Welcome to the 5th annual June "Summer Fun and Pinups" freebie challenge. I know the new site is different now, but it will bloom into something very nice in time...like a flower does. Please just bare with it all, and let's do the best we can and have some fun. As usual, the theme is fun and pinups. You can submit any kind of summer fun, that could be anything, and/or a pinup of your favorite character. You choose.
Beginning this month, each month we will be featuring a Daz member who gives a lot of freebie items for us to play here with. There are many, but some just give a bit more than others and deserve to be recognized for their kindness and giving. So, we will call these folks our "featured givers". Each month will a different one. For that month, in order to qualify for the challenge, you must include one freebie item by the featured giver, along with a working link to it, in your entry. It must be clearly seen.
This month we will feature Trumarcar. Trumarcar just gives and gives. I think that over at the KCTC site, there is a freebie beach set for Vila with lots of props that could be used in your pinup or beach fun entries, I will allow anything from this set. There is a lot more there so you may want to just surf around in there. Surfing is fun...lol.
Here is where I usually list all the rules for the month, but since Chohole stuck them to the wall, you can go read them here:
Please read them good and try to stay within them, they will not change throughout this month, so please don't ask me to make any exceptions. Rules is rules. If you want to discuss one, feel free to bring it to the table here in this thread. We will all discuss it and reach a decission on anything.
ok...with that out of the way, let's list the prizes and such. First, we will be having two mini contests within the main contest this year. We will have the usual "Bag the Hag" contest. This is where you take a drop dead gorgeous body character, and put a butt ugly face on them, then you hide it with my "Hag Bag" that can be downloaded here:
or if you prefer the .obj version here:
Make your render, then post it with the bag hiding the face. There will be a vote later by comments of the people here, then three finalists will be chosen. Then we will unbag the three...OMG! We will then vote for a winner. That winner will get a nice prize.
The second mini contest will be the Month of June history trivia questions. There will be 12 questions posted that give clues to events that happened in the month of June sometime. Be the first to answer all 12 questions and you win. (No cheating!) I will only accept all 12 answers at once. You can not answer them one at a time. If they are not all right, I will just say...incorrect. This way you get another try again and again until you do get them all right. If we get hung up, I will give some clues on the ones that are hanging folks up. It will run until there is a winner. The winner will win a nice prize.
Also this year, as always, I will be giving someone "THE ROCK!". Dleelaw made an entire family with them, hopefully we can coax him to post a few renders of the Rock family. Way cool! I will pick someone at random and send them a pm with a link to it! It will be someone in the thread at the time. I may do this more than once.
Now...Prizes. I will be giving a few prizes myself:
Beach Complex - Grand Prize - over 30 props!
Beach Volleyball - to all winners
Adobe Farmhouse - 1st and 2nd place
Beach Cyclorama Scene - two HMs
Mini contest - Bag the Hag - Beach Locker and Beach Cyclorama scene
Mini contest - June dates in History - Monkee Mobile
Our good friend Adam Thwaites says the 1st place winner can pick any one item from his site here:
If you are like me, you love EBlank's textures. She has been so kind as to donate some textures for the Hitomi outfit and hair for the 1st place winner. These are brand new and will be up in her store soon. You can see a preview here:
Our good friend Skipper25, creator of the famous Buckingham Palace model, has donated a very nice Saxon Shield to all the winners. Poser and DS ready with bumps.
Lisa's Botanicles has been so kind as to donate her "Heart of the Matter" botanicle set. A wonderful addition to any runtime! See it here:
Zamuel Now has been so kind as to donate his Suka character for Genesis. A dial spun morph. Very nice.
There will be other donations, some by Daz PA's and vendors stores. I will list them as they come. Anyone wanting to help with a donation, please do. Just say it here, then pm me with the info. I will then get with you and figure a way to give it and to who.
ok...that's about it. Oh...one thing folks...the new site does not resize your entries, so they must be no wider than 800 pixels, so save them that way before you post them, or they may not get posted. You have been warned!
once again, I want to welcome all and hope to have a blast this year. Throwing pies is allowed...
**heaves one at Jeeperz...SPLAT!...then runs!**
...Sooooo, let's get ready to RUUUUMMMMBBBBLLLLEEEEE!!!!

Hmmm.....this one sounds interesting.......especially the "Bag the Hag" mini contest :lol:
It's a real hoot! Try it and see. I will announce when it is around mid month.
JUne's contest is started
looks like fun music, *tosses some banana and chocolate cream pies into the air to see where they land *:coolgrin:
It's a real hoot! Try it and see. I will announce when it is around mid month.
One question about the "Bag the Hag" contest......does it follow the same rules as the main challenge (especially concerning amount of freebies/paid items/etc)?
One question about the "Bag the Hag" contest......does it follow the same rules as the main challenge (especially concerning amount of freebies/paid items/etc)?
No it does not, it is a seperate mini contest. You can render with what you want. You must use the bag I have provided though, that keeps it fair. You can. however retexture the bag as you want to suit your render. The ugliest unbagged will win. Here is an example of one winner...This was a real haggie!
