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Wow, you had Slim Pickens as a prize??? I would have LOVED to get that, but of course the original Freebie Challenges were before I was born.
Who was the Slim Pickens character for, like, M1 or P4 Man?
Wow, you had Slim Pickens as a prize??? I would have LOVED to get that, but of course the original Freebie Challenges were before I was born.
Who was the Slim Pickens character for, like, M1 or P4 Man?
If that doesn't deserve a raspberry, nothing does...
Wow, you had Slim Pickens as a prize??? I would have LOVED to get that, but of course the original Freebie Challenges were before I was born.
Who was the Slim Pickens character for, like, M1 or P4 Man?
Well, he actually started off as Slim Pickins. I guess after that ride down to Earth on an atom bomb, there just wasn't enough left of him to salvage...pity!
He, Dub Taylor and Hillbilly Bear (Pa!) have always been my favorite pillars of the English language...hehehe.
If that doesn't deserve a raspberry, nothing does...
UMMMMM...Strawberries too!
Well, he actually started off as Slim Pickins. I guess after that ride down to Earth on an atom bomb, there just wasn't enough left of him to salvage...pity!
He, Dub Taylor, and Hillbilly Bear (Pa!) have always been my favorite pillars of the English language...hehehe.
Oh but let's not forget one of the best....Gabby Johnson from the Blazing Saddles movie....You need a translator to understand him!...superb!
Fixing things, of course! I gotta say, finding that office link was a godsend since the Dystopia Station is no longer free. While I will admit to deleting stuff from it, it loads surprisingly well for the number of objects within.
Then there was Lincoln Perry. Called by his stage name "Stepin Fetchit". He was the very first black Hollywood actor!
BUT!.....The king of them all was our own beloved Buckwheat!
You gave away BUCKWHEAT as a prize too ???!!!
This must have been back in the 1920s, I guess. How did you do these contests before the Internet?
Thanks for the comments on my entry! A long time ago (page 6) when this thread was about pin-ups and summer fun.
I have some rule questions but I think they can wait.
Cheers! Oom
we don't want no stinkin' rules, we want fun and frolics and inanity. Oh and a few pinups as well.
*tosses some water balloons into the thread to see what happens*
Dunno about water fights, but Lynne's created a barn dance ... FRIVOLOUS!
o O
I do not hate you. Hate is too personal a word and I expend such emotion to very few people, certainly not someone across the world from me. Nor did I ask to have the rules bent for me. Nevermind that I still think they are vague. I am however, disappointed you would put words in my mouth. I said the opposite. That I can see it clearly, without squinting, but, if needs must, then I've no problem with it being pulled or NAE labelled. You wouldn't believe the amount of frowning I'm doing at this end.
Here's the thing. The problem is freebies in water reflections - I'm generalising here, but it's obviously been a sticking point twice - then reword the rules to state what people must avoid and not leave it up to interpretation. Something like "freebies only seen in water reflections will not count towards final freebie total" or whatever. Being fair to all starts by letting all know exactly where they stand. Otherwise you do end up bending rules.
Now if I had seen said rule above I would’ve just chucked the dystopian skydome up, labelled it as a paid for and not spent the time fiddling with the reflection to show the clouds. That would’ve had me completely change other aspects of it as well as it already has two MIAs (which I see along the same lines as paid fors and try my best to keep the total of both MIA & Paid For under the count despite it not being stated. It just seemed fairer on newcomers to me), and that’ll take the count to five because the Morph++ is considered a paid for item again, yes? Yes.
Goodness knows when I'll find the time to do another render. Perhaps I will redo this one.
Looking back over my various entries over the past I noticed the Morphs++ was sorta a default. While it's only one item, it winds up being something that takes away from the number of paid items I can use. Realizing that, I decided to challenge myself to doing a render with no paid items. Planning it out, I realized that I would have to use Genesis since that would still allow me access to the morphs from the freebie converted from DieTrying's set. Wanted to use Age of Armour's Paola skin tone but for some reason it wasn't transferring over to Genesis properly. Still, the final result worked out rather well.
Morphs -- DieTrying's 182 V4 Morphs for Genesis -- (requires registration)
Skin tone -- Doll V4 --
Hair -- Valens Hair For V4/A4 -- (requires registration)
Hair color -- 35 Color Options For Valens Hair -- (requires registration)
Butterfly net -- Props page 1 Bug Catching Set --
Moth -- Free Hawk Moth --
Ground -- "The Hills" environment for DAZ Studio & Poser -- (requires registration)
Lighting -- Four Lights for Daz Studio 3 -- (requires registration)
Pose -- Whimsical Pack --
Bikini -- Genesis Swimwear -- (requires registration)
Sky -- Fuseling SpaceDome -- (requires registration)
Catch of the Day
Jeeperz - first of all pie throwing is good and thanks for the chocolate cream, but water ballons, near or around computers. Didn't you have computer issues not that long ago.
second, you stated you pulled renders for nudity and explicit content. Can you post a couple of those ... just for clarity.
Music - IMHO you have always been fair nd funny. I also think you have done an h... of a job keeping these contest up to date with the continuing software changes and rendering options.
