Amazing Skins For Genesis 2 Females and For Genesis 2 Males [Commercial]



  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited November 2014

    I'll second that, nice render Incy. We do seem to be lacking the guy side of things a tad here. I only have David5 and Michael5, so I'm not much help. Just so much good stuff to purchase, and so little funds to divvy out to the PA's, lol.

    I've been slowly whittling away at the shapes of the 'Dathomirian' horns. The back one seems to not have many decent pics of, so I'm unsure of the shape.

    1800 x 1200 - 298K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,099
    edited November 2014

    I agree, nice render Incy :)

    But?? Zarcondeegrissom? What happened to the horns ? Now they are really fine, and honestly, the "back horn", if you had not mentioned it, I would have not noticed it. Are they still only DAZ primitives? I'm astonished so many things can be done with that!
    I really like the evolution of this figure I see here, as a critics I would just say that the details on the neck are maybe too much, to different from the rest, personally they draw my attention away from the rest, and my eyes tend to focus on that rather than on the general figure, but this is personal.

    By the way, I just wanted to mention that if any of you wanted to share the duf files of the presets you have created for you renders, I have opened a topic :

    You can share your presets and renders, but of course, you can go on sharing your renders here!
    The new topic is more to gather shared presets so that people can have more fun faster ;)

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited November 2014

    As I cringe about sharing the secret, as I'm unsure it is what Daz3D intended with there Studio product. With a Primitive with multiple segments, a D-form can be applied to it to change it's shape. Then it can be exported as an obj, and it will keep that shape. It's still like making things with Legos(R).

    Excellent idea about that thread, If you can. It may be useful to reserve a post, for later lists, as they do tend to get rather large. Example being the RRRR contests hosted by Totte, or the other list type threads here. G2F figures lists, star trek freebees, etc.

    Vascularity, yea I noticed that they were too heavy on the neck, and I could not get them at a 'subtle' barley there on the face as a brief setup. I decided to work on that later, as the horns, eyes, and skin color was the main focus.

    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,099
    edited December 1969

    Ah! The power of DAZ Studio 4.7 !
    Just to mention here one more thing : thanks to the interactive preview mode, you can now adjust the skins "live". You just have to
    1. Add tab, Aux viewport
    2. eventually make pane undockable.
    3. activate IPR in aux viewport...
    I'm sooooooo happy you cannot imagine!

  • Gothic ShadowGothic Shadow Posts: 35
    edited December 1969

    Kadix said:
    Ah! The power of DAZ Studio 4.7 !
    Just to mention here one more thing : thanks to the interactive preview mode, you can now adjust the skins "live". You just have to
    1. Add tab, Aux viewport
    2. eventually make pane undockable.
    3. activate IPR in aux viewport...
    I'm sooooooo happy you cannot imagine!

    Thank you for saying that I was not sure how to get into it. One thing I seen is it seems that new version of 3Dlight that is in Daz Studio 4.7 does better renders. As in my renders I can do seem to look a bit better then they did before. Like the render here. The textures even in this low light seem more life like. Yes I did use amazing skins for the render.

    1200 x 1520 - 2M
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,099
    edited December 1969

    Well this is good news, for now I have not made a full render.. I'm debugging a code I'm writing to add really cool stuff to materials, but.. It just fails. So I'm far from rendering anything.

  • 3dTox3dTox Posts: 82
    edited December 1969

    With the new massive morphs released, I was playing around with animating a Hulk like sequence where the figure went from normal to the massive morph in a simple animation. Not thinking, I started editing the skin green on the last frame of the sequence to see how it looked. The end result was rather interesting. It seems Amazing Skins is very animatable. Instead of turning the skin colors in all frames the skin transformation was animated too! After a little messing around with various sliders and colors I found that just about everything, colors, strengths, and even specularity was able to be changed during the animation.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    That is epically cool. I don't have a use for that here today, tho perhaps some day when I get into animations.

    Hulk, or any of the Super-power comics and movies would appreciate that.

