where does the runtime folder go?

ToobisToobis Posts: 941

When you download something for Daz 4 you have the content folder and in it the runtime folder.......where is it supposed to go please? I remember in Daz 3 it was put in something like this: DAZ3D/mylibary/runtime ? I think it changed didn't it since 4? I haven't used it in a while but where is it supposed to go now please. Please someone just give me a straight foward location. Thx.


  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,955

    Slow down and take a deep breathe.runtime always is a sub folder of either Content or My Library(which is just Content renamed) so you just put runtime into the My Library folder or the content folder.No it hasn't changed.So you either have DAZ3D/My Library/ runtime, or DAZ3D/Content/runtime .Hope this helps

  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385

    runtime folder goes INSIDE My Library folder.

    and don't worry if is located in other place, it can be adressed later on Content Directory Manager.

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,368

    And am I right is using a folder as an external runtime folder.... I can use any name to help organization. Example a separate runtime for V4 shoes?

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    The top level folder(s) that contain the runtime or content folders can be named whatever you want, yes.  You could call it "C:\bleah\bleah\bleah\V4 shoes" and put a runtime in it. You just have to make sure that you have manually added these top level folders in the Content Directory Manager so DAZ Studio knows where to look for content.  Not sure about the actual runtime and content folders themselves though, I don't mess with those and I assume some or all of the folder names at this level are important, although I think some people can move some of them around?

    You can have separate runtimes, although this may have the potential to cause problems.  There used to be a plugin that couldn't handle a large number of runtimes, although I don't know if that's still true.  There might be, or might have been in the past, something about having certain morphs in the same folder as their corresponding product, not sure if that's still true.   I think there might be a warning message if you add more than 10, although you can still do it.  I have one runtime per product myself, probably a few thousand runtimes at this point, and everything seems to be working fine other than that old plugin issue I saw long ago.  I'm not certain, but possibly this may slow down the time it takes DAZ Studio to start up somewhat though.

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