dforce - clothing falls through character?

ScoopeyScoopey Posts: 190

I'm new to this dforce and I'm really confused to why this I have a problem.

I have the monk's robes which are dforce ready.
I've fitted them to G8M.
Every time I try the simulation the cloth falls through the arms and this is at the default pose which I used whilst trialing it.
I've noted that the G8M character is scaled up slightly and when I start the simulation everything seems to "drop" slightly but I simply do not understand why it fails every time.

Edited for implied profanity


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • I have had this happen with no way to debug why, my solution was to add a dforce modifer to the character so it is a dynamic object in the simulation but with affect of the simulation on all it's surfaces set to 0.

  • Are the arms fully within the sleeves in the memorised pose you are using - that will be the zero pose by default?

    The "drop" is probably just that most clothing not made for dForce has a susbtantial stand-off from the figure, so when you start the simualtion ti falls under gravity to take up the slack.

  • ScoopeyScoopey Posts: 190

    There is no initial poke through. I wondered that. However the actual outfit is sold here as dforce ready. For a first foray into dforce I did not want to even attempt to try non dforce clothing.

    I did seem to get it to work by trying the simulation with the setting "Start bones for memorised pose" turned off.
    Ths may be the suggestion in the dforce notes on the product page. Again being new to dforce I just tried using it as I'd seen a tutorial on using dforce. It would be ironic if I ended up with an awkward item that an exception to the rule!

  • I just tried with the default pose and it seemed to work so I'm not sure why it would fail - is this or the 4.11 beta? (I used

    G8M monk robe.JPG
    706 x 937 - 64K
  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108

    Quite often when a simulation first starts it will show lots of poke through but does correct itself by end of simulation. Are you letting the simulation finish running or are you canceling it thinking there is something wrong?

  • ScoopeyScoopey Posts: 190

    I did a few runs and stopped it early.
    On one complete run though it dropped most of the way through the arms.
    It seems I am using

  • Try updating to, or try using the public beta if you are wary of updating the release version you are using.

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