  • 3dTox3dTox Posts: 82
    edited December 1969

    Even if the color change isn't needed, for those who do animate (I don't do it much myself either), with the right specular size and strength could help simulate a figure beginning to sweat. Even the reflection strength was animatable.
    On that note, I have been playing around a little with the reflection. I get some of my best results if I change the reflection texture (map not environment) to match the diffuse texture, set the strength to 100% then set the R1+R2 strength to about 15%, then drop the diffuse strength down to about 75% via the vertical color bar on the right side of the color box (sometimes also changing the tone to a slightly more tan color helps with certain skin tones or for a deep skin suntan look). The results seem to be rather interesting, especially on skins by Silver, they seem to have the most realistic specular maps that I have tested with this technique.

  • NaviNavi Posts: 446
    edited December 1969

    I've got these shaders only a few days ago, and wow they are really... amazing (like the name says ^^). It's not mentioned on the product page, but it's very useful to boost/refresh some older textures, too (V4 textures on G2F).

    Here is a portrait made while testing it on Josie :) (I did forgot to fix some hair strands posing, but still happy with the overall look on her)

    995 x 1100 - 430K
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,099
    edited December 1969

    3dTox said:
    With the new massive morphs released, I was playing around with animating a Hulk like sequence where the figure went from normal to the massive morph in a simple animation. Not thinking, I started editing the skin green on the last frame of the sequence to see how it looked. The end result was rather interesting. It seems Amazing Skins is very animatable. Instead of turning the skin colors in all frames the skin transformation was animated too! After a little messing around with various sliders and colors I found that just about everything, colors, strengths, and even specularity was able to be changed during the animation.

    Yes this is the case, or partially. They can render animated, but I don't manage to have their animation saved in order to reload it.
    Normally, the way it is built, a lot of things should be animatable.
    YET : I never managed to reload animation even if the materials are keyed properly in the "animation" part of the scene, meaning that in general it is better to render immediately. Note that to have keys saved in the duf, you have to press the +key as soon as you modify, but even this is not sufficient. I have not gone further on the subject.
    In order to save an animation, the option would be to save a material at each interesting animation key and to reload them at animation keys in a new scene, and render immediately. I have not tested.
    Some of the features are not animatable : fresnel and anistropic character of the specular, most min and max (bump for instance, as well as the bump strength if I remember well), because it automatically made DAZ crash when rendering animations. In case of doubt you can have a look in the shader definition asset, which is directly editable, and have a look at all the lines : "CanAnimate" : false
    But this is nice for me to see people playing like that.

    That is epically cool. I don't have a use for that here today, tho perhaps some day when I get into animations.

    Hulk, or any of the Super-power comics and movies would appreciate that.

    ... supposing one day I find a procedure to save animations.. I'm gonna have a look directly in the material to see if I cannot save a preset with 2 key frames. If it works, it could be a nice clue for the solution... Or maybe I can have a look if I can write something in the "key" parameter of the material editor.. There must be a way out, maybe not easy, but there must be..

    Even if the color change isn't needed, for those who do animate (I don't do it much myself either), with the right specular size and strength could help simulate a figure beginning to sweat. Even the reflection strength was animatable.
    On that note, I have been playing around a little with the reflection. I get some of my best results if I change the reflection texture (map not environment) to match the diffuse texture, set the strength to 100% then set the R1+R2 strength to about 15%, then drop the diffuse strength down to about 75% via the vertical color bar on the right side of the color box (sometimes also changing the tone to a slightly more tan color helps with certain skin tones or for a deep skin suntan look). The results seem to be rather interesting, especially on skins by Silver, they seem to have the most realistic specular maps that I have tested with this technique.

    I had even not thought of trying that. This is very interesting result. The way you set it up, it should behave as is you were reflecting a white environment with a reflection color of the color of the skin. And since there is always a lack of environment global lights, it may "correct" this and render better. Nice idea, thanks for sharing this!

    One thing I wondered : did you manage to save and reload scenes with animated amazing skins?

    I've got these shaders only a few days ago, and wow they are really... amazing (like the name says ^^). It's not mentioned on the product page, but it's very useful to boost/refresh some older textures, too (V4 textures on G2F).

    Here is a portrait made while testing it on Josie :) (I did forgot to fix some hair strands posing, but still happy with the overall look on her)

    Wow! This one is an impressive portrait! If you posted it somewhere else, can you share the link with me so that I can fav it? I also made two renders with V4 nice textures on G2, and it works indeed really fine. It's true that on the product page, I'm not sure I was very efficient to describe my product, I tried to be synthetic, and I did not mention everything... But now I count on word of mouth more than the rest. Thank you for sharing this image with us, I really like the way the details pop up, and there is also a great DOF setting :) And I even did not notice the hair strands issues.

