Manually Installing Morph Dials

I downloaded 3rd party G8M & F Grimace morph dials and copied to my LIbrary Content as per folder structure of the files. Data to Data, People to People, etc. But the morph dials are not showing in the Parameters of the figures. I can see them when I go to the Content Library but they show only as icons and don't do anything if double-clicked. Any one have any ideas? Did I load them incorrectly? I'm using Daz on a MAC by-the-way.


Post edited by Man Behind the Curtain on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,627
    edited November 2018

    If you can see the Data folder and the .dsf files within it in the Content Library pane then the instalaltion is not correct. Where did you place the files within the content directory?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • I just followed the file structure of the developer. I was mistaken, there was only one folder for People. This is the hierarchy which was the same for G8F as well, My LIbrary/People/Genesis 8 Male/Expressions/Grimaces/Grimace Dials Preset. I copied the Expressions folder and it's sub-folders into the Genesis 8 Male & Female folders in People. If I need to move these to another folder please let me know I am at a loss when it comes to the Mac version of the Content Library. The PC version had a much easier structure of the content to follow when adding 3rd party content.

  • Those are user-facing files, so that's correct. But if that's all that the zip has they are presets to apply an expression using existing sliders (the base or from an add-on), they are not adding new sliders.

  • I see. Thanks for the info.

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