Just Because I Can. STUPID THREAD V for Victory
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Throw him a bone, Spyro... Maybe he'll take the hint.
Wendy's new Avy is making me spin-dizzy trying to read it...svster? suster? :roll:
I found these just for Spyro
Evabody ben bad dis yeer...no prezents fo nobodiez.
curlz not a good font choice, just until 2500
Wondering if your addict avy will be the virtual you? Or a horses ass (which you were talking about mimicking a while back LMAO!!
@cho - that pretty much sums it up lol! Being there is more like the dog is a possesed by devil that must have a priest perform exercisim lol sometimes I want to throw a bone at its head! Drives me mental (but I would never do that, despite the desire) :-P
Metallica - "For Whom The Bell Tolls"...
Metallica - "For Whom The Bell Tolls"...Very good taste your showing there...
curlz not a good font choice, just until 2500
K :-)
Bad kitty. Smart. But bad kitty. :lol:
Sneaked in and places several bags of holloween candy that was on clearence on the threads table and runs off again
OM NOMNOM NOM *snarl* *chomp*
Somebody shoot a tranq dart to my butt. I need to sleep, I have to wake up in less than four hours to drag my arse to a place where I don't wanna go.
*moons everyone*
C'mon! I need some shuteye like right now!
EDIT: If they have those, I need a few dozen for normal workaday purposes...
Also, WHEW I fixed it. DS4.5 does not like nonzero centers on conformers with multiple custom bone chains, apparently. My loincloth was all over the place in that program. I'm sending an update to all my customers for it.
This is one of my favorite pieces of mine for my own renders as well, so I'm very relieved. ;)
Warning!! Semi Gripe coming. SickleYield why the heck did you not do more primitive life type clothing? You not know just how hard it is to find good stuff like that? Semi Gripe over.
Okay, I'm on the mend folks and will be popping in to a few threads more often. (If you don't know what happened don't ask) Let's just leave the stupid (in my eyes no matter what others say) in the past.
We need more Stupid, the thread has slowed down to much for my liking. You folks are hiding the Stupid you know should be shared.
Wanders off looking for a tranquilizer gun to pop Ski in the butt with....
Warning!! Semi Gripe coming. SickleYield why the heck did you not do more primitive life type clothing? You not know just how hard it is to find good stuff like that? Semi Gripe over.
Okay, I'm on the mend folks and will be popping in to a few threads more often. (If you don't know what happened don't ask) Let's just leave the stupid (in my eyes no matter what others say) in the past.
We need more Stupid, the thread has slowed down to much for my liking. You folks are hiding the Stupid you know should be shared.
Wanders off looking for a tranquilizer gun to pop Ski in the butt with....
Well, like what? I like doing it and it sells fairly well, I'm just not sure what is specifically wanted. I've been thinking about doing a Barbarian in Winter this season sometime, and at least one more Small Wraps set (number one is in testing, here's a pic ) but that's all I've got ideas wise.
I try not to do things that will be used to facilitate racism toward formerly tribal Africans or South Americans, but from your previous discussion it sounds like you're more interested in cave people, and that crosses over well into fantasy barbarians.
Any links to pics of the kind of thing you're talking about? You can send a PM if you don't want to clutter up the thread.
That's the problem, not much real stuff exists to show. Think American Indian without all the fringe and bead work. think Tarzan and Jane from the old movies, your loin cloth was perfect! But then that's all spring and summer stuff. In winter they would be more like Inuit hunters from the 16 or 1700's. With items like the Neanderthal coming out and Dinoral doing more Mega Fauna I would think clothing for people of those ages would be more in demand. Spyro did a great set of free flint weapons and flints that fit the age. It's clothing that really holds me (and I hope others) back from doing more renders. I thought Clan of the Cave Bear was a great book, I can not be alone because it became a movie.
Does any of this help?
Okay. So spitballing is a thing that can reasonably happen with this, then. I'll flail around and see what designs I can come up with.
Thank you, much. Now back the the normal Stupid.....
...weekend over.
...have to go back to stupid day job tomorrow with people who don't appreciate how much I have been putting myself out over all these years.
I'm not sales that means I'm nobody even though I've given 17 years of service (on several occasions while being deathly ill, but if I say I'm not feeling well I'm a "slacker").
All this for about two bucks fifty over minimum wage.
Yeah I may be stupid for sticking with it but because this country has no real protection for us older folks (even though they say there are laws against age discrimination) there are few if any options.
So I am screwed in all directions. If I leave I am not guaranteed of finding a new job. If I stay I have to keep enduring the bullcarp that has been adding more and more stress on my life.
On top of all this rents have become so obscene hereI cannot afford to move to a new place on what I earn.
This is a really stupid way to live.
Cya on the other side.
Jade and Sickle Yield:
Maybe something like "Quest for Fire" could be useful as a resource?
I'd love a James Bond movie in which at some point the hero slips and lands in a sewer, and when he climbs out (with his whole body and three-piece suit being all appropriately decorated of course) lots of little children surround him and laugh loudly at him. Maybe I'll render a scene like that.
That won't work.
I once tried to put a cat in a paper bag, but he got right out. Also when I got those kitties they were in a box. They stayed in the box until I put the box on the floor. I turned around to make sure they had a fresh litter box, but the boy already jumped out.
On noes
addiction coming closer