    I wanted also to mention a new video in amazing skins playlist :
    Aux viewport and Amazing skins (NEW! with Daz Studio 4.7) :
    See how to :
    Open the Aux viewport
    Tweak skins tones and glossiness
    Tweak Cloths colors (required amazing skins for genesis 2 males or females to get the shader version of the material).

  • 3dTox3dTox Posts: 82
    edited December 1969

    Kadix said:

    I had even not thought of trying that. This is very interesting result. The way you set it up, it should behave as is you were reflecting a white environment with a reflection color of the color of the skin. And since there is always a lack of environment global lights, it may "correct" this and render better. Nice idea, thanks for sharing this!

    This has even more interesting results when adding things like bruises to the diffuse. It tends to give an under the skin bruising effect. Also adding different makeups to the diffuse and the reflection can cause an interesting simulated layered look.
    If I could change one thing about the amazing skins shader, it would be mapped strengths for things like reflect and the diffuse rather than a slider. This could open up so many more effects.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited November 2014

    navibass, really nice render, I like it.

    Kadix and 3dTox. I gathered from what was discovered, Daz Studio seams to be saving that stuff by default to some extent. Tho I see the point of not all of it works this way. At the very least, curious as to why some stuff and not the other, for animations.

    Open the Aux view-port, going on my must do today list, watch that vid, and try it.

    Well, I need to stop dragging my feet, and post the surface settings for a dress, then get that "4.7" IPR thing going. In humble gratitude, I'll be around.

    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,099
    edited December 1969

    3dTox said:
    Kadix said:

    I had even not thought of trying that. This is very interesting result. The way you set it up, it should behave as is you were reflecting a white environment with a reflection color of the color of the skin. And since there is always a lack of environment global lights, it may "correct" this and render better. Nice idea, thanks for sharing this!

    This has even more interesting results when adding things like bruises to the diffuse. It tends to give an under the skin bruising effect. Also adding different makeups to the diffuse and the reflection can cause an interesting simulated layered look.
    If I could change one thing about the amazing skins shader, it would be mapped strengths for things like reflect and the diffuse rather than a slider. This could open up so many more effects.

    Want to know a secret???? shhhh...
    I'm working on the ASA ("Amazing Skins Advanced") secret project.
    But no need to panic, I'm a perfectionist, and as a consequence an extremely slow worker, it will take me long weeks, and probably months to reach what I think will be strong enough to be a new product and not a minor update.

    I think I'll make a post one day so that people can ask the new features they would like to see in amazing skins.

    Amongst features I'm testing there are already :
    - All colors changes Hue, saturation, value, preprocess and post process must become mappable. This almost works, I'm just unable to have the "postprocess hue" being mapped, because of the way it is handled, and I'm wondering if I'm not going to "add" a level of mapped post process instead of trying to replacing it.
    - Adding a second level of specular. A lot of crash for now, I have ideas to avoid that.
    - Mapped strengths to reflection should be technically possible, the thing that I would like to keep is the possibility to have strengths above 100%, so I have to have a look how/if I could do this. There is another potential issue in all mappings in general : the internal names. Each parameter has a variable name in DAZ materials (HSS, AOA, Default...), and if I want to keep the possibility to make a "swapper", meaning that DAZ applies on any figure and grab the maps to put them on the right place, the variable name have to correspond. Sometimes it prevents me from plugging what I want to where I want.
    In the meantime, I would advice you to overlay your reflection strength image to your reflection map using the LIE, in a "multiply" option, and the result should be pretty close (maybe identical?) to applying a strength (the alpha becoming the absolute strength).
    - Mapped Diffuse strength : This one is maybe going to be impossible. Not technically, it is possible for one figure. But not to be coherent with a load of "all figures types" and all shaders type. While developping the amazing skins it cost me a lot of time to define how I was going to handle the strength. I had to make the compromise of making it inactive, and dial it either by greylevels, or you can direcly consider the Value preprocessor is the strength. OK for now it is not mapped, but in my tests, it works once mapped, becoming something very close to diffuse map strength :), because applying a strength map is not really different as changing the value of the diffuse map...

