edited December 1969 in The Commons

Yes, I have the last version of Daz and Z brush 4, with the last version of goz incorporated and still no fix.

I select my figure in Daz4 pro, file/ sen to zbrush

Zbrush open, and... polymesh empty, yes, 0 polys, 0 points, Cero everything.

Anyone know how to fix this?

I have daz pro version 64 bits

version of GOZ :

PLEASE HELP!! Not a word from Daz for a month now.


  • edited December 1969

    I haven't run into this exact problem, but other problems I've run into like that have been solved just by clearing the cache, closing ZBrush, and resending. Try this ->
    Open ZBrush, go to Preferences, then GoZ. Choose "Clear Cache Files". Shut Zbrush all the way down, and try sending something over from Daz|Studio again.
    It's solved issues for me in the past with things like Genesis importing into ZB as a star poly, and odd things like that.
    Hope that helps, and GL :)

  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited December 1969

    Why are you using Zbrush 4 or are you using a demo? get it up to 4R4 and it should work, note I said should LOL.

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