OT. New WAVE Broadband service not working well

RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,151


Reaching out to those in the know about all things connectivity.  Over the past few days I've noticed my service is doing weird things and then last night, after work, home, tired and wanting a little NetFlix or Hulu I couldn't connect to anything remotely like that, nor Fb for the most part.  It's very spotty and takes a while for even low image pages to load (like this one).  I did manage to write WAVE Broadband an email as I had their contact info in my GMail but as for logging into my account at WAVE it's telling me it's not valid but it is.  So there is something amiss here.  

Just thought I'd reach out in case anyone has ideas to try.  I have disconnected the router and let it rest and waited for the lights to go solid again but nothing is restoring the full speed of my new service and this makes me annoyed and sad!  



  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805

    This sounds like a problem I've had. You need a tech out to check your signal strength.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,151

    Yea, a tech from WAVE is coming out tomorrow but they did say everything looks fine from their end.  I also contacted the manufacturer of my router as WAVE is suggesting that it may be hardware failure.  I even unplugged it and even disconnected the coaxial cable and let it rest for 1/2 hour before leaving for work but that didn't help!  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,688
    edited March 2019

    ...yeah got stiffed like that by Cricket years ago. was told I'd have fast reliable wireless broadband but after a year or so of very poor connectivity I learned that where I lived in was considered one of their "low priority" service areas on their network of course after they took my money for the plan (and I had to give them my address when I signed on). That was a huge waste of money as I was paying 55$ a month (which unbelievably was cheaper than Comcast at the time).

    Sad, as If I was living in Zagreb, I could get better service even compared to what I currently have for about 14$ US a month.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,151

    Wow, that totally sucks Kyoto.  

    Today's update, it's the day for WAVE to come over but now everything is working correctly.  So not sure what's going on.  I was able to watch the new Amy Schumer comedy special on NetFlix last night (very very funny) and sure enough this AM it's all good again.  WEIRD!  

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,151

    WOW, thank GOD for techs.  The WAVE guy was just out.  Checked out my router, it was fine, went outside and found that there are 4 of us in the building that has WAVE services and there were TWO users that don't have things hooked up correctly and it was bleeding into my line somehow thus the intermittent connectivity.  So he tagged those for WAVE to service those two end users.  WOW .... the guy was friendly, helpful and did a great job.  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,688

    ...good that you were able to get a resolution.  Mine was to cancel Cricket and go with Comcast (ugh) at the time.

    Now I have a local independent ISP which has been much better than either, but sadly, isn't "inexpensive". The really nice part, no hidden fees, unannounced rate increases, or bait & switch routines like Comcast would do or signal issues like I had with Cricket (well, save for this past weekend when a contractor put up one of those tower cranes directly between two relay towers without first checking wireless signal sources in the area and inquiring if it might interfere, however that's since been dealt with). 

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,151

    I'm happy you found a solution!  WHEW!  

    My bill in 10 more months will double from just under $50.00 to around $100.00 but doing content creation these days left me no choice as the uploading to my beta testers was getting to be quite annoying.  Downloads are just like *POOF* done.  So for my needs it's worth it!  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,688
    edited March 2019

    ...yeah 60$ a month is more than I can afford given my income but save for the one incident (which was out of their control), service has been impeccable with this provider.

    No DL limits, no throttling, no mysterious price increases.  

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
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