RRRR Unlikely Occupations Voting Thread

TotteTotte Posts: 13,626
edited August 2015 in The Commons

Now my friends it's time to vote in the RRRR Unlikely Occupations contest.

Warning: please refrain from having beverages in your mouth while watching the entries, the RRRR can not be held responsible for damaged computer systems due to sudden outbreaks of laughs causing liquid spills.

Anyone can vote, not only those participating in the actual contest.  You can vote for any entries except for you own entries, and we vote in two categories, Best and Funniest. Best is more of a traditional render contest voting where funniest more takes the humorous look at the image. Some images have a few lines of text explaining the story behind them, which often helps the voting, specially in the funniest category.  Each win (1st to 3rd place) will also give the winner a sticky Lucky Bastard pull, which means the next round will be a little harder.

Entries thread here: Entries only thread
Vote here:  RRRR Voting

So, what are we voting about?
What are the prizes?

Winners in each category:
- One item from the Dumor3D store.
-- $40 DAZ Store GC

Second place in each category:
- One item from the ARTCollaborations store
-- $25 DAZ Store GC

Third place in each category:
- One item from Totte’s store.
-- $15DAZ Store GC

4th place (Honorable mention 1):
-- $10 DAZ Store GC

5th place Honorable mention 2):
-- $5 DAZ Store GC

The voting starts now, and ends Sunday, August 23 at 23:59:59 DAZ Time.

How votes are tallied and summed up:

Voting points: 1st = 5 points, 2nd = 4 points, 3rd = 3 Points, 4th = 2 Points and Tiebreaker = 1 Point.

If an image gets 1st, two 2nd, one 4th and two tiebreakers in a category, that is 5 + 2x4 + 2 + 2x1 = 17 Points
Every image points per category is summed up, and top three is calcutaled in each category. As we now have five prizes, a maximum of two entries from the same artist can end up top three in each category, this is to spead the joy a little more.

To avoid votespamming, anyone voting needs to post here in this thead that they did vote, and use the same name as they have posting here as the DAZ Forum Name in the first question in the vote system at SurveyMonkey.


Post edited by Totte on


  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,103

    I ve voted!  Not only hard to pick from so many great ones but each time i see them the order changes.  I read somewhere that you can t enter the same stream twice.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,362

    The entries only link takes me to page 2.  Is that a problem with the new forums?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,626
    barbult said:

    The entries only link takes me to page 2.  Is that a problem with the new forums?

    Yes - it keep track on what page you last visited....

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,362

    Luckily I noticed that I was not at the beginnig, because of the fact that the first image on the page was Gopherus #2.

    I have voted.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325

    I've voted!  I was actually laughing out loud at some of the entries.  Brilliant work by everyone this month!  cheeky

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,697

    I voted. laugh

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,813

    I voted as well, but it was difficult!

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,188

    I've voted - another tough one, especially the "funniest" category this time: there were a lot of really funny ideas.
    Good luck to all laugh

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,866

    I completely forgot about the contest and today I remember and was wondering what happened to the contest : D

    So, I took my time and voted, in no particular order (I like all of them the same so if I could I would have given you all max points!):

    Best: luci45 #4 The Alien Artifacts Excavator , Totte #5 Bling Polisher , Ostadan #1 I'll Take Two, Please , Linwelly#5 Origami Dress Artist , Gopherus #03 Dyno Wash Engineer

    Funniest: MelanieL#2 Supernatural Pest Controller , emsim #2 Arcade Game Field Tester , luci45 #11 Caretaker for the Unstable , Totte#8 Sticky tongue tester , Karibou #5 Fairy Tale Casting Director

    I hope its not wrong to post who I voted for : )

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234

    I finally voted and it was tough to choose just five for each category.  Good luck everyone and thanks Totte for continuing to run these crazy fun contests!  I never get to participate as much as I would like but I really enjoy them.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,086

    I voted just in time.  Great job, everyone.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,861

    I voted.

    You need to put a link back to here so people don't have to search to get to the voting thread.

  • Either just almost there or close to the wire, lol. Now that my vote is in, I have a Q.

    Did I miss a setting somewhere for the "XTech Dreadlock Ponytail"?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,626

    I really hope I didnt miss any, but the new forum, where some entries has two images (thumb and real ) and some has a thumb only really makes it difficult (I guess you who have voted has felt the same thing. I know I missed one entry so if I missed another sorry, I was pm:ed with the one I missed setting up voting so it was added.  

  • Yea, the new forum is taking considerable effort to get use to (biting tong). The only oddity I noticed, was one set of entries with the same entry number in the entries thread, An understandable mistake and not a big deal with the image 'title' being different.

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