Dorseyland - 1920's contest...really... have you never heard of sketch pads, pencils and pony express. Not to mention the long boat ride to the host home country if required. Also I would like your opinion, you think some of this back and forth stuff is an attempt by some to run their post count up.
And one last thing, I am always having fun so
"Laissez les bons temps rouler"
Gadewch i'r amseroedd da rolio
I have no idea what you guys are saying... but check out this waterballoon clip:
water balloon to the face
Now who wants to be next? :lol:
How come you've only got 11 posts?? You going backwards, deleting the old ones, or what?
Nicely done, not cluttered looking.
How come you've only got 11 posts?? You going backwards, deleting the old ones, or what?
I strive for quality not quantity and since I'm not very qualified I don't post much.
Or there could be another reason. If you look at your first post on page 2 that was your 31st post. If you look at your last post on page 14 that was your 31st post. You keep posting like that and I may catch up.
On every post, it shows your current post count, not the count at the time of that post. *grins* Close, but no cigar.
On every post, it shows your current post count, not the count at the time of that post. *grins* Close, but no cigar.
You are correct and this was a test to see if Dorsey was paying attention.
I do not hate you. Hate is too personal a word and I expend such emotion to very few people, certainly not someone across the world from me. Nor did I ask to have the rules bent for me. Nevermind that I still think they are vague. I am however, disappointed you would put words in my mouth. I said the opposite. That I can see it clearly, without squinting, but, if needs must, then I've no problem with it being pulled or NAE labelled. You wouldn't believe the amount of frowning I'm doing at this end.
Here's the thing. The problem is freebies in water reflections - I'm generalising here, but it's obviously been a sticking point twice - then reword the rules to state what people must avoid and not leave it up to interpretation. Something like "freebies only seen in water reflections will not count towards final freebie total" or whatever. Being fair to all starts by letting all know exactly where they stand. Otherwise you do end up bending rules.
Now if I had seen said rule above I would’ve just chucked the dystopian skydome up, labelled it as a paid for and not spent the time fiddling with the reflection to show the clouds. That would’ve had me completely change other aspects of it as well as it already has two MIAs (which I see along the same lines as paid fors and try my best to keep the total of both MIA & Paid For under the count despite it not being stated. It just seemed fairer on newcomers to me), and that’ll take the count to five because the Morph++ is considered a paid for item again, yes? Yes.
Goodness knows when I'll find the time to do another render. Perhaps I will redo this one.
I really hate to "quote" all this because it is so long, but I think it is important for folks to see. I have always thought a lot of you, that is why it startled me so for you to see me as being unfair. I know you did not ask for me to bend the rules right out, but posting the skydome, then a link to it, and claiming it, knowing it could not be seen other than in the ripples of the water, was the same as asking to me. I really thought you knew what "clearly" meant in these renders after the reflection fieaco a few months ago. We had cleared that up I thought. If you have to look for something, it is not clearly seen. Truthfully, I did not even see it in the reflection until Dana mentioned it...that is the truth. So that is not clearly seen. You have all those other freebies, and you were accepted, so I couldn't see what the real problem was. You don't have to change a thing. If it is just a point you are trying to make, then I understand, but we could have reached that without the drama. I will be more than happy to make the "clearly" rule "clearer"...(that sounds wierd!)
The last thing I want up in here is for someone to see me as unfair. I appoligize if I put words in your mouth, I should have phrased that differently. I meant to say, when you post a render with something that may require a rule to bend, you should first ask me or one of the judges, we discuss it, and it is either allowed or not. That is the best way to do it, not just post it and take it down if everything doesn't jibe with the general rules. That kinda shocked me. If you read the rules you will see that rule number 10 explains this:
10. All the rules above will be enforced. If you do not understand any of them, please pm me or ask in the current challenge thread. DO NOT ASK FOR SPECIAL FAVORS AS THIS CONTEST MUST BE FAIR FOR ALL. Rich or poor, new computers or old, all will be treated equally. Newbies will be given as much help as we can offer.
If you had read this rule, I think maybe, if in doubt, you would have asked first, then posted your entry. I am sorry if that was not clear to you.
If Cho will add to the rules, (which were meant to be general and vague to avoid being confusing and drug out) I will go a bit deeper with the clearity rule for you. I just hope this doesn't open a gate for a lot of people wanting the rules to be more specific all around. That is what I didn't want. Keep them general, and if any doubt about something, you just ask about it...rule 10. Simple. I will do it because you have asked. (Those are words I didn't put in your
I hope you forgive me, I am just trying to keep it all straight and simple. Don't want all these "I heards" and " they did so why can't I" going ons. I want you to continue with us if you will, I never want anyone to leave here, and if you did...well, you would be greatly missed. Peace out!
ZN! are hot this month. Kill 'um all! Take no prisoners!
all links are good, trumarcar freebie included, you are good to go...AGAIN!
Why thank you Dleelaw...I will send a formal thank you note pigeon!
**watching my post count go up...I still have a few to go to catch up with DanaTA!**
Let's just hope they are staying within the Daz TOS!
You are correct and this was a test to see if Dorsey was paying attention.
He's not....he's eating Celebis cookies again.
I don't know what was funnier, the look on his face changing as the balloon came closer or the balloon actually hitting his face, that was hilarious sky,
my bad.... back to pies SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!