    And there should be many other surprises I'm preparing too, such as additional layers of images so that anybody can add a few layers of patterns without being forced to use LIE (well I have to think of the most interesting number of layers), so that they spare time (LIE is great, but a time cost!!) some will be UV based, some UV independent. I'm struggling with the UV independent ones since they are not deforming with the figure. The worse thing is that know EXACTLY what to do to change that, but I'm unable to implement it (I have bought books explaining me how to do that, but they are renderman books, and I'm unable to code that in DAZ, so I'm buying new books so that maybe I manage also to have them constant during animations. It is just a matter of program language and structure I'm not good enough at... well... so frustrating. And maybe this cannot be coded in DAZ...).
    All that is building very slowly, and I'm also working on other things, such as shaders for other purposes so that all the issue I'm meeting on these new skins do not drive me totally crazy...

    Well just to tell, I'm glad that people tell me what they think would be great to added :) I'm working on that.

    navibass, really nice render, I like it.

    Kadix and 3dTox. I gathered from what was discovered, Daz Studio seams to be saving that stuff by default to some extent. Tho I see the point of not all of it works this way. At the very least, curious as to why some stuff and not the other, for animations.

    Open the Aux view-port, going on my must do today list, watch that vid, and try it.

    Well, I need to stop dragging my feet, and post the surface settings for a dress, then get that "4.7" IPR thing going. In humble gratitude, I'll be around.

    You'll see that IPR was the greatest thing which could happen in an update. I have not tested on heavy scenes, but on figures, this is wonderful !!
    I had a look at the "key" settings of the material. When I change materials in a scene, they are "keyed" in the parameters of each dials, this is clearly visible. After that, I can save it the way I want, scene, material, shader : the keys are not saved. This means that Amazing skins can be animated, but the animation keys cannot be saved. The only animations keys saved concern the nodes position and morph properties, not surface properties. Once DAZ is closed, everything concerning material animation keys is erased.

  • NaviNavi Posts: 446
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Kadix and zarcondeegrissom :) , and no, I didn't post it anywhere yet, because I had planned to re-render it after tweaking a couple things, in fact.

    If I had known it was usable for V4 textures on G2F, I would have bought it day one I think, but yes, I understand, there was so much to tell about it on the product page that you couldn't list everything :) . I didn't have time to try many things yet, but I'm already really pleased with what I've seen so far. It's a must-have tool :) .

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,099
    edited December 1969

    Don't forget to show us as soon as you re-render !

  • NaviNavi Posts: 446
    edited December 1969

    Hello Kadix,

    Well, I did yesterday, but didn't post as I'm still unhappy with it... lol. New one was remade from scratch (including her morph), I think I will keep that one but I want to change the camera, this time (the cameras were changed in 4.7, I'm rather unsure what to do with the ability to change frame focal independently of focal length ?!? Oo It's something I've never seen on a real-life camera before Oo ... makes 4.7 cameras a little less "real" than the previous one, imho).

    1031 x 1044 - 553K
  • NaviNavi Posts: 446
    edited December 1969

    Hopefully 3rd attempt was the good one :) , here is the fixed version with a longer focal. It was posted here on the galleries.

    1126 x 1160 - 353K
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,099
    edited December 2014

    Well done Navibass! Nice use of the DOF ! I have already faved it :) I really like the pose and expression too... And the skins, of course xD

    Just for information, even if I worked as much as I could on the Amazing Skins for the Minotaur 6HD, I could not managed to have it submitted early enough for the release day. Yes it will be here some day and presents several advantages :

    1. Since it includes additional anatomy elements, the base applier of the amazing skins for genesis 2 Males or Females will not be applied on minotaur Legs, Tail, horns, so it did require some specific hierarchical materials presets to include these elements.
    2. Since it it HD, the speed of amazing skins will drastically reduce the render time and with no freeze at start.
    3. I managed to code some smart amazing shaders which you will be able to apply to anything and anybody.

    The full details and preview is here :

    Thanks guys... and ladies!

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,334
    edited December 1969

    Looking forward to the Minotaur skins.

    Quick holiday snapshot of Anubis G2F with Creature morphs.

    1950 x 1424 - 7M
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Bunyip02 said:
    Looking forward to the Minotaur skins.

    Quick holiday snapshot of Anubis G2F with Creature morphs.

