Michael 6

Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I have the Philip texture. I applied it to the figure. I also applied the Philip texture for the genitals. But when I rendered, the genitals were much darker than the body. Why? And how do you get that upside down triangle at the top to fade into the body so you don't see the edge? I have something called Seam Edge. (Or something like that.) I tried it. But there didn't even seem to be a texture for it. (But I think that the seam edge might be for Mike 4).

Also, doesn't anyone know what the default texture is for Michael 6?



  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,881
    edited December 1969

    The Genesis 2 Male & Female genitals use the same map as the torso so you can copy and paste quickly in the surface tab just as long as both surfaces are using the same surface shader.

    Also you can select the genital and apply the material via the mat file itself

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,744
    edited December 1969

    The female genitals use the same map as the hip, the male genitals do need their own maps however. Kevinh, did the material presets used come from the same folder?

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the response.

    The default texture for Michael 6 HD looks good to me, but I don't know what it is called so I don't know what genital texture to use with it. I found one that looks close, but you can see the line where one body part ends and the other starts. I assume this is texture that is used in the promo picture for Michael 6. I like Michael's face in the promo pics, so I would like to use those settings.

    When I bought Michael 6, I believe it came with a Philip texture set as part of the bundle. I selected Michael 6 and then I went to the Smart Content and chose materials and I applied Philip All Hairy (or Philip Shaved...doesn't matter). Then I selected the genitals and chose materials and I applied Philip Gens Hairy. (I assume this is the right texture.) In the preview window, it doesn't look too bad, but when you render. the genitals look like they are in some heavy shadows, while the body looks like it is in sunlight. And you can see where one body part ends and the other starts.

    I also have M6 Nevio. I applied M6 All (using the method described above) and then I applied M6 Nevio Genital Hip. When this one rendered, it looked great. So maybe there is just something wrong with the Philip texture. Or maybe I am not selected the right icon. But all the others have bump, or SSS or tranlucency in the names. I've tried adding them too. But still get the terrible match up.

    But at least the Nevio textures seem to work.

    I thought when you select a model that the smart content was only suppose to show textures that pretain to the selected model. But when I have Michael selected, the smart content will show the icons for M6 Nevio and the M6 genital textures in the same folder. But it will only show the body texture for Philip in the same folder. To see the genital textures for Philip, I have to select the genitals. Also there are textures that show that say concrete and wall, etc. that don't apply to the model selected at all.

    I have not changed any settings in Daz Studio. It is the same as it was when it installed a few days ago. Also, I have used that install utility to install all the content. That utility decided where to put everything.

    Thanks again.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    I did some checking and it looks like the Philip textures came with Michael 5, so maybe that is why the are not working on Michael 6?

    Also, I think I need to buy Milan 6, the promo guy so have the same character used in the promo pics.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    The Philip texture works OK on Michael 5. There were more icons to choose from when Michael 5 was in the scene and and I selected the different figures.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,744
    edited December 1969

    Genesis 2 Male has the Michael 5 UVs, but I'm not sure if the G2M genitals match the mapping of the Genesis genitals. By the problem you are having possibly not.

    In Smart content you are seeing materials that can be used on any item as well as those that can be used on just that figure - you could use the concrete shader settings to make a statue, for instance.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,322
    edited December 1969

    The Genesis and G2M gens have the same UV mapping, so a M5 texture should work fine on both, as long as the gen textures were created to work with the M5 UV (which they are in Philip's case).

    I suspect Kevin's problems are more shaded related than any issues with the textures, particularly as he says one appeared darker than the other. Purely texture and/or UV issues give problems with the seams of any geograft, not the color of the whole geograft.

    Kevin, ensure that the shader is the same for both G2M's skin, and the gens. Click on the surface's tab, and then the hip texture of each, and look to see what the shader name is at the top. If one is the AOA shader, and the other the Default Shader, or anything else, they will not look the same when rendered, even though they may appear to match in the preview window.

    Even if the shaders are the same, every single setting must be identical except for the texture names. In theory the material files supplied with the characters take case of all this for you, as long as you selected the same shader for both G2M and the geograft. Many characters come with multiple shaders, so it is possible to mix them up.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Well, I think I found part of the problem...

    the one icon named M5 Phillip Gens Hairy renders darker than the body. Can't remember which was which but one texture was called OmiUbenSurface and the other OmiHumanSurface. There is another icon with no picture call M5 Phillip Gens Hairy. This one works OK on Michael 5. But on Michael 6, it too renders too dark. but the material had the same name as the body texture.

