can anyone make her eyebrows smaller for me?

ToobisToobis Posts: 941

Or just generally less pronounced? I am using an obj. and its working ok except her eyebrows are too large and I can't seen to correct it. I have played around with the surfaces for ages and but with no real luck. I am not sure what to do. Can anyone take 10 mins to load up the lara obj. file from me and correct her eyebrows so they don't look so thick? I am really stuck on how to do it myself. Thanks. (warning: obj. model contains nudity) please private message me if you can help.


  • That looks like the diffuse map is not lining up with the rest, in a way. either the UV/UDIM mapping is not correct, or the diffuse map is way off on the size of the eyebrows. It may be very easy to fix in PS/GIMP, if you know how to use them (I'm not that good myself).

    I bet the bump map for the eyebrows don't match up with the diffuse map when compared side by side.

  • Either that or the transmaps are not set up correctly, as also the eyelashes are having issues.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    And here I thought it was a Michael Jackson morph...


    Transmaps are my guess too.

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