Flattening a boot...

ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664
edited August 2015 in The Commons

I have a boot (see pic).  Technically, it's two boots parented together to give me the cuff. The cuff from v4, the boot frm g2F


I would like to have it laying on the ground, with part of it flat. (the top part, where the foot goes wouldn't go flat.)  Anyone have thoughts on the best way to do this?

I've exported it as an object so it's a solid thing, rather than two pieces...but then it doesn't have any bones.to seperate the areas to scale.

I converted to weight map (tirax) and got a single bone.  I tried to "transfer rigging" from G2F to the boot, but that didn't work.

I could attempet  to scale/flatten the two different parts and just try to align them right, but I'd like to explore other options...

Post edited by Scavenger on


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited August 2015



    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited August 2015

    not applicable

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664

    I do not have iclone.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited August 2015

    sorry but for some odd reason I thought you did, my mistake must be confusing you with another

    I beive it may have been Dragonskunk oops

    there may be a way still using posed obj exports/reimports

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • eshaesha Posts: 3,231

    You could use a magnet on the upper part to flatten it.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,641

    deformer would work

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    You could do this in Blender, easily....import the boot, add a cloth modifier to it, select all the foot polys assign them to a group.  In the cloth properties pin that group and give it a very high stiffness...set the cloth to the leather preset and run the sim.  Also need to have a plane with a collision modifier on it for the boot to collide with, otherwise the top will just flop over like a limp dishrag.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664
    mjc1016 said:

    You could do this in Blender, easily....import the boot, add a cloth modifier to it, select all the foot polys assign them to a group.  In the cloth properties pin that group and give it a very high stiffness...set the cloth to the leather preset and run the sim.  Also need to have a plane with a collision modifier on it for the boot to collide with, otherwise the top will just flop over like a limp dishrag.

    You and I have very differnt definitions of "easy" :)

    Especialy since part one of this is "get and learn blender".

    - esha - said:

    You could use a magnet on the upper part to flatten it.

    Daz has magnets? How do they work?

    deformer would work

    A definite phrase like "would" should never be used in a sentence about deformers :)


    Thanks for the suggestions.

  • Scavenger said:
    mjc1016 said:

    You could do this in Blender, easily....

    You and I have very differnt definitions of "easy" :)

    Especialy since part one of this is "get and learn blender".

    Well, you've hit on it.  I think everybody should at least TRY blender, especially if you've ever felt the financial pinch of the cost of upgrading software.

  • Scavenger said:
    - esha - said:

    You could use a magnet on the upper part to flatten it.

    Daz has magnets? How do they work?

    deformer would work

    A definite phrase like "would" should never be used in a sentence about deformers :)

    DForm = magnet

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664
    Scavenger said:
    mjc1016 said:

    You could do this in Blender, easily....

    You and I have very differnt definitions of "easy" :)

    Especialy since part one of this is "get and learn blender".

    Well, you've hit on it.  I think everybody should at least TRY blender, especially if you've ever felt the financial pinch of the cost of upgrading software.


    I went out to lunch and read through a blender guide (several). that they all begin "it's daunting" and then reading more a bit...it is SOOOOOO not the solution to this task.

    Maybe hexagon doing the ridiculous parallels shuffle you have to do to get it to work for the mac..

    But I'm thinking "in daz" solutions will work best.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Blender isn't THAT hard...

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Got Carrara?  Hex?  Both are 'Daz', but I suspect you mean 'Studio' when you say that.  If you don't have Carrara then the suggestion won't help, but if you do would be very easy to do in Carrara using a quick Bullet physics sim, or magnets, or adding a morph to the boot.

    Sorry, I don't use Studio much, so if it absolutely must be done in Studio, I can't give much advice.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    Jonstark said:

    Got Carrara?  Hex?  Both are 'Daz', but I suspect you mean 'Studio' when you say that.  If you don't have Carrara then the suggestion won't help, but if you do would be very easy to do in Carrara using a quick Bullet physics sim, or magnets, or adding a morph to the boot.

    Sorry, I don't use Studio much, so if it absolutely must be done in Studio, I can't give much advice.

    Basically it's the same as doing it in Blender or any other modeller that has a physics/cloth sim capabilities.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664
    mjc1016 said:

    Blender isn't THAT hard...

    Well, locate a tutorial that's "Beginners Guide to Altering a Pre-Existing Model" and we can see... but as everything I found after googling "Getting Started Blender Tutorials" start with either focusing on the beginning of modeling or with animation (not sure why you'd start learning there..)....


    Well, my solution has been to go with my original thought, with some modifications.. I parented the cuff diretly to the shin. I locked the foot in all parameters, then scaled the shin to x 33% and z105%. I then converted it from Ti-Ax to general weight mapping*  (this is the key step), then using the foot controls bent,twisted, and side-side to get it in position. I'd have liked to have more of a curve in the shin part, but this is a"make do" process, rather than a perfect remodeling.


    *converting to general mapping makes it so it will just bend rather than warp and bubble. (pic 3)


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  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,641
    mjc1016 said:

    Blender isn't THAT hard...

    LMAO!! I am fairly competant in Max, Gmax, Maya, Milkshape, Carrara, Wings 3d and a few others and I still can't figure out Blender.


    I just tried it using a deformer, took all of 10 seconds. I guess it's like Blender, once you know what you are doing, it's a piece of cake, LOL.

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  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664

    The deformer looks pretty good..sadly I've never been good using those :p

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