    For the genitals, I noticed that the specular color, the velvet color and other colors were set to blues and oranges, but in the body texture, they were all white. I tried setting them to white and two textures looked like the belongs together. I could still see a slight seam where the two body parts join together, but I'm not sure how to fix that. I think it has something to do with transparency. Bit I only saw translucany (I think). Or maybe I need to add a transmap or something.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,322
    edited December 1969

    Kevinh said:
    Well, I think I found part of the problem...

    the one icon named M5 Phillip Gens Hairy renders darker than the body. Can't remember which was which but one texture was called OmiUbenSurface and the other OmiHumanSurface. There is another icon with no picture call M5 Phillip Gens Hairy. This one works OK on Michael 5. But on Michael 6, it too renders too dark. but the material had the same name as the body texture.

    For the genitals, I noticed that the specular color, the velvet color and other colors were set to blues and oranges, but in the body texture, they were all white. I tried setting them to white and two textures looked like the belongs together. I could still see a slight seam where the two body parts join together, but I'm not sure how to fix that. I think it has something to do with transparency. Bit I only saw translucany (I think). Or maybe I need to add a transmap or something.

    Unless both the gens and the skin are using exactly the same shaders with identical settings other than the texture files, then it will be very difficult to get them to match perfectly.

    However I think I know the reasons for your problems. G2M comes with the M5 textures (ie philip's texture) but uses a different shader to the shader for M5 (omUberSurface). The M5 gens shaders that came with M5 however uses the omHumanSurface shader. I recommend you apply the MAT's under Genesis->M5 onto G2M and not the ones supplied with G2M. These uses the same shader (omHumanSurface) as the gens so should solve your problems. The textures used are the same in either case.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Havos said:

    However I think I know the reasons for your problems. G2M comes with the M5 textures (ie philip's texture) but uses a different shader to the shader for M5 (omUberSurface). The M5 gens shaders that came with M5 however uses the omHumanSurface shader. I recommend you apply the MAT's under Genesis->M5 onto G2M and not the ones supplied with G2M. These uses the same shader (omHumanSurface) as the gens so should solve your problems. The textures used are the same in either case.

    UberSurface is an upgrade from HumanSurface...and the 'base' shader is in the Shader Presets folder and can be applied to the gens. Then a simple copy & paste from the Torso will get the settings to match.

    But HOW you match them doesn't really matter...it's the fact that they need to match, exactly that does.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for helping me with this. And for educating me. I was able to get it to work.

    I loaded both parts. Applied the textures. Then copied the surface shader from Michael 6 to the genitals. Then I went into the that shader and loaded the right texture back and I had to go through and eliminate the colors in some of the channels. After that I saved a material pose.

    Seems like there are two material poses missing. One lighter genital texture to match the lighter Phillip body texture and one darker body texture to match the darker genital material. But I think I can create them now, if I want to.

  • MorpheonMorpheon Posts: 738
    edited July 2015
    KevinH said:

    Thanks for helping me with this. And for educating me. I was able to get it to work.

    I loaded both parts. Applied the textures. Then copied the surface shader from Michael 6 to the genitals. Then I went into the that shader and loaded the right texture back and I had to go through and eliminate the colors in some of the channels. After that I saved a material pose.

    Seems like there are two material poses missing. One lighter genital texture to match the lighter Phillip body texture and one darker body texture to match the darker genital material. But I think I can create them now, if I want to.

    The "Phillip" textures included in the earlier versions of the Genesis 2 Male Starter Essentials used to work right out of the box with the "Phillip" textures that come with the Genesis 2 Male genitals, no fiddling necessary. However, an update or two back, the two sets of textures stopped working together; unfortunately, by the time I realized this, I had already updated and discarded the older -- working -- versions of both sets, and the only versions available through DAZ now are the newer -- glitchy -- ones. (Now that I think about it, it was probably the main set of textures for the body that were changed, and not the textures for the genitals, but why DAZ made this change in the first place, and why it hasn't been resolved yet, is somethig only they can answer -- and they probably won't.) The good news is that if you have Michael 5, you can apply his textures to the Genesis 2 Male and they'll work with the textures that come with the Genesis 2 Male genitals. The Genesis Male genital textures also work on the Genesis 2 Male genitals, so if you have those, you're really good to go.

    Post edited by Morpheon on
  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    Thanks for your response. So is Michael 6 the same as Genesis 2 Male? Or would you have to use the Genesis 2 maps on Michael 6.? Or maybe you are saying to use Genesis 2 instead of Michael 6?

    Anyway, I got it to work...and I didn't realize at the time that Philip was for Michael 5. I do have all the Michaels and the Davids.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,144

    Michael 6 is Genesis 2 Male with a custom shape and texture applied.

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