I guess I better quit throwing pies... the forum keeps doing a temp maintenance sign. OOPS
Well someone's got to clean up that mess...lol.
Hey Jeeperz...remember this Haggie?....LMAO!
(Hmmm...for some reason the image attatcher posts the images backwards from their order. I tried changing the names even, it wants to put them in the order it wants...not the order I want. That is rough.)
:grrr: Umm... I thought you were featuring Chohole this month. Did it change?
Alexa :)
One question about the "Bag the Hag" contest......does it follow the same rules as the main challenge (especially concerning amount of freebies/paid items/etc)?
No it does not, it is a seperate mini contest. You can render with what you want. You must use the bag I have provided though, that keeps it fair. You can. however retexture the bag as you want to suit your render. The ugliest unbagged will win.
Excellent.....I'm gonna have fun with this :)
This'll be great. Can't wait to start. :)
BLEGHHHHHHH don't remind me, she was one ugly woman, that was alot of work, I really like the mini you do with the bag the hag, it really is a hoot.
So let's see the babes :D:D
some one have a baby - no I don't want to see it !!!
Oh...I forgot to mention, you can pick between girl babes, or boy babes!
:grrr: Umm... I thought you were featuring Chohole this month. Did it change?
Alexa :)
Yeah, it changed, It was decided that it would be too difficult for people to use Chohole textures for pinups as i do tend to texture mostly outfits that are more modest than the average pinup woutl choose, So now I will be featrued in another month.
:grrr: Umm... I thought you were featuring Chohole this month. Did it change?
Alexa :)
Yup...it did. I have to try to match up the givers with the themes. Since most of Cho's textures are for clothes that cover most of the body, we did not feel that this month was the best one for her givies. She will be featured in December with Jeeperz' annual Winter Wonderland theme...that will ROCK BIG!
This is my entry for the Annual Pin-up challenge.
Title: Why Don't You Do Right
items marked with * require registration
1. ... Ultimate Shader Pack (Metal used on microphone, Spandex used on arms) * - http://sharecg.com/v/27568
2. ... hair - http://digitalbabes.jp/dload/KyokoHairMK3.html
3. ... dress - www.philc.net/freestuff_archive.php (3rd section, first column, halfway down)
... catwalk - http://free.daz3d.com/free_weekly/detail.php?free_id=185 (no longer available)
4. ... microphone * – www.sharecg.com/v/17171
5. ... Suit * - http://www.sharecg.com/v/36257
6. ... hair - http://shop.aprilsvanity.com/view-all-items/freebies-and-addons/jamie-hair-model-textures/prod_38.html
7. ...Skin - http://www.artraiders.com/download_page.php?file_id=340
8. ... Chair (dining table) * - http://lab108.x0.com/lab108/furniture.html (5th from the top)
9. ... (required Trumarcar item) Wine - www.trumarcar.francemi.net/foodprops_tc.htm (picnic food, 2nd down)
10. ... table * - http://www.sharecg.com/v/18123
11. ... cup * - http://www.sharecg.com/v/36738/
Software used: DS4Pro under Linux/wine, NO POSTWORK.
Alexa ;)
Hey music if you have any month free I can take it since we were out of bussness for big part of may .
And oohh.. nice one Alexa ;)
Kendall.. I am going to start this evening on some glamour pinup.
And if anyone knows where to find cigarrete holder like that : http://heyitsdana.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/audrey-hepburn-cigarette-holder.jpg
very nice Alexa, I like Jessica Rabbit
Ah you mean one like this I can't remember where I found it though :red:
Hmm...the increased number of required freebies (10) may make this a fair bit difficult. Pinups seem like the very category where less is more. At least I already have a rough idea of what entries (plural...) I plan to do, unlike last month. I also find it funny I'm having more difficulty figuring out how to work in Trumacar's stuff than Chohole's.
Gallery will be here....
chohole.. yes.. exactly.. well If have to will make one by myself ( what a trouble LOL) .
ZamuelNow actually 10 was the orginal number of required freebies :D .. And as for pin ups - character,texture clothes, clothes texture ( here if you use few different sets you can score 3 or 4) jewlery, hair, hair texture, few props, and you can always use free pose, and expression pack, and voila ... you will pass 10 no time ;)
Krissy, it is a freebie, I just can't remember where I got it from.
Not the same as your picture but this is free.
smoke free site reg req
cho - I think that's one of Jan's dresses, probably Glitter or Glimmer.
Yup, and one of my textures, but it is the cigarette and cigarette holder we are trying to find for Krissy.
And Adam Thwaites has one on this page:
Thank you guys ;)
chohole, I did deducted that, only do not have so much time lately and going around the freebie sites takes a lot of it ;) Would be quicker to just make one ;)
Thank you Dorsey.. gees Adam Thwaites has surely wast amount of freebies on his site.. music you should have gone with your first choice this month ;)
Yay I found it on MDC .. not exactly the same one, but I can live with this one . Thank you Adam Thwaites.. you are trully a bless to us ;)