Forum search forces Captcha

marblemarble Posts: 7,449

I normally use Google site search to find subjects in the forum but, since the new forum was introduced, there is now an annoying feature which forces me to input a Captcha code after a few searches. I absolutely detest Captcha - I often need to refresh the image several times before I find one I can see clearly. 

Please, mods, disable this new feature.


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,151

    marble,  i have done about 10 seraches in a row and do not see anything but results.  I believe you're on Mac, as am I.  I use Chrome.  What are you using?  To the best of my knowledge, there is no Captcha being used here.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    Also Chrome (Mac version, yes). Are you using the forum search or Google site search? I always used Google site search as in: search term 

    I certainly got the Captcha after far fewer than 10 searches (probably 4 or 5). I use Google rather than the forum search because it has always been easier to be more specific in the search term. 

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    Here's what I get ...


    Oh, damn - I can't figure out how to include a screenshot either. This is really frustrating.


  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    Ok - I was trying to use the "Insert Image" tool but I should have used Attach a File instead ...



    Screen Shot 2015-07-17 at 12.10.14.png
    453 x 364 - 49K
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    That is coming up every time I try a search now so I'm obviously flagged as an undesireable. I'll need to do the Captcha thing to be able to search again :(

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 6,999

    If you are using google for search, then that probably explains it - google would create too many hits at the same time, triggering Bot alert.

    I have the same problem if I use the google search, so it's not just you.


  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    Ah, well. That's the price of progress, I guess. It didn't do that on the old forum.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 6,999

    Yo can try the new forum search:

    If you search with terms in "term term", it can be narrowed down.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,151

    marble, that is a google function, DAZ would have nothing to do with that.  The only search over which DAZ has control is its own forum search.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449
    edited July 2015

    marble, that is a google function, DAZ would have nothing to do with that.  The only search over which DAZ has control is its own forum search.

    Odd that it never happened with the old forum, nor does it happen when I site-search any other site/forum/blog using Google. The way I see it is that the DAZ forum server has detected traffic from my IP that might be a web bot. My further thought is that this might be a little too sensitive.


    EDIT - a quick browse on forum software (such as phpBB) shows that the captcha is a common device used to trap bot traffic. So I still contend that this is not a feature of Google search but a security feature of the forum software.

    Post edited by marble on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449
    lee_lhs said:

    Yo can try the new forum search:

    If you search with terms in "term term", it can be narrowed down.

    At first the forum search seemed to have problems. I'll give it another try next time and see how the search term filtering performs. Thanks :) 

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,151
    edited July 2015

    It's commonly used on forums, it's not being used on the forum or you'd get it when you search through the forum's search function.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    I'm not sure that follows but I'll take your word for it. I'll go back to using the forum search function. Thanks.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    The search term I was using in the Google site search  was: multipass masks - which, after the Captcha glitch, returns several threads with the information I was looking for.

    By contrast, I input the same words into the Forum Search and got pages of individual posts with either the term, multipass, or the term mask. So I tried it again with both words enclosed within quotes: "multipass masks". That returned absolutely nothing. 

    Neither result is desireable so I guess I'll have to put up with the Captcha thing.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060
    edited July 2015

    I did six random searches trying Google with the link you posted and didn't get a Captcha.


    I just did another couple and the Captcha came up. It must be set for a certain number of searches before it is activated.

    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449
    edited July 2015

    I gather it remembers my IP so the effect is cumulative. Eventually it won't let me search at all until I enter the Captcha (I was closing the window and starting over without entering the Captcha).

    What complicates it is that there is no option to reload another captcha image if the first one is not clear. So I had to guess and hope I was seeing it correctly. Luckily, I guessed right and am able to search again now.

    Post edited by marble on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,549

    This is a problem with your own computer and google.  It has nothing to do with DAZ, 

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449

    This is a problem with your own computer and google.  It has nothing to do with DAZ, 


    OK. Never mind.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,449
    Fishtales said:

    I did six random searches trying Google with the link you posted and didn't get a Captcha.


    I just did another couple and the Captcha came up. It must be set for a certain number of searches before it is activated.


    Thanks for taking the trouble to confirm that.  Appreciated.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011

    I tried a couple of searches maybe five or six and I didn't get Captcha... I believe you, but are you sure you are not a robot or self aware computer program?

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060
    McGyver said:

    I tried a couple of searches maybe five or six and I didn't get Captcha... I believe you, but are you sure you are not a robot or self aware computer program?

    I did that, it didn't kick in 'till nearer ten searches. 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011

    I did a bunch more maybe ten or twelve more... But I did random CGI terms... And I'm on iPad using Safari... I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

    I did find a good thread about Light Path Expression though.

    I do sometimes have weird issues with Captcha using different computers sometimes, that was why I checked.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060

    I'm using Opera on my laptop.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060

    Got it again on my tablet using the built in browser after seven searches.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060

    Tried it using Chrome on the tablet and it appeared on the seventh search.

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