Magnets in Poser Pro 2014 - help needed

ShaneWSmithShaneWSmith Posts: 636
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

Hi all,

I'm having some issues with magnets, and I cannot figure out what I've done wrong.

I'm trying to dent up the Big Bill truck in Poser Pro 2014 using magnets. I've parented the mag elements to Big Bill "hip", as that's the body part that comprises the entire body of the truck. I've positioned the mag zone as seen in image below, and have moved the magnet relative to the base as seen in the image.

No deformations.

What have I missed?

Thank you in advance.


  • ShaneWSmithShaneWSmith Posts: 636
    edited December 1969

    Please disregard. I was able to use the Morphing Tool to get the effect I wanted instead.

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