Production Frame versus Camera

CbirdCbird Posts: 493
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion


My camera and my production frame aren't in agreement, and I'm not sure how to fix things. I deleted camera 1 and tried a fresh conical to see if that would help. No luck. As you can tell from the screen capture, I'm not in the director's camera by mistake (this time at least). Any thoughts? Notice the little building with the red roof in the screen capture seems awol in the render, and the mountains look like they've moved, lol.

Please ignore the general crappiness. Not finished setting up the scene, but don't want to keep going if I have to scrub and start over.


  • Salem2007Salem2007 Posts: 513
    edited December 1969

    Try the render without the sky. I may be wrong (probably I am), but the horizon for the sky may be covering up the small building. Other than the mountains/sky, it looks like everything else is famed correctly.

  • edited December 1969

    In your Render Output tab, check to see what your Render Camera is set to. When you delete your normal camera it sometimes goes to a different camera than the one you want.

    Boojum the brown bunny

    338 x 394 - 56K
  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited September 2013

    Is your Ground plane turned on?

    Edit: I was close. The plane is an infinite plane. So yes the preview is going to look different from the render. I bet if you make the Infinite plane invisible you will see everything else in the scene.

    Post edited by DAZ_Spooky on
  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    The red roof building is probably positioned beneath your infinite plane.
    The preview resolution of your terrains are probably set too low to accurately be displayed in the Assemble room, thus look different when rendered.
    Your distant mountain terrain might be too far from the camera to be displayed in the Assemble room preview at the scene scale chosen.

  • edited December 1969

    Actually, I notice the focal length of the camera in the render is different than the focal length of the camera in the display.. That is why I think he's got the wrong camera selected. That is why the mountains seem to have moved. I think the little red building is actually off to the left of the render.

    Boojum the brown bunny

  • CbirdCbird Posts: 493
    edited September 2013

    Thank you all for the quick replies!

    I did change focal length, and I wonder if it did not update. Is there a place to change it in the renderer as well? I did make sure the render room had the right camera. I will play with the plane too and see what happens.

    Edit: not that it matters, but "she", lol.

    Post edited by Cbird on
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