Outside the Window


Not bringing up a set in particular, because in general, I notice there are a lot of pre-made interior scenes available that have a window, but the scene does not include a backdrop.   Like, a living room, or a kitchen.   You'll see it in the promo shots that there's trees or a yard outside, but the model itself just has a window.

What's the best way to make the backdrop for scenes like this?  An HDRI?  Or just a picture of a yard, or a cityscape, or whathaveyou?   Sorry for the noob-ish questions, but how would you set that up?    I pass on buying many of these interiors because I don't want to fool with the window, and I'd like it to not be complicated any more.


  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,289

    I would suggest taking a picture you like, apply the photo to a primitive plane, apply the default iray shader to the plane, turn off any glossines and add the phot to the emission settings so that it shine light through the window....  It lookes great and natural.

  • If you kinda know your way around Photoshop or GIMP, another option is to save your render as a png file, then put it as the top layer and a background of choice as the bottom layer. The png file will treat the window as a transparency and your background will show through. Getting the perspective right might be tricky, but if you can pull that off, you're set.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I personally drop a background in, in photoshop but I do that for 95% of my art anyway.   You can also go the environment tab and browse to a picture you like and drop it in the scene that way.

  • ChezjuanChezjuan Posts: 507

    I generally use HDRIs for the out of the window views. They're convenient and the lighting they bring helps the scene look natural.

    Sometimes I'll use one of the backdrop sets mentioned above depending on what I need, but even then I usually use HDRIs for things like the sky and ambient light.

  • twallingtwalling Posts: 241
    nemesis10 said:

    I would suggest taking a picture you like, apply the photo to a primitive plane, apply the default iray shader to the plane, turn off any glossines and add the phot to the emission settings so that it shine light through the window....  It lookes great and natural.

    I will have to try that!  Thank you.  


    Thank you everyone for replying. I may try the photoshop method, too



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