinking water, with Horse2 and got this... the saddle stretches with the neck.
I haven't installed the horse yet, so I can't test this, but try selecting the neck of the saddle and bending it back up - I think that will help, depending on what other bones are attached.
3Ddreamer... Using the saddle's Neck1 Bend dial will help some.
I have additional 9 Blinker materials (some with new designs) and Saddle Cloths for horses No. 10 through 14 available on my website for Racehorse Tack.
I'll also putting the finishing touches on the "Pixel Downs Racetrack" and will hopefully have that ready soon.
I want the Saddle Addon, but I'm not all that interested in the two Genesis clothing (Jockey Set / Riding Habit) products. Neither of which really go with the Saddle Addon. (and ... Genesis clothing still isn't working consistently in Poser. Some clothing works ok, but others really don't.)
I suppose it wouldn't look terribly out of character to have a jockey riding a horse across the desert with a saddle roll and packs ...
After shelling out $60, do I really want to spend another $11 just to get a $6 product free? Hmm ...
I think I'll go fix dinner. Maybe by the time I get back to the computer, the promotion will be over. Then I won't have to debate the decision any longer.
I really hate to bring this up, but there's a major design flaw in the Wagon Trail 1 wagon - with the front wheels the size they are, there's no way the wagon can turn.
Maybe in a really big slow circle??
You have my sympathy, I'm full of cold too at the moment :(
The UVs have been updated so the MilHorse textures won't work on this horse, whilst I can see the value in the new uv maps I'm a bit cheesed off that that MilHorse UVs wern't included as V4 ones are for Genesis, I have hundreds of my own textures for the MilHorse, one of which I was working on the day before this release. I'd pay for accurate MilHorse UVs for this horse to be able to use my own work..
...Legacy Body Shapes: Mil Horse for Horse2 & GenX?
..or a CatDog with Cat2 & Dog2. do I ;-)
..geografting with Genesis would be so much fun...
Here's just a few of CWRW's great horse textures (found in the Pro Pack), plus Sicklemar and Marieah's Jockey Silks, and of course, some of my horseracing items. I did manage to squeeze some birds into the image, too (imagine that).
It is here-- The Toy Pony
With this great texture set!
Pretty Ponies
I boughted dah ponies! YAY! hehe Totally wanna do an add on for this later. :) The set is so cute! and I love Rawn's description ROFL Ken, any chance we may see Tri-Ax birds in the future?
Not in the near future... though I might end up using the Horse2 wings I'm working on for some of my new or existing birds. Currently, my ReMix system does pretty much what the Genesis/Tri-Ax system does without being tied to DAZ Studio (that's important because at least half of my user base are Poser users). I like to add some weight-mapping features to my birds, but I've been hesistant because I'd have to rig my birds twice once, in Tri-Ax and once with Poser Weight-mapping... ... if the DSON technology continues to improve, that might be the solution.
I wish you would do a DSON birdie, Ken. I think it would work out quite nicely. I have been having situations where weight-mapping would have made the difference between "cool" and "extraordinarily cool" with Songbirds (the funny antics of ravens, for example, that require interesting bends and twists). do I ;-)
And a bulldog too!
WooHoo! Thanks for Horse 2 (Genesis).
Just a suggestion(actually strong wish) how about an Avatar horse morph/addon option?
Maybe by etujedi who made those wonderful four arms for genesis. Hint. Hint.
OK, brain still not working right - but I remembered that the 40% for PC are running out end of this month ... sooo I bought the Pro bundle (christmas is now for me).
The DSON cores for
WagonTrail1, wagonTrail2 and BarnYard are missing ...
Those new textures looks stunning! I need them urgently.
I will push the dynamic mane and tail higher up on the to-do list. :)
Those new textures looks stunning! I need them urgently.
I will push the dynamic mane and tail higher up on the to-do list. :)
Oh yes! :)
Thanks Ken and Richard, I'm at work just now but I'll try tonight. I did look at the bones but I think i was looking at the included morphs and not simple Bend.
well, i got my horse textes over from Rendo. :(
Now i cant get the new horse with the old textures... *goes to cry*
Love the new horse as I've stated before but I didn't get the bundle because of all the stuff I don't need.
There are loads of things I miss morphing wise on the basic DH2 compared to Millhorse. It has very limited morphs so I will not be able to use it in my game project. Have to stick with the Millhorse.
I don't feel like spending $87 to get lots of not needed items just to get the extra morphs. Will probably return it. Am not happy any longer. >:(
Got it, btw.