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Thanks! That was a last minute change. I originally had the camera facing the reverse direction and started thinking it didn't do a good job of showing off the size differences, so I flipped it around. Works a lot better.
Hey folks, less than two hours left before the contest ends.
Saphirewild- if you get a chance, please put your main three products (with links) above your render. Thanks! (I like the way you cropped it, looks good!)
Voting is now live. VOTE HERE through midnight, December 5th, DAZ time. I have also put the link in the first post of this thread. Please spread the word and ask folks to vote- the artists have put a lot of work into the renders. Great fun going through them, will again be a hard decision to choose between them!
If anyone has trouble voting, let me know please. I did have to take out the link to the entries, as it wasn't opening in a separate window and going back and forth may screw up the voting form. So please be sure you have a first through fourth place chosen before you surf in, or have another window open.
Also, once again you can suggest statements for the next contest. Yes, we will do one in December as the response has been very good. The December thread will be up sometime on the 29th, I'll let you know here.
Beginning in December, I have decided to have the contests go for a month and an a half to allow for more render time, and also financially for me it makes it more reasonable, so we can probably do this all winter. Sponsors are always welcome, simply PM me.
I apologize to those I could not vote for, I'm only allowed to vote for 4, then there was the trouble of deciding who goes in 1st - 4th
there was some great titles and renders it was tough to decide which 4
They appreciate you taking the time to vote
I am going to release some of the statements for December, I got the giggles as I wrote some of these, knowing what you folks are going to do with them...
In the spirit of the upcoming holidays (religious or not, the spirit of goodwill) and the commercial aspect, I thought you would have fun with those themes, but the statements are also wide open for non-holiday themes too. I'll be adding a few from your suggestions, but to get you started, here are a few of the December Because I Said So! statements!
But I got it dirt cheap...
I don't care how much you saved!
Give it back.
Oh, you shouldn't have. REALLY.
Just say NO.
You tell him/her or I will!
Go for it.
I can only agree. I was tempted to print out the renders, put them up on the wall and decide by blindfolded dart throwing... Stop doing such great renders everyone so it becomes easier to vote!
LOL, that sounds like a fun render in itself!
I voted a few minutes ago.
Well I never did manage to make an entry, but I enjoyed seeing what everyone came up with. I've voted - 'twas hard, I'd like to have voted for several more, but...
Good luck to the entrants - thanks for the entertainment
I just got done voting omg I know what you mean by it being so hard to vote this time around.
But I got it done and now to wait for next months Challenge (Taps the desk with my nails) Giggles
You don't have to wait- got it posted a few minutes ago, and added two more statements. Have fun!
Difficult as usual to vote, same problems as voting in the RRRR, every render is great in it's own way!
I voted, too.
You didn't wait until last minute? Is barbult OK? Lost the procastination abilities?
Boy, that was tough to select just 4. Great job by all the artists!
Great artwork here! Voted. Maybe one day I'll even enter the contest. It seems hard with such great work from everyone... :)
Don't be shy! Come join in on the fun, because that is what this is about - fun! Not everyone can win, but everyone can make someone smile or even laugh. That's a worthy cause if there ever was one.
Exactly! I think the December-Mid January contest (runs to the 15th) statements lend themselves to some potentially hilarious outcomes. I can't pick a favorite, but the first one that comes to mind that I got the giggles with when I wrote it was "You shouldn't have. REALLY." (followed by "Give it back.") Love to have you participate Ati and thanks for voting- that means a lot.
Ok, I got my votes in. Really fun renders there. Can't believe another month has flown by, but at least it's the festive holiday season coming up. Should be fun. Cheers.
I had a chance to vote as well.
Awesome FirstBastion glad you had a chance to vote!!
There were a bunch of them I liked. Sorry I could only vote for four. And I voted early too.
Next month will be fun. "I got it dirt cheap..." really resonates with me - that's how DAZ gets all may money with their sales.
And thank you, Novica and sponsors!!!!
Well, after managing to write in the wrong thread, I managed to vote for my favorites!!! Well done everyone. You guys make it really hard to pick a favorite.
Ya'll be sure and watch the December discussion thread- Knittingmommy and Hoppitty just joined the ranks of folks whose suggestions are being used next contest! (And no telling, you two!)
Hey folks, only four hours left to vote- please do if you haven't already. We are in a very close race with several first and second place contenders. It's great to see the voting spread out among all the entries, everyone is doing quite nicely!
Be sure to scroll down after the images and read the bottom of the page!
1st Place He Was Gone All Night Until After Daybreak (Totte) (Statement: "I Don't Want To Know!")
Click here to see products used and story/dialog.
2nd Place The Usual Suspects (Isidorn) (Statement: "Well, they always do it in the movies!")
Click here to see products used and story/dialog.
3rd Place The Rat Race (Gopherus) (Statement: "Well, they always do it in the movies!")
Click here to see products used and story/dialog.
4th Place Rodeo (Sasje) (Statement: "Well, they always do it in the movies!"
Click here to see products used and story/dialog.
Congrats to Sasje on a repeat win!
There were no duplicate winners, these are the actual results. What a VARIETY of renders and subjects! The 1st-4th places were clearly frontrunners but I think it's important to note all artists got a scattering of votes- nice going everyone!
The first place winner, Totte, will receive a $20 Gift Card from Ken, a $20 Gift Card from me, and 3 products from FirstBastion's store! Nice going Totte!
The second place winner, isidorn, will receive a $15 DAZ Gift Card from Ken, a $10 Gift Card from me, and 2 products from First Bastion's Store. The 3rd place winner, Gopherus, will receive a $10 Gift Card from Ken, and a $5 Gift Card from me, and 1 product from First Bastion's Store. The 4th place winner, Sasje, will receive a $5 Gift Card from Ken and 1 product from First Bastion's Store. (I don't do a 4th place unless there is one point difference.) AND...
The folks who did not receive any prizes should check your PMs as I have already PM'd everyone and sent you a number. My friend, SereneNight, has those numbers written on pieces of paper inside a container and she will draw a number and POST IT HERE. If that is your number, you have won the Lucky Draw Prize and will also receive a $5 Gift Certificate from me. It's my gift to thank you for supporting the contest. (Wish I could do it for every artist who entered.) So let's have some fun today!
The winners will be sent the DAZ Gift Card code via PM, if it doesn't work, please contact Ken or myself (whoever sent it) and we'll address the issue.
I'd also like to take the time to thank FirstBastion for his ULTRA generous contributions to help get the contest going- it is very much appreciated. And thank you artists for using his products in your renders- that mall is really popular!
Ken- what a difference your $50 in Gift Cards made- thank you SO much!!!!
So now, let's have fun with this next contest and check back in to see who is our Lucky Draw Prize Winner!
EDIT: If you did not receive a PM, let me know. I double checked my list twice, going through the render thread. It will be a couple hours before SereneNight draws a number. I am going to ask her to wait until after 9am (Pacific Standard time, which will be 11am here in Florida.) I know who got what number, so even if you didn't get a PM, you're still entered in the drawing.
way to go guys - enjoyed them all
Congratulations to Totte, isidorn, Gopherus and Sasje - and thank you for the amusement value of all your entries!