    That makes for an intriguing almost reptilian snout... Does Anubis have separate morphs for the ears or is it just one solid shape?

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Bunyip02 said:
    Looking forward to the Minotaur skins.

    Quick holiday snapshot of Anubis G2F with Creature morphs.

    That's a good one, how many skin tones dose the Minotaur pro pack provide?

    BTW, I vaguely remember seeing a similar looking alien, leading a fleet of ships in a major battle near the end of a trilogy. I may be rather wrong, as I had seen that last in a time long before DVD.

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,334
    edited December 1969

    Hello Xenomorphine & zarcondeegrissom

    The morph was achieved using the excellent Creature Creator HD for Genesis 2 Female(s).
    Refer attached pic for the ratios. Plated Alien Head Details can be ramped up a bit.

    Have found the CC morphs work very well with Anubis G2 with some minor issues as you ramp up the morph scale.
    You can get some interesting critters, especially when GenX morphs are added.

    As far as I can tell the Anubis G2 product has the one full body morph.
    Anyone please correct me if I am wrong.

    1950 x 1424 - 5M
    1124 x 632 - 235K
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,334
    edited December 1969

    Bunyip02 said:
    Looking forward to the Minotaur skins.

    Quick holiday snapshot of Anubis G2F with Creature morphs.

    That's a good one, how many skin tones dose the Minotaur pro pack provide?

    BTW, I vaguely remember seeing a similar looking alien, leading a fleet of ships in a major battle near the end of a trilogy. I may be rather wrong, as I had seen that last in a time long before DVD.

    Hello zarcondeegrissom

    I don't know how many for the Minotaur, hopefully it's lots of possible combinations.

    Did a screenie of the skins provided for Anubis G2F for anyone interested, also includes 3 for the Bikini and 3 for the nails.
    Also has a nice group of ready made poses.

    If you remember the name of that series please let me know !!!!!

    Regards, Bunyip

    1297 x 685 - 256K
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Ah, shame! I don't recall the Creature Creator having an option for a lengthy snout like that, on its own.

    Of course, I'd really love a crocodile-like set of lengthy jaws, but that'll have to be for a future vendor to possibly make. :)

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,334
    edited December 1969

    Ah, shame! I don't recall the Creature Creator having an option for a lengthy snout like that, on its own.

    Of course, I'd really love a crocodile-like set of lengthy jaws, but that'll have to be for a future vendor to possibly make. :)

    Dragon Lady - combination of various Aiko 3 & Hitoro morphs GenX'd into G2F.
    Post-work done by using Topaz filter in PSP X7.
    That's it for me this time around, back to the Carrara Forum before they send the search party out.

    1950 x 1424 - 8M
  • GallCommTVGallCommTV Posts: 239
    edited December 1969

    Bunyip02 said:
    Looking forward to the Minotaur skins.

    Quick holiday snapshot of Anubis G2F with Creature morphs.

    ! Reminds me of Jabba Binks! :-)
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 2014

    GallComm said:
    Bunyip02 said:
    Looking forward to the Minotaur skins.

    Quick holiday snapshot of Anubis G2F with Creature morphs.

    ! Reminds me of Jabba Binks! :-)
    Vinny lol. OK. My first impression (not having seen the films in over twenty years), was Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars. Looking up the name, I realized how different they were my last post. (Attached Pic property of LucasArts/Disney/Star wars franchise. For reference only)
    As for an Amazing Skins for Minotaur6 and/or Anubis, I don't know, for many reasons. Profitability, time of the season, no clue what other projects Kadix is working on (not prying, just saying), If the skin-mats would even allow hue/contrast changes without looking horrid, etc. IF, there is going to be one, it may take some time.
    I like all the renders posted here so far, including the cute navibass's renders. :coolsmile:
    775 x 500 - 184K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,334
    edited December 1969

    GallComm said:
    Bunyip02 said:
    Looking forward to the Minotaur skins.

    Quick holiday snapshot of Anubis G2F with Creature morphs.

    ! Reminds me of Jabba Binks! :-)

    Jabba Binks when he's been out in the sun for far too long !!!!!!!!

    And another one for the fish-lovers out there.

    1950 x 1424 - 5M
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 2014

    Wow... I've been wanting a shark hybrid for a while. There's one in the store, but it looks a little too chunky.

    How did you make that?

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
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