Download and Install link on order page Error[email protected] Posts: 1,107
edited December 2019 in The Commons

Does anyone else get an error when they go to their orders and selet the Download and install link. It should ask you what app you want to install it with and give DIM as the only choice that is listed. However, whenever I tried it recently, they all returen "That address is not understood" error.

I wanted to install a product that wasn't showing in DIM, so I tried entering the SKU for the product. That usually works but it didn't. So I went to my order page and clicked on the download and install link. That also usually works, but the last two days it has not even worked at all due to the error above. I also just tried the link for random products and they all give that error.

Post edited by [email protected] on


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,077
    edited December 2019

    Firefox is saying it doesn't know what to do with the daz3dim content type.

    Check the firefox Options -> General -> application type and see what action is defined (see attached).

    What are you trying to download? There are a number of mis-tagged products in the store that will ONLY show up if you have DIM set to select "ConnectAvailable" in the Downloads filters.

    firefox applications.jpg
    1322 x 935 - 103K
    Post edited by namffuak on
  • Thanks. I did turn on the connect stuff because I was trying to find things that needed to be installed through DIM (since I was re-building my system). I'll try turning it back on and see if that fixes it.

  • namffuak said:

    Firefox is saying it doesn't know what to do with the daz3dim content type.

    Check the firefox Options -> General -> application type and see what action is defined (see attached).

    What are you trying to download? There are a number of mis-tagged products in the store that will ONLY show up if you have DIM set to select "ConnectAvailable" in the Downloads filters.

    I'm not sure why that is inherently wrong - if you want to use DIM to install items that could potentially be isntalled through Connect then you check Connect Available, if not not.

  •[email protected] Posts: 1,107
    edited December 2019

    I checked in firefox and there was nothing defined for the daz3dim content and I did not see a way to add it. But I just tried clicking on the Download and install link just now and it is working again. It took me to the DIM application and it brought over the product I was trying to install through DIM....Relection Designer. Must be Gremlins.


    Post edited by [email protected] on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,077
    namffuak said:

    Firefox is saying it doesn't know what to do with the daz3dim content type.

    Check the firefox Options -> General -> application type and see what action is defined (see attached).

    What are you trying to download? There are a number of mis-tagged products in the store that will ONLY show up if you have DIM set to select "ConnectAvailable" in the Downloads filters.

    I'm not sure why that is inherently wrong - if you want to use DIM to install items that could potentially be isntalled through Connect then you check Connect Available, if not not.

    There are certain items mis-tagged to ONLY show as Connect Available - they will NOT show in DIM if you're looking for, say, DAZ Studio 4.5+. Things like the Genesis 8 Male and Female starter essentials for example.I show 292 such items currently and I'm in the process of re-submitting a ticket about the issue.

  • So why do new product NEVER EVER NEVER show up in DIM? I have to force them to come over, but lately I can't even do that. I bought Mesh Grabber today, but apparently it doesn't have a connect installer so I have to use DIM, but it doesn't show up in DIM. Normally I click on the DOWNLOAD and INSTALL button, but I can't do that today because I get that error that I already discribed above again. It went away and now it is back. And today daz3dim is listed in firefox on the option panel under applications.

  • I went in all checked all the versions of Daz Studio under the download options and then I searched for Mesh Grabber and it finally showed up. Do they all need to be checked? Only 4.5+ was checked originally. Also, do the connect options need to be checked? I would prefer NOT to see items already installed with Connect. I have Bryce and Carrara, but I don't have them installed so those are unchecked. So what are the recommended settings for the average user?


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,114

    DIM can't know what you installed with Connect, that's not what the "Connect Available" filter is for. It is there to filter all content which has the option to be installed via Conect.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,077
    Leana said:

    DIM can't know what you installed with Connect, that's not what the "Connect Available" filter is for. It is there to filter all content which has the option to be installed via Conect.

    Correct. But it has been mis-used and some items ONLY show this tag. (And I still haven't submitted my ticket - apologies).

  • Leana said:

    DIM can't know what you installed with Connect, that's not what the "Connect Available" filter is for. It is there to filter all content which has the option to be installed via Conect.

    There is a Connect Installed filter, deselecting that will hde items that have been installed through Connect.

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