Is there a simple 'face ager' for Genesis 3 characters?

I see a lot of products for sale are designed to make the body younger or older but NOT the persons face apparently. I am looking for something that would allow you to make any Gen3 characters face younger. Is there such a product out there? can anyone suggest anything please.


  • There certainly are such things.  I have one installed for G3F that shows up as 'Face Older HD' under Actor.  However, I am not going to be much help because I don't know what product that belongs to and have no idea how to work that out.  Maybe if you use Smart Content you can do that, but I don't use SC.  I'm pretty sure there are several other 'aging' products that include face aging morphs.

  • Zevo's aging morphs are what I've used the most, and I'd recommend those. The product includes more than just aging the face, but there are face controls and a lot more which are very useful in my opinion.
  • Sorry, I saw "ager" and thought older. The growing up products might help in the other direction, though and time I've wanted younger I've included the body along with the face, haven't tried out morphs for just the face that I can remember.
  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,354
    Toobis said:

    I am looking for something that would allow you to make any Gen3 characters face younger.

    Younger is more difficult.

    While things like Growing Up have some capacity for this, it relies on the model not being too weathered or aged to begin with. As a lot of the aging here is down to the texturing of the skin, and while you can use Skin Builder to add wrinkles, you can't really use them to take wrinkles away, and completely changing out textures will make the character